\ 1947. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE. 811 to consumer credit in amounts o! on·e thousand dciUars Mr. WATSON. Mr. President, I second the motion. ($1,000) or less; requiring licenses from the Sec.L"etary The motion was agreed lo. · of Banking; restricting licenses l-0 domestic business corpo­ rations; fixing minimum capital requirements; conien-ing The Senate adjourned at 7:29 o'clock, p . m. Eastern certain powers on the Secretary of Banking; limiting in­ Standard Tlme until Tuesday, March 25, 1947, at 3:00 terest and other charges; providing certain exemptions; o.'clock, p. m., Eastern Standard Time. and imposing penalties," excluding domestic non-profit corporations operated exclusively by and for members of the medical and dental professions from the p1·ovisions thereof. And said bill having been read at length the second HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES time and agreed to, MONDAY, March 24, 1947 Ordered, To be transcribed for a third reading, The House met at 4: 30 p. m. ;BILLS ON FIRST READING The SPEAKER (F,ranklin H. Lichtenwalter) in the Mr. TALLMAN. Mr. President, I move that the Senate Chair. do now proceed to tlie first reading of all bills reported PRAYER from commjttees f.or the first time at today's session. Mr. WALKER. Mr. President, I second the motion. The Chaplain, Rev. Lester C. Updegrove offered the following prayer: The motion was agreed to, <;; God of all grace and glory, so teach us to number our Agreeably to order, days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. In a The Senate proceeded to the first reading and con­ confused day, keep our minds clear and clean anci un­ sideration of House Bill No. 328, entitled: cluttered by prejudice. In a clamorous day, filled with A Supplement to the act, approved U1e fourth day o1 angry accents of hate, give us ears to hear the' voices June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five (Ap· that speak of justice and ·freedom and world brotherhood. propriation Acts, page sixty-tlll:ee), entitled "An act' to Grant us sanity of mind and spirit and a glad hope which provide for the ordinary expenses of the Executive, Legis· sees a shining ray far down the future's broadening way. lative, and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth, Amen. · interest on the public debt, and the support of the public schools for two years beginning June first, one thousand JOURNAL APPROVED nine hund1·ed fo1·ty-five· and for the payment of bills in­ curred and remaming unpaid at the close of the fiscal year The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read. the Journal of ending May thfrty-first, one thousand nine hundred and Wednesday, March 19, 1947. forty-five," providing .for a deficiency in the appropriation made by said act to the Department of Forests and Waters The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of Wednesday for the operation of a Nautical School !or I.he fiscal bien­ March 19, 1947, when, on motion of Mr. HENRY unani• nium ending May thirty-first, one thousand nine hundred mously agreed to, the furthe·r reading was dispensed with a11d forty-se en,. · and the Journal approved, And said bill having been read at length the first time, Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR Agreeably to order, !I'he Secretary to the Governor being int..roduced, pre· The Senate proceeded to the first reading and con- sented a communication in writing from His Excellency sideration of House Bill No. 578, entitled: the Governor, .which was read as follows: An Act making a deficiency appropriation to the Glenn APPROVAL OF HOUSE BILL No. 58 Mills Schools, situate in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, And said bill having been read at length the first time, Governor's Office, 'Harrisburg, March 21, 1947. Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. To the Honorable, the House o'f Representatives of the Commonwealth of 'Pennsylvania: · EX-SENATOR WARREN R. ROBERTS INTRODUCED I have the h,onor to inform you that I have this day TO THE SENATE approved and signed House BµJ. No. 58, Printer's No. 25, entitled "An Act making a deficiency appropriation to Mr. WOODRING. Mr. President, I note with great Sleighton Farm School for Girls situate in Delaware pleasure the entrance into our chamber of a former County Pennsylvania." member of this body, the Honorable Warren R. Roberts, JAMES H. DUFF. former Senator from Northampton County and former Auditor General. I am sure the chair will be happy to APPROVAL OF HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION note the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. Msrch 21, 1947. The PRESIDENT. On behalf of the members of the Senate the Chair is very happy to welcome Mr. and Mrs. To the Honorable, the House of Representatives ~f the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Roberts and say he hopes they will enjoy their visit. .I have the honor to inform you that I have this day ap­ ADJOURNMENT proved and signed the House Concurrent Resolution en­ dorsln~ the celebration of the Anniver~ary of the Gree.k Mr. TALLMAN. Mr. President, I move that the Senate Independence on March 25 1947, and providfog that the Governor shall issue a Pr oclamalion relating thereto. do now adjourn until Tuesday, March 25, 1947, at 3:00 o'clock, p, m., Eastern Standard Time. JAMES H. DUFF. 812 LEGISLATIVE JOURNA~HOUSE. 1f: n ch 2 4, PETITIONS AND REMONSTRANCES one thousand eight hundred ninety-one, (P. L. l '76 ), en­ titled 'An act tq provide for the health ~ n d sale~ of The SPEAKER laid before the House the following persons employed Jn and about the ~nthra ci te coal m r~1 es communication which was read by the Clerk as follo;vs: of P ennsylvania and for the prolecllon and preservation of pr operty connected therewith," regulating the use of COMPENSATION OF JUDGES steam boilers. Communication from Dauphin County Bar Association And said bill having been read a.t length the first time, favoring the passage of Senate Bill Number 94, fixing Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. ~lar:ies and compensation of Judges. Referred to the Committee on State G.overnment. Agreeably to order, The House proceeded to the first reading and consid­ LEAVE OF ABSENCE eration of House Bill No. 585, entitled: · By consent of the House leave of absence was granted An Act to amend the title and the act, approved the as follows: ' ' first day of June, one thousand n~~ hundred forty-five (P. L. 1222 ) 1 enlilled "An acl providing for the complete Mr. Erb for Mr. MILLER for tonight's session because medic.al and dental -examination of all children or scho o1 of death in the family. age, and teachers and other school employes in the public and private elemen tary nd secoud3l'y schools of t he REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE Common wealth· and jmposing certain dttlies upon lhe Department of Health. and the Departmen t oC Public In­ Mr. BRUNNER from the Committee on Rules, reported struction ; and making an appr opri.at io:ri .'' exempting all as committed, House Resolution No. 25. school employes from dental examtnation: ftt rlher r egi1- Mr. FISS from the Committee on Rules, reported as lating dental and medical examinations Io~· :-i ll scl10ol a~e committed House Resolution No. 27. children: authorizing vaccination a.nd providing for phys!­ cal examination incident to ihe issuance of employment Mr. HELM from the Committee on Rules, reported as certificates to children by medical examinel·s 1n fom·th committed, House Resolution No. 29. class districts. BILLS ON FIRST READING And said bill having been read at length the first time, Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. Agreeably to order, The House proceeded to the first reading and consid­ Agreeably to order, eration of House Bill No. 305, entitled: The· House proceeded to the first reading and consid­ eration of House Bill No. 595, entitled: An Act to reenact and further amend section one of the Act, approved the second day oi? June, one thousand eight An Act to f urther amend section two of the act, ap­ hundred and ninety-one (P. L. 176), entitled 'An act pr oved the twenty-eighth. day or J tme, one ~h ousand t o provide for the health and safety of persons employed ejgh t hundred and ninety-five (P. L. 408). entitled "A in and about the anthracite coal mines of P ennsylvania, supplemen t io the twenty-fourth section of an act. en­ ~nd for the protection and preservation or prope1·ty con- titled ·An act to provide l'evenue b • taxation, a p·proved 11ected ther ewith," r eq_uiring mine operators to inspect the seven th day of June, one thot1sand e i g~t hundred mines where from two to five persons are employed or and seventy-nin e,' approved t h.e first . day o;f Ju:ie, one engaged in work ; provjding .for the coi;rection of un safe thousand eight lrnndred and e1 ghty- rune, amending the condit ions in and unsafe operation of such mines, and twenty-fourth section, by providing for th e paymen t by :for remedies to close such mines until such conditions are the State Treasurer of one-bill o( the two per centum cofrected; and providing penalties. tax on premiums paid by foreign fire insurance com panies And said bill having been read at length the first time; lo the treasmei·s of the several cities and bor ot_1ghs with­ in. this CommonweaJth." by providing a method for the Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading.
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