VOL. XXIII NO. 63 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1989 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Cosby to address 1990 graduates Entertainer to represent ND Year of the Family By MONICA YANT vcrsity will not assign him a News Writer specific topic to cover. Cosby's book "Fatherhood" Bill Cosby, PntPrtain<>r. come­ became the fastest-selling dian. authi1r, and bPnnfactor of hardcover book ever when pub­ education. will speak at the lished in May 1986. "Time UnivPrsity's !45th Commencc­ Flies," his next book, was also mPnt Exercises May 20. said a best-seller. Hirhard Conklin. director of His latest book, "Love and Public HPiations and Informa­ Marriage," was published in tion. April. Cosby was chosen because, The NBC television show, "hp's bnnn vPry murh connectf1d "The Cosby Show." has been with tlw idea bf1hind the cele­ number one in viewership for bration of tlw Year of the the past five years. Its popular­ Family," said University Presi­ Bill Cosby ity was perhaps best noted by a dnnt Fatlwr Edward Malloy. viewer who said. "Before his Cosby's numbN-one rated telf1- spPaker was the University's show hit the air. many viewers vision show. along with numer­ desire to focus the address had rejected primetime televi­ ous books. offer humorous ac­ specifically for the audience, of sion as an electronic guigol of counts of nveryday family lifr. which family members are in crime, slime, glitz, and glands." according to a press rnlease. great number. The University "What Cosby offered instead Malloy said that Cosby's gen­ felt Cosby would bP "well-qual­ was a gentle, whimsical, warm­ erous support to traditionally ified" to delivPr an address of hearted sitcom about family life black colleges in the country. this nature. he said. that found humor in the little "wry murh picks up on our ef­ According to Malloy, Cosby things that happen in every forts with n~gards to increasing will be provided background in­ home and everlasting value in minority Pnrollmnnt." Besides formation about the com­ the love and trust that exist actively supporting his alma mencement exercises, past between parents and children." matnr. Temple University. speeches, and the audience. He His career began 25 years Cosby and his wifr. recently will be given an amount of time ago in stand-up comedy. He Over the Wall gaw a largP donation to Spell­ in which he is to speak, Conklin went on to become the best­ man CnllPgP in Atlanta. Malloy said. which is approximately 20 selling comedian of all time on AP Photo said. minutes. records. An East German border guard stands on a ladder looking over the A third factor in choosing Cosby will speak, however, on Wall to watch construction work on extending a border crossing at Cosby as thP commPncement a topic of his choice. The Uni- see COSBY I paqe 6 checkpoint Heinrich-Heine-Strasse Monday. Czech talks begin on new non-Comm-unist government PRAGUE. CzPchoslovakia (AP) said last week some of the Opposition groups say the "bear direct political the Communists but are playing - One of Czechoslovakia's two barbed wirP. watch towers and general strike will take place responsibility" for the an increasingly independent rl'publies named thP first gov­ trip wires would be taken Monday unless the 21-member crackdown. role. p,rnrnent in 41 years dominatPd down. Cabinet, which contains only It proposed that six senior After the government was by non-Communists, and talks About 2,000 demonstrating five non-Communists, is re­ police officers be fired to pre­ announced, the People's Party bngan with opposition leaders students chantPd "Resign! Re­ placed before then. vent them influencing the inves­ demanded an immediate change on thnir demands for a nPw sign!" as Ladislav Adamec, the tigation. to give non-Communists more national govPrnmPnt. Communist premiPr, met with Dienstbier called the new The Czech cabinet named to power. It also demanded the dissident playwright Vaclav Czech government "a step in serve under Premier Frantisek party relinquish control of the Lnad1~rs of thP Communist­ Havel on demands for a new the right direction," but said its Pitra, a Communist, includes Czech interior ministry, which controlled labor organization Cabinet to replace the Commu­ composition still was not an nine non-Communists and seven oversees the regional police. took the unprncPdPntPd stPp of nist-dominated one chosen accurate reflection of public members of the party. It is the endorsing a general strike that Sunday. opinion. first government of any kind in In a statement, the party said thn opposition has threatened if Jiri Dienstbier, spokesman The parliamentary commis­ Czechoslovakia since 1948 not it wants 50 percent of cabinet the national government is not for Havel's opposition group, sion investigating the police to be dominated by Commu­ posts given to non-party ex­ rhangl'd this week. Civic Forum, said the discus­ violence Nov. 17 that started nists. perts, with the Communists and An lntPrior Ministry an­ sions would continue Wednes­ the nation's peaceful revolt, two other parties sharing the nouncPment said work on dis­ day. Miroslav Pavel, who is said Tuesday that ousted Two ministe.rs are from the other half. mantling fortifications on the head of state television and at­ Communist Party chief Milos Socialist Party and two from • Dienstbier said Civic Forum border with Austria would be­ tended the talks, said they were Jakes and Miroslav Stepan, the the People's Party, both of endorsed the People's Party gin Monday. The government "very complicated." former Prague party boss, which had been docile allies of demands. Manslaughter case of Bush, White House respond to Miami officer sent to jury aftershocks of Malta summit MIAMI (AI') - Jurors in touches off renewed racial the trial of the policeman violence. WASHINGTON (AP) - The ovation from his Cabinet, sum­ West. whosP shooting of a black Twice before in this White House, dealing with moned to the White House for a Explaining the diffenmce, motorcyclist sparked three decade, riots broke out when aftershocks from the Malta report on his two days of talks Bush's national security ad­ days of rioting must now de­ white officers were acquitted summit, attempted to quell with Soviet President Mikhail viser, Brent Scowcroft. said, cidt> if thP officer !ired coldly in the slayings of blacks. criticism from conservatives Gorbachev. "We have an administration and delibnrately. or in self­ Tuesday's final arguments Tuesday and play down any dif­ Bush ignored questions from that is very closely aligned but I def'Pnse, attorneys said in fi­ were broadcast live on Mi­ ferences between President reporters about Quayle, who think it probably not possible nal arguments Tuesday. ami radio and television. Bush and Vice President Dan has offered a more guarded for people to speak literally The manslaughter trial of But defense attorney Roy Quayle on the Soviet Union. and skeptical post-summit with one voice." officer William Lozano. 31. Black reminded jurors they On another summit topic, the assessment of the Soviets than "And there may from time to went to the jury late in the should concentrate only on administration said the meeting Bush has. time be difference of perspec­ day. Dade County Circuit the facts of the case, not on enabled Bush to look ahead to Quayle, in an interview with tive but there's no difference in Judge John Farina told potential unrest caused by possible budget savings two The Washington Post, called the substance of the policies jurors to elect a foreman their verdict. years from now as a result of the Soviet Union "a totalitarian we're pursuing." and to begin deliberations "This case has nothing to likely arms reductions. government" and said "I don't For months, Quayle has WPdnesaay morning after al­ do with racial prejudice," White House press secretary think they've changed much in voiced a harder line than Bush most sf1ven weeks of jury Sf1- said Black. "Your verdict Marlin Fitzwater said that if an foreign policy." toward the Soviet Union. It has 1Pction and testimony dosely has meaning only in its truth agreement is signed next year Bush, on the other hand, said been suggested the .vice presi­ followPd by an entire city. to the case and its effects on to slash long-range nuclear after the summit, "We stand at dent was deliberately playing to The shooting resultPd in a police officer." missiles, "I think that could the threshold of a brand new the conservatives as part of a thrPP days of fires, looting Assistant State Attorney have an impact, certainly" on era of U.S.-Soviet relations." White House strategy to keep and violence. And poliee Don Horn told the jurors the budget that would be sub­ He also said Gorbachev's en­ .their support. bought new anti-riot equip­ Lozano had violated the law mitted the following January. dorsement of reforms in East­ But Quayle said Tuesday that ment and put all officers on Bush, on his first day back in ern Europe "absolutely man­ "there's no good guy, bad guy notiee in case the verdict see TRIAL I page 6 the Oval Office, got a standing dates new thinking" by the strategy:· page 2 The Observer Wednesday, December 6, 1989 INSIDE COLUMN WEATHER Forecast for noon, Wednesday, December 6_ Commercialism Lines show high temperatures. spoiling value of Yesterday's High: 35 college athletics Yesterday's Low: 25 Nation's High: 83 (Woodland Hills, Calif.) Anyone lucky Nation's Low: -22 enough to be at the (Saranac Lake, N.Y.) Orang1~ Howl over ~. Thanksgiving to 'f;'., Forecast: watch Miami trounce .
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