Weekly Current Affairs 09 August to 15 August 2021 1- fdl jkT; esa Hkkjr dk igyk gkVZ QSY;j ck;kscSad “kq: fd;k x;k gSa\@In which state India's first Heart Failure Biobank has been started? a) fgekpy çns'k@Himachal Pradesh b) dsjy@Kerala c) if”pe caxky@West Bangal d) jktLFkku@Rajasthan ân; dh foQyrk ds jksfx;ksa esa LokLF; ifj.kkeksa ds vkuqoaf'kd] p;kip; vkSj çksfVvksfed ekdZjksa dk vè;;u djus ds fy, ns'k esa igyk gkVZ QsY;ksj ck;kscSad] Jh fp=k fr#uy baLVhVîwV esa us'kuy lsaVj Q‚j ,MokaLM fjlpZ ,aM ,Dlhysal bu ,p,Q ¼ds;j&,p,Q½ esa 'kq: fd;k x;k gSA LokLF; vuqlaèkku foHkkx ds lfpo vkSj Hkkjrh; fpfdRlk vuqlaèkku ifj"kn ¼vkbZlh,evkj½ ds egkfuns'kd cyjke HkkxZo 5 vxLr dks opZqvy IysVQ‚eZ ij ck;kscSad dk mn~?kkVu fd;k gSaA@First Heart Failure Biobank in the country to study genetic, metabolic and proteomic markers of health outcomes in heart failure patients launched at National Center for Advanced Research and Excellence in HF (CARE-HF) at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute Is. Balram Bhargava, Secretary, Department of Health Research and Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) inaugurated the Biobank on a virtual platform on 5 August. vU; egRoiw.kZ tkudkjh%& dsjy ds eq[;ea=h& fiukjkbZ fot;u@Chief Minister of Kerala- Pinarayi Vijayan dsjy ds jkT;iky& ekSgEen vkfjQ [kku@Governor of Kerala- Mohammad Arif Khan flYoj ykbZu izkStDV dk laca/k gSa& dsjy ¼ fr#ouariqje & dkljxksMh½@ The Silver Line project is related to- Kerala (Thiruvananthapuram - Kasaragodi) gky gh esa fdl jkT; ljdkj }kjk ^d`f’kd.kZ* ifj;kstuk “kq: dh gSa& dsjy@Recently which state government has started 'Krishikarna' project - Kerala 2- fdlus Hkkjr dsljh dq”rh naxy 2021 thrk gSa\@Who has won Bharat Kesari Kushti Dangal 2021? a) fp=ka'kq @ Chitranshu b) èkeZsaæ @ Dharmendra c) jkexksiky @ Ramgopal d) ykHkka'kq 'kekZ @ Labhanshu Sharma Hkkjrh; igyoku ykHkka'kq 'kekZ us rfeyukMq esa vk;ksftr Hkkjr dsljh dq'rh naxy 2021 thrkA mÙkjk[kaM ds xBu ds 20 lky ckn] ykHkka'kq us lw[ks dks rksM+ fn;k vkSj jkT; ds fy, Hkkjr dsljh dk f[krkc thrkA jkT; Lrj ij 15 Lo.kZ ind vkSj jk"Vªh; Lrj ij 10 ind vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; dq'rh çfr;ksfxrkvksa esa 2 Lo.kZ ind vkSj 1 jtr ind ds lkFk( ykHkka'kq igys ls gh jk"Vª dks xkSjokfUor djus ds fy, rS;kj gSA@Indian wrestler Labhanshu Sharma won the Bharat Kesari Wrestling Dangal 2021 held in Tamil Nadu. 20 years after the formation of Uttarakhand, Labhanshu broke the drought and won the title of Bharat Kesari for the state. With 15 Gold Medals at State Level and 10 Medals at National Level and 2 Gold Medals and 1 Silver Medal in International Wrestling Competitions; Labhanshu is already ready to make the nation proud. vU; egRoiw.kZ tkudkjh%& www.naukriaspirant.com Hkkjr ds fy, VksD;ks vksyafid 2020 esa jtr ind thrus okys f[kykM+h& joh dqekj@Sportsperson who won silver medal for India in Tokyo Olympics 2020- Ravi Kumar Hkkjr ds fy, vksyafid es dq”rh esa igyk esMy fdlus thrk& ds- Mh- tk/ko@Who won the first medal in wrestling for India in Olympics- K. D. Jadhav 3- fdl ns”k eaxnsNq tyfo|qr ifj;kstuk dks yanu fLFkr flfoy bathfu;lZ laLFkku }kjk C#usy esMy ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSa\@Which country has been awarded the Brunel Medal by the London-based Institute of Civil Engineers for the Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project? a) usiky @ Nepal b) eysf'k;k @ Malaysia c) HkwVku @ Bhutan d) E;kaekj @ Myanmar HkwVku dh Hkkjr&lgk;rk çkIr eaxnsNq tyfo|qr ifj;kstuk dks yanu fLFkr flfoy bathfu;lZ laLFkku }kjk lEekfur C#usy esMy ls lEekfur fd;k x;kA ;g iqjLdkj m|ksx ds Hkhrj flfoy bathfu;fjax esa mR—"Vrk ds çrhd ds :i esa fn;k x;k Fkk vkSj HkwVku dks Hkkjrh; nwr #fpjk dackst us eaxnsNq tyfo|qr ifj;kstuk çkfèkdj.k ds vè;{k Y;ksaiks yksdukFk 'kekZ dks lkSai fn;k FkkA eaxnsNq ifj;kstuk dks lEekfur fd, tkus ds dkj.kksa esa ls ,d bldh lkekftd vkSj i;kZoj.kh; lk[k ds dkj.k FkkA@Bhutan's India-aided Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project was awarded the Brunel Medal awarded by the London-based Institute of Civil Engineers. The award was given as a symbol of excellence in civil engineering within the industry and was presented by Indian envoy to Bhutan, Ruchira Kamboj, to Lyonpo Loknath Sharma, chairman of the Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project Authority. One of the reasons the Mangdechhu project was awarded was because of its social and environmental credentials. vU; egRoiw.kZ tkudkjh%& HkwVku dh jkTk/kkuh& fFkEQw @ The capital of Bhutan - Thimphu HkwVku ds iz/kkuea=h& yksrs; R'ksfjax @ Prime Minister of Bhutan- Lotay Tshering HkwVku eqæk& HkwVkuh uxqYVe @ Bhutan Currency- Bhutanese Ngultum gky gh esa fdls egjk’Vª Hkw’k.k vokMZ fn;k x;k gS& vk”kk Hkkslys@Recently who has been given the Maharashtra Bhushan Award - Asha Bhosle fdls çfrf"Br gEcksYV fjlpZ vokMZ ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSa& dkSf'kd clq@Who has been honored with the prestigious Humboldt Research Award - Kaushik Basu 4- \@ fdl Le‚y Qkbusal cSad us ^gsYFk ,aM osyusl lsfoaXl vdkmaV* “kq: fd;k gS Which small finance bank has launched 'Health and Wellness Savings Account'? a) mTthou Le‚y Qkbusal cSad @ Ujjivan Small Finance Bank b) tuy{eh Le‚y Qkbusal cSad @ Janalakshmi Small Finance Bank c) bfDoVkl Le‚y Qkbusal cSad @ Equitas Small Finance Bank d) lw;kZsn; Le‚y Qkbusal cSad @Suryoday Small Finance Bank lw;kZsn; Le‚y Qkbusal cSad ¼SSFB½ us ,d ^LokLF; vkSj dY;k.k cpr [kkrk* y‚Up fd;k gS] tks 25 yk[k #i;s dk V‚i&vi LokLF; chek] okf"kZd LokLF; iSdst vkSj v‚u&d‚y vkikrdkyhu ,Ecqysal fpfdRlk ns[kHkky lsok,a çnku www.naukriaspirant.com djrk gSA cSad us ,d c;ku esa dgk] "[kkrk [kksyus ds ckn ,d lky ds fy, V‚i&vi LokLF; chek vkSj LokLF; lsok iSdst fu:'kqYd gSA ekpZ 2022 ds var rd ns'k Hkj esa 102 LFkkuksa ij 20 fdyksehVj dh nwjh rd eq¶r ,Ecqysal lsok miyCèk gksxhA@Suryoday Small Finance Bank (SSFB) has launched a “Health and Wellness Savings Account” which offers top-up health insurance of Rs 25 lakh, annual health package and on-call emergency ambulance medical care services. "The top-up health insurance and healthcare package is free of cost for one year after account opening. Free ambulance service up to 20 kms is available at 102 locations across the country till the end of March 2022," the bank said in a statement. vU; egRoiw.kZ tkudkjh%& fdl cSad us ^nqdanj vksojMªk¶V ;kstuk* “kq: dh gSa& ,pMh,Qlh cSad@Which bank has launched 'Dukandar Overdraft Scheme' - HDFC Bank lw;kZsn; Le‚y Qkbusal cSad ds ,eMh vkSj lhbZvks& HkkLdj ckcw jkepaæu @ MD & CEO of Suryday Small Finance Bank- Bhaskar Babu Ramachandran LVsV cSad vkWQ bafM;k dh LFkkiuk ds le; uke Fkk& bEihfj;y cSad vkWQ bafM;k@ At the time of establishment of State Bank of India, the name was Imperial Bank of India. 5- fdl jkT; ;k dsanz”kkflr izns”k esa ^ikuh ekg* dk;ZØe “kq: fd;k x;k gSa\@In which state or union territory 'Pani Month' program has been started? a) y{;}hi @ Lakshadweep b) yík[k @ Ladakh c) fnYyh @ Delhi gfj;k.kk @ d) Haryana xzkeh.kksa dks LoPN ty ds egRo ds ckjs esa tkudkjh nsus ds fy, yík[k esa ^ikuh ekg* ;k ty ekg 'kq: fd;k x;k gSA yík[k ljdkj us ^gj ?kj ty* dk ntkZ gkfly djus okys çR;sd ftys ds igys Cy‚d ds fy, 25 yk[k #i;s ds buke dh Hkh ?kks"k.kk dh gSA 'ikuh ekg 'vfHk;ku rhu&vk;keh –f"Vdks.k viuk,xk & ikuh dh xq.koÙkk ijh{k.k] ;kstuk vkSj ikuh dh vkiwfrZ dh j.kuhfr] vkSj xkaoksa esa ikuh lHkk ds fuckZèk dkedkt ij è;ku dsafær djukA@ 'Pani Month' or Jal Month has been started in Ladakh to make the villagers aware about the importance of clean water. The Ladakh government has also announced a reward of Rs 25 lakh for the first block of each district to achieve 'Har Ghar Jal' status. The 'Pani Maah' campaign will adopt a three-pronged approach - water quality testing, planning and water supply strategy, and focusing on seamless functioning of Pani Sabha in villages. vU; egRoiw.kZ tkudkjh%& yík[k ds mIkjkT;iky& jk/kk d`’.k ekFkqj @ Lt Governor of Ladakh- Radha Krishna Mathur gj ?kj ty okyk igyk dsanz”kkflr izns”k& iqnwpsjh @ First Union Territory to have water in every household - Puducherry 100 izfr”kr ,yihth dusD”ku okyk igyk jkT;& fgekpy izns”k@First state to have 100% LPG connection - Himachal Pradesh gj ?kj ty okyk igyk jkT; cuk gSa& xksok@Every house has become the first state to have water - Goa www.naukriaspirant.com 6- fdl vfHkusrk dks eksVksthih ds czkaM ,acsLkMj ds :Ik esa fu;qä fd;k gSa\@Which actor has been appointed as the brand ambassador of MotoGP? a) t‚u vczkge @ John abraham b) v{k; dqekj @ Akshay Kumar c) vferkHk cPpu @ Amitabh Bachchan d) egs'k ckcw @ Mahesh Babu ;wjksLiksVZ bafM;k us c‚yhoqM lqijLVkj vkSj eksVksthih mRlkgh] t‚u vczkge dks mudh çeq[k eksVjLiksVZ laifÙk ] eksVksthih ds fy, Hkkjr dk jktnwr fu;qä fd;k gSA t‚u ;wjksLiksVZ ds vfHk;ku & ^eksVksthih] jsl yxkrs gS* ds ekè;e ls Hkkjr esa O;kid n'kZdksa ds vkèkkj ij eksVksthih dk çpkj djrs utj vk,axsA@Eurosport India has appointed Bollywood superstar and MotoGP enthusiast, John Abraham as India's ambassador for their flagship motorsport asset, MotoGP.
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