920 June 2 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 we call home. Through these and other ef- NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Pat Roberts, forts, we will continue to build a cleaner, chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intel- safer, and healthier environment for all ligence; Arlen Specter, chairman, Senate Com- Americans. mittee on the Judiciary; Richard G. Lugar, chair- Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, man, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; John W. Warner, chairman, Senate Committee on President of the United States of America, Armed Services; Charles E. Grassley, chairman, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Senate Committee on Finance; Susan Collins, the Constitution and laws of the United chairwoman, Senate Committee on Homeland Se- States, do hereby proclaim June 2005 as curity and Governmental Affairs; Peter Hoekstra, Great Outdoors Month. I call on all Ameri- chairman, House Permanent Select Committee cans to observe this month with appropriate on Intelligence; F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., programs and activities and to enjoy safe out- chairman, House Committee on the Judiciary; door recreational activities. Henry J. Hyde, chairman, House Committee on In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set International Relations; Duncan Hunter, chair- my hand this second day of June, in the year man, House Committee on Armed Services; Wil- liam M. Thomas, chairman, House Committee on of our Lord two thousand five, and of the Ways and Means; and Christopher Cox, chairman, Independence of the United States of Amer- House Committee on Homeland Security. This ica the two hundred and twenty-ninth. letter was released by the Office of the Press Sec- George W. Bush retary on June 2. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 9:46 a.m., June 3, 2005] Remarks on the Nomination of Christopher Cox To Be Chairman of NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Of- fice of the Press Secretary on June 2, and it was the Securities and Exchange published in the Federal Register on June 6. Commission June 2, 2005 Letter to Congressional Leaders The President. Good morning. I’m Transmitting Designations Under pleased to announce my nomination of Con- the Kingpin Act gressman Chris Cox of California as our next June 1, 2005 Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. As a champion of the free en- Dear lllll: terprise system in Congress, Chris Cox knows This report to the Congress, under section that a free economy is built on trust. In the 804(b) of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin years ahead, Chris will vigorously enforce the Designation Act, 21 U.S.C. 1901–1908 (the rules and laws that guarantee honesty and ‘‘Kingpin Act’’), transmits my designation of transparency in our markets and corporate the following eight foreign persons and one boardrooms. He will be an outstanding lead- foreign entity as appropriate for sanctions er of the SEC. under the Kingpin Act, and reports my direc- Today, the American economy is the envy tion of sanctions against them under that Act: of the world. Our economy is growing faster Arriola Marquez Organization than that of any other industrialized country. Oscar Arturo Arriola Marquez We have added over 3.5 million new jobs Miguel Angel Arriola Marquez during the last 2 years. The unemployment Ignacio Coronel Villareal rate is down to 5.2 percent. More Americans Rigoberto Gaxiola Medina are working today than ever before. Small Marco Marino Diodato del Gallo businesses are flourishing. Families are tak- Otto Roberto Herrera Garcia ing home more of what they earn. To main- Haji Baz Mohammad tain the confidence that is the cornerstone Wong Moon Chi of our economic system, we must ensure the honesty of American business and the integ- Sincerely, rity of the capital markets and stock ex- George W. Bush changes. Investors must have confidence that VerDate Aug 04 2004 21:51 Jun 06, 2005 Jkt 205250 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P22JNT4.003 P22JNT4 Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / June 2 921 the information they use to make their in- kind of leadership will be invaluable as the vestment decisions is fair and accurate. Chairman of the SEC. The Securities and Exchange Commission I’ve given Chris a clear mission, to con- is the primary Federal agency that performs tinue to strengthen public trust in our mar- this essential function. The SEC investigates kets so the American economy can continue corporate fraud and holds guilty parties re- to grow and create jobs. The Nation is in- sponsible when they mislead shareholders creasingly a nation of stockholders. A genera- and employees. tion ago, only a small percentage of American For more than 2 years, Bill Donaldson has families invested in stocks and bonds. Today, done an exceptional job as the SEC Chair- more than a half of households are investing man. Bill took this post at a time when our for their families and for their futures. Now economy was faced with a crisis in investor more than ever, we must make sure Ameri- confidence. Under his leadership, the SEC cans can rely upon the integrity of our mar- vigorously responded to corporate corrup- kets. tion. The Commission filed more than 1,700 Chris Cox is a good man to have taken enforcement actions under Bill Donaldson’s on this job, and he’ll do a fine job on behalf chairmanship, a significant increase from of the American people. He brings with him previous years. And the SEC has helped im- a unique combination of skills and expertise. plement the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the most He graduated with honors from Harvard Law far-reaching reform of American business School and Harvard Business School. He practices since the time of Franklin Roo- worked as a security lawyer for nearly a dec- sevelt. The agency also responded swiftly to ade. He taught tax law. He served in Presi- the mutual fund abuses that came to light dent Reagan’s White House, and he was nearly 2 years ago, enhancing disclosure to elected to the Congress. mutual fund shareholders. I thank Chris for his willingness to serve Bill Donaldson has set high standards for our country in another important position at American business and the SEC, and Chris an important time for our Nation. I am grate- Cox is the right man to carry on this impor- ful to his wife, Rebecca, and their three chil- tant work. dren, Charles, Katie, and Kevin. I call on the For more than a decade and a half, Chris Senate to confirm his nomination at the ear- has been a superb Representative of the 48th liest possible date. District of California. His achievements Congratulations. range from national security to tax reform. [At this point, Chairman-Designate Cox As the first chairman of the House Com- made brief remarks.] mittee on Homeland Security, Chris Cox helped coordinate efforts between the Fed- The President. Congratulations. Thanks eral agencies and Congress to better protect for taking it on. our country against terrorist attacks. He Thank you all. worked effectively with members of both NOTE: The President spoke at 10:24 a.m. in the parties to get more than a dozen of his bills Roosevelt Room at the White House. The tran- passed into law, including a law protecting script released by the Office of the Press Secretary investors from abusive lawsuits and a ban on also included the remarks of Chairman-Designate Internet commerce taxes. Four years ago, I Cox. signed into law a bill that helps American families by phasing out the death tax. The drive to end the death tax was the product Remarks in a Discussion on of an effort that Chris Cox helped lead for Strengthening Social Security in nearly a decade. Hopkinsville, Kentucky Chris understands how markets work, and June 2, 2005 he knows the need for transparency in finan- cial exchanges and in the halls of business. The President. Thanks for the warm wel- He proved that he can bring people together come. Glad I brought a little rain with me. of diverse opinions to get things done. That [Laughter] I’m honored to be here. I’ve got VerDate Aug 04 2004 21:51 Jun 06, 2005 Jkt 205250 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P22JNT4.003 P22JNT4.
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