^ ti-^ y - V Average Daily Circulation The Weatfier For .tim Month o f ApriL 1841 Foreeaat of U. 8. Waattei 6,722 Fair aad eoatlaaod ooal light to heavy froata la ^ Member of the Aadlt tioaa; Snaday fair mm Bozami of OtnaUtkma M anche»ter-^A City of ViUago Charm (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CE V0L.LX„N0.183 (ClaaalSed Adverttaiag On Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1941 Royal Air Force Field Reported Shelled in Iraq Congress Hunting Battle at come- For New Revenue » •. •'A. ,',>ti r i / - 't*.. Enters Second Day; As ‘Minimum’ Set Roosevelt's Goal Same Nazis Giving^ No Aid Calles Goes As Previously Recom* I mended by Treasury; Back Home Reich's Deepest Sympa­ Re|Vo|1s Reach London ^Stress Lai(l Upop Duty Iraqui Latte Of nHtish Reverses in thy with Iraq, But No If Every American to To M exico .indication Any Mate-, Iraq; Brhish Reiter­ Contribute to Defense. Hole in Hot rial Aid Has Been or' ate Asser^nn Strife Former *Strong Affm* At- Washington, May 3.— (A*)— Will Be Given; 21 Brit-1 Desert Area Provoked hy irMuis; Congress today began hunt­ $erU United States ish Airplanes Reported Swiss Quote Commu­ ing in earnest for additional Will Have Him as Good revenue after hearing from D isable by Iraq Fliers Scene of Battle Crucial nique Qaiming Friend in Nation. President Roosevelt that “a —Won?t Disclose Stand To British Interests Aircraft Destroyed. minimum” of $3,500,000,000 San Diego, Calif., May 3—(AP)— in extra taxes would be need-* In Middle East 60 Bulletin! Aa stoical aa a Yachl Indian, yet Berlin, May —Ger­ ed to pay part of the extraor­ Miles from Baghdad, bitterly outspoken against what he many’s deepest syiRpathy is London, May 3.—(A*)—Sir dinary defense costs. The regarded aa “la tendencia Com- This la the airmen’s qqarters at the R. A. F. airdrome, Habbanlyali. airport, Iraq, which waa re­ with Iraq, an authorized Kinahan Cornwallis, Britisk goal, announce^ by the presi­ munlata" in hia native Mexico, a ported being shelled by Iraq forces after the British had landed troops^ in Iraq “to maintain communl- spokesman declared today, Washington, May 3—(F)—Lake ambassador to Iraq, reported:| dent last night in a letter to stem-faced political exile clumped cationa.'.’ German radio/broadcaata asaerted Raahtd AH A! Gailam, pro-Axis memier of Iraq aioce a but there was no indication Habbanlyah, around which British to London today that **aH la ' Chairman Doughton (D., N. down from a transport plane at recent coup, had caUed on hia people to take arms against Brit|Hh. * ' and Iraqi troops now are fighting the duaty International airport that any material aid had quiet in Baghdad. 'While tke C.), of the House Ways and a battle crucial to British interests Just north of Brownsville, Texas. been or will be given. Berlin situation there is tense, no in* ^ Means Committee, was the That waa five years ago, Mexico in tee Moslem Middle EasL is a took the deepest interest in big hole in the blistering hot des­ cident has so far occurred,’* 1 same as recommended previ­ waa plunging headlong Into social reports of military develop­ an official announcement said.i_^ revolution and Ex-President Plut- Child Courts, ert about sixty miles west of ously by Treasury Secretary ' 'Liveijwiol Chief Target fabled Baghdad. arco EUaa Calles knew then that it ments and a dispatch which Morgenthau. waa aa much as his life was worth said Iraq fliers had smashed On its shores the British' have London, May 3. - - (/!>-* The strcM, however,- which Mr. to re-croaa the border. Probation Act 21 British planes was received established an airfield as a bsSe Fighting between British and RooMvelt laid upon the duty, of Yet Mexico endured that seeth­ for planes to patrol tee vital Oil O f German Air Raiders with satisfaction. But to a Iraq forces at Habbaniyak every American to contribute to ing tranaiUon, aa it bad the pipelines stretching across tee the nation’a defenm “in accord­ bloodier upheavals that preceded it May Be Passed question whether Iraq had desert friim Kirkuk, tee heart of airdrome stretched into the ance with hla talenta and trea- and, with the healing of old politi­ j^ombs by Thousands asked German aid, authorized tee rich Mosul fields, to Haifa In second day, an official an­ aure” emphasized the admlniatra- cal wounds under the new regime ' • , / Palestine and Tripoli In Syria (not nouncement said today, aa re­ tion’a determination not to lower of President Avila Camacho, it has Planning Big spokesman replied that Ger­ to be confused with tee Axis base ita Bights in seeking additional Chance NoW for Legisla­ Batter Industrial T>n- of tee same name in Libya). ports reached London of Bnt-..J become possible for the “atfong many is not ready to express funds. man" to return again to his home­ ter; Fear Heavy Cas­ an attitude. The patrols—of seaplanes from ish reverses in the vital, oil*i Letter Made Public tion; M-^y Be ^ Dis­ land. Reshuffle of He pointed out that Germany tee glassy lake created by over­ rich Middle Eastern kingdonu ualties, Destruction. In a letter made public at Char-: Through with Politica ' trict }u d g e^ ^ Single haa no well-eatabliahed diplomatic flow from the nearby Euphrates, The statement, reiterating lotteavUIe, Va., where he w a . vlalt- Through with politica and- con- relations with Iraq and saifi there snd Isndplsnea from tee treeless Ing at the home of hia military System for Probation. the British assertion that tkffi Liverpool, May 3.—(/P)— j Work Shifts are no ready means for exchang­ aide, MaJ. Gen. Edwin M. Watson, (Continaed Os Pags Two) ing viewpoints. (OoBtinnsd On Paga Eight) Iraqis provoked the stnlikci German raiders, showering I the president told Doughton; Hartford, May 3—(iP)—ITie pon- "But there la no question where said only that sonie Iraqi "I hope your committee, with deringa of the Judiciary Commit­ bombs by the thousands, bat­ N. A. M. Jumps in to Germany’s sympathy lies and the tillery had been silenced the hflp of the Treasury, Mfill for­ tee over a Juvenile court-probation tered this vast Merseyside in­ world and Iraq know it perfectly mulate a tax bin which will con­ Back President in well," he said. Legion Urges “the flghting continues.” Federal Crop bill led to mild optimiam today dustrial and shipping center 'At tee same time, a Swi^radte, vince the coimtry that a national Side-Step ' Speculation defense program intended to pro­ among General Assembly observ­ last night and early today in Effort to Get More broadcMt heard here quoted ati^ Everyone in Berlin, however, tect our democracy la not going to ers that some form of legislation the severest atteck here in Iraq communique claiming, that $6 v Insurance May Hours of Production. waa aide-atepping speculation aa Navy Convoys make the rich richer and the poor might result. months—an attack from to-whether the war would spread BriUrti aircraft had been deatroyM ^ poorer." The committee waa said to have on Habbanlyah airfield, a BrittHi which casualties find destruc­ suddenly into the Near East; a devdted long hours In executive Washington, May 8.—(F) — De­ general air of expectancy prevail­ base 50' mUes vron of Baghda4r' Without specifically listing For Aid Ships sources from which aa additional Get Extension seiiioa yesterday to conaiderbig tion were fe«red heavy.. The ed and while there waa nqthlng and saying Britlw motorised 4sr fense olllelala were understood to-led and while there waa nqtl 83,5<>0,0()0,000 could coUacted. 4atalla day to have In min# aweepin'^'pi^ WbatawlHft’ b« tM surfi^te Jus- ■-— -teemneHts hnAwied atterngt catt ffiT5i»m rra to occupy andther airfield. ' Mr. Roosevelt declU^ that addi-' fbr 4 ^ eofist, ipifishing there waa, nevertheleas, a tlonal taxes “should be baaed'on President Approves In­ vehile Judgu and sstabliahment of possla for rearrangement of Indus­ general impresalon that there Asks President to Give D r a a ^ Teas ot BooAa the principle of ability to pay.” He a statewide probation setup in­ dwellings and taking. lives in trial workers’ shifts ao that fac­ would be important developments Iraqute said that their PiJteaS clusion of Products cluding sdUIta snd Juvenllea Nation All Facts o f had dropped 30 tons ot bomba also recommended that the Feder­ an east Aniplian town, but tories may operate more hours in a short time. , al revenue system be made “eva- Several welfare and civic It was conceded teat events in Habpdqlyah airdrome, and that .. Other Than Wl|Cat; Liverpool for the second 'suc­ each week. The proposals. It waa Peril; Asks Perkins sion-proof and so devised that groups, interested for years in a Iraq might have an important by British motorised unHlq. cessive night was Target No. said lil‘ Informed quarters, proba­ every Individual and every corpor­ May Affect Parity. statewide Juvenile court ay item bearing on Turkish policy. But in To Resign Her Office Rusba (Rutbah) stroo|^ and unified probation system, col­ . ‘ . bly would caU for voluntary action old and RuSba airdrome had ' ation will bear its fair ehare of' 1 situation of the greatest deli­ the tax burden." laborated to produce the bill. - The attack along the dock-lined by tee management and labor. cacy, responathle spokesmen were frustrated. Washington, May 3.—OP)—Pres­ Technical problema and tee ex­ Indtanapoila, May Then, without additional Inter­ Under Its terms, among other Mersey river "waa heavy and reluctant to make definite asser­ (A British broadciut, heard pretation, he declared; ident Roosevelt has approved the changes, Juvenile courts establish­ laated several hours," a terse eom- tra pay in many Industriea for tions.
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