Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for Northeast Ohio Federal Fiscal Years 2015-2018 NORTHEAST OHIO AREAWIDE COORDINATING AGENCY 1299 Superior Ave. January 2015 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) is a public organization serving the counties of and municipalities and townships within Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Medina (covering an area with 2.1 million people). NOACA is the agency designated or recognized to perform the following functions: • Serve as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), with responsibility for comprehensive, cooperative and continuous planning for highways, public transit, and bikeways, as defi ned in the current transportation law. • Perform continuous water quality, transportation-related air quality and other environmental planning functions. • Administer the area clearinghouse function, which includes providing local government with the opportunity to review a wide variety of local or state applications for federal funds. • Conduct transportation and environmental planning and related demographic, economic and land use research. • Serve as an information center for transportation and environmental and related planning. • At NOACA Board of Director direction, provide transportation and environmental planning assistance to the 172 units of local, general purpose government. NOACA’s Board of Directors is composed of 45 local public offi cials. MADIMADISONSON TWTWP.P. The Board convenes quarterly to provide a forum for members to present, NNORTHORTH E PERRPERRYRY AK LAKE L MADISONMADISON discuss and develop solutions to local and areawide issues and make GRAND RIVER PERRYPERRRY VILLAGE TWP. PAINESVILLE P A FAIRPORT HARBOR VILLAGE. FA PAINESVILLEPAINESVILLE recommendations regarding implementation strategies. As the area PERRYPERRRY 90 MENTOR ONN clearinghouse for the region, the Board makes comments and THE LAKEAKEKE THOMPSONTHOMPSON TWP.TWP. TIMBERLAKE 2 recommendations on applications for state and federal grants, 90 LAKELIN A EASTLAKE A G G G G G G U U U U U U U LAKE U A A E E E KIRTLANDKIRTLAND E G WILLOWICKWILLOOWOWICKOWICKK G with the purpose of enhancing the region’sion s social, physical, HILLSHILLS GEAUGA WICKLIFFEW CCHARDONHARDON MOMONTVILLENTVILLE HAMBDEN TWTWP.P. TTWP.WP. TWTWP.P. EEUCLIEUCLIDD environmental and land use/transportationation fabric. NOACNOACAA KIRTLAND CHARDONCHARDON 90 LAKE HIGHLAND invites you to take part in its planning process. HTS. MAYFIELDMAAYFIELD AQUILLA VILLAGEVILLAGE HHUNTSBURGUNTSBURG TTWP.WP. CCHESTERLANDHESTERLAND MMUNSONUNSON CLARIDONCLARIDON TWTWP.P. TWTWP.P. TWP.TWP. MAYFIELDMAAYFIELDD GAGATESATES Feel free to participate, to HTS.HTS. MILLS 271 SHEFFIELDD LAKLAKELAK AVONAVON LAKE MMIDDLEFIELDIDDLEFIELD ask questions andand TWTWP.P. BABAYAY RUSSELL TWTWP.P. BURTONBURTON 90 NEWBURYNEWBURY TWP.TWP. MIDDLEFIELDMIDDLEFIELD BURTONBURTON A A TWP.TWP. G G G to learn G O AVONAVON O IN IN IN H H A A A A YA Y Y Y R R R R R R R U U O O O S.S. RUSSELLRUSSELL LO L L L C C more about VERMILIONVERMILION 2 NORTH RRIDGEVILLEIDGEVILLE BROOKPARKBROOKPOKPARK 77 AUBURNAUBURN TROYTROY PPARKMANARKMAN SOLON BAINBRIDGEBAINBRIDGE PARMAPARMA PARMAPARMA VALLEYVAV LLEY TWP.TWP. TWP.TWP. TWP.TWP. MIDDLEBURGHEB HHTS.TS. VIEWVIEW TWP.TWP. A 80 A G G G G areawide HTS.S. SEVEN G O O ELYRIAELLYRIA HILLSH O H H H H H A A A 422 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y EAUGA U U GLEN U C C C INDEPENDENCEINDEPENDENCE GEAUGA G WILLOW GEAUGAGEAUGA planning. PORPORTAGETAGE BROADVIEWBROADVIEW N. ROYALTONROYYALLTON HTS.HTS. 480480 TWTWP.P. TWTWP.P. CARLISLE EAEATONATON TWTWP.P. STRONGSVILLESTRONGSVIVILLE TTWP.WP. TWTWP.P. BRECKSVILLEBRECKSVILLE IN IN A A R R R R OBERLINOBERLIN O O L L GRAFTONGRAFTON SUMMITSUMMIT KIPTONKIPTON 80 BRUNSWICBRUNSWIC 80 PITTPITTSFIELDSFIELD GRAFTONGRAFTON LIVERPOOL HINCKLEYHINCKLEY CAMDENCAMDEN TWTWP.P. La GRANGEGRANGE TWTWP.P. TWP.TWP. TWP.TWP. La GGRANGERANGE T TWTWP.P. I BRUNSWICBRUNSWICKK M TTWP.WP. M U S 271271 PORTAGE WELLINGTONWELLINGTON TWP.TWP. BRIGHTONBRIGHTON MMEDINAEDINA LLITCHFIELDITCHFIELD YOYORKRK TWTWP.P. TWP.TWP. PENFIELD TTWP.WP. TWTWP.P. WELLINGTONWELLINGTON TWTWP.P. GRANGER TTWP.WP. T I M M U MEDINA LORAINLORAIIN MMEDINAEDINA S MEDINA ROCHESTERROCHESTER 77 HUNTINGTONHUNTINGTON CHACHATHAMATHAM LAFLAFAYETTEFAYETTE MONTVILLEMONTVILLE SHARONSHARON ROCHESTERROCHESTER TWP.TWP. SPENCERSPENCER TWTWP.P. TWTWP.P. TWP.TWP. TWTWP.P. TWP.TWP. SSPENCERPENCER TWTWP.P. BriarwoodBriarwood BeachBeach ChippewaChippewa on the Lake WADSWORTHWADSWORTH WESTFIELDWESTFIELD TWP.TWP. GUILFORD TW LODI HOHOMERMER WESTFIELDWESTFIELD For more TWTWP.P. CENTERCENTER HARRISVILLEHARRISVILLE ADSWORTHH SEVILLESEVILLE information, call TWP.TWP. 7171 (216) 241-2414 or log on at www.noaca.org 2015 NOACA BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OFFICERS President: Ted Kalo, Assistant Secretary: Richard Heidecker, Commissioner, Lorain County Columbia Township, Lorain County First Vice President: Daniel P. Troy Treasurer: Valarie J. McCall, Commissioner, Lake County Chief of Government & International Affairs, City of Cleveland Second Vice President: Adam Friedrick, Assistant Treasurer: Julius Ciaccia, Jr., Commissioner, Medina County Executive Director, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Secretary: Armond Budish, Assistant Treasurer: Susan Infeld, County-Executive, Cuyahoga County Mayor, City of University Heights Assistant Secretary: Michael Summers, Immediate Past President: Mary E. Samide, Mayor, City of Lakewood Former Commissioner, Geauga County BOARD MEMBERS CUYAHOGA COUNTY Valarie J. McCall, Chief of Government & International Affairs Samuel J. Alai, Ted Kalo, Mayor, City of Broadview Heights Mamie J. Mitchell, Commissioner, Lorain County Councilwoman, City of Cleveland Tanisha R. Briley, Matt Lundy, City Manager, Cleveland Heights Terrell Pruitt, Commissioner, Lorain County Councilman, City of Cleveland Armond Budish, Chase M. Ritenauer, County-Executive, Cuyahoga County Matthew L. Spronz, P.E., PMP, Mayor, City of Lorain Capital Projects Director William R. Cervenik, Mayor, City of Euclid GEAUGA COUNTY MEDINA COUNTY Scott E. Coleman, Walter Claypool, Lynda Bowers, Mayor, City of Highland Heights Commissioner, Geauga County Trustee, Lafayette Township Glenn Coyne, Blake A. Rear, Adam Friedrick, Executive Director, Planning Commission Commissioner, Geauga County Commissioner, Medina County Timothy J. DeGeeter, Ralph Spidalieri, Patrick Patton, Mayor, City of Parma Commissioner, Geauga County Engineer, City of Medina Ann Marie Donegan, Michael J. Salay, P.E., P.S., Mayor, Olmsted Falls Engineer, Medina County LAKE COUNTY Anthony T. Hairston, James R. Gills, P.E., P.S., Councilman, Cuyahoga County Engineer, Lake County REGIONAL AND STATE Susan K. Infeld, Raymond Jurkowski, Mayor, City of University Heights GREATER CLEVELAND REGIONAL TRANSIT General Manager, Laketran AUTHORITY (GCRTA) Charles E. Smith, Kevin Malecek, Joseph A. Calabrese, Mayor, City of Woodmere Commissioner, Lake County CEO and General Manager Robert A. Stefanik, Judy Moran, Mayor, City of North Royalton NORTHEAST OHIO REGIONAL SEWER Commissioner, Lake County DISTRICT (NEORSD) Michael P. Summers, Daniel P. Troy, Julius Ciaccia, Jr., Mayor, City of Lakewood Commissioner, Lake County Executive Director Deborah L. Sutherland, Mayor, City of Bay Village CLEVELAND-CUYAHOGA COUNTY PORT LORAIN COUNTY AUTHORITY Bonita G. Teeuwen, P.E., Holly Brinda, Mayor, City of Elyria William D. Friedman, Director of Public Works, Cuyahoga County President/CEO Kenneth P. Carney, Sr., P.E., P.S., Engineer, Lorain County CITY OF CLEVELAND OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION G. David Gillock (ODOT) Freddy Collier Jr., Mayor, North Ridgeville Myron S. Pakush, Director, City Planning Commission Deputy Director, District 12 Richard Heidecker, Martin J. Keane, Trustee, Columbia Township Ex offi cio Member: Councilman, City of Cleveland NOACA DIRECTORS Grace Gallucci, Randy Lane, William Davis, Executive Director Director of Programming Associate Director of Operations Management Marvin Hayes, Kathy Sarli, Jonathan Giblin, Director of Communications & Director of Planning Associate Director of Compliance Public Affairs Mark Zannoni, Cheryl A. Kurkowski, CPA, Director of Reseach, Analysis & Policy Director of Finance & Operations 1) Title & Subtitle 2) NOACA Report No. Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for Northeast Ohio: Federal Fiscal Years 2015-2018 3) Author(s) 4) Report Date Kelley Britt, Meredith H. Davis, Chad Harris, Jim Thompson 5) Performing Organization Name & Address 6) Project Task No. Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency 1299 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114-3204 7) NOACA Contract/Grant No. Phone: (216) 241-2414 FAX: (216) 621-3024 ODOT/FHWA Web: www.noaca.org 8) Sponsoring Agency Name & Address 9) Type of Report & Period Covered Ohio Department of Transportation 1980 W. Broad St., Box 899 10) Sponsoring Agency Code Columbus, OH 43216-0899 11) Supplementary Notes Federal funding for this project was provided by the Federal Highway Administration and administered by the Ohio Department of Transportation. 12) Abstracts This document contains information on the unmet transportation needs of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and people with low income in Northeast Ohio; an inventory of current transportation providers and services available in the region; goals and strategies to address gaps and overlaps in service; and priorities for addressing unmet needs. 13) Key Words & Document Analysis A. Descriptors – Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities
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