I ' • SPO_»_ _ •• - . •' — ... ' ■■ -ii . „ . - i i a D av 18 C:o!np. om p. ^ ''v^Ov / / W eather HomeH : i f - : Chance O't Shower; V—1-1 — ■“ ; " " " • ■ 1^ F in al I' ' MaiM a^inValU.y ’x'Ffntnp.•I Hnme Newspaper‘ier................... " - : ' 'I TEN GENTS ; V O L . 66, N O . 61 - ^ ' '_______________ . ■■'■ TWI^JTV FALLS, IDAHO,10, FRIDATiFR ID A Y , J W E 13, 19699 . ' • ’ j o n o cCU TI o T .^ e a v e V^ i e t "~v I n~mzT • In fan try B attalionittalio n L isted, J A s F irst T o LeaveL eave W ar Z oiiei,l e ; , / p s | WASHINGTON (U PJ) -- The Vietnan:Vjetnam, the Pentagon said.lid.' . first o f,th e 25,000 Americann GGis is The S9th.'-Infantry Divisionion is ^ B q to be pulled out of Vietnamn will from FFort Carson. Colo.;; and i!.• ■ -------, ' ‘ bbe e 900 combat infantrymenI who hashos be<been fighting .recentlytly in ■ : V-: • • T •,.•••• .- wwill ill tw flown to -thc continentallental the MelMekong Delta area. OOther lher j k ^ s ^ r t _ UnltccUnited States before mid-July;-July,' recent coperations have beenen out ‘ - it w as announced today. of Doiif:Dong Taniv south of Saigon,aigon, ''' ' m DefenseDef( Secretary Melvinin R« -'A-'A,defense def spokesman snid the ’' Laird said the men'will be a Marines to be withdrawn will f ; ' — V .,969 t battalion from the Sth Infantryfantry uome fifrom .tlie vicinity ot Dong ; Division. Thc .specific battalion,taiion Ha. onlyonl 10 miles south .ofo ?the Z : .JUNE' was not immediately dcsignat-ignat- so-cailciso-callcd Demilitarized Zone. !, ed. ___ _________________ _ _Laird-said-he-approved-rec-_ L a ird d-rec-- -- i| --------- ------- * " r r ^ ' “ The first 9'OO-man troup Vwill ommeniom m endatlons of A brams and I9 .. r W R - . ■'s^ be aiairlifted before mid-JulyJly to Adm. JJohn S. McCain Jr... convfoi^ BII - W g ff the continental United Statescs for mander in chief for tfie Pacific^''ocific,' . I:l M w . , ' i-M.v fa inoclivatlon."inacli Laird said. Simi* .who bebegan m eeting with other I1 ^B-. O^B' ■ .' ‘wa larlor statementssi were issuedcd by miiitarjmilitary leaders in Hawaiiwali lll l . th e U.S.U com m and in Saigonin and ThursdtThursday to w ork out details VtI ’ V ;HI' f m byb y U.S.U. Pacific headquartersers in oLthe \withdrawal announced by 4!|to ’ .■ : ‘fS^v ■'.ji'-'.'P- 4 Honolulu.Honol PresideP resident Nixon a t MiaVvaysy la s t V^ I T M " ___^ - _ Alte. Altogether,, two■ brjgadc.s^.ofc.s^ of SundaySunday.^ __ _ _ ; ■ - -- | H | ......th e 9 the 9th Infantry Divlsloirr "uiid'uiid .said during a b reake a k In jR f c k ' ' ^ e O l D A - Y . H supportiog_uiiits — B tolallal of cd^efecoSI^cnces on the Pacificfic is- '■I g F |- K I W ^ ^ j» I ■ V £ V- •• • ; H■ a bbo 0 " u l I0,0()0"plos a'reinforcedforccd lapd wiwith President Nguyenm Van I ■ 'Y • MMarine arir landing team of about Thieu ofc South Viotntitn lhat thcthe ■ ^ .. — 71000 m en wiH,_be withdrawn,Irawn, first AmericanAi troop withdraw-hdraw- .. ■ the Pentagon announced. " ■- al wouwould be completed byby the I The specific units and thehe or- end of A ugu^.‘ Loiird has since I der of their withdrawal willI’iii be raised the possibility^ announce- H .^ 1 announced by Gen. Creightonton W. jnent ofol an additional 25,000-man HBHHHHBIHHHHB| A b r a-m s, U.S. co’mm aaderdec .'infw.'in|,withdra ithdraw al in July o r August.\ugust. ---------- CAPTURED ON FILMM while |greeting the new doy,, Bruce ThotThomason Is seen clutching . Fridayr the 13th In Hs hand, hojhoping by doing so the day will papass by, well la cootcoU 0/1 He may . not be overjoyedfed wllhwith 1:his responsibility, but Jhe’s ^ enthuf enthusiastjc.JMf._TlLomM^^^ ». ____ _D rugsJB anned_CU --------whcn-he-Tlpped-Juno'the-12th“oB-12lh“ o frf r th e w all calen d ar and saw the ne:next date, Snew what Bad H e a r i n s ----------------------- tlto_be done. He’s doing it.It. That'sThai's about all that can be> done, some feeL Others, however*' WASHINGTON (UPl) - „ ^ T l 1 ,) “ meet the^day head. on.. They t^t r y ' th e ir b e st lo run down,down all thitho black cats they can Thc Food and Drug Admin- ffind or walk under'all the laddeiladders in the city. Mr. Thoipason'sloipason's cocomposure changed som^. g Kesembles istration ordered 49 antibi-ntibi- ^vbat, when he was told1 Friday itho 13th comcs only onceonce ,Uiis yetyear._________________. ■_ II otic combination drugss off — ■ ------------------------------------------------ II tho market Thursday and -- MISS TWIN FALLS, Diana HopHopperstad, on right, relaxesxcs betw^nbetwct sessions ot the MtaMiss F rree-F or-^ : repealed regulations for cer- Idaho Pageant with ‘ Miss BuhBuhl, Caro! Brodeen, .left,t, and MissMis Idaho State University, ...... tifylitifyinp - combinations of p Jan Worsencroft. Tlio Twin FatFalls lovely, Miss Hopperstad,>rs(ad, capturedca{ first-round honorsonors A a prelirninary hearing for penlt ig for penicillin and streptomycin- 'I - In (bo talent division Thursday ciicnlng in tbo Bolso competition.ompetitlott. (UPI telephoto) threethree accused -robbers nearly andand penicillin and sulfaS for'N e V Del e l] Monte PliP l^ t ln .. turnedturnc into'a free-for-all Thurs- humanhum use. dday. ay . "Commlsslonei"Co Herbert L._ — Jt was a dramatic confronta-ifronta- LeyLey Jr. said 48 of the drugs | tion between thc accused,, three ,areare combinations of pehicll- I Miss Twinvin Falls Cap\l a p i w F e s law^ enforcement officers•s and 'nn-slin-streptomydn and fpenl- BurleyJi 01Officiallyy 0Opened •*• Twin Falls County Probate»robate clllln-sulfa.clllli Tho other order CourtCour Judge Richard Reed.id. appliedappl to thc com binationnation ■ T f \ -n ■■ r» , ’ * _____ _ In ithe end, the three0 men dmpHrnj MvstpHIn F, whinh-------] E LN | o>it«tandlng futur4T|or tho clty .lHowg # / f #1, f were ordered bound over-ver- to "contaihs-cont telracyclino plus^ I 'u s Itor Urotlio stato and for the corpora*)rpora- trial development^ X 14'1/C'lf'fl'C/ Fifth District Court. Thoy are tho , tlon.” , - ' . , • Aft(After tho ceremonies, guided oy are tho fungicldo Amphotericin:orlcln b, u rley -T Burley's ncwosl ‘'™ KKenr enneth Moen, 35. and PPatrick a tric k B. B. J lewest A 18 0 speaking duringg thcthe tours of the plant were held J.J . KKlnner, 31,-b9th of. Seattle.Seattle. r^yu has said thnt com-fnm Industry wos officially opened)pened juncheonjunc wcro Stanley Tren- duringdurin, tho afternoon and evb- B01SE..CUPI) — Miss-3-Twin Twin atcate groups; Tho-girls will1 com- da Jean Caldwell, Missa Cald* and EarJ-S.'Carver. 44, Marys- blna 'r n* Thursday afterijoon whenI Gov. haile,2,a|i Bolso,, Idaho's commis-ning,immls- ning. Guided tours .will, cantlnus Marys- blnation drug.? offer a Don^ Snmuolson cut a bright red «ior F a lls and Mis^ M alad wonon first pcipcic again Frldny nightIt for well;wel: Nickl Matmlllor,, Miss vlllo. “sliot-gun“ sIk approach” to vnr- t:,. ht red sloner of derlculture. and Lloyd FridayFrida /rom I to 8 p.m.' : round competition In tho,0 MissM iss taltalent nnd swimsuit, KellKellogg: Carol Ann Brodeen,Irodeen, TheyTh are charged wllh taking IhusIhus Illnesses whero w hathnt Is[ r '■**’*“‘ '' Monte'SIonics ~F, . Idnho PRRCanl a t CapUftl High *1Thc_wlnner, who will replace’cplacc MissMis Buhl; KarJa ' Hendricks, abou now pea and corn processingesslng •[.'[ ndrlcks, about 5200 a t gunpoint from a neededneetl Is a "rifle.” . plant,p,j west of the city. |- Schooi Thursday evening.'. KnKnren~ Ryder as Miss Idnho, MissMis Idaho Falls; Charlene-harlene storestort owner in Berger Feb. 13. Diana Gallo llopperstad,ad, 19, wi:will com pete In the Miss Amer- Neilson,Nel Miss Franklin County; a few mlnuies. beforero thethe, , ■—ry- 'With the new plant officially1c . a ^ '!■ ^ ^ ' M iss Twin F alls, won inIn tho IcrIcn Pagcont in Atlantic City:::ity in DljinoDhi Sloan, Miss Poyetlc hearinghear started, the defendants opened, Idaho's newest foodid prt> - . tnlent division wilh n singing September.Sc CtfcCrCtliy; Jsinda Drechsel,:I, Miss were brought-handcuffed inlo |v f if- cessor will go Into full operationsrailon ^ > and drumming routine. (Oilier contestants inciudcIcJ.In- J.In- CoeurCoc d'Alene; Randl Colo,ilo. Miss thetho 'courtroom. Tho hondcu(/s wllhin a few weeks, processingicsslng ( Margaret Bush, 10. Mississ Mn- dnda Hernt, Miss Pocntello:. Vlckl ValleyVal County; Wendyy Sim- were removed nnd"they took f j ' local peas nnd sweet corn. i Ind, won In tho first roundid swim Lynnl.y M arti, Miss Boise; 7 f n moi 1 5 lf Helping Gov. Samuelsonn with ). \ ^ > : Jn n mons, Ml,ss Caribou County:County; senis..seat! Judgo Rccd eniorod tho R|\ C ed G unboat I” I suit division. W(worscncroft. Miss Idnho Sinte PennyPer PItchford, Miss B e a r court.cour Tho charge againstnst tho • ^ the .opening wos Paul Wood. ^ •• ••’ T ilt 10 girls in tho thrcc-davrce-dav Utilvor.silv:Ur Knthy .In JacobiL. I nli ■ Woodg, Ihrco men wan refld-flloud. -f ------ pagtum t com peted liTrWo”) scpar-|Mscpar-| fvliss l U niversity of Idaho, Tihon--|MlssIlhon~lM ls Jefferson Counly, "- 7 Thon Carver-stood up. XH Monto, and J . W. Woolley.y. Og-Og " TI , --------------------------------------- ^— ,.y ' In Ambush "We'd liko to ho representedesenled den, Mountain Stalc.s divisionIvlslon by an attorney. Where i.s ho?” . m anager, SEOUL.
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