NOTES ON THE FAUNA OF THE CHIPOLA FORMATION- X X XVIII TWO N EW SPECIES OF THE GENUS TURBO (GASTROPODA:TURBINIDAE) GARY W. SCHMELZ NAPLES, FLORID A According to Hickman a nd McLean served specimens with rows of dark spots on te l­ (1990, p . 57), the genus Turbo fi rst appear.s eoconch whorls, as well as vertical, wavy, dark in Upper Cretaceous rocks a nd reache d it's and light bands. highest level of diversity in the Cenozoic . Ho lotype: USNM 484398; height 19.4 mm, Today, members of this genus th rive in maximum diameter 16.4 mm. shallow tropica l and subtropical marine Type locality: TU 555, Chipola F ormation, e nvironments where they have a strong af­ east bank of Chipola River, about 1,000 feet finity for calcareous substrates (Hickman above Fourmile Creek (SW 114 Sec. 29, T 1N, and McLean, 1990, p. 57). R9W) , Calhoun County, Florida. Paratype: USNM 484399; height 22.6 mm, Examination of Chipola Formati on fos­ maximum diameter 19 .0 mm; locality TU 555, sils has re veale d the presence of two new east bank of Chipola River, about 1, 000 feet species of Turbo. Both species w e r e found above Fourmile Creek, Calhoun County, Flori­ in association with coral reef d ep osits da. along the Chipola River and Farley Creek. Additional unfigured paratypes: Five speci­ In addition, two opercula belonging to the mens from TU 555 (Tulane collection) and two genus Turbo were found in the Tulane col­ specimens from TU 1048 (one from the Tulane lection. Both appear to belong to the sa m e co ll ection and one from the Schmelz collection). species, but neither was collecte d in as­ Discussion: Turbo chipolanus is the sociation with a shell. One was obtained more common of the two new species from from TU 1048 and the other from TU 555. the Chipola Formation. This species has no Both opercula are illustrated in Plate !·(fi g­ cou n terpart among fossil forms but is most ures 4 and 5). similar to the rare Recent Turbo haraldi Robertson , 1957, which is described and fi­ Family TURBINIDAE Rafinesque, 18'15 gured by Abbott (1974, p. 58, text-fig. 478 ). Genus TURBO Linnaeus, 1758 B oth Turbo chipolanus and Turbo haraldi Turbo LINNAEUS, 1758, Systema Naturae, ed. a r e sim il ar in size, have planate proto­ 10, p. 761. conchs, a re imperforate and possess smooth b ody whorls. The major difference Type species: Turbo petholatus Linnaeus, 1758, by subsequent designation, Montfort, between the two species is that Turbo 1810. haraldi has two carinae on the early post­ nuclear whorls (versus one for Turbo Subgenus HALOPSEPHUS Rehder, 1943 chipolanus) with the upper one bearing Halopsephus REHDER, 1943 , Proc. Bioi. Soc. short, flattened spines. According to Ab­ Washington, v. 56 , pp. 41-46. b ott (1974, p. 58) Turbo haraldi lives on Type species: Turbo pulcher Rehder, 1943, by gravel and sponge bottom in tropical and original designation (T. pulcher Rehder, 1943, su btropical waters from the Bahamas to non T. pulcher Dillwyn, 1817 = T. haraldi P anama. Robertson, 1957). Subgenus TAE NEATURBO Woodring, TURBO (HALOPSEPHUS ?) CHIPOLANUS 1928 Schmelz, n. sp. Taeneaturbo WOODRING, 1928, Carnegie Inst. Plate 1, figures 1, 2 Washington, Pub!. 385, p. 408 . Description: She ll medium-sized , turbinate in Type species: Turbo canaliculatus Hermann, form, impe rfora te. Protoconch pla nate , glossy, 1781, by original designation. about two whorls. Postnuclear whorls fiv e; su­ ture distinct. Aperture rounded, columellar por­ T URBO (TAENEATURBO) PACTILIS Schmelz, tion thickened a nd slightly reflexed a nte riorly. n. sp. First three teleoconch whorls shouldered , re­ mainder rounded. F aint, beaded spiral cords Plate 1, figu re 3 cover first three te leoconch whorls a nd adapica l Description: She ll m ~d iu m-sized, thin, turbi­ end of penultimate whorl. Body whorl and nate in form , impe rforate. Protoconch sub­ abapica l end of penultimate smooth, except for merged , a bout two whorls. Postnuclear whorls numerous faint oblique growth lin es. Well-pre- a bout fiv e : suture distinct w ith an adjace nt deep 113 114 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 28 channel at adapical end of penultimate and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS body whorl. Aperture severely damaged in all This investigator would like to extend a specimens, probably oval in shape. Teleoconch special note of thanks to Emily Vokes for whorls rounded, sculptured with numerous, well-developed, beaded spiral costae of approx­ the loan of Tulane specimens and her as­ im a te ly equal size. Spiral costae separated by sistance with photographic work. An addi­ evenly spaced spira l grooves. Beaded pattern tional note of appreciation is also extended caused by oblique growth lines crossing over to Mr. Burt Hayes for granting permission costae and grooves. Well-preserved fragments to collect on hi s property. with vertica l, wavy, dark and light ba nds ex­ tending across whorls. LOCALITY DATA Holotype: USNM 484400; height 27.0 mm, The following Tulane University maximum diamete r 23.2 mm. loca liti es are all in the Chipola Formation, Type lo cality. TU 555, Chipola Formation, east bank of Chipola River, about 1,000 feel Calhoun County, Florida: above Fourmile Creek (SW 114 Sec. 29 , TIN, 547. West bank of Chipola River, about 2,000 R9W), Calhoun County, Florida. ft. above Fourmile Creek (SW 114 Sec. 29 , Additional 1infiguTed pctmiypes: One incom­ T1N, R9WJ. plete specimen from TU 547 (Tulane collection) 555. East bank of Chipola Rive r, about 1,000 ft. and three fragments from TU 1048 (Tulane col­ above Fourmile Creek (SW 114 Sec. 29 , lection). TIN, R9WJ. Discussion: TU1·bo pactilis is an extre­ 1048. Farley Creek, south bank, about 0.8 mile east of bridge of Florida Highway 275 (NE mely rare species with only one nearly 1/4 Sec. 21 , TlN, R9W). complete specimen available for examina­ tion. Among fossil forms it bears some simi­ LITERATURE CITED larity to Turbo dominicensis Gabb, 1873 (p. 242; figured by Pilsbry, 1922, pl. 42 , figs. ABBOTT, R. T. , 1974, Ame rican Seashells, Sec­ ond Edition. Van Nostra nd Reinhold Co. , 16 , 17), from the Mio-Pliocene Cercado New York, 663 p. , 24 color plates, 6405 text­ Formation of the Dominican Republic. It fi gs. differs, however, from this species in that it GABB, W. M .. 1873, On the topography and ge­ has a submerged rather than planate pro­ ology of Santo Domingo: A mer. Phil. Soc. , toconch, possesses conspicuous, nearly Trans., (N.S.) v. 15 , pt. 1, p. 49-259, 2 maps. equal- sized, beaded cords over each teleo­ HICKMAN, C. S. , and J. H. McLEAN, 1990, conch whorl, lacks the prominent beaded Systematic revision and supragene ric classi­ spiral cord just below the suture, and has a fic ation of trochacean gastropods: Nat. Hist. deep channel next to the suture on the Mus. Los Angeles Co. , Sci. Ser., no. 35 , 169 p. , 100 text-figs. penultimate and body whorl. Among ex­ PILSBRY, H. A. , 1922, R evision of W. M. tant forms T. pactilis is most like Turbo Gabb's Tertiary Mollusca of Santo Domingo: canaliculat11.s Hermann, 1781 (figured and Acad. N at. Sci. Phila ., Proc. , v. 73 , p . 305- described in Abbott, 1974, p. 58 , pl. 2, text­ 435, pis. 16-4 7, 48 text-figs. fig. 475 ). However, T. pactilis differs from T. canaliculatus by the fact that it has a much narrower channel next to the suture November 15 , 1995 and much more prominent beaded spiral cords covering the teleoconch whorls. No.4 Fauna ofChipola Formation- XXXVIII 115 4a Sa 4b Sb PLATE 1 Figures 1, 2. Turbo (Halopsephus?) chipolanus Schmelz, n. sp. (X2) 1. USNM 484398 (holotype); height 19.4 mm, diameter 16.4 mm. Locality: TU 555, Chipola Formation, Florida. 2. USNM 484399 (paratype); height 22.6 mm, diameter 19.0 mm. Locality: TU 555, Chipola Formation, Florida. 3. Turbo (Taeneaturbo) pactilis Schmelz, n. sp. (X2) USNM 484400 (holotype); height 27.0 mm, diameter 23.2 mm. Locality: TU 555, Chipola Formation, Florida. 4, 5. Turbo opercula (X2) 4. USNM 484401; maximum diameter 9.5 mm. Locality: TU 555, Chipola Formation, Florida. 5. USNM 484402: maximum diameter 10.5 mm. Locality: TU 1048, Chipola Formation, Florida. .
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