Clinton Independent, VOL. XXVII.—NO. 40. ST. JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 29. 1893. WHOLE NO -1393. Spectacles and Eye Glasses at almost — Wool. 16 to ‘JO cents. personal . Portland. She will attend the Ypsi K—yo e'a Near Feed Burn. \ wholesale prices at Krepps. DeWitt A —The most vivid Are scene ever at ­ lanti Normal next year. —Portland Re­ Having purchased the old Anstey Celebration in St. Johns I Co.’s. Eyes tested free. tempted. at Newton Hall, July 3. Herman Goette spent Sunday in Pon view, House property. In St. Johns, have coo- time. vetted It into a commodious, conven ­ The celebrated $1.00 Spectacles at —Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapin, Geo. Muuro. who has beau sorely Mrs. U. V. Weedeu spent last Tues­ ient and safe Boarding aud Feed Barn, Allison’s. June 27, 1868, a son and heir. afflicted witli inflammatory rheumatism where the public may find clean food —The bcauti ful grounds of Mr. John day with friends In Ovid. during the last two weeks, was out yes­ for their animals and careful, compe­ HOME MATTERS. Hicks are being further ornamented by II. J. Patterson returned from the terday for the first time since the visita ­ tent and gentlemanly attendants. A waiting room for ladies while their tbe addltiou of flagstone walks. World’s Fair last Monday. tion of his affliction. Riwv INm. Mias Pauline Adams, who has hones are being not in readiness, h —The boy Bence was convicted for Mrs. Mary Hogan, mother of Mrs. F. been provided. Prioes as low as the —“Uncle Jason. * at Newton Hall. visiting in Ohio, is home again. July 8. burglary' in the circuit court yesterday. M. Spaulding, and who has been spend­ lowest. Give me a trial. His associate. Fuller, is now on trial. A. C. Adams and family, and Master ing the past year with friends in Cohoes, M. L. Kenyon . —Don’t tall to see the great saw-mill Holly Hart are visiting in Alma. tn full operation, Newton Hall, July 3. —Capt. Adam Beattie died at ills N. Y., returned to the home of her Chapin A Co. tiave the Giant Frame home in Ovid, June 26, 1368, from tbe J. G. Watklu went to Durand Mon daughter, in this village, last Friday —Buy your gold tilled watchas of Cyclone Proof Umbrellas . also, the I ^ ^ V effects of paralysis, aged U0 years, a I antl ro<* e 0,1 hlcycte. evening. Tourist Adjustable Umbrella. Can be K repps, lieWitt A Co., leading jewelers, put in any trunk. and save money. tf. wife aud three children survive him. John iuad wtfe wwit ^ Toledo II. D. Selden. of Allegan, is visiting I ^ —A party of fourteen came over from ^kturdEy. and returned Monday night. —Nineteen cases for divorce appear his parents in this village. He will de­ Huuffarimu Maple Rapids on Monday to attend the I ' aughan returned last Thursday ! upon the June calender of the circuit liver the oration. July 4. at Ludington, Aud Millet Seed for sale at our elevator. 2 m&k entertainment given in the eveuiug by i ft* 0011* bualn «“ lriP to York state, Spraoue A SquAiR. court for this county. after which he will, accompanied by the “Chip O’ the Old Block Company. * IIarry W» »«w bride of —Mrs. E. A. Durkee. of this township, his wife, return to this village for an -It is said that Earnest 8cott, 0f j ,ta y City, are visiting his uuc1** n 8- has a hen’s egg that measures 01x91 in­ extended visit. The largest and best assorted stock of The celebration in St. Johns, on Mon­ Rew, caught and sheared 62 sheep in j ^art - Canada in St. Johns is at Kendrick’s. ches in circumference. Mr. and Mrs. George Gall, of Water- nine hours and seven minutes, for a i *>ennis Eaton, of Harbor Springs, Is day next. July 3. is an assured sucoraa. —On Tuesday of last week, a horse town Center, are taking in the sights at Picture Frumea. Mr Brause. of GunuisonviUe, one day | visiting bis grandmother. Mrs. Isaac The country, for miles around, lias been belongiug to Frank King, of Wacousta. the World's Fair for a few weeks. Mr. A large, varied aud handsome assort ­ last week. Holton. thoroughly billed, and as a result, there was killed by lightning. Gall was blind for about nine years. ment at Plunkett ’s. —The adopted infant son of Dr. and -Wm. Gillson, grower of berries in Mm. W. McLane. of Owosso. is vlslt- Four years ago be went to Ann Arbor “Tlandsonn* and well-made suits at re­ is no doubt a large crowd will be in town this village, picked 23 bushels of straw-1 ing her parents. Mr. and Mm. William and had his eyes treated with good suc­ duced prices At Judd ’s. Mrs. 8. E. (villain, died yesterday after ­ Ferrier. to participate in tlie exercises. The noon. after undergoing severe spasms. berries from his garden on Tuesday i cess. and uow he is enjoying the use of I The Cranson place, on Oakland street, business men have almost universally last. The rains aud cooler weather The family of Gen. O. L. Spaulding them in a way that pays him well for —Go and see the tremendous explo­ were expected to arrive at their home is for sale on reasonable terms, if sold subscribed towards making this a gala sion and blowing up of the steamer have lengthened the crop. all tbe trouble and expense of the oper­ noon. Call on Theodore Price at the in this village yesterday. day. and ample arrangements have Iieen “ Sunbeam." at Newton Ilall. July 3. Peter Litwiller. of Greenbush, ation. Michigan Mortgage Co’s office. suffered the amputation of the left leg, Mr. and Mm. C. A. Putt spent the | Albert Thomas, of this village, leaves made to entertain aud amuse the peo­ —It lias been decided by the officials past week in viewing the sights at the Will Davies lias bought one half in­ to bold no state fair in Michigan this below tiie knee, on Thursday of last here to-day for Gettysburg. Pa., as a terest In the Jewelry stock of G. B. ple. There will be the usual morning week. A diseased ankle bone and joint " orld’s Fair, Porter and the firm will be hereafter year, chiefly on accouut of the World's member of the 12Bth New York Infantry, salute, street parade, music by the band made the operation necessary . Dm. Mis8es Fowler and Grace Hunt to assist the surviving members of the Porter A Davies. Fair. throughout the day. and a good pro­ —The annual meetiuaof the flt. Johns Palmer. GiUam and Weller did the job. are at bome from Anu Arbor for the New York regiments in the dedication For Hleyclci. summer vacation. of the new monuments for that st ate. Fire Department will be held at the en­ —Hollis Corbin, late of tbe Republi­ And Bicycle repairing and complete gram of sports in the afternoon, for Min Gertrude Mead, who lias been Mr. Thomas was in i>osseasion of trans ­ satisfaction, call on gine house on Saturday evening. July 1, can office, now presides over the desti­ portation from St. Johns to Buffalo, and which liberal prizes are offered and in teaching at Bellevue, is in town for the Cooper A Vincent . at 7:30 sharp. nies of the St. Johus News, having from thence to Gettysburg, furnished which the boys from the surrounding summer vacation. by Gen. Daniel E. Sickels. South of old Anstey House. —The services at the Baptist church taken possession last Tuesday morning. country are invited to participate, and Hollis is a genial young man and we Mrs. E. E. White and Mrs.G. Pennell Kendrick is now receiving his beauti ­ next Sunday will be commemorative of ful line of Ladies' Spring Garments — even little girls have a chance at the the 4th, in honor of our national anni ­ welcome him to the arena of local jour­ are enjoying the sights at the World's correct styles and low prices make the Fair this week. Nolle*, to U m> Public versary. All are cordially invited. nalism. attraction. They are beauties. fun. After the games there will ,be a Master Willis Hoffman is spending I And it necessary to change hotels ; —Miss Celia Smith, teacher of the —In keeping with their well estab ­ hence, in future, my office, while in St. For lUrrrlM grand balloon ascension and parachute seventh grade pupils, gave her scholars lished custom, the D., G. H. A M. R. R. his summer vacation with his grand­ Johns, will be at Hotel St. Johns, oppo­ And Bicycle repairing and complete drop by ITof. B. McClellan. Bills, giv­ parents at Fenton. site Corbit A Valentine's hardware, in­ a ride and a pleasant picnic, on tbe Co., and the mads belonging to the great satsfaction. call ou ing full program and particulars, will Mrs. G. S. Price and children, accom ­ stead of The Steel. Next visit. Thurs- Cooper A V incent . shady and pretty banks of Maple river, Grand Trunk system, will carry passen ­ ay.Julv 20. 1893. panied by Glenn Steel, started for Old South of old Anstey House. be circulated this week. If you have near the Colony, last Saturday. gers for half fare for round trip, within Dk. IIolkman S. Humpurky . —“Uncle Jason." a play to please the a radius of 200 miles from selling sta ­ Mission. Saturday. Hillsdale. Mich.. June 22,1863. A Geetat HucffM. decided on going to any other place for Mis* Kathleen E.
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