INDEX INDEX Abbott Academy, 83 Armstrong Hall, 190, 245, 259, Acacia Park, 33 263 Academic Program Committee, Army Signal Corps, 252 181, 189 Arnold Fairyland Doll Store, 112 Africa, 180 Art Nouveau, 115, 117 Ahlberg Adventure Program, 234 Ashland, MA, 36, 55, 58, 60, 61 Ahlberg, Jerry, 234 Ashley, Susan, 271-272 Ahlberg Outdoor Education Aspen, CO, 225 Center, 234 Aspen Institute, 229 Ahlers, Mrs., 98 Aspen Ski Patrol, 221 Albright, Guy, 204 Associated Charities (Baltimore, Albright, Horace, 214 MD), 85 Albuquerque, NM, 19, 37, 62 Associated Students of Colorado Alexander, John, 220 College, 262 Alpha Lambda Delta, 262 Associated Women Students, 262 Amesbury, MA, 39, 83, 84 Avon Pottery Company, American Alpine Club, 214 113 American Alpine Journal, 218 Ayuda, 265-267 American Art Association, 115 “American College,” 75, 86, 89 Baca Campus, 229-230 American College and Education Baltimore, MD, 83, 85 Society, 48, 60 Barbetts, 258 American Political Science Bartlett, Enoch N., 13, 15, 17, 24, Association (APSA), 171 36, 55, 58, 60, 61 “America the Beautiful,” 244 Barton, Ruth, 271 Amherst College, 15, 21, 75, Bates, Katherine Lee, 244 76-81, 89, 92 Baxter, James Phinney, 194-195 Andover-Newton Theological Bennan, Professor, 19 Seminary, 82 Baby Boomers, 262, 265 Andover Theological Seminary, Bangor seminary, 70 39, 81, 82 Bangs, Harry, 122, 127 Appolonian Club, 250 Belschner, Martha, 256 A COLORADO COLLEGE READER Page 274 INDEX Bemis Hall, 101, 105-106, 136, Bramhall, Edith C., 163-177, 256 137, 141, 247, 254, 257, “Brammy,” 171, 175 261, 262 Braun photograph, 101 Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 194-195 Bristol, R. C., 13, 17, 36, 58 Benezet, Louis T., 220 Broadmoor Hotel, 251 Berger, Lorena, 258 Broadmoor Ski Area, 225 Beta Theta Pi, 141 Brockway, Z. R., 91 Bevington, Mary, 231 Brooklyn, NY, 17 birth control pills, 263 Brooks, Glenn, 178, 179, 182, 184, Biscoe, Mr., 106 223-224 Blanca Peak, 219, 222, 225 Brooks, Mrs. Franklin, 98 Bliss, Charles R., 19 Brown University, 15, 37 Block Break, 191-192, 225, 228, Brughel, Pieter and Jan, 112 235 Bryn Mawr College, 164, 255 Block Plan, 178-193, 198, 220, Buckley, Louise, 26, 28 223-224, 226, 228, 232 Bull-Hill War, 92 Blue Star Flag, 160 Bullock, Eleanor, 135 Board of Charities and Bump, Emma, 18, 238 Corrections, 39, 91 Burgess, John W., 79 Board of Pardons, 39, 91 Butler University, 194 Board of Trustees, 3, 6, 13, 15, 16, Butterfield, President, 60 31, 32, 37, 38, 49, 61, 70, Buttrick, James G., 61 144, 237, 257, 261 Boettcher Health Center, 266 Cambridge University, 50 Boissevain, Charles H., 147 Cameron, Donald, 229 Boston, MA, 23, 56, 76, 93 Cajori, Florian, 102, 204 Boston Normal School of Cajori, Florian , Jr., 96 Gymnastics, 209 Campus Club, 258 Boucher, Stanley, 218, 219, 220 Cape Anne, MA, 60, 61 Boulder, CO, 3, 53, 103, 159, 161, Carey, Nettie, 242 237 Carlyle, Thomas, 83 Bowley, A. L., 148 Carter, Harvey L., 221 Boxboro, MA, 70 Carter, Harvey T., 220-221 Bradford, William, 76 Carter, Ruth, 221 Bradley, Richard, 225, 272 Cary, 60 Braintree, MA, 55, 61 Castle Rock, CO, 22 Bramhall Award, 163 Cauvel-Gray-Fox-Mertz plan, 186 A COLORADO COLLEGE READER Page 275 INDEX Cauvel, Jane, 186, 190 Coburn Library, 29, 245, 250, 259, Cedar Rapids, IA, 207 260 Celeste, Dick, 232, 273 Co-Curricular Committee, 224 Centennial (Colorado College), Colarossi Academy of Art, 115 180, 198, 223 “College Gulch,” 206 Central City, CO, 7, 17, 27, 38, 55, Colorado College Alpine 61 Journal, 231 Cercle Francais, 207 Colorado College Campus Chamber of Commerce (Colorado Association (CCCA), 263 Springs), 204 Colorado College Mountain Cabin, Chambersburg, PA, 7 228-229 Chapman, Edward N., 150, 151, Colorado College Mountain Club, 152 202, 217-222, 224, 226, 231 Charleston (dance), 134, 253-254 Colorado Foundation for Research Cheney, Elizabeth, 100, 103, 246 in Tuberculosis, 147, 150 Cheney, Mrs., 100, 103 Colorado Mountain Club, 213- Chenoweth, Mary, 271 214, 220 Cheyenne Canyon, 42 Colorado Mountain College, 233 Cheyenne Mountain, 42, 116, 124 Colorado Outward Bound School, Cheyenne Mountain High School, 233 153 Colorado Springs, CO, 3, 9, 13, Chicago, IL, 144,152,163 123, 237 Chicago Tribune, 144 Colorado Springs City Council, Chicago World’s Fair, 113 163, 167, 172-173, 196-198, Chico Basin Ranch, 118, 121 256 Child Care Center, 272 Colorado Springs Colony Christ, Carl, 152 Company, 9, 15, 27, 29, 30, Ciceronian Club, 207 33 Cincinnati Art School, 113 Colorado Springs High School, Cincinnati, OH, 112-113, 117, 121 118, 121, 123 Colorado Springs Public Utilities, Civil Rights Act of 1964, 268 167 Climbers Club, 221 Colorado Summer School, 244 Climbing Association of Colorado Colorado-Wyoming Political College, 231 Science Association, 171 Climbing Magazine, 221 Columbian Clubhouse, 240 A COLORADO COLLEGE READER Page 276 INDEX Columbia University, 21, 189, Cushman, Superintendent, 53 255, 256 Cutler Hall, 22, 41, 63, 119, 120, Committee on Committees, 180 160 Comparative Literature, 270 Cutler, Henry, 60, 61 Congregational Association of Colorado (Congregational Danforth Foundation, 198 Conference), 3, 7, 9, 13, 27, Danson, Forrest, 148, 152 29, 30-31, 32, 237 Dartmouth College, 45 Connecticut River Valley, 81 Dartmouth Outing Club, 220 Conservatory of Music, 102 Davies, Thurston, 155, 161, 168 Constant, Benjamin, 113 Davis, Eleanor, 209-213, 214, 251 Contemporary literary society, Davis, Harold T., 147, 148, 150, 251, 258 151, 152, 204 Coombs, Colby, 230-231 Dean of Women, 246-247 Cornell University, 233 Debreu, Gerard, 152 Cornerstone Arts Center, 246 Dedham, MA, 32 Cossitt, Frederick H., 251 Delta Gamma, 258 Cossitt Hall, 144, 224, 251, 262 Delta Kappa Epsilon, 76 Costick, Rita, 265 Denver, CO, 3, 9, 13, 29, 30, 31, Cowels, Elizabeth, 219 68, 101, 128 Cowles, Alfred, 3d, 143-152 “Despondency” vase, 125 Cowles, Betsy, 217 Dewey, Charles Melville, 115 Cowles and Company, 147 Dexter, Henry M., 58 Cowles Commission, 143-152 Dickson, John, 225 Cowles Foundation, 144 Dills, R. S., 15 Crabtree, David, 228 Divide, CO, 228 Crested Butte, CO, 13, 225 Dodge, Clarence P., 123 Creston Needle, 210, 213 Dougherty, James G., 3, 15, 16, Crestone Peak, 210 35, 37-38, 58, 61, 67, 109 Cripple Creek, CO, 92, 144, 207 Doges Palace, 106 Cripple Creek Days, 257 Dominick, Mabel, 256 Crooks, Samuel, 61 Donhauser, Paul S., 125 Crosby, Steve, 233 “Draconian,” 186 Cross, R. C., 17 Drake, George, 183, 187, 188 Crystola, CO, 206 Dramatic Club, 251 Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Drucker, Peter, 183 34 Duncombe, Margaret, 270, 271 A COLORADO COLLEGE READER Page 277 INDEX Duniway, Clyde A., 140 Facilities Services Department, Duvenek, Frank 113 128, 129 Faculty Club, 271-272 Earle Flagpole, 246 Faculty Fall Conference (1969), East College (Amherst College), 186 76 Faculty Wives Club, 271 Econometrica, 148 Fairmount Cemetery, 4, 68 econometrics, 143, 145 Farewell to Ormes, 215 Econometric Society, 145, 148, Felicity, OH, 112 150, 152 Feuer, Michael, 231 Economics Department, 144, 185 Films Committee, 224 Edwards, Jonathan, 3, 13, 15, Finley, Judy, 185 32, 33, 34, 35, 61, 67 First Congregational Church Edwards, Justin, 15, 239 (Baltimore, MD), 83 Effective Executives, 183 First Congregational Church Effie, Dolphus, and Tandy, 175 (Colorado Springs), 17, 32 Ehrman, Mrs. G. E., see Davis, First National Bank (Colorado Eleanor Springs), 33, 123 Eleven Mile Reservoir, 228 Fisher, Irving, 148 Ellingwood, Albert Russell, 168, Fisher, T. J., 123 206-213, 214, 215, 218 Florence, Italy, 71 Ellingwood Arete, 213 Folk Rock and Dance Committee, Ellingwood Peak, 208, 213 224 Elmira Reformatory, 91 Ford Foundation, 190 El Pomar Sports Center, 268 Fountain Valley School, 216 Ely, Richard T., 91 Four Corners, 216 Emmerson, John Kenneth, 171, Fox, Douglas, 186, 190 175 fraternity serenade, 254 Empire, CO, 55 fraternity system, 240 Endowment Policy (Tenney), Freed, Elaine, 185 37-38 Free Speech Movement, 262 England, 50, 110-111 French, Solon Tenney, 15, 34, 35 Essex Woods, 60 Freshman Outdoor Orientation Evans, Rowland, Jr., 195 Trip (FOOT), 227-228, 229, Evanston, IL, 209, 213 233 Evergreen Cemetery, 193 Frisch, Ragnar, 145, 148, 151 Fuller, Timothy, 184 A COLORADO COLLEGE READER Page 278 INDEX Greeley, CO, 31 Galloway, George D., 122 Green River, 227 Gambrill, Mrs. Cornelius S., see Greenwood, CO, 53, 55 Mackenzie, Minnie Greenwood, Colonel, 52 Gamma Phi Beta, 258 Gregg, J. B., 68 Garden of the Gods, 42, 209, 210, Griffiths, Mel, 216, 219 218, 219, 221, 231, 236, 249 Grinnell College, 187 Gately, Bill, 183 Gates, Julia, 258 Hagerman Hall, 154, 157, 240, Gaylord, Edith Kinney, 246 242, 251, 257, 259 General Education Board, 87 Haire, Curt, 222 Georgetown, CO, 55 Halleck, Parker Sedgwick, 3, 242 Germany, 81, 83 Hamlin House, 258 G.I. Bill of Rights, 161, 217 Hanover, NH, 45 Gilman, Daniel Coit, 83, 85 Harbison Award, 198 Gilmore-Stabler Cabin, 229, 230 Hart, Stephen, 213 Gilpin County, CO, 42, 58 Harvard University, 19, 36, 87, Gilpin, William, 55 110 Girard College, 17, 24 Harvey, Rose, 268 Girl’s Athletic Association, 251 Haskell, Florence Edwards, 2, 4, 5, Girl’s Glee Club, 251 9, 29, 236-237 Girl’s Mandolin Club, 251 Haskell, Thomas Nelson, 1, 3, Gladden, Washington, 91 9-13, 16, 29, 30, 32, 33, Glen Eyrie, 1, 42, 236 35-36, 37, 58, 67, 82, Goddard, Mrs., 103 236-237 Golden, Laura, 268 Hatch, Mrs. Mary Tenney, 18, 238 Goldmark, Rubin, 102 Hayden, Professor, 42, 49 Goodwill store, 189 Hispanics, 41 Gordon, Henry, 19 Hitler, Adolph, 168, 256 Gordon, Joe, 229 Hoag, Barton, 210 Grafton, MA, 39, 76, 78 Hodges, Albert, 203 Grand Tetons, 213, 214, 219 Hollerith (IBM) punch card, 148 grasshoppers of 1874, 15, 35 Holmes, Agnes, 121 Gray, Glenn, 186, 190 Holmes, William, 118 Great Book, 222 Homecoming Parade, 264 Great Depression, 143, 144, 217, Hooper House, 240 257 Hopkins, Mark, 87 A COLORADO COLLEGE READER Page 279 INDEX Hopkinton, MA, 61 Joseph M.
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