‘ ■■Sjm • ' ■ ‘ ft iwww.magicvaralley.cp^ : -frt; A D C e 2 3 0 6 3 2 036 2 12/14/2004 __________ . M jjri PARKE -I'lICRO-PUBLISH 2 6 ,2 7 E YAND^JDELL EL PA S O 7 9 9 0 3 m i l l K , _|^vinFallSj^[d£io/99thw arj_^0.1 0 5 Wednesday,y . April 14, 2004 G o o d MORNW IN G ' i t ‘T W e a t h e r Vo)teinleets objeectioin | P . „ Today:Q-C o o le r wtth in cn Tvlost o f the peoplepie on the clouds. H 1 board agreed e-mailing:n g is a n O K E - m a i1 l balloting on. Jerome grantit support thing to d a ' Rogers} sas a id “But Iow 33. .fy bccause tiie dty OfTWinv i n l ^ b a P; f ly stakeholder, w^re certsertainly ex- v i o l a t e c open meetiiings law, T.F.\ official says plorir^ these concerns.’ns.” ler (he dtyf ofo f Jerome^ application furfunding com cs from public: ercn- AftCT stepping back± ai n d tak- M o n e y B y ^ M H I e r le situadon, M n tter fo rafcd ^ grant to m ak e road, tlti[Ities. a n d public m oney pan!a ^ ing anotiier lixik at tiie £ Conimgrclal real eitMtate: --------------------------scwcrandmd water Improvements pa;pays th e salaries of Ro^ius anand SIEOO Executive BoanMtd Ciiair- ime Bune and extend anUl asslsum t man Jerry Beck deddeiIded th e or- Idaho's new online;e TWIN FALLS1 5 - The e-mail at Jerome lerc to the members of sewer servKrvice OD the Crossroads •V/e believe they’re a publiibllc ganlzadon will adhen database could dravraw . selit out to boa yre - stated open meeting;laws. lav PmUud n te m i 1 Idaho Economic Polntproproperty: enentity." C ourm ey said. "They r e/re "Wre going to dooihisagain d tM m m tboi businesses to Ma^^c t Ononization on The e*re-mail conduded with cdctdve public money, a nd t h ^ i Mtatknltetdiy > if locals participate [ement lhat the orpmlza- ununder th e um brella of (the Cc6 > 1- using open meeting laws,"lav Beck ted out iimoceruly thestatem said. R . tion woulotUd assume a yes vote lc£lege ofS o u th em Idaho).” Courmey voiced iiis concenx m s H esaid SIEDO will p But it mightght have violated from mennembcrs «iio tudn't rc- i to th e e-m ail b y 10 a j a inIn an e-m ail back tb Rogers,s. tHc tice and probably taki Bush;i: U.S. meetlngslaw 3”"?“” spen Thursday, .sembySIEDOEx- T^ifsday.V- popointed out tiiat Idahos om F o o d & HI co m e meedng laws require a publublic SIEDO, a coalition o ecutive Directoctor Jan R o ^ at At leasteast one SIEDO board nu e r-T w in Falls a t y Man- nonodce be ported 24 hours befoefore and prtvate-sector lead the request ofthftheSIEDOExecu- m e n ^ - 5 and now ▼▼ IU -USnish a speda] meeting and tha;t dthe Jerome. Twin Fails a tive Boani. aakesked the organiza- agerTbin)m Couimey - was con- a s law “doesn't aDow for v o ti^g vvia Mini-Cassia, was creat•cated tiiree _ tlonl^ boaid mimembers to vote cemeda^aboutthel<^tyofsuch lav tiielntemeL" Please see iEROMI K yesornoonamI motion to support avote.Aft<After aH. som e o f SIEDO^s thi worktof the fa^ e n Homes for dyafuncti R u f^ - I N G} ’e m JJP TheAMOclated> d P re» _________ timlllM?; That’s wh I WASmNGTCrON - Conceding a couple o f “t“to u ^ weeks in ictlonal Iraq,” Piesidenmt Bush signaled what they ■ t i i e is ready to in­ can troop s t r e n ^ in die countryly. adding he in- S p o r t s P a g e d tends to usiierer in a new era of democracy andnd “finish th e work ofthefaOerL” At a combirunadon speech and news conferenence at die White ilorlty House, Bush nre je a e d a sugges- tion that Iraqq ilority was becom- A shcroft ^ B u h l ’s ing another faces 9-11 V Viemam - a «an Berks 1 q u a g m i r ec panel. dslndians ---------------- I ~wthout ready- softball ■ k S e e " p ^ e T W IN F A L I j thal analogy O p in io n Is false,” h e said. -I also0 t he bteme gairie: n _____iiapDCQ.lo.diiliink_diat.analogy_________ commission needs •i-JiS*; sendstliew ronsngmessagetoour deq;>er th an ju s t as: sends the wrong message to thehe enemy." t lameforaftadB,ti _ _ _ _ O n e.y ?ar^tfter the fan of Sad-________ ; ^ tj o l o o k . dam Hussein,uB'iuhsaidaiecent 1 a sse ssin g ' rolkelnsavagiIge violence is n d - 3 ,tb d a y ^ ' ■ irnorapopularup- theradvHwari rising. ”Tlie vie.rlolence we've seen PageAB is a power gnjrab by ... cctreme C o m i n g and ruthless eielem ents” from In- side Iraq and1 £1from outside, S t e e l h e a ^ carrimn/m/n,nmMm WWlethetritroops will rem ala } u p M Department now have enougllUgh d o p to cover til ihtfti. Bush also saidId the United States pililtlon o l ’BIm Ii ,’ offloor Tim OreQre«n and the IWtn Falls Polle* would stick to a Jime 30 dead- line for handlidlng over political power to Iraqiqis.HesaidaUJ^. wnii th t icqub Qer joins Trwin Fallss police fo]L /IW envoywouldh[help dedde whidi ernewcom Iraqis wouldId oe placed In Besides t e a c h i nr a g m 10 s n u r — — But someS( say more drugig-snifBng dogs cou) for narcotics. Greenn I;Is training Thepreslderient addressed mat- Salmon Rlvep ” wrtter____________ _ , 5 Bleck to go th r o u1^ g obstade ters of tuand pcace In the steelheadingofitoM Eaee: s h o u r at the podl- menahugechallei ad to problems for lalaw-abiding citizens“ courses, conduct■t building course ofhis i ByRibeccaMiILS - Some dogs searches to look for suspects but fction-year politics jlatoofsauaage. • . ignun and to track scents, shadowed die;le proceedings. Thuttdaylr , oId,-bcga>egan working In th e de- ththe state certiflcadon progn *dier he believes he ^ f i s h e r - other “These are ourr p a rm e n ,” Asked btewateimdoit ' panmlent ^ as narcotics hounds, inin 1992, h e m ust get anoti TliaTlmetJiaBenge. twin b u i pereon to certilyhls dog. Green said. "Every daydaywegoto an«I oji^rrectiy even if it l A . t t a i n e d 2 1 /2 - T lieTI TFPD I got another Ger- pi lls job, he replied Bleck is undergoing trainilining work, they go to work.’ costs him ills :rman shepherd, is nian shepherd,ane Bobby, a few on't intend to lose n d e x M" “ S S S f f i In narcotics - coc& e, methaiham- The benefits of■ su c h close "I dor I •K. , yearsago use I'rii going to teO N 6 Vn . Orevenabl; phetamine, marijuana aand contact with ono liailiandler are mytob.Brau! M s Police Dfiiart- ,Ul=3 previousP acquisldons, pi m people I have a Classified ............... B!eck.ahlgh heroin-and pauoL bonding and off-leaslBash control * = A m ricon idBlecVfajmCack- BW: cost“ 1 only the round-trip . hi planto\vindiehewaronterroL” Comics................. yeai'Old GennraBaseinlbcasto Oiglittotto retrieve him , plus dm e ' Because som e dm g traffiiiffick- ofthedog,G reensaid. one such dog. lell of Bleck drives arouro u n d w ith . Iraq figuresss in Bush^ decline Community........... ts canine unit, now spent tratral c in g . ' ersci try to disguise the smell >inlon polls in two ............El-8 The TVvin Fa] nslde Green, and if Green«n suspects ^ Pu^c oplr fourdozs. -I started o n him from scratch," theirih naul by slipping it insi « critiod for ills re- Crossword....... .. •' C7 mentacquired , any- narcotics in a vehideade. h e can areas that are IS a little more ag- Greenisaid. sai hamhi burgers, dirty diapers, ar ipalgn. Approval of 'pc . land Air Force do^ 8 allow Bleck to sniff Dear Abby............. in vdiai they n e ^ - Bleck± looks1 ready for action, thingti th at c a n throw off a do g of Iraq has de- ............. round o ut Its < srtirg" Food & Home ..... )fflcer Tim Green, but hesie’s n ot q u ite there. He senses( o f sm ell. TFPD d op iare scene. le mld-40 percent . ; . .B4 numberingfov icting There are now eno;nough dogs dmed to the Qer and a state certi- needsI totc b e certified, w hich • .tr^ed.tr to sort out dlstracti jproval fbr ills han- Horoscope ........................ 5 4 • tIUeck was i train- to iiavc one wotking c » d o a could hha] appen ill th e next week odorsoi from drugs. Further tra rorism lias dipped | gressive th a n ' d all inTWin Falls, S S “t e r LM. Boyd............. dnder, a German ortwo.G), G reen said. Inglr teaches them avoid into the mid-5(-50s. Growing num - e d ; said OfQ jou^ Green can certify humanh food so they dodon't MaglcValiey............ nd Cario, a B e l ^ Althou ....................Please see DOa>005, Page A2 Pleaseie see BUSH, Page A2 . , ............. B4 B led^handleioth about 2 years dogs, anand helped implement munchir the evidence.
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