The original documents are located in Box 8, folder “11/19/75 - Fund for a Representative Congress” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 8 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .. THE WHITE HOUSE W ASHINGT ON November 17, 1975 i.-~ • ft.J,i,,.. "' U ~ Lt.~ .... ~ I ·-f . rlu (....(," ~ -- . oJ I V"'-!. (<I.A~ ~ 1 L~ ...Q_ J '\ • " . w . MEMORANDUM TO: PETER SORUM L"'-1 I I I ' FROM: S~~AN PORTER ·I . \ St}BJECT: Ac\tion Memo Mrs . Ford has accepted the following out-of-house invitation: EVENT: Drop-by Reception Preceding Dinner GROUP: Fund for a Representative Congress DATE: Wednesday, November 19, 1975 TIME: Reception - 6:30 p.m. Dinner - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Washington Hilton Hotel, Cabinet Room for Reception CONTACT: Mr. Willie Mason, Dinner Chairman 0: 659-9675 H: 723-6161 COMMENTS: Mrs. Ford is serving with Senator Edward Brooke as national honorary co-chairman of this dinner being held on November 19th. The dinner will honor Black elected Republican mayors, city council members and state legislators and will feature Vice President Rockefeller as speaker. Mrs. Ford will drop by the reception around 6:45 (or as you determine~ the reception begins at 6:30) and will stay about 15 minutes and then return to the White House as she and the Pre;ident have pending personal plans that evening. ,¢he Council of 100 l'!e OF2an:iza:io1;; of Black Ref!~J.ic, ans, which is an organization of Bla<:~ Republicans, has established the Fund for a Representative Congress-A Fund to Elect B~~t~ J _) -2- Republicans to Congress in accordance with the 1974 Federal Election Campaign Laws. The Fund is a multi-candidate campaign fund that will encourage Black Republicans to run for Congress by contributing to their campaign in accordance with applicable federal laws . (There are currently no Black Republicans in Congress) • The file is attached. Thank you. c: BF Staff Red Cavaney William Nicholson Gwen Anderson Philip Buchen Robert Hartmann Jack Calkins Max Friedersdorf Rex Scouten Staircase ~ u, 1975 M&J' l pl.... .... yea:r asau..n of :·;:::: =:1:s.~~~ imwww. u&t V1Cll ~--teller will be the tlPMkM'· llH.. J'ord will be MrriJMJ u aoaonzy Co-cha.1nu MCDg witll Seaator BrooJae. waa•t t;Mn -. eoacrern on you pan J.a II ~ wi~ ti. ..,blJ.caa 11ationa.l o..u"-~ . .Nc-r rJcw . x. tbue ~ el.- wbDM riaw .. sboal4 ~? ~ cu J'Oll pl.... ge~ back to - Jriq!K __,,y ~~ /:::>- .. '1'bnk ,... /I ' 'J ..___.. OFFICERS & DlRECTC fund for 8 Washingron,i:~c""<so.<8' o. c. Qeoresentative ~~ l 8fPQS ~~~~~~;s1cK Con ~ A Fund to Elect Black Republicans to Congress =!~ ALL8'l '< ~· Ms. LEONAR. Bl.ACK 1i . Ulinois c;if' /~;./ LESLIE N. Bl.AND V ' 'I W Illinois i .. vr~- I Ms.cEc1LG.GRANT November 11, 1975 ~~-'· ~ :~~:_~~K3 • Pennsylvania . OR. CHARLES M. HURST, J Illinois Dear Mrs. Ford: ' WILLIE C. llAASOl•(C.LU. Washington. 0. c. Ms. BRENDA PERRY On b~ of the Fund for A Representative Congress. _ Illinois Ms. ALBERTA THOMPSON let me express our appreciation to you for serving a s national~~'< washington. o. c. co-ch.~rman along with Senator Edward Brookefor the dinn.~r ROBERT R. THOMPSON Ohio on LLOYD VON Bl.AINE to be held ·1\ November 19th at which the Vice President will NewYorlc be the speaker. CHARLES WALLACE New Yori< WILLIE WILLIAMS It is our desire that you attend the VIP reception and bring Soutl'I Carolina Chairman d the greetings to the dinner. As you know, we are expecting an Executive Ccmmittell audience of approximately 2, 000 people. The reception will DA. MAURICE A DAWKIN: Califomia be in the Cabinet Room of the Washington Hilton Hotel and will commence at 6:30 p .. m. The dinner will start promptly HONORARY TRUSTEE REP. ClAfR W. BURGEN8 at 7:30 p. m. I will call your staff later this week to discuss Calilomia your availability to attend this affair. Your gracious support REP. CLARENCE J. BROW Ohio of this dinner has aided our efforts immensely to expand Black R08EAT BROWN No1111 Carolina participation in the Republican Party. We are confident that REP. A. LAWRENCE COUC the Party and nation will benefit from the results of this dinner. Pemsylvaoia SEN. ROBERT J. DOLE Kansas MAYOR JOHNNY FORD Alabama .'ii- SEN. BARRY GOLDWATEF Sinw{!,~ Arizona GCN. JAMES E. HOLSHO\ North Carolina SEN. JACOB K JAVITS i:.,l C. Jackson NewYorll STANLEY A MILLEA Pellnsyl11Bnia REP. ALBERT H. QUIE Minnesota Mrs. Betty Ford RE?. JOHN J. RHODES Arizona The White House SEN. RICHARD A. SCHWE Pennsylvania Washingto°* D. C. SEN. HUGH SCOTT Pennsylvania (Partial Listing) Chairman Chairman ol lhe Coordinator SAMUEL C JACKSON. Esq. Executive Committee WILLIAM A. MERCER Su1!<) 1110 DR MAURICE A DAWKINS MERCEAMEOIA, Inc. 1100 Ccnnecticut A11e11ue. N.W. 1625 I Street. N.W. Suite 623 W3sti.na!Crl. D. C. 20036 Suite 124-A 1028 Connecticut Avenue. N.W. • I ;ce:i-s ..3 ~- THE WHITE HOUSE 1 WAS H IN GTO N November 17, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO: P:itTER SORUM I FROM: SOSAN PORTER I I. i I. SUBJECT: Action Memo Mrs. Ford has accepted the following out-of-ho~se invitation: EVENT: Drop-by Reception Preceding Dinner GROUP: Fund for a Representative Congress DATE: Wednesday, November 19, 1975 TIME: Reception - 6:30 p.m. Dinner - 7:30 p.m. I PLACE: Washington Hilton Hot~~r ~I CONTACT: Mr. Willie Mason, Dinner Chairman 0: 659-9675 H: 723-6161 COMMENTS: Mrs . Ford is serving with Senator Edward Brooke as national honorary co-chairman of this dinner being held on November 19th. The dinner will honor Black elected Republican mayors, city council members and state legislators and will feature Vice President Rockefeller as speaker. Mrs. Ford will drop by the reception around 6:45 (or as you determine; the reception begins at 6:30) and will stay about 15 minutes and then return to the White House as she and the President have pending personal plans that evening. The Council of 100-An Organization of Black Republicans, which is an organization of Black Republicans, has established the Fund for a Representative Congress-A Fund to Elect Black -2- Republicans to Congress in accordance with the 1974 Federal Election Campaign Laws. The Fund is a multi-candidate campaign fund that will encourage Black Republicans to run for Congress by contributing to their campaign in accordance with applicable federal laws. (There are currently no Black Republicans in Congress) . The file is attached. Thank you. c: BF Staff Red Cavaney William Nicholson Gwen Anderson Philip Buchen Robert Hartmann Jack Calkins Max Friedersdorf Rex Scouten Staircase " ~:r u . 1975 May l pl.... ... yoa.r .........t ot .Hra. hz'4'• dzupphlq by thi• 41Dnu' ~ by tbe ~ for a a.pr.... uu..... ~· on ~ 19th? Vice l'reaid9nt: Jlocbteller will be t:M apeakes. -... J'Ori· will b9 -~ a. soacwazy ~ .:l.cD9 with S..to:r Dmob .. waa •t t.taare ...,.. c:cacen oa ,cu part in II ~ "1~ the Jlepdaltaa wational a.ait.uet . Jic1 r-.:cw I• t.bernt a11J'01Q9 ol.9e wbo• 'Yiew.9 ve sbot.Ll4 ~? /"" cu yoa pl.... pt. back to - d.qbt a.way? . l.....:t""9 ~ ' ./ ·L: d l~ - ~ ;th;;. J /. • F lJ I . ..· .·.. - ,,,,,,·--.:-·:.:~::--::-~---~-: - -----. ~ OFFICERS & DIRECTO Chairman ........- SAMUEL C. JACKSON. Esc Nmdfora Wastungton. 0. C. Treasurer _.FRED ALLEN NewJer.;ey Qepresentative Legal Counsel V" A.OYO McK:SSICK North Carolina A Fund to Elect a1ack Republicans to Congress _...- OR. Ell-IEL 0 ALLEN COf18f esS PeMSylvania Ms. LEONA R. BL...a< lfi / ·--iV Illinois ,/ .11..A..1 • ~1v~ Qr,, /-r .-, "·"'"-"I LESL!E N BLAND I V ., ~ 1· • lllrno1s ·, M" / Ms.CECILG.GRANT November n. 1975 ~ Washington. o.c. A ,. ~~~~~lRKi • . ""'OR. CHARLES M. HURST.• Illinois Dear Mrs. Ford: J~ """WIWE C. MASON. C.LU. Washington, D. C. Ms. BRENDA PEARY On behalf of the Fund for A Representative Congress. Illinois \..,,.JiA!I. ALBERTA lHOMPSON let me express our appreciation to you for serving as national~..-v--'< Washington. D. C. co-ch,airman along with Senator Edward Brook.efor the dinner ROBERT R. TI-!OMPSON Ohio to be held o,.r:i November 19th at which the Vice President will --0..0YD VON BLAINE be the speaker. NewYOlll ~WAU.ACE New York ~IU..IEWIWAMS It is our desire that you attend the VIP reception and bring South Carolina Chairman of the greetings to the dinner. As you know, we are expecting an Executive Committee audience of approximately 2, 000 people. The reception will DR. MAURICE A. DAWKIN! Califomia be in the Cabinet Room of the Washington Hilton Hotel and will commence at 6:30 p .. m. The dinner will start promptly HONORARY TRUSTEE REP. CLAIR W. BURGENEI at 7:30 p .
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