PROGRAMMED FOR FUN The Sharp MZ-80K personal computer can The versatile tabletop MZ-80K - and the handle serious business as well as the next whole range of cassette-based games - is microcomputer. But it can also be pro¬ marketed by HB Computers Ltd, Sharp’s grammed for fun. appointed software supplier for the UK. Ring This masterpiece of low-cost, easy-to-use, or write NOW for an MZ-80K demonstration micro-processor technology takes over and/or your free copy of the HB catalogue of where TV games end, becoming a computer programmes. sophisticated source of endless hours of family entertainment. And for youngsters, of SHARP MZ-80K Personal course, it has added educational value, Computer with built-in cassette providing a very useful introduction to the drive unit computerised world in which they will live and work. ONLY £380 A comprehensive catalogue of COMPUTER GAMES fascinating computer games isnow available for use with the MZ-80K: Cassette-based for use races, battles, quiz games, with MZ-80K £5 to £12 exploration, showjumping, (see catalogue) space adventures; trials of skill From leading and concentration, pitting the SHARP micro¬ players against each other computer supplier or against the computer. HB COMPUTERS LTD Exciting, entertaining, 22 Newland Street, educational, and with Kettering, such variety of appeal Northamptonshire that the incentive to Telephone play is never dulled. 0536 520910 • Circle No. 110 I8 PRACTICAL COMPUTINGJanuary 1 98 1 BANG AYCARD MODEL II CPM2 2X £165.00 CBasic 2 (CP/M) £80.00 TRS-80 OWNERS! (CP/M) m Postmaster £85 00 MODEL I Supersort III (CP/MI £80.00 LEVEL II RSM II £35.00 Pinball* .... £9.50 Inventory Control . £11.00 T/Maker (CP/M) Pork Barrel IQ (Vocab) £175 00 £6.50 Builder £9.50 DISK DSM It . £87 50 CASSETTE Pre School Games £6.50 IQ Builder (Spelling) . £10.00 A PL. 80- £30 00 (Stories) GSFII £30 00 GAMES PR Dogfight £6.50 IQ Builder £9 50 Accounts Receivable II . £40 00 Development System £4 50 IQ (Pre School) .. £70 00 Adventures Robots . Builder £9 50 Advanced Personal Utility Package £87 Round The Horn . £6 50 IQ (Numbers) Finance 50 Adventureland* . .£9.50 Builder £9 50 £15.50 Basic X-ref Utility ... £30.00 Safari £6 50 IRV* Amateur Radio System . Pirates Cove* £9.50 £16 50 £15.50 HardDisk Operating Sys £250.00 Mission Impossible* £9 50 Santa Paravia . £6 50 Keyboard 80* £7.50 Auto Disk Directory £9.50 Sargonll* £1850 KVP* £9 50 C.C.A. Data Management £52 50 WORD PROCESSORS The Count* £9.50 II (CP' Ml Voodoo Castle* £9 50 Space Battles £9.50 Level III Basic £30.00 Compress It .£15.00 Electric Pencil £200.00 Star Trek III 5 £9.50 Linear Programming £7 50 Data Base III £30 00 Electric Pencil II TRSDOS £225.00 Strange Odyssey* . f9 50 Magic (CP/M) Mystery Fun Taipan £6.50 Magic Paper Calculator £9 50 DCV-1 £8 50 Wand £230.00 House* £9.50 Wordstar (CP/M) £275 00 Pyramid of Doom* £9 50 Time Trek* £9 50 Math Drill £5 00 Dynamic Data Base £22.50 Ghost Town* £9 50 TingigiTong*_ £6.50 Math Library I £8 50 Electric Pencil* £75.00 BUSINESS SYSTEMS Adventure Sampler* £6 50 Trek '80 £6.50 Math Library II £8.50 File Manager 80 £30.00 Osbourne & Associates Pro¬ Air Raid* £8.50 Trolls Gold £4 50 Medump* £8 50 Forth* (Incl. Primer) £45 00 grammes in CBasic.— Air Traffic Control £6.50 Tycoon £5.50 Microtext Editor £6.50 General Ledger II £40 00 Accounts Rec & Payable £150 00 Alien Invaders . .. £8 50 WarfareI £5.50 Minicrossword £9 50 Inventory 'Sr . £40 00 General Ledger £150.00 Android NIM £9 50 X-Wing Fighter II £6.50 Mortgage Calculator £5 00 Inventory II £50 00 In TRSDOS - ..... Backgammon . £6.50 UTILITIES Multi-Cnoice £9 50 KVP Extender* £16.00 Accounts Rec & Payable £200 00 Balloon Race £6.50 APL-80* £9.50 Pascal* £26 00 Level Iin Level II* £16.00 General Ledger . £200.00 Barricade* . £8.50 Accounts REC II £13 50 Penmod* .£11.50 MailistIV £45 00 CP/M USERS GROUP Baseball £6.50 Appointment Log £6 50 Personal Finance £6.50 NewdosPlus* £47 50 23 Volumes Each £12.00 Battleship £7.50 Astronomy II £7 50 Personal X-REF £9.50 Newdos 80* £87 50 Payroll (Tridata) Bee Wary £9 50 Basic IP* £11.50 Pilot 2.2* £9 50 . £249 00 ALL PRICES INCLUDE VAT AT Bingo £4 50 Basic Toolkit* £11.50 Pre Flight £11 00 Print Spooler* . £1650 15%, PACKING & RETURN Bowlina (Ten Pin) £6 50 Biorythms £4 50 Renumber* £6 50 Roots £14.50 POSTAGE TO U K ADDRESSES Bridge Challenger £9 50 Calendar Functions . £7 50 Remodel *ÿ Proload* £23.00 RSM 2D Monitor* £16.00 PRICES TO OVERSEAS Challenge £6 50 Copys £9 50 RPN Calculator £6 50 Simplify-lt £15.00 ADDRESSES INCLUDE RETURN Cribbage £6 50 Data Base II £17 50 RSM 2 Monitor* £15.50 SCRIPSIT* £65 00 AIRMAIL SEND 50p FOR Dogstar £650 Debug* £12.50 Statistics £6.50 SUPERSCRIPT* £17 50 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE End Zone II .£6 50 Dosort* £2300 S.TA.D* £16 00 ST-80D* Terminal £45 00 Fastgammon* .... £1200 Electric Pencil* £50.00 Star Finder £7 50 ST-80 III* Terminal £85 00 Galactic Blockade £6 50 Electronics Asst £6 50 Super Simon £6 50 Visicalc* £65.00 Galactic Empire £9 50 EMU 6502 . £16 00 Super T-legs* £6 50 Galactic Revolution £9 50 ESP Tester £4 50 T-Step* £7.50 Taranto & Associates Conversion Galactic Trader £9 50 File Handling £7 50 System Copy* £8 50 of Osbourne & Associates Business Game of Life* £6.50 FinanceI £7 50 Timser £9 50 Programmes Gammon Challenger* £9 50 Finance II £7.50 T Short* £6 50 Accounts Payable £90.00 Gangster £5.50 Forth (Incl. Primer) £37 50 T-Short+* £12.50 Cash Journal (for G/L)........ £40.00 Hangman £4.50 Fourier Transforms £7.50 Tarot Cards £6 50 Invoicing £90 00 IChing £6.50 Graph Builder £9 50 Teachers Assistant I £9.50 Accounts Receivable ____£90.00 MICROCOMPUTER Invaders from Space* £9.50 G.S.F.* £17 50 Teachers Assistant II £9.50 General Ledger £90.00 Kamikaze £6 50 General Accounting £8 50 Tiny Comp* £12.50 Complete Co-ordinated System APPLICATIONS Kreigspiel II £9.50 Ham Radio £6 50 TRS-80 Opera £6.50 with Manuals £350 00 11 RIVERSIDE COURT, Lost Dutchmans Gold £6 50 Histograph/Scattergram £6.50 Typing Tutor £11 50 ........ CAVERSHAM, Mastermind II* £5 50 Home Finance £6 50 X-ref £9.50 "Denotes Machine Language Mean Checkers* C6.50 Infinite Basic* . £31 00 Yybar £9 50 TRS-80 Trademark of Tandy READING RG4 8AL, Noughts & Crosses £4 50 Infinite Business £1850 76 Basic Programs £23.00 Corp CP/M Trademark OD ENGLAND. Othello III £6.50 Inst. Calculator £7 50 Manual for Above £7.00 Digital Res. C-Basic Trademark of Pentominoes £6 50 Inventory 'S’ £1600 Library 100 £40 00 Compiler Systems. TEL: (0734) 470425 KIUGHT'S T.U.&COmPUIERS SHARP'S BIG DEALER Dear Microfans, Because we sell more Sharp products than any computer dealer we can offer a package deal on the MZ 80K which in unbeatable. The 24K model costs £439, the 36K is £469 and the full 48K model is £499. These prices include next day Red Star delivery, 100 programmes, one year's complete guarantee, and membership of The International Sharp User Group (send £3 to join if you bought your Sharp elsewhere). We will also send you our exclusive "KNIGHT — COMMANDER" which adds AUTO LINE NUMBER. RENUMBER, DELETE BLOCK, PRINT/SCREEN, APPEND, AND TRACE commands to the Sharp Basic without taking any extra memory space. Write, phone or telex, and we will mail you full details of our exclusive package deal. We take Access, Barclay, VISA and Mastercharge, but remember to add Maggie's VAT. Happy computing. Graham Knight PS Special Offers on Sharp disks and printers Input/ output boards £45 ex stock. Our latest Newsletter details CP/M for the MZ80K and previews the £2,995 Super-Sharp. KNIGHTS TV AND COMPUTERS 108 ROSEMOUNT PLACE, ABERDEEN. TEL: (0224) 630526. TELEX: 739169. • Circle No. 122 24 PRACTICAL COMPUTINGJanuary 1 98 1 THESHARPMZ-80 Erase Eproms in 8 minutes COMPUTERSYSTEM for under £100 The high speed, high capacity model UV8 sets new performance and price standards. As one of Sharp's largest • Cuts typical erasure times by a factor of 5 systems dealers we supply complete MZ ■ 80 8 MINUTE SOLID STATE TIMER • Capacity systems including FLOPPY DISCS and PRINTERS up to 14 EPROMS • 2708 type erased in 4 to 7 minutes We have considerable experience in • High intensity 254 NM UV source SALES, implementing PURCHASEandNOMINAL • Safety interlock automatically starts timing sequence LEDGERS, PAYROLL. STOCK CONTROL , • Audio tone signals erasure cycle complete FOREIGN EXCHANGE and FINANCIAL • Internal switch to extend erase time. PROGRAMMES • MICRODATA Computers Ltd, Belvedere Works, Bilton Contact us now for details on 01-24? 8506 Way, Pump Lane Industrial Estate, Hayes, Middlesex. Telephone (01) 848 9871 (6 lines) Stone House, Houndsditch Entrance Telex 934110 128-140Bishopsgate London EC 2M4HX • Circle No. 144 • Circle No. 145 SHARP MZ-80K SOFTWARE For Games Education Send now for our FREE CATALOGUE fTlflP.2iLTD 9 Herbert Road,London Nil TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOME let01-889 7615 (24 hours) • Circle No. 146 38 PRACTICAL COMPUTING January 1 98 1 WEST MIDLANDS IF YOU WANT A COMPUTER FOR BUSINESS USE CONSULT I11Z-SQDK THE EXPERTS! PAYROLL STOCK CONTROL PURCHASE/SALES STOCK/INVOICING SPECIALIST PROGRAMS V1SICALC WORD PROCESSING MAILING LIST etc.
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