I. .., , .· . , : ·C HE.CKIN c ··_·l N "• . t~ ... _. ·. ' . .. ' . ·\ - ' ,. ·II ....,.. - \- . .· ', --r· .. <I ",I"' '· -. AI trnugh the odds were far and or s;sgt, Frank R. Hill, NCOIC or Many months will pass before away against it, Sgt. Ray Bar­ the T/F laundry that similar Tyndall sport rans will ever wit­ rette, Tyndall's counterpart of markings are a common occurence ness a basketball performance FDR' s Steve Early, slipped through he ~ e -- happening as often as equal to that put on by Lt. (jg) QUESTION: n[)o YOU THINK a supposedly air-tight cordon md once or twice a month, Hlll says Jim. Birr and his basketeers !rom SERVICEMEN WITH DEPENDENTS obtained m extension on his fur­ the situation is easilY remedied Pensacola, There i s no doubt SHOULD BE GIVEN PREFERENCE IN lough. He was due back Weches­ by having one or the pair include that Birr caters to tb.e crowd, ORDER OF DISCHARGE WHEN THE day, but it look's like we'll the first letter or their ~ irst but when you're that good you•ve 11DEIRATION" IS OVER?" have tp do without him fb r a few name, or the last five numbers or got a right to do it, However, more days ••• , Via V-mail we their A, S. N• ., •• L t, JaY R, no less outstanding in its owr~ Interviews and Photos hear that the 344th1 s Bill Hakean, Green or the D. or T. was THE man way was the performance or TfF's By CPL. WILLIAM JAMES "The Great," is first sergeanting at the wedding which took place Finis Snowden in the double-head­ it around England. He writes: at the Post Chapel last Sunday er. The "120 lb. soaking-wet" • ••• 'Drlngs around here arm' t too afternoon. Chaplain Fulmer of­ Tornado forward gave as good as S/Sgt. A.B. Hicks, Atlanta, Ga.: he took, and he took plenty, The "Definitely yes. bad- it could be 1«>rse -plenty ficiated at the double ring cere­ mony in which Lt. Green was weld­ 600 rans at the gym Saturday Men with depmden ts to eat - lots of fun and such - and plenty of work. " • • • • While ed to Miss Ruth Buresh, or Cedar night etched him into Tyndall's have incurred the on the subject of letters, MaJor Rapids, Iowa •••• Lt. ·W1ll1am B. hall or fame with an accolade or greater finmci al Silva recm tly received a V-mail Pratt, rormer GI or the Public applause and cheers. hardships while in from Lt. Jay Evans who writes Relations orrice who went orr to * * * the service and frQM a N.Y. APO number: "Have bcs and then returned here as the Cpl. Max Senkinc of the Medics coMeqUI!h tl.y they been intending to write you a PRO, received his traveling orders observed his 6th birthday last should be given line ever since I left Tyndall. last week •• hopes to wind up in Tuesday. He's one of tb:>se le~ year babies who doesn't have to prefermce when it oomes to hand­ To Slo/ the least I 1111 <pi te happy England. ing out discharge& • and con tented in my new outfit. * * * save his breath for blowing out SeverAl ex-Tyndall officers are candles until he's 100 years old with me. We have a great time Already given up as "missing in .... While Monday's "dry run" Sgt. K. Johnson, Los Angeles, CaZ.: talking over old times. Regards action" by the Target stai'f, Lt. caused exci tl!men t for some and "All men should to any and all of my T;F frienls. • Dewey Gossett, first col1.111I1ist fur wrused others, it was climaxed by this sheet and originator of the "coal barge detail" which be discharged ac­ ••• The roennries linger on. "Gossett's Gossip," was finally "drained" the 69th of seven 0 cording to their heard from this week when we its better men for a matter of 2_ time in service. ·In glancing* thru* publications* noticed that the prize wimer of hours. It seans that a coal barge MEn w1 thou t depen­ rrom other posts we noti'ce that a an essay contest out at Kingman and 15 GI trucks at Rlrt st. Joe dents should not great deal to do is raised over Field, Ariz., was Lt. Gossett. had to be guarded. The 69th drew be discriminated the occasional occurence or simi- The subject of the essay was "Why the assignnent (what other s<pail­ against When it lar markings on laundry by the Buy War Bonds?" Another T/ F ron could handle such an im­ comes time to disband the Anny. post cleaning plants. Well, just almmus makes good .. · •• A close portant assi~ent?) and quickly to demonstrate how unusual Tyn­ glmce at the new footlockers now dispatched a _half a dozen of its 'lhis muntry is still a d:mocracy dall really is, we have the work on sale at 1m PX will reveal that stalwarts and Sgt. Saul SBmiof as and all men should be treated as they were designed by Amelia Ear- "the NCOIC. At this writing we equals. • hart- credit for the. original haven't been able to learn how observation goes to the Target' s the men fared, but we know that S/Sgt. Ji, JiCJgne1'", Blo0111i·ngdale, N.J.: EdT. Delbyck, author of "As I little could have gone awry with •I definitely be­ Pfc. It. • Another stripe and he such guardsmm as Samiof, Collins, lieve that men w1 th POST would have missed it completely. Meserve, Rooney, Gustai'son, Leo- dependents should * * * pold and Iubas in the party. be given prefer­ Saturday, 'LET'S FACE IT,' Bob r----~----------------------------------~~-----------------------------~~ Hope, Betty Hutton. ence. Although I BORN OF THE SUN/., • OUT OF THE EARTH/ • • • Sun., Mon., 'RATIONING,' Wallace have no depeldm ts, Beery, Marjorie Main. I have seen many Tuesday, 'MY BEST GIRL,' Jane cases of hardship Withers, Jimmy Lydon. 'mE CURSE in fllllilies as a result of one of OF mE C4T PECPLE, ' Simone Simoo. the 'breadwinners' being called W~d., Thurs., 'TENDER COMRADE,' into the service. a G1n~er Ro~ers, Robert Ryan. Friday, 'LADY LET'S DANCE,' James opt. J. Colef>a1'"di, Atlantic City, li.J.: Ellison, Belita. •I believe that RITZ mm overseas sb:>uld Sun., Mon., 'TARZAN'S DESERT be given first pre­ MYSTERY, • Johnny Weismuller. ference when it Tues., Wed., 'CRAZY HOUSE,' Olsen «nues tD discharges snd John son. when the war is Thursday, 'SHE'S FOR ME,' Grace over, 111d men w1 th McDonald. dependents shoul-d Friday, 'l:'OUM:l IDEAS,' Mary Astor, come next. • Herbert Marshall. Saturday, 'FUGITIVES FJlOM SOM)R/1,' Pvt. Happy Coe, Pate1'"son, N.J.: Don 'Red' Barry. "I believe that Late Show Ssturdsy, 'DESTINATION, mEn jn the armed TOKYO,' Cary GrBilt. s ervices with d.e­ penlenu; Suild be PANAHA givm prefermce Sun. , Mon. , 'SON OF DRAQJLA, ' Lon In order of dis­ Chaney Jr ; , Allan Curtis. charge, but only Tuesday, 'WHISPERING FOOTSTEPS,' if the others are Lynn Merdclt. not required to ranain in ser­ vice too long afterwards." Wed., Thurs., 'IN mrs OUR LIFE, ' Bette Davis. ----------------------~ Fri., Sst., 'SCN OF THE SADDLE,' Sergeant Cited Dick Foran. For Bomber Work BAY Naples (CNS)-M/Sgt. Wendel Sunday, 'KLONDIKE KATE,' Ann Horne, of California, has been Ssva~r. awarded the Legion of Merit for Mon., Tues,. 'KING'S ROW' Ann his pa rt in the design, m anu­ Sheridan, Robert Oummin~s. ' facture and installation of equip­ DOROTHY SHAY is the charming vocalist heard on CBS's "Cresta m ent to improve the fire power Wed., Thurs., 'PISTOL PACKIN' Blanca Carnival" Wednesday evenings, with composer-conductor and protect the crews of B25 MAMA , • Ruth Terry. Morton Gould and Alec Templeton. Instead of the Cresta Blanca Mitchell bombers. The award was Fri . , Sst., 'BLACK MARKET RUST­ (Schenley's wines) chant about the source of their grapes tit­ made by Gen. Henry H. Arnold, LERS,' Ran~e Busters. 'PRAIRIE ] ing the pic, we coulcf have used, "Oh, Shay, Can You Sing--­ USAAF commander. OIICKENS,' Jitm~y RoAers. Too?" ••• but who would have noticed it? March 4, 1944 THE TYNDALL T~RGET P a)!e 3 TORNADO FORWARD QUALIFIED VOTERS URGED I DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING IT/F SPORTS AT A TO REGISTER FOR FLA. INSTITUTES 7-DAY WEEK Th e Tornad oes c l ose the ir ELECTIONS GUNNERY PROGRAM abb r ev i ated cour t season he re o n Tu e s d ay a g a i n s t t he Ma r i - Tyndall Field enlisted men, Beginning Monrlay, March 5, a a nn a Air Base cage r s . officers and their wives are new seven day per week scherlule * * * urged to register for the coming will go into effect in the De­ An e li min at i o n tou rn ament Florida elections. Qualifica­ partment of Training, it was an­ f o r a ll E:n l i sted men and o ffi ­ tions for Florida ann Ray Cmmty nounced today. All school facil­ ce r bas ketb a ll t e ams e n te r ed voting are that the person de­ ities of the school will operate in p r ese: nt l eag ue s wi ll be siring to vote must be a resi­ every day. All students and per­ he ld at t h e pos t gym beg inning dent of this state for at least sonnel will have work staggered Wednesd a y , April 5.
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