![Western Continentals](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
.J ': 1968 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS WESTERN CONTINENTALS PHOENIX, ARIZONA Ted Bradshaw, Lead - Paul Graham, Baritone - Phil Foote, Bass - AI Mau, Tenor STeREO The Top Ten Barbershop Quartets of 1967 At The 29th lnlernational Quartet Conlest 01 S.P. E.·B.S.Q.S.A. -~<--..--.... ­ 1967 International BARBERSHOP CHORUS WiN­ THE TOP TEN BARBERSHOP QUARTETS OF 1967 • NERS • Dapper Dans Of Harmony' Chorus Of The Four Statesmen' Western Continentals' Mark IV • Dunes' Phoenicians' Men Of Accord' Chordsmen Sundowners' Golden Staters' Night Hawks' Oriole DL 4869(M) • DL 74869(S) Four' Avant Garde' Far Westerners' Doo·Dads DL 4870(M) • DL 74870(S) Hear "a quintet of quartets" THE DEFINITIVE from the world famous BARBERSHOP ALBUM FRED WARING PENNSYLVANIANS singing the official YOU MUST OWN! S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. arrangements. THE BEST OF 8ARBERSHOP A BARBERSHOP SING With 'il~rbershop 25 YEARS OF WINNERS FRED WARING AND THE PENN· A IJ..IUJlHIlSIIUP ,"'/,\,(,' Inhe 'tItsl 01 I (1939·1963) SYLVANIANS • DOl'ln By The lI"ilhFRED JI'AUIN(,' Old Mill Stream' Wait Till The Alld The /'cllm;ylmllirfllll OXB·180{M) Sun Shines Nellie' I'll Take ~ You Home Again Kathleen' Shine On Harvest Moon • let The Rest Of The World Go By • Hello, My Baby and others. Ol4875(M)' OL 74875(S) All DECCA Barbershop Records may be purchased from: Your local record dealer or by contacling S.P.E.8.S.Q.S.A. Incorporaled, 6315 Third Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 July -August VOL. XXVIII 1968 No.4 International Board of Directors Imemrtliol1al Officers President, \'o;/cslr R. Meier, P.O. Box 9671, San Diego, California 92109 Immediate Past Fresidem, James Steedman, 616 Dela· THE HARMONIZER is the official publication of the Society for the Prt.\en'alion and ware Road, Kenmore, New York 14223 . Encouratlemenl of Barber Shop Qllartet Singing in Amerie-,l, Inc. h is publilhed in the 1st Vice Vresidenc, Roben Gall, 12106 M:lr·bec Tr:lll, ~Ia\" 6~15· ~rd A\:en~e, r.1i~souri months of }anuatr, March, jllly, Septcmbet and NO\'ember at Independence, 64U52 . \Vi~consin, Vice President, Harold Schuhl, 310 Crown VIew Kenosha, 531·11, second·class poslage paid at Kenosha, \VlsCOOSJn. Edltotlal Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 and Ad\'ertising offices are at Intetnational Headquartets. Notice of change of add tess Vice President, It H. "Sf\''' Scverence, 71·\ Cadcon, should be submitted to the cditorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 THIRD AVE., \X/heaton, lliinois 60187 KF.NOSHA, WISCONSIN, 531·11, at Jem thin)' days before the next publication date. Vice Pruidcnt, Wilbur Sp.:nks, 6724 N. 26th SHeer, Subscription pricc is S2.00 )'('",lrly and S .50 an issue. ArlinglOn, Virginia 22213 Treasurer. Ralph Ribble, 9321 Springwater Drive, Dallas, Texas 75228 Ex('culivc Director, Barrie Best, 6315 Third Annm, FEATURES Kenosha, \'?isconsin )J141 Board Alembers tll'olmg Men ill Harmony" Project Slfccessful in Seven Cardinal, Don Tober. -\07 WeI! Adams, Muncie, Indiana 47303 California Scbools ~ __ ~ . 2 Centlal SI:!.lfS, C V. "Pe!c" Pelerson, 6112 Lamar, Mission, Kansas 66202 Quartets Retlll'lJ From U,S.o, Tour; Dixie, Melvin J. Harris, 3901 Ashton Drive, Charlotte, ~. No. Carolina 28210 Ask "W'beu Can HI'e Go Again?'! __ . 4 Ever8reen, William Tobiam,n, 916 N. 10th Strtet, Corvalli~, 0le80n 97330 Sunshine Spring Sing Swings_. 6 Far Western, John Currin, 21815 Pwvidtncia, \,\'ood· land Hills. California 91364 The Memory Lin.gers Oil.... 8 Illinois, Ken Haack. 501 Darwn A\·enue. Wm Chi· ogo. Illinois 60185 Abollt Encollragement 26 Johnn)' Applt~eed, Charks A. Lemkuhl, Jr., 300· 27th St. S.E.. Charlcswn, W. Viltlinia 25304 Land O· lakfS, jay Austin. 603 W. Thitd Sireet, Northfield, Minnfwta 55057 . DEPARTMENTS Michigan. Eric Schultz, P.O. Box 338, East DWOll, Michigan 48021 . ~lid·Atlantic, Lwn Avakian, 700 MatllSon A\·c., P.O. Historifl1/s Cba;, __ . ... .._.....__ .. _..... 9 Box 254, Asbur}" PJlk, Nfw lweI' 07713 NOHhfaSlern, Richard Hawes, 120 Fair\'ifw ROJd. Sbare Tbe IVeallb 28 Needham, Mass:lchustm 02192 Omacio, Johnny Cairns. Apt. 31H, 50 Islington Ave. Down Alemory Lane ._ ._... 30 No.• hlingcon, Ontario Senfca Land, Pal McPhillips, 55·!? ~fain Strcct, l1Iaii Call From fLll'llIolI)' Hall _ .______ 32 W'illiamsvillc, New York 14221 Southwemrn. Charles Aberneth)', 300 East Grand. Ponca Cil)', Oklahoma 7·1601 Sunshine, Robert B()("mler, ·185-2 \X'est Ro.ld, Metritr Island, Florida 32952 MISCELLANEOUS And PrISt [1lIenut/iona/ Presh/ents Logopedics Contriblltions ~ _.. ______ 7 Cenllll"y Club 31 Execllti ve Director 0/11' New Cbapten . BARRIE BEST ----________ 31 Director of J1'1l1Sicrtl ActitJities Coming EveNts... 31 ROBERT D. JOHNSON Barbershoppers' Bargain Basement.... .... _. 31 Director of Com1lJllllicatiom HUGH A. INGRAHAM AdministratitJe Field Representatil'es CINCINNATI CONVENTION CHET N. FOX MOl/da)' LLOYD B. STEINKAMP 10 Administrative Assistant Tuesday 11 D. WILLIAM FITZGERALD W'ednesday 12 Editor Tbursday 14 LEO W. FOBART Priday 19 Director of Pinance and Administration Saturday ..... ROBERT 1. WOLLANGK 22 MandRel' of Membership Records ROBERT J. MEYER Change your address in advance and Accollntant mako sure you receive every issue of the FRED SORDAHL ARE YOU MOVING? HARMONIZER. [memationa/ 0 lJice Please send us the address label frol11 6315 THIRD AVENUE this issue before you move. KENOSHA, \'{fISCONSIN )3141 Name _ 414·654-9111 New Address Contriblltors Allach present address label here Cily' _ "BUD" HARVEY or on reverse side. PAUL IvlcCLAUGHLlN, JR, Stale (or PraY.) Zip. _ DEAN SNYDER LLOYD TUCKER Mail To: The HARMONiZER GLENN VAN TASSELL 6315 Third Ave., Kenosha, Wis. 531.41 CHARLIE \'(fILCOX PRINTED IN U.S.A. THE HARMONIZER-JULY·AuGUST, 1968 1 One of five scholarships awarded this year as a result of lhe "Young Men In Harmony" annual show is shown left. Indicating their happiness with the oulcome of this year's venture, some of the project's sponsors (from I. to r.) are: Gary Hall, Mark Keppel High School Music Director and Scholarship chairman; "Chuck" Rhyner, Sail GabrIel Chapler President and Show Chairman; Ahe Gould, "Young Men In Harmony" project President; and Father Giacomini, Don Bosco Trade Tech. MusIc Director and Scholarship Co­ Chalrmell. n idea, like a young tree, has very little .stability ulHil it gets its roots down. A tree draws its nourishmenc from Athe sun and water and from the quality of the carch in which it is planted. An idea draws its strength from the persistence of its creator and the intercst which it arouses in a community. Good ideas, like strong trees, seem to survive. One such idea, the introduction of barbershop harmony into San Gabriel Valley, Calif. high schools, was the brainchild of veteran Alhambra, Calif. Barbcrshopper Abe Gould. The "Young h1en in Harmony" project, now more than two years old, came abom when Gould was having a casual conver­ sation with Dr. Maylon Drake, Supcrintendent of the Al­ hambra School System. Gould, insisting that barbershop har­ mon}' was much too vital a music form to be relegated to a lot of old fossils reminiscing in the moonlight, convinced Dr. Drake that barbershop harmony for high school kids was worth investigating. Val Hicks (far left), Workshop Dlreclor, reviews music with hIgh school music instructors as PresIdent Abe Gould (standing l looks 011. "Young Men in Harmony" \"<'ith permission from Dr. Drake to carry the project one step farther, Gould set alit to sec how local high school music teachers would react to the idea. Not only was he successful in finding interested high school music directors, but the men he found were interested cnough to want to use some of their precious odd hours (Saturday, Sunday and after school) to form chorus groups and work with quartets, _ Gould then moved his enthusiasm for the project in the direction of the community's leaders. For assistance in this department he callcd on a personal friend, \Varner Jenkins, editor and publisher of the Albmllbrrr Free Press} who thought the "Young Men in Harmony" project was a great idea and pledged his complete support, \'{rith the superintendent of The "Baker's DOlen," a prominent West Coasl barbershop group, under lhe schools and the local paper on his side, lining up the rest of the direclion of Val Hicks, presented a "live" demonstration of barbershop communit}, was relatively easy. Influential people, such as harmony for high school students during a workshop session. ?vfayor Norma Yokum, City ~1anager Leland Gllnll, Parks and The "Young Men in Harmony" Chorus is shown below as they presented Recreation Supcrintendellt Nciland McCrummen and Chamber their show on April 5th. of Commerce Presidenr Dr. Norman Schrifter, agreed to act ~_....... ,..-----=..............~ as a steering committee for the new singing project. Aftcr several months of careful planning, during which Gould solicited the help of Barbershoppers in the area (Reseda, Pasadena, Arcadia, \'\Iest Covina, \'\Ihicrier, Downey, Smith Bay, San Gabriel, Pomona), the first show was staged on May 13, 1967 with four schools participating, supported by four Society quartets. It was a creditable show and evcn though it didn't draw as large an audience as was hopcd for, it carried its own weight, with some money left over which was placed in a scholarship fund for the boys. The rootS were now beginning to spread. THE HARMONIZER-JULY·AuGUST, 1968 ALBUM No, 3 S sunRISE-sunSET I INCLUDES She's In Love With A Wonderful Guy D When It's Nighttime In Dixieland Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy THE SEA TONES E Little Captain Of My Heart outfits were custom-designed and custom-made Music Maestro, Piease at W Try To Remember All-American Girl CARL SHAPIRO & CO. LT D. I This Is Ali I Ask We specialize in singles, quartets and choruses.
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