E 1090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 22, 1995 CONGRATULATIONS TO ATLANTIS CONGRATULATIONS TO FIRST OC- panic Educators Association, the Community COMMUNITY AND NORWEST CUPATIONAL CENTER OF NEW Service Award from the Association Civica BANK COLORADO JERSEY AND ITS HONOREES Arecibeno, the P.S. 5 Parent Teacher Asso- ciation Award, the Ramon S. Velez Scholar- HON. PATRICIA SCHROEDER HON. WILLIAM J. MARTINI ship Committee Leadership Award and the P.S. 5 Parent Teacher Association 20th Anni- OF COLORADO OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES versary Award. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, the residents of my district, Monday, May 22, 1995 Monday, May 22, 1995 Hispanic Americans everywhere, and indeed Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, I want to Mr. MARTINI. Mr. Speaker, I would like to the entire Nation are the beneficiaries of such commend Atlantis Community Inc. and tell my colleagues about several very special lifelong dedication to the education of our Norwest Bank Colorado, both of Denver, for individuals whose excellent work in the area of youth, and in particular of those often-dis- launching one of the Nation's first home mort- occupational and rehabilitational therapy for advantaged youngsters who grow up in our gage financing and consumer loan programs the aged, the disabled, and the disadvantaged inner city communities. I ask my colleagues to for lower-income people with disabilities. has earned them high honors at the 41st anni- join me in conveying best wishes and deep On May 17, Social Compact recognized versary celebration and annual awards pres- gratitude to Mr. Jose M. Graciano. Atlantis and Norwest in its 1995 Outstanding entation of the First Occupational Center of f New Jersey on May 24, 1995. Community Investment Awards program. So- MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS cial Compact is a Washington-based nonprofit Peter Cocoziello, president of Consult Real- coalition of leaders in financial services and ty, Janet May, executive director of the West community development industries who work Essex Chamber of Commerce, John Smith, HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK to strengthen neighborhoods. manager of public affairs at PSE&G, and Joan OF CALIFORNIA Verplanck, president of the New Jersey State In partnership with Atlantis, Norwest intro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chamber of Commerce will all be the duced the Disability Community Homeowner- Monday, May 22, 1995 honorees on this memorable occasion. Their ship Program in June 1993 as a 1-year pilot, work with the center helps individuals and Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, the debate on re- with a $2.5 million set-aside for loans. The families challenged by both physical and eco- forming our health care system has begun to program offers generous and flexible mort- nomic disadvantages become contributing focus on the potential role of medical savings gage terms of physically disabled people, al- members of the community. With the support accounts. lowing them to own their own homes for the of individuals, private groups, and Government I would like to enter into the RECORD some first time. Norwest now has generated more agencies, the center provides professional comments from business, consumer, and than $6 million in approved loans to more than counseling and real work opportunities to health policy organizations regarding medical 100 people in the program. those who truly need such services. For sen- savings accounts [MSA's]. There comments Atlantis, the largest home health care agen- iors over age 55, job readiness and placement are helpful in evaluating the likely costs and cy in Colorado, has built awareness of the services are available; for welfare recipients, benefits to be derived from MSA's. In sum, program through its close links with the dis- remedial instruction and work experience are these organizations find that the risks of abled community and its financial counseling encouraged. MSA's are high and the rewards are, at best, services. Atlantis also has implemented a The center, and the outstanding individuals overstated. homeownership workshop and money man- that are being honored, strive to bring dignity The attached also sheds light on one par- agement services, which address the needs of and self-confidence to lives that may other- ticular company that is profiting handsomely disabled people in the home buying process. wise lose sight of these essential human traits. from MSA's, and how this is so. The level of Also in partnership with Norwest, Atlantis I congratulate these honorees: Mr. Cocoziello, profits generated by this company, and how has developed a consumer loan program for Ms. May, Mr. Smith, and Ms. Verplanck for they have chosen to spend them, give us rea- vehicle purchase and modification, home ac- their contributions, and urge them to keep up son to take pause. cess improvements and independent living their good work. These comments follow. aids. FEBRUARY 1, 1995. f Atlantis and Norwest are a good example of MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTSÐNOT FOR commitment and partnership in the service of TRIBUTE TO JOSE M. GRACIANO MEDICARE! others. DEAR COLLEAGUE: We have heard much f  about medical savings account (MSAs) re- HON. JOSE E. SERRANO cently. Companies that stand to benefit fi- TRIBUTE TO MR. JOHN O'TOOLE OF NEW YORK nancially from MSAsÐand those who have OF CONNECTICUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES benefited from the profits of these MSA pro- Monday, May 22, 1995 ponentsÐhave been quick to push their mer- its. This week, Speaker Gingrich proposed to HON. CHRISTOPHER SHAYS Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, give Medicare recipients vouchers to enroll OF CONNECTICUT May 19, 1995 a group of dedicated public in medical savings accounts. More objective partiesÐbusiness, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school educators gathered in my congres- sional district to honor one of their distin- consumer and health policy organizations Monday, May 22, 1995  across the potential spectrumÐhave con- guished colleagues, Jose M. Graciano. cluded that the expansion of medical savings Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, earlier this month, Mr. Graciano has been the principal of P.S. accounts will exacerbate problems in the one of the most respected leaders in the ad- 5 since 1971 and has earned the distinction of health insurance market. vertising industry, John E. O'Toole, former being the longest serving public school prin- ``While on the surface these proposals have President and chief executive of the American cipal in Community School District Seven. His some appeal . they pose serious Association Of Advertising Agencies, and a record of accomplishment at P.S. 5 is truly im- problems . There does not appear to be a resident of Connecticut's Fourth Congressional pressive; he has brought more than two dozen way to design an MSA that is not detrimen- District passed away in New York. different enrichment programs into his school. tal to the goal of achieving universal or near-universal coverage at a reasonable John O'Toole's four decades in advertising We are particularly proud of Mr. Graciano for cost.''ÐCenter on Budget and Policy Prior- were distinguished by the highest standards his accomplishment in creating the first bilin- ities he demanded of himself and demanded of his gual pre-kindergarten program in the Nation, a ``To illustrate the current misunderstand- industry. That dedication and determination to title VII grant Project PROBE. Under his lead- ing of how MSAs would generally operate, provide the American public with quality and ership, P.S. 5 was designated a model bilin- the [Academy] uses an example that ap- seamless honesty earned him his induction gual school, recognizing the successes of peared in a letter released by Senator Phil this year into the Advertising Hall of Fame. such programs as the Bilingual Teacher Gramm . The example seems clear John O'Toole's leadership, his creativity, his Corps, Project SABE, Project BETA and CSIP. enough. However, like many others, it mis- represents what is generally financially pos- wit, and his friendship will be sorely missed by Mr. Graciano is an active member of his sible.''ÐAmerican Academy of Actuaries his family and many, many friends. My heart- community and his hard work has earned him ``Our judgment is that the medical IRA is felt condolences go out to his wife, Phyllis and numerous awards and recognitions including not going to bring about the kind of univer- his two daughters. the Educator of the Year award from the His- sal coverage and the stopping of cost shifting May 22, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 1091 that we would like to see . There are a COMMENDING ALAN LEVY FOR HIS Water Amendments of 1995 (H. Rept. 104± number of other problems we have with a OUTSTANDING WORK AS AN AU- 112), inaccurately reports one of the roll call medical IRA that we think it will be found THOR AND JOURNALIST votes that was taken in the full Committee on lacking in terms of where we would like to see health reform go.''ÐUS Chamber of Com- Transportation and Infrastructure. On the Mi- merce HON. TOM LANTOS neta motion relating to unfunded mandates, ``[The MSA] proposal does nothing for cost OF CALIFORNIA listed on pages 199±200 of the committee re- containment . Once fully implemented, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES port, the committee report indicates a yes vote [the MSA] proposal would have enormous by Mr. ZELIFF. negative effects on Federal revenue. It would Monday, May 22, 1995 The committee records (included in the re- create a huge new tax advantage/subsidy, Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- port filed with the Clerk) indicate that Mr. going mostly to the non-poor . It could leagues to join me in commending Alan Levy, ZELIFF's vote was no on that roll call.
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