Edmonton School District No. 7 One Kingsway Edmonton, Alberta McCauley Chambers Board Meeting #9 Tuesday, March 15, 2016 2:00 p.m. A. O Canada B. Roll Call C. Approval of the Agenda D. Communications from the Board Chair E. Communications from the Superintendent of Schools F. Minutes: 1. DRAFT – Board Meeting #8 – March 1, 2016 G. Recognition 2. Edwin Parr Teacher Award (Information) – 30 minutes has been set aside for this item. H. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives (NOTE: Pre-registration with the Board Office [780-429-8443] is required by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 14, 2016 to speak under this item.) I. Reports: BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3. Report #4 of the Caucus Committee (From the Meeting Held March 1, 2016) Michelle Draper (Information) Acting Board Chair 4. Motion re Funding and Support for Syrian Students in Edmonton Public Schools Sherry Adams Orville Chubb (Recommendation) Ken Gibson Nathan Ip 5. School Utilization Rates Cheryl Johner (Information) – 30 minutes has been set aside for this item. Ray Martin Bridget Stirling 6. Three Year Capital Plan 2017-2020 (Recommendation) – 10 minutes has been set aside for this item. Page 1 of 70 of the March 15, 2016 Consolidated Board Meeting Package J. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives – 5:00 p.m. (NOTE: Pre-registration with the Board Office [780-429-8443] is required by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 14, 2016 to speak under this item.) K. Other Committee, Board Representative and Trustee Reports L. Trustee and Board Requests for Information M. Notices of Motion N. Meeting Dates O. Adjournment Page 2 of 70 of the March 15, 2016 Consolidated Board Meeting Package Edmonton School District No. 7 MINUTE BOOK Board Meeting #8 Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Trustees of the Edmonton School District No. 7 of the Province of Alberta held in McCauley Chambers in the Centre for Education on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. Present: Trustees Sherry Adams Ken Gibson Cheryl Johner Orville Chubb Nathan Ip Ray Martin Michelle Draper Michael Janz Bridget Stirling Officials Angela Anderson Kathy Muhlethaler Darrel Robertson Todd Burnstad Lorne Parker Sandra Stoddard Ron MacNeil Kent Pharis Mike Suderman Board Chair: Michael Janz Recording Secretary: Shirley Juneau Staff Group Representatives Edmonton Public Teachers – Nels Olsen The Board Chair called the meeting to order with recognition that we are on Treaty 6 Territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries. The Board Chair advised that the firm alarm system at the Centre for Education is a Two Stage alarm system. Stage One is a single repeating alarm tone indicating a warning only and that evacuation is not required. Stage Two is a triple repeating alarm tone indicating that evacuation is required. A. O Canada B. Roll Call: (2:00 p.m.) The Superintendent advised that all Trustees were present. C. Approval of the Agenda 1 March 1, 2016 Page 3 of 70 of the March 15, 2016 Consolidated Board Meeting Package Edmonton School District No. 7 MINUTE BOOK MOVED BY Trustee Draper: “That the agenda for the March 1, 2016 board meeting be approved as printed.” (UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED) D. Communications from the Board Chair The Board Chair provided communications. E. Communications from the Superintendent of Schools The Superintendent provided communications. F. Minutes 1. Board Meeting #7 – February 16, 2016 MOVED BY Trustee Adams: “That the minutes of Board Meeting #7 held February 16, 2016 be approved as printed.” (UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED) G. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives The Board of Trustees heard from Ms. Betty Wedman regarding Health and Wellness of students. H. Reports 2. Strategic Planning Engaged and Effective Governance: School-Community Relationship Identifier The Trustees received a presentation regarding engaged and effective governance regarding progress being made in the District to support strategic School-Community engagement. 3. Process and Timeline for the 2016-2017 Budget and for the Fall Review of the 2015-2016 Results and the Plans for 2016-2017 MOVED BY Trustee Gibson: “1. That the Process and Timeline for the 2016-2017 Spring Budget and the 2016- 2017 Fall Revised Budget, as outlined in Attachment I, be approved. 2. That the Process and Timeline for Review of the 2015-2016 Results and the 2016- 2017 Plans, as outlined in this report be approved.” 2 March 1, 2016 Page 4 of 70 of the March 15, 2016 Consolidated Board Meeting Package Edmonton School District No. 7 MINUTE BOOK The Board Chair called the question. The Motion was UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. 4. Amended District Calendar for the 2016-17 School Year MOVED BY Trustee Chubb: “That the draft 2016-17 school year calendar (Attachment II) be approved.” The Board Chair called the question. The Motion was UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. 5. End Poverty Edmonton: The Edmonton Public School Board Submission The Board of Trustees received information regarding the End Poverty Edmonton initiative. I. Comments from the Public and Staff Group Representatives – None J. Other Committee, Board Representative and Trustee Reports Trustees provided verbal reports. K. Trustee and Board Requests for Information – None L. Notices of Motion Trustee Stirling served notice of motion for the March 15, 2015 Board meeting: That the Board of Trustees write a letter of support requesting federal government funding and support for Syrian newcomers in our schools. Rationale: The federal government has made clear its priorities regarding Syrian resettlement in Canada, which is now over 25,000 across Canada, more than 1,500 of whom are in Edmonton, Alberta. The majority of Syrian newcomers are families with several children under the age of 18, most of who are attending or are expected to attend Edmonton Public Schools. Our District has excellent supports in place for students, both internally and with our community partners, but the large number of newcomers is placing additional demands on those resources. M. Next Board Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. 3 March 1, 2016 Page 5 of 70 of the March 15, 2016 Consolidated Board Meeting Package Edmonton School District No. 7 MINUTE BOOK N. Adjournment (3:20 p.m.) The Board Chair adjourned the meeting. Michael Janz, Board Chair Dr. Sandra Stoddard, Executive Director Governance and Strategic Support Services/Corporate Secretary 4 March 1, 2016 Page 6 of 70 of the March 15, 2016 Consolidated Board Meeting Package Information Report DATE: March 15, 2016 TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Darrel Robertson, Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: Edwin Parr Teacher Award ORIGINATOR: Angela Anderson, Managing Director, Human Resources RESOURCE STAFF: Trish Kolotyluk, Bonnie Zack ISSUE Each year, principals are invited to nominate first year teachers for the Edwin Parr Teacher Award which is sponsored by the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA). One nominee is selected to represent the District at the zone level. BACKGROUND Six first year teachers were nominated by their principals for the 2016 ASBA Edwin Parr Teacher Award. A committee of District leadership staff met on Friday, February 6, 2016, to review and assess the nominations relative to the selection criteria established by ASBA. Results from the committee’s assessment, as well as points awarded based on scholastic achievement and student teaching evaluations were compiled. Based on the selection criteria, four semi-finalists were selected and invited to a luncheon with the District Support Team. CURRENT SITUATION Each of the following nominee semi-finalists will be introduced: Nominee Principal Courtney Barron Tanis Marshall, George H. Luck School Matthew Mudry Mary Butlin, Dickinsfield School Erin Yaschuk Rob Cameron, L. Y. Cairns School Chantal Smith Andrew Lummis, Malmo School KEY POINTS • The District nominee for the Zone 2/3 2016 Edwin Parr Teacher Award will be announced by the Superintendent of Schools and will be presented with an engraved plaque. BZ:cm Page 7 of 70 of the March 15, 2016 Consolidated Board Meeting Package Information Report DATE: March 15, 2016 TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Trustee Michelle Draper, Caucus Committee Chair SUBJECT: Report #4 of the Caucus Committee (From the Meeting Held March 1, 2016) ORIGINATOR: Sandra Stoddard, Executive Director Governance, Strategic Services and Support for Schools REFERENCE: Trustees’ Handbook – Caucus Committee - Section 5.4 Trustees’ Handbook – Section 6 – Board Committees School Act - Section 61 ISSUE The Board approved the following recommendations at the March 3, 2015 Board meeting: That a resolution be approved directing that Section 5.4 of the Trustees’ Handbook be revised to give the Caucus Committee final decision-making power on certain types of matters, and yet constrain that power so it is used only when absolutely necessary. The following recommendations were approved at the March 15, 2016 Caucus Committee meeting: Review of Board Policy GA.BP – Student Programs of Study Regarding Second Language Instruction in Grades 4-9 1. a) the requirement for all students to have equitable access to student programs that include instruction in a second language (in addition to English) in Grades 4 to 9 be confirmed as mandatory at this time; and b) a thorough review of the board required components for all student programs of study offered in the District be conducted as part of the scheduled 2016–2017 review of Board Policy GA.BP ‐ Student Programs of Study be approved.” c) in affirming a and b, the Caucus Committee directs the Superintendent to report at a future Caucus Committee meeting a revised Administrative Regulation to clarify application of student exemptions for mandatory second languages for Grades 4‐ 9.” BACKGROUND – Recommendation 1 At the 2015 Fall Trustee Retreat, the Superintendent of Schools (Superintendent) discussed challenges some schools experience with offering second language instruction for all Grades 4 to 9 students.
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