QH178 .9 58 V. 10 1999 HISTORIA NATURALIS BULGARICA & 10 fflSTORIA NATURALIS BULGARICA Volume 10, Sofia, 1999 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - National Museum of Natural History cm.H.c. ) (cm.H.c. () cm.H.c. cm.H.c. cm.H.c. - . ^1 1000 © - ,^1999 EDITORIAL BOARD U Petar BERON (Editor-in-CMef) cm.H.c. : Alexi POPOV (Secretary) Krassimir KUMANSKI Stoitse ANDREEV 31.12.1999 Zlatozar BOEV 70x100/16 350 Address 10.25 National Museum of Natureil History 6 „" 1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd 1000 Sofia ISSN 0205-3640 Historia naturalis bulgarica 10, , 1999 - 60 (.) 6 - 6 (., . .) 13 - (Insecta: Heteroptera) 6 (., pes. .) 35 - - (Coleoptera: Carabidae) .-HI (., . .) 67 - Egira tibori Hreblay, 1994 - (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hadeninae) (., . .) 77 - Tetrao partium (Kretzoi, 1962) (Aves: Tetraonidae) (., . .) 85 - (Aves: Otitidae) (., . .) 97 - Regulus bulgaricus sp. - (Aves: Sylviidae) (., . .) 109 , - ,Pogonu (., . .) 117 , - „ - " (., pes. .) 125 , , , - 1 6 pes. (., .) 133 - (., pes. .) 147 - gecem (.) ^ 34 - (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (.) 84 - 60 - , 116 (.) , - ,- 124 (1967 1994) (.) - (.) 132 CONTENTS Alexi POPOV - KraSsimir Kumanski at sixty years of age (In Bulgarian) Scientific publications Petar BERON - Biodiversity of the high mountain terrestrial fauna in Bxilgaria (In English, summary in Bulgarian) 13 Michail JOSIFOV - Heteropterous insects in the SandansM-Petrich Kettle, Southwestern Bulgaria (In English, simimary in Bulgeirian) 35 Borislav GUEORGUIEV - Contribution to the study of the ground-beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of the Osogovo Mountain, Bulgaria. Ill (In English, summary in Bulgarian) 67 Stoyan BESHKOV - Egira tibori Hreblay, 1994 - a new species for the European fauna (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hadeninae) (In English, ." summary in Bulgarian) . 77 Zlatozar BOEIV - On the presence of Tetrao partium (Kretzoi, 1962) (Aves: Tetraonidae) in the Late Pliocene of Bulgeiria (In English, simmiary in Bulgarian) 85 Zlatozar BOEV Late Pliocene Bustards (Aves: Otitidae) from Western Bulgaria (In English, summary in Bulgarian) 97 Zlatozar BOEV - Regulus bulgaricus sp. n. - the first fossil Kinglet (Aves: Sylviidae) from the Late Pliocene of Varshets, Western Bulgaria (In English, summary in Bulgarian) 109 Antoaneta PETROVA, Irina GERASSIMOVA, Diana VENKOVA - New data of the flora of the Eastern Rhodope Moimtains, Bulgaria (In Bulgarian, summary in English) 117 Protection of nature Ivan PANDOURSKI, Stefan STOICHEV - Sur la faune de interstitielle littorsde de la bande sableuse entre le systeme lacustre de "Chabla - Ezeretz" et la Mer Noire (In French, summary in Bulgarian) 125 Nikolai SPASSOV, Kiril GEORGIEV, Vasil IVANOV, Pavel STOEV - Study on the potential ecological corridors between the local populations of the brown bear in Bulgaria (In English, summary in Bulgarian) 133 History of natural sciences Alexi POPOV - History of the Bulgarian Entomological Society (In Biilgarian, summary in English) 147 Short notes Petar BERON - One hundred and ten years of the National Museum of Natural History - Sofia (In Bulgarian) 34 Alexi POPOV - A catalogue of the leaf-beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Bulgaria by Blagoj Gruev and Vasu Tomov (In Bulgarian) 84 Zlatozar BOEV - 60th anniversary of the birthday of Tanjm Michev - an ornithologist, nature conservationist and photographer (In Bulgarian) 116 Georgi STOYANOV, Stoyan YOTOV - The ornithologist Rinnen Kirilov Todorov (1967 - 1994) (In Bulgarian) 124 Petar BERON - The new dioramas in the National Museum of Natural History - Sofia (In Bulgarian) 132 60- - 1989 go 1993 This issue is dedicated to the prominent Bulgarian Entomologist Dr KRASSIMIR KUMANSKI Director of the National Museum of Natural History from 1989 to 1993 on the occasion of his 60th Birthday Historia naturalis bulgarica, 10, 1999: 6-12 Kyiviaucku 60 cu no 1966 - !. u . .-. , (Trichoptera) . u ^ . , ^, ) u cmamuu u .- 6 , 20 . K5TviaHcku u . - 19 1939 . - ( ).1960, 1966 u 1969. , 1974 ) 1977, 1983 (1986 ^ ., , 1989 go 1993 £1. , ., u 6 , . 76 , £1 u keimo Chaetopteroides u 78.u 3 . , :, - , , . u 253 u . u u Trichoptera ^u Plecoptera. ,, u u , , , u .6 £1 , u , u 6 u , . ,U . u . ... 1968. {Ctenopharyngodon idellus IVal.l) cm . - .. UHcm. , 27: 41-49. KuMANSKi . 1968. Chaetopteryx maximus n.sp. aus Bulgarian (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). - r. Acad. Sci. bulg., 21 (1): 59-61. KuMANSKi K. 1968. Zwei neue Kocherfliegen-Arten aus Bulgarian (Trichoptara, Limnephilidae). - Entomol. Berichten, 28: 214-218. KuMANSKi K. 1968. Beitrag zur Erforschung der Trichopteren Bulgariens. I. - Faun. Abh., 2 (16): 109-115. 1969. (Trichoptera) 6 - . II. .. UHCm. , 29: 175-181. KuMANSH . 1969. Chaetopteryx bulgaricus - eine neue Art aus der maximus-Grxxy^e (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). - Reichenbachia, 12 (3): 21-27. KUMANSKI K. 1970. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Psilopteryx St. (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). - Reichenbachia, 12 (27): 277-280. KuMANSra K. 1971. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wasserstadien einige Rhyacophila-Arten (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae). - ... , 33: 49-70. 1971. (Trichoptera) 6 - . .. UHcm. , 33: 99-109. 1972. (Trichoptera) - . IV. ... , 34: 209-216. KuMANsm . 1972. Review of autumn species of caddisflies in Bulgaria (Insecta: Trichoptera). - ... , 36: 197-202. KUMANSKi . 1972. Eine neue Hydroptila-Art aus Bulgarien (Trichoptera, HydroptUidae). - r. Acad. Sci. bulg., 25 (9): 1261-1263. KUMANSKi K. 1973. Zu den Metamorphosestadien zweier Glossosomatidae Arten (Trichoptera). - Reichenbachia, 14 (33): 269-277. KUMANSKI K. 1973. Zum Erkennen der Weibchen von der Gattung Rhyacophila in Bulgarien (Rhyacophilidae, Trichoptera). - ... , 38: 25-38. KUMANSKI . 1973. Sur la connaissance du genre Chionophylax Schmid (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). - Nouv. Rev. EntomoL, 3 (3): 193-203. KUMANSKI K. 1973. Die Unterfanulie Drusinae (Trichoptera) in Bulgarien. - Tijdschr. EntomoL, 116 (5): 107-121. KUMANSKI K. 1974. BezugUch der MogUchkeiten fur Ausnutzung einiger Trichopteren- Larven als Umnosaprobe Bioindicatoren. - ... , 39: 207-211, KUMANSKI . 1974. Le groupe fuMpes-instabilis du genre Hydropsyche Pict. en Bulgarie, avec description de deux nouvelle especes (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae). - Nouv. Rev. EntomoL, 4 (2): 145-152. KuMANSKi K. 1974. Description de Hydroptila angulifera - une nouveUe espece du Rhodope bulgare (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae). - Reichenbachia, 15 (10): 71-75. KUMANSKI K., L. BOTOSANEANU. 1974. Les Hydropsyche (Trichoptera) du groupe de guttata en Bulgarie et en Roumanie. - Acta Mus. Maced. Sci. nat., 14 (2): 25-43. Malicky H., K. KUMANSKI. 1974. Neun neue Kocherfliegen aus Slideuropa (Trichoptera). - Ent. Zeitschr., 84 (3): 9-20. 1975. u (Trichoptera) . - : . , , 65- 91. 1975. (Trichoptera, Insecta). - Acta zool. bulg., 2: 58-69. KUMAJs'SKi K. 1975. Trichopteres recueillis a la lumiere en 1964-1965 dans la region des lacs Masuriens de Pologne. - Bull. ent. Pol., 45 (1): 63-66. KuMANSKi K. 1975. La famiile Glossosomatidae (Trichoptera) en Bulgarie. - Acta zool. bulg., 3: 48-58. KuMANSKi K. 1975. A new Balcan Potamophylax-species (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). - Nouv. Rev. EntomoL, 5 (1): 86-87. KUMANSKI K., H. Maucky. 1975. Sieben neue Tinodes-Arten aus dem Agaisraum (Trichoptera, Psychomyiidae). - Ent. Zeitschr., 85 (4): 25-33. KUMANSKI K., H. Malicky. 1976. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der bulgarischen Kocherfliegen (Trichoptera). - Bull. ent. Pol., 46: 95-126. KuMANsm . 1977. A progress report on studies and some characteristics of the Bvdgarian caddis fauna. - In: Crichton J. (ed.). Proc. of the 2nd Intnl. Symposium on Trichoptera. The Hague, Junk, 103-108. KuMANSKi K. 1979. To the knowledge of genus Wormaldia (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) from the Balkans and Anatolia. - Acta zool. bulg., 12: 58-66. KUMANSKi K. 1979. Description of Drusus discophoroides n. sp., and some critical notes on the reporting of Drusus annulatus Steph. from Bulgaria (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). - Acta zool. bulg., 12: 67-70. KuMANsm K. 1979. Trichoptera (Insecta) from New Guinea. - Aquatic Insects, 1 (4): 193-219. KuMANSKi K. 1979. The family Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) in Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 13: 3-20. 1979. u (Trichoptera). - Acta zool. bulg., 13: 72-76. KuMANSKi K. 1980. A contribution to the knowledge of Trichoptera (Insecta) of the Caucasus. - Acta zool. bulg., 14: 32-48. KuMANsm K. 1980. To the knowledge of Chaetopterygini fronx the Caucasus (USSR) (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae). - Reichenbachia, 18 (23): 153-160. KUMANSKI K. 1980. Description of three new caddis-flies (Trichoptera) from Bulgaria. - Rivista di Idrobiol., 19 (1): 197-205. KuMANsm K. 1981. Faunistic investigations on Bxilgarian Trichoptera to June, 1980 - with a revised check-list. - In: Moretti G. P. (ed.). Proc. of the 3rd Intnl. Symposium on Trichoptera. Ser. Entomol., Vol. 20. The Hague, Junk, 139-147. KUMANSKI K. 1981. Description of two new caddisflies and the probable adults of Philocrena trialetica Lepn. from the Caucasus (Trichoptera). - Reichenbachia, 19 (12): 63-70. 1983. (Trichoptera) 6 - . V. Acta zool. bulg., 21: 83-88. KuMANSKi . 1983. Notes on the group of sparsa of genus Hydroptila Dalm., with descrip- tion of a new species (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae). - Reichenbachia, 21 (2): 15-18. KUMANSKI, K., H. Maucky. 1984. On the fauna and the zoogeographical significance of Trichoptera from the Strandzha Mts. (Bulgaria). -In: Morse J. (ed.). Proc. of the 4th Intnl. Symposium on Trichoptera. Ser. Entomol., Vol. 30. The Hague, Junk, 197-201. 1985. 15. Trichoptera, Annulipalpia. , . 243 . - KUMANSKI . 1985. Synagapetus montanus (Trichoptera, Glossosomatidae)
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