University of Tennessee

University of Tennessee

blK, A NN OltN C. -e. Yn -e,iT r'Y\-ed I'cal D~ f)orTmeAJI U,v; uers ~r'l N Ctsh v; 1\~ m -eo~\' CC\ \ Co Il-e.~ e.... NQshv; I'leo I -I e NN --_._--------_.-_._-------~--------------~ , ;-------- --'" .._~-_. --.._- ------- PI''? (:1DV. 01. kPrM C .se-vi -{$ 3: l-h5tbyi~~1 b~t.t-lnl.!-ni:~ 8o'x.Q FD/dcrlf¢ ~ ao <.l:1 1:: a(1) 8 o Q ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE r SPR1tW )ND SPEClj\L COURSE OF I~STRUCTION 188L OF THE MEDI~ AL DEr ARTMENT ijNIVER~ITY ~r TENNE~~~E, ~ I£.US] ('1JJJJ TQ elJ 11 -1J Qfj '0 . ~ ......o +oJ ......C\l Qo rn «rn (l) QD (l) ~ ,..-(o ­ U eo r.::: 5e 8o Cl orth Market Street immediately north of the Public ANNOUNOE~r}1J' T. 1'11" np~ulul' Fu('ult)" (If til<' _fpdi('ul Tl"\lfIl'tllll'nt (If tlll' (Tnin'l',ity of 1'l'l1l1c:-"ee Ill<' LTn"llYillp )[pdi,'nl Col1l'~c will j,C';!:in l\ SI'ECl U. 01'1 sE of fA'C'hll'P" of nitH' w(·('l\.~, ('nlnln('n('in~ on l\fonday~ Feb. 28, awl cnding: Saturday, .t }wil30, 18Rt 'I'hi" COlll'Se of Lp,·tul'(" will1w (lfli.'I'l'd to ,\(lYulll'pd "ttl,lt-llh nlld I'l'l1l'titiollPI'S at 011(' (If tlH' Illost (il\,(ll'n1>I,' ,uHl ('(lII\'C'lli"llt ","l"OIlS of I1H' y""l' for ohtnillill~ i11stl'lI('­ tioll ill "pceinl dC']1:tl'tllll'l1ts of' ::Ifp(!iei'll' allll Rll1'~cl'). 'l'lll' 1"'illpil"ll topie" to 11,' 1'1'I'sl'Ilted willlJl' liS follows: 1'1'(11'. '\Y. K. BO"'LI NO, 'If. n.. L.I,. D.,l " t' ])' 11'1' 11)' I' Prof'. D!',Enf:U .J. noBEnTS, 'If. I)., I '~)"II'" Ie lspa-,' 'lIIl ly,Il'U 11Ig-1l0S s. Prof..r. BEnnfE.- 1,1. 'D'-LEY. 'If. D.• ~tatl' Pl'I'\l'l1tin 'Ifl'dil·i11p. 1"',,1'. (lI<;O. ~. HI.. (']n K ::II. D.. (";dill.) Ph. D., ITl'illal'Y .\ lIal,l'sis. Prof'. IH- _'C.\ . EYE, 'If. D.. Ol't1lop"'\ic ~l1n... I'I'.\, allll PI':ll,ticnl !IllhtrntiOlh of .\IIIJ'11tntio11s nlld Hp,(,(,tioll:-. TI:<'1I10\'l']IIl~I" .,g I'1'0f'.•r. BF.'Y.L' RTgPlllL'S, 'If. D.. ['t('rim' alld ()l'pl'lIti\'c e..-. ::II id wifl'l')", ­o Stll'~j(,lIl rn Prof. 'I'llOS. O. R IT '11:\11<: n..;.•\. :\I .. 'If. n.. .\I1l\hll11. IIml .\1 il'l'o,,'OP}' s:: T o Pruf. ,Yo F. (lLE.-"-.:\1. 1).,U'·l1ilo-I l'illnr)· Tlbl'lll':-, ] 1'1'Of'.•J. ..;, .'<r\\-LL'. ::II. 1>.. l'krillp lli,pltWI'IlH'l1t- alllI OYlI1'i1l1 J)j"'Il-"'. "8 Pmf'. ". ::Ir. , EH'I'HI~I';";, \r. D .. Di ('a-l' of T11fillll'Y allll Chil,]ho(l(l. .,g ('I'of'. ,r. U. SI. CL.\fH.. f. ])., 0l'thnltlloh'gy and Ot(ll(l~~ . Pruf'. \\. n. BR[ J>. " ~1. D.• LL. 1>., . [edit'a] ,Jmi. pl'lllll'Il(·l'. -e o Prof'. P.\ ITL I·'. 1<,\'E•• 1. [) 1 [' .] \ tt:: P!'of'. .rOIl.T .\. no(n~1{S.. i: D. I I'nl'tll'll" nntoTIlY· 5 [11 ncldiliOf/ to th,' nhoY(' didll<'lil' <'lIurBI', -(lc·('ial ntt"lltioll will ]Il' I-(l\'('f/ to ('Iill;­ e rol 111.,ll'lIl'liolt. 8o 'fll(' Di,,('c,tilli.l; Hoorm; will Ilt' (ll'l'll jil[' Itlly amount of' prlll·ti'·1l1 "I)rk thnt Inll) o Ilt' (It·sin',!. THE FEE FOR 'l.'HE ElSTIRE COURSE WILL BE $30. To stucl"nts Irho ntt '1"\ Hud Il,·,il'(' tll n'!tu'll tIll' 1'011(1\\ ill~ II illtpl'. tl11' "]I(I\,l' reI' will he d,',ln<'ll'(! t'rtllll th 'il' n'~u]nl' fall Hl\ll wintl'r <l'"ion'< tuition.. TIll' ill,;tl'lldion,; thl'Ou~hout will hl' of II thoroughly prlll'tical natnrl', r,perially mlaptrd to thMc ,;t11l1rllts who 11>\\" madl' ,;ome progre", in tll('il' ,;tudil's, and to r 1'I'l\ctitioners who de,irr to lI1akl' n bril'f, yd thorough, pl'llctiell1 rl'vil'W of thrir profl'""ional ,;tuuil''', lllld to whom mo"t eXl'l'lll'nt opportunitie,; will he oft'rred for ohtllillin~ pl'lll'tielll ilhtrlletion in ,;!wl'ial departnH'nts of lI1l'tlil'inr alld ,;urgNy, TIll' fril'1ll1s of thc ~rcdieal ])l'pllrtmellt of thc rni\'cn'ity of Tl'tllH"'l'C tht> .'a"lnillc ~Teeliea1 ('olll'~c will 1ll' plea"ed to 1ellrn th,\t the 1a"t was the most 1'rll>'pcrOlh y"'H of its ('Xistl'IH'l', .\n unintl'rruptl'd pro"pl'rit~ hilS markl'd it,; ('U1I1'''l' fl'01l1 the 1ll'~inninl(; tlll' 1I10"t san~uine l'ould not b,\Yl' l'xIll'l'ted mor(', Thl' growth h,\'; bl'('11 mpid and ,;ub,tantia1. _~o "imilllr in"titution ellll ('x1\ihit a UIOI'(' ';lIt isfal'tory pro~r(',;,;, This i,; lll11att('r of just prid(' or the plll't of thl' Fal'ulty, IInel of th'lIlkfuhwss 011 t1ll'ir 1'llrt for tl\<' lib"l'l\lnnd 1dndly n"si,;t'lll('e of it, fri('nd., 'T'hl'~' hope thnt this slll'('l'''S is nut unll1 rill'd, It has 1)('('n tlll'ir aim to p1al'e the iu­ stitntion whi<.'h they 1'(,]11'(',;('nt fully llhl'('ll,;t, if not in mhlln('r, of thr o1<I""t 111111 he.t in the IlIlId, '1'0 thi,; l'lHl 11(Ithillg has ]Wl'1I l"ft undolH', Full) r,,('o!:\nizillg th" ju,;t a('lllnna for i'll'l'('as('a 1l'n~th of l'our,;('s of instruction, they hav(' heen lea to adel t his to tIll' other 1Il0\ (,1I11'lIts of pro~r('"s ana a(hanl'(' lwrl'tofore ('"t,\lJli,;lw(1. This vil'iually ext('IHls the ('OUI'Se to n('arl~' l1il1f months of eoll('~iat(' instruction, Diela('(ic !rctul'('s will b(' d('li\'el'l'(1 hy tlH' diJrcl'('nL professo]'s on th(' SUbjl'ets llssil(lH'd th('m, lind ill l\,ldition fr(''1uent CXlllllim\tions aUl'ing tlw ('OUI'S(' will tak" p11H'e upon the subjl'ets pr(',;('nted in the ll'elurc" ('lilli<'s will be 1ll'1<1 ill tlll' Col1('~e '\lIlphitlll'atre for hoth nll'dienl, ,ul'~ienll\nd ~YIH"'ologil'al <.'IH;C', at which "Xl\lninntions will lw malIc 1)y nll'1l1hcrs of thl' \'la,~, a""i"t"d by tIll' PI'ofl',;so 1'", pl'l'';l'riptions given ,\lid i'urgil'a1 opl'l'atiol1>; pcr­ fOl'nll'd ill tIll' 11l'l'''l'U('l' of the clns", TIll' Anatomicl\1 Iloom", amply suppli(,a with matNial, will be 01'l'n l'1\('h (by fol' th(' plll'pO';C of cnablin~ "lIl'h ,tudl'nts as mu)' lIei'il'e to ped'l'l't tlll'mseh'(', in thi, important bl'l\lIl'h, 01' to fauliliHl'ir.l' tlH'm~l'I\'l's with pl'l\ctil'al ~urgel'Y hy 1\lClIn,; of .,g openltions on the (,Illla \'l'I', e..-. ­o s::rn o ] •• "8 .,g - IAL :TOTIOE. Tn n118ll'('I' to nUIlICI'OIl~ inquil'i,',; upon til(' stlhjed, thl' I?!ll'ulty acsil'e to stall thnt this CO\lr~e is fol' the sl'('eild hl'ndH of «(hanfed ,~tl/dcnfs (lnd I'1'9 1t [ol' ji/'(/rli" liol1l'1'8, and is entin,ly di~tind f,'011l till' I'l'gubr conl'~('. So d'yl'co lI,hafaC/' will bl' fOlt/co'cd in connel'/ioll It'ifh Ihis COIII'SC, but note will lw m'1<1(' 01' ]lmflcil'n('y or tho~" who nUl} ~\l.b"l'(luentl) 'lpply fol' p;l'mltllltio11. Goocl hOllrd lit fmlll sa to :34 pI'" wl'('l.. 1"01' 1\(1ditioUlll infol'lJIl1tioll, m1l1rl''' DUNCAN EVE, M. D., Deatl, 1.)!l Chtl1'l'h ~l., ... J a,;llVilll', Tcnu. -' I'" v~n ey - --<-, of tke ./lIledtical 0epartment oj the S:niver. ity of:Jenne see, ihe JVasnville J/Iledical Colle,o'e, 'will begin JLonday, :!epte;;1,ber 5tiz, 18 1. cl.~ alogz~e Lvi " be ent on application to 0uncan ,~ve, Ail. 0.. 0eal1, ~ ­o rJ)c:: 15(., Ch,u1~ch :!tYce , o ] JVa v1Le, ffe11iz. "8 ~- eo rJ:: 5 e 8o o SIXTH ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Me~ical Department, Universiwof Tennessee, ~ t'"' 0 ..,p) .-~ aq n .-CJ en 0 r+ lI.I lI.I ~ p) < (') Q,) C bD r+ Q,) '<- -0 0 -() p) -0 C'It -CJ '< .-"'0 OJ a:: n =s P-_. c:: (') C'It p) CJ ..c - ~ .- (') ­o Q,)"'" 0 rIlc:: e· o -0 <t: aq- Q,) n ] .a ,... .... 0 8 r+ o· ::r' ~ - n OJ -e .c'"' en o e 0 ~ OJ c 5 ::s ?' e 8 oo Session of 1880-87 will begin Monday, ~ept. 6, 880, For further particulars address DUNCAN EVE, M. D., NASHVILLlll. TENN. " FREE CLINIC AT THE COLLEGE, Market Street, North of Public Square, NASHVILLE, TE N., Established by and Undef the _iato COntrol of the Pl'Ofessom. OPE VER DAY, rom 10 2 'e10 k, A. ., ( ptedJ ) POR 1'S OF VIR II DOF ~WIO JIJIY AttlllClance I)d Surpal 0 Liolll Perfor ed Fr of Cbarge. eo ~ 'f J'I of th verI day to treat II P s as pres t th m 1 Poor women will be attended at th ir homes doring their confinements by second coors stodents, onder the supervl!Iion of th rofe88or of Obstetrics aud Dis ases of Women, Free of Charge, if application be mao at the Coli g .

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