RULE OF THE SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER STUDY GUIDE BY FR. JOHN SULLIVAN ofm 1 RULE OF THE SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER PROLOGUE All who love the Lord with their whole heart, with their whole soul and mind, with all their strength (Mk 12:30), and love their neighbors as themselves (Mt 22:39) and hate their bodies with their vices and sins, and receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and produce worthy fruits of penance: Oh, how happy and blessed are these men and women when they do these things and persevere in doing them, because “the spirit of the Lord will rest upon them” (Is 11:2) and he will make “his home and dwelling among them” (Jn 14:23), and they are the sons of the heavenly Father (Mt 5:45), whose works they do, and they are the spouses, brothers, and mothers of our Lord Jesus Christ (Mt 12:50). We are spouses, when by the Holy Spirit the faithful soul is united with our Lord Jesus Christ, we are brothers to him when we fulfill “the will of the Father who is in heaven” (Mt 12:50) We are mothers when we carry him in our heart and body (1 Cor 6:20) through divine love and a pure and sincere conscience; we give birth to him through a holy life which must give light to others by example (Mt 5:16) Oh, how glorious it is to have a great and Holy Father in heaven! Oh, how glorious it is to have such a beautiful and admirable Spouse, the Holy Paraclete! Oh, how glorious it is to have such a Brother, and such a Son, loved, beloved, humble, peaceful, sweet, lovable, and desirable above all: Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave up his life for his sheep (Jn 10:15) and prayed to the Father saying: “O holy Father, protect them with your name (Jn 17:11) whom you gave me out of the world. I entrusted to them the message you entrusted to me and they received it. They have known that in truth I came from you, they have believed that it was you who sent me. For these I pray, not for the world (Jn 17:9). Bless and consecrate them, and I consecrate myself for their sakes. I do not pray for them alone; I pray also for those who will believe in me through their word (Jn 17:20) that they may be holy by being one as we are (Jn 17:11). And I desire, Father, to have them in my company where I am to see this glory of mine in your kingdom” (Jn 17:6-24) What is the meaning of “to love” in this context? Is this love primarily a feeling? How does Francis view us as “mothers” to Jesus? How does Francis weave the Trinity into this prologue? When you examine your life, who are the people who gave you your idea of love? Knowing that Francis does not hesitate to call God his Father, what can God’s parental love mean in your life? Have you ever thought of Christ as your Brother? & as you blood Brother? Why does Francis call us “Brothers and Sisters” and “in Penance”? Are we really expected to “hate” our bodies? Why does all personal sin have social consequences? Do I think of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a positive celebration of the mercy of God? Is it an act of faith on my part? What procedure do I use to work on my characteristic fault? How does spiritual blindness hurt us and deprive us of so much good? Do we need to offer satisfaction for our own sins and those of others? 2 CHAPTER ONE-ARTICLE ONE The Franciscan family, as one among many spiritual families, raised up by the Holy Spirit in the Church, unites all members of the people of God-laity, religious, and priests- who recognize that they are called to follow Christ in the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi. In various ways and forms but in life-giving union with each other, they intend to make present the charism of their common Seraphic Father in the life and mission of the Church. What do you consider the primary purpose of the Secular Franciscan Order? What other purposes might the SFO fulfill? Does membership in an Order established by the Church call us to changes in our lives? How do we explain that we are called to develop a spirituality and lifestyle “in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi”? Who are included in the term: “the Franciscan family”? Do we interact as a family? Who specifically can become a member of the SFO? How did you recognize that you were called to follow Francis? Did a person or event awake you to that call? What one charism (there are many!!) of Francis speaks the loudest to your spirit? CHAPTER ONE-ARTICLE TWO The Secular Franciscan Order holds a special place in this family circle. It is an organic union of all Catholic fraternities scattered throughout the world and open to every group of the faithful. In these fraternities the brothers and sisters, led by the Spirit, strive for perfect charity in their own secular state. By their profession they pledge themselves to live the gospel in the manner of Saint Francis by means of this rule approved by the Church. Are SFO fraternities to be considered “isolated” and “autonomous”? Why are SFO members called secular? What does it mean to “make profession”? What do SFO’s profess? Have I recently reviewed the SFO Ritual for Profession to reflect on those prayers used at the ceremony of my public Profession? Would this be beneficial? What is understood by the words “the gospel” the “Good News”? How does an Order differ from a parish society? What efforts should we be making to carry out this SFO promise? What is meant by the common adage: “From Gospel to life and life to Gospel”? Is there a starting age limit in becoming an SFO member? Do I regularly wear the external sign of my membership in this Order-the Tau Cross? Do I have the impression that I am only to wear the Tau Cross at our fraternity gatherings? Does your local fraternity feel connected to any other local fraternities? Do you feel connected to your regional fraternity? Why or why not? How often does your fraternity read and/or study the SFO Rule? Do you, individually, read/study/meditate upon the Rule? When was the last time you did so? 3 CHAPTER ONE-ARTICLE THREE The present rule, succeeding “Memoriale Propositi” (1221) and the rules approved by the Supreme Pontiffs Nicholas IV and Leo XIII, adapts the Secular Franciscan Order to the needs and expectations of the Holy Church in the conditions of changing times. Its interpretation belongs to the Holy See and its application will be made by the General Constitutions and particular statutes. Do we realize that our SFO historical roots reach back to the time of St. Francis? In the course of the past 800 years, the SFO Rule has undergone several approved revisions; do you know the year of Church approval for the present text of our Rule? How would you describe the organization of the SFO in the world, and in your region? Who are called to serve the fraternities of SFOs organizationally? How do these people get elected? What are the offices held in each fraternity council? Clearly the SFO is under the guidance of the Catholic Church, how is this manifested? Who established this Catholic Church? Do you ever reflect on Sacred Scripture passages that deal with this authority given by Christ? In what ways can you say the Church is “human/divine”? As members of the Body of Christ today, what demands are put upon us by our Baptisms? How important is my input today into the Body of Christ? We have many documents to refer to when the need arises: The Rule, the General Constitutions, National Statutes, Regional Guidelines. Has your Council (local or regional) needed to refer to these documents to solve a problem, clarify a procedure, or emphasize a point? Does each member of your council have a copy of these documents to guide them in their duties? Do you own a copy of these documents? Does your Fraternity library have copies of these documents? If they do not, do you know where you can get a copy? CHAPTER TWO-ARTICLE FOUR The rule and life of the Secular Franciscans is this: to observe the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people. Christ, the gift of the Father’s love, is the way to him, the truth into which the Holy Spirit leads us, and the life which he has come to give abundantly. Secular Franciscans should devote themselves especially to careful reading of the gospel, going from gospel to life and life to the gospel. In the practice of any religion (such as the Catholic Church), what is the function of various spiritualities? This first sentence is a digest of the SFO vocation, which is? How serious of a commitment is this for the SFO member? Do we daily direct our lives using the teaching of Christ that He is the way, the truth, and the life? Do we depend on all three Persons of the Trinity, as indicated here? What is your definition of “observe the Gospel”? How do you observe “careful reading of the gospel”? In what ways can we go “from gospel to life and life to gospel”? 4 CHAPTER TWO-ARTICLE FIVE Secular Franciscans, therefore, should seek to encounter the living and active person of Christ in their brothers and sisters, in Sacred Scripture, in the Church, and in liturgical activity.
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