Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts — Henry Adams. Vol. II, No. 16 A Forbes Newspaper Thursday, ApHM 8,1991 233-9696 P.O. Box 2790, Westfield 07091 15 Cents Board keeps Italian class but nixes home economics By Stephanie Brown Record assistant editor Two water balloons thrown through the Smith said that one staff member who there will be only three left at the school. open windows of the school administra- currently teaches English as a Second The superintendent said this "will not tion building did not stop the Board of Language is certified to teach Italian. provide you with the custodial strength to Education from unanimously approving a Her schedule can be rearranged so that maintain the building or clean the build- current expense budget of $34,139,323 she teaches one section of Italian I, ing." Tuesday. which Smith said will "free up the reg- Also, he said, if he were to make other ular Italian teacher" to teach Italian IV. The board adopted the budget and cuts in order to keep teachers, "My approved a request for voter approval of The elimination of the home economics highest priority would be elementary a $280,000 cap waiver. Both items will be pro&ram at the intermediate schools class size." on the April 30 school election ballot (grades six, seven and eight) prompted All the board members agreed with much discussion. keeping the elimination of home ec- School Superintendent Mark Smith onomics, except for Carolyn Moran, who said that alter students and parents Smith said that although parents have said the class is important to the emo- asked the board last week to keep its asked about further reductions of cus- tional development of children that age, plan to start an Italian IV class in Sep- todians in order to keep part or all of the and said she "would like to see at least tember, he looked for ways to keep the home economics program, he is not rec- some of it restored." program. ommending the measure. Keeping the Some parents agreed with Moran. 'The educational arguments made by three home economics teachers has a projected cost of about $100,000, he said. Debbie Ray pointed out that the foods students and adults were impossible to class, which is part of home economics, is argue against," Smith said. "I have been At Edison Intermediate School, where the request came from, the seven cus- "the most heavily enrolled class" in trying to figure out a way to offer Italian practical arts by eighth graders. IV without a major impact on the bud- todians have been reduced to six. If three get" more ai*e cut (a savings of about $80,000) (Please turn to page A-14) Board hopefuls debate funding, building use at candidate forum By Donald Pizzl Jr. particular concern of senior citizens and to vocational studies. Record staff writer people on fixed incomes. "It's important to take care of eve- Incumbent candidates Susan Pepper, Rulf praised the current educational rybody," he said. Soffer said that it is also B. Carol Molnar, and Benjamin Rulf and system in town, and said that the board crucial to constantly look at and revise challengers Lawrence Softer and Thomas has been able to make good choices as the subject matter in all courses, to in- Mutaffis fielded questions for about an far as curriculum. He said he believes an sure that it is fresh and up to date hour and 45 minutes in the Edison emphasis should be put on math and Molnar said she wants to provide core School auditorium at Monday's Board of science, particularly math in the ele- curriculum in "a very exciting way" as Education Candidates' Night mentary grades. well also offer course that get children to All candidates were given three min- Soffer stressed the importance of main- work more cooperatively. utes to answer the first question of the taining the quality of all studies in the (Please turn to page A-14) night, which was what courses or fields of core curriculum, from arts and sciences study they felt should have the highest priority. Pepper said basic academics, such as reading, writing, science and math- Resume discrepancies ematics are her priorities. After main- taining the basics, Pepper said that sub- jects such as the fine arts and physical education are important for the whole surface in school race development of the child. By Stephanie Brown The board president said that "during Record assistant editor these time of shrinking resources," the Neither the truth nor falsehood of allegations that Board of Education candidate board must begin to carefully weigh what Thomas J. Mutaffis did not graduate from the U.S. Air Force Academy have so far programs it can continue to offer in ad- been substantiated. dition to the educational basics. The validity of the candidate's resume was questioned at Monday's School Board Photo by Dlanns Deverson EARLY TROPHY: Brian Daniels of Westfield, 9, proudly displays his early Mutaflls said that his priority is to Candidates' Night at Edison School, when a woman in the audience asked Mutaffis focus on the elementary school years, when he graduated from the Air Force Academy. Mutaffis answered, "1674" season catch at Echo Lake Park. "because if you lose a child in the ele- In the biographical sketches provided on each candidate for Monday's forum, ' mentary years, you've lost him forever." Mutaffis's portion states that he "graduated from the United States Air Force Ac- ademy with a degree .in computer science and served in the United States Air Force He said that the Quality Education Act for 5 1/2 years durinj; the early 70s. He was assigned to the 82nd Airborne as a will confine what the board is able to do member of the Air Training Command and developed programs associated with GOP chair says councilman educationally, and that it must begin to computer systems. While in the Air Force, he obtained his pilot's license and also evaluate where money should be cut majored in sociology at the University of Mississippi." presently and in the future. Mutaffis said uses office for personal gain that the tax rate must be controlled, a (Please turn to page A-14) By Donald Pizzl Jr. Chin said the statement is the first in a Contested races Record staff writer series of statements explaining why the Republican T6wn Committee chairman party is not supporting MacRitchie. in two primaries and former mayor Allen Chin, responding Chin stated that in his first term as a to critical remarks made last week by councilman, MacRitchie has constantly By Donald Pizzl Jr. Councilman Kenneth MacRitchie, issued attempted to "direct and order" town Record staff writer a statement this week describing why employees to carry out his personal re- Four incumbents and three challengers MacRitchie's reelection bid was not en- quests in violation of the Town Charter, have entered the lists for the Town dorsed by the committee. "causing disruption and wasting tax- Council. "Ken MacRitchie is so wrapped up in payers' money." Two Republicans will challenge three his own personal ambition that he is out MacRitchie, responding to Chin's GOP incumbents, while one incumbent of control in his actions as a councilman. comments in another prepared state- Democrat councilman will run un- Everything he does is done not for West- ment, denied the allegations. opposed. field but rather for the purpose of ad- Council hopefuls had until 4 p.m. on "I have not advanced my own personal vancing his own agenda," Chin's state- agenda," he said, "but have advanced the April 11 to file in the office of the town ment read. clerk for the primary elections. agenda of the citizens who elected me." Ward One is the site of one of the two "I have nothing against Ken Mac- The councilman stated that contrary to contested races in the Republican prim- Ritchie and I wish it had not come to what Chin said, the committee never ary. Councilman William Jubb Corbet, a this, but where Westfield is concerned I discussed his reelection and that it was resident of Colonial Avenue who is vying feel compelled to stand up for what is Chin alone who made the decision. for a fourth term, will be challenged by right and denounce what is wrong," he said. MacRitchie said that he has never in- political newcomer Norman Greco of terfered with the day to day affairs of the Lincoln Road. According to Chin's release, it was MacRitchie's published comments last town government He stated that he in- Corbet is the manager of the Westfield stead serves "as a conduit of information office of Legg Mason Wood Walker, a week that prompted the public statement brokerage firm. Greco is the owner of In those comments, MacRitchie said that between the citizens and the municipal Greco Carpet Cleaning Company, Greco's the committee's decision to endorse employees" and that none of his actions Gulf and N.N.G. Maintenance Company. Board of Adjustment member Pamela have violated the Town Charter. In Ward Three, political newcomer McClure's candidacy for a seat on the Chin said that one of the first things Pamela McCIure looks to unseat in- Town Council instead of his was pro- MacRitchie, who is in the Third Ward, cumbent Kenneth MacRitchie, as the two mpted by Chin's dislike for him. did as a councilman was to attempt to vie for the Republican nod.
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