University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 4-1-1929 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, April 1929 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, April 1929" (1929). The University of Dayton Magazine. 171. http://ecommons.udayton.edu/dayton_mag/171 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. TD? c 3 . } '\ '( l j { I 1 I ' Volume I April 15, 1929 No.-4 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON ALUMNUS VOLUME J APRIL 15, 1929 NUMBER 4 En ·~ ered as second-class matter January 15, 1929, at the post office at Dayton, Ohio, under Act of March 3, 1879. Member of American Alumni Council ----------------------------- ~ The University of Dayton Alumnus is published the 15th of each month from October to June, both inclusive, by the Alumni Association of the University of Dayton, Alberta and College Park Avenues, Dayton, Ohio. Merle P. Smith, '25, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION-Per year, including membership in the Alumni Association, $5.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton". Change of · address must be received at least ten days before date of issue. Communications intended for publication should be sent to Alumni Office, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. They should be in hand before the 15th to insure attention for the issue of the succeeding month. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON Alumni Office: Main Floor Administration Building, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. OFFICERS: President, J. L. Weigand, '13, Dayton, Ohio. Vice-President, J. E. Grimes, '04, Chicago, Ill. Treasurer, T. D. Hollenkamp, '99, Dayton, Ohio. Secretary, M.P. Smith, '25, Dayton, Ohio. BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Rev. Martin M. Varley, '06; Emmett Sweetman, '04; John F . Ohmer, '69; William E. Stoecklein, '04; Edward C. Schoen, '03; William T. Mahoney, '07; John L. Weigand, '13; James E. Grimes, '04; Theodore D. Hollenkamp, '99; Very Rev. Msgr. R. Marcellus Wagner, '10; Harry F. Cappel, '98; Herbert Eisele, '26; Alfred W; Schneble, '07; Harry C. Busch, '96; Victor Emanuel, '15; Alfred C. Bergman, '08; Martin C. Kuntz, '12; Max Von Mach, '18; Very Rev. B. P. O'Reilly, S.M.; William Dapper, S.M.; Francis J. O'Reilly, S.M.; Merle P. Smith, '25. ALUMNI! Recommend your Alma Mater to prospective students; Your Alma Mater has grown and expanded into the . UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON DAYTON, OHIO with its COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Arts Letters COLLEGE OF LAW General Science Commerce and Finance EVENING COLLEGE COURSES Pre-Medical Pre-Law SATURDAY MORNING COLLEGE COURSES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ~UMMER SCHOOL Chemical Civil RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS Electrical Mechanical COLLEGE PREPARATORY (for boarding students) Address Registrar for Catalog VERY REV. BERNARD P. O'REILLY, S.M., President UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON ALUMNUS A magazine which seeks to promote the interest of the University of Dayton and to foster amon2' the Alumni a sentiment of reJtard for one another and attachment to their . Alma Mater. Volume J APRIL 15, 1929 Number 4 . The President's Letter UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON success. No further delays, please. Let U 3 hPar DAYTON, OHIO from you by return mail. April 15, 1929. In the February issue of the "Alumnus" we in­ formed you that the week of Apnl 21-28 was set To the Alumni of the University of Dayton: aside as "Library Week," and we appealed to you to assist us in filling the shelves of the Albert Eman­ With this issue of the University of Dayton uel Library. Dona ~ ions in books or cash will be Alumnus I want to make an appeal to all loyal deeply appreciated. The Law Library at the present alumni of the University of Dayton to give your time numbers only 2500 volumes. We should have financial support to the Alumni Secretary. Imme­ 7000 volumes to meet the standards of the Associa­ diately after the publiGation of the fir,;t issue, some tion of American Law Schools. members expressed their approval of the re-organ­ ization of the Alumni Association by forwarding Thanking you in advance for your whole-hearted a word of appc·eciation and enclosing a check. Since co-operation and support, I am s ~atements for dues were mailed, many more have Devotedly yours, responded. There still remains over a thousand to be heard from. Are you one of these? If so, upon reading this article, please forward your dues at once. The Alumni Secretary's Office needs funds for its maintenance and ever y alumnus should be willing to do his part to make this new undertakin~ in the interes.; of the Alumni Association a huge President. Editorial HAVE you ever wondered about your old college chums? Along with your old friends and aquaintances, the Retlecjng on the old days, have you ever desired to University of Dayton is getting itself ready to welcome enjoy again a friendly chat with the chums of your school you back. A splendid program of information, entertain­ days? Fulfill your desires by preparing to close up shop ment and inspiration will greet you next June. It will be and come back to Alma Mater for Commencement in a lively program which will get you together with your June. Commencement time is reunion time, when once classmates with never a dull minute. more t he youthful and sentimental spirit in "old grads" Make your plans early and come back. Board and lodge is revived during three days of goodfellowship. right at the Universi.y-June 8, 9· and 10. The Univer­ On the old campus you will find hundreds of your close sity and all your old friends are going to welcome you friends and acquaintances of college days. After year s back, and you will be missed if you do not attend. of separation they are now looking forward to another meeting with you in June. Among those who will be ----U. D.--- - anxious to greet you will be found your former class­ THE hearty manner in which so many alumni have re- mates, your old "lab" partners, the fellows you played with on former Varsity and "scrub" teams, your "Hall" sponded to the call for annual dues for membership in the Alumni Association is an actual demonstration that companions, the ones you used to call greeting to as you passed on the way to class, your old profs, and even your there has been a long-felt desire for a permanent and old roommates are planning to see you. active Association. During the past month over five per cent of the alumni paid their dues for 1929-30. Such They will come back to U. of D. at its most alluring an enthusiastic response to the first call for paid-up mem­ j me. The campus, garbed with its heaviest green foliage, bers is a source of much encouragement to the alumni brokea here and there with the guiding drives and mem­ officers and especially to Alma Mater, who sees therein orable walks, will smile its welcome. The ivied buildings the devoted interest and loyalty of her former students. themselves, and the carefree hangouts of years ago­ The promptness with which so many have joined the where attendance was as regular as the days-will bring ranks of paid-up members compels us to look forward baCk m€mories. expectantly to a large paid up membership in the first Your old chums will talk over with you the changes year of our re-organization. With the support and good at u~ of D. Some old scenes are gone, or have been done will of every individual alumnus our Association can over, or new ones appear in their stead. Together how­ attain the adequate funds to carry out the greater work ever old grads will get reacquainted and reunited with it has undertaken. Alma Mater. (Continued on Last Page) 3 [Page 4] UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON ALUMNUS April 15, 1929 --~----~------------~~--~--- Nominations for Board of CAMPUS NEWS DIGEST By Tom Ryan, '29 Gov:ernors artd Athletic Board The Board of Governors appointed the following alumni as the Nominating Committee for the Board: WILLIAMS The University of Dayton can boast of a Francis J. McCormick, '88, Dayton, Ohio. RIFLE military graduate who has been really heart Robert E. Gray, '09, Dayton, Ohio. TROPHY and soul with the battalion since his gradua­ Frank P. Elardo, ' 22, Dayton, Ohio. tion; namely, Frank Williams, '24. In fact, This Nominating Committee in accordance with the Frank is so much interested in the success of the R.O.T.C. Constitution nominated the following twelve alumni for that .he has given a permanent cup for the best shot on membership on the Board of Governors: the University Rifle Team. The cup this year was won by Eugene Stenger, a junior Arts student who was the Charles P. Eisenhauer, '24, Dayton, Ohio. high sco,·e man on the famo.us 1927-28 team that won Elmer J. Focke, '09, Dayton, Ohio. the Hearst International Match Trophy. Howard W. Germann, '15, Dayton, Ohio. Carroll A. Hochwalt, ' 20, Dayton, Ohio. ----- U . D. ---- Clement G. Jauch, '08, Dayton, Ohio. AI H. Mahrt, '12, Dayton, Ohio. GOOD Under the leadership of instructor Captain Rus­ RIFLE sell Baker, D.O.L., the U.
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