University of Northern Iowa UNI ScholarWorks The Alumnus UNI Alumni Association 10-1945 The Alumnus, v29n4, October 1945 Iowa State Teachers College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Copyright ©1945 Iowa State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Iowa State Teachers College, "The Alumnus, v29n4, October 1945" (1945). The Alumnus. 162. This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the UNI Alumni Association at UNI ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alumnus by an authorized administrator of UNI ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1945-46 October I I -Concert, Blanche Thebom, mezzo-soprano, 8 p. m., College Auditorium October 13-Dad's Day, luncheon, 11 :45 a . m., the Commons. Football, Loras College at Cedar Foils, 2 p. m. October 20-Footboll, Hemline University at St. Poul. October 21-Piono Recital, Rafael de Silva, 8 p. m., College Auditorium. October 24, 25, 26-County Teachers Examinations, 8 a . m. to 5 p. m., Auditorium Building. November 3-Homecoming, footbol!, South Dakota State College at Cedar Falls, 2 p. m. November I 0- Footboll, Droke University at Des Moines. November I I-College Symphony Orchestra Concert, 8 p. m., College Auditorium. November 26-Registrotion for W inter Quarter. December I-Normal Training Subject Motter tests, 8 a . m. to 12 noon, Administration Building. December 12-Concert, Patricio Travers, violinist, 8 p. m., Co llege Auditorium. January 16-Concert, Igor Gorin, baritone, 8 p. m., College Auditorium. January 23, 24, 25-County Teachers Exominotioris, 8 a. m. to 5 p . m., Auditorium Building. IOWA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, CEDAR FALLS, I OWA V-J Day Service Held "There are but two words which adequately c-Jl,,e CAMPUS TODAY express the feeling of all of us this evening. Those two words are "Thank God," said President Malcolm Price in opening the V-J Enrollment Increases 41 % Day service in the college auditorium Tuesday, The end of World War II brought a 41 August 14. per cent increase in enrollment at the Teachers The program continued with prayers and College with 1,228 students enrolled as con­ hymns of Thanksgiving, a pledge of peace, and trasted with 866 students registered for fall meditation by Dr. Vernon P. Bodein, director quarter last year. a of religious activities at the college. Male enrollment jumped from 81 last year to 202 men for the 194 5 fall quarter. Fifty­ "Against a background of a world drenched eight of these are veterans. Enrollment of in blood comes the tidings of world peace," women increased from 785 to 1026 students. said Dr. Bodein. "Our first thought is a happy The enrollment of freshman women in the one," he continued, "but in the midst of all degree curricula shows an increase of 87 per our gladness comes a note of sadness. Let us cent over that in 1939 with a proportionate remember those who gave their lives that we drop of 64 per cent of those registered for the might live. Those boys will have laid down two yea r curricula. their lives in vain unless we see that our thoughts and actions permit no more war. The * problems of peace are appallingly vast. Global Dad's Day Scheduled for October 13 war means global peace. We must continue to As The Alumnus goes to press final plans think in terms of other nations besides our are being made for the fifteenth annual Dad's own." Day at Teachers College on October 13. Main event of the day will be the football game with Loras College, at which all fathers will be guests. The week-end program begins Friday night, October 12, with an out-door pep meeting. Registration will be Saturday morning and luncheon will be served at noon in the Com­ mons. Following the game, a campanile con­ cert will be given by Cecil Craig, Salix, Iowa. Dr. Vernon Bodein, director of religious education, will speak Sunday morning, October • These " Frosh" are obviously enjoying the at the college 14, in a special Dad's Day service watermelon feast which is o traditional event chapel on "Beams That Hold Life Together." of freshmon week. Robinson and Wagner in England Dr. George C. Robinson, professor of govern­ The Alumnus Cover Picture ment, and Dr. Guy Wagner, director of the Pictured on the cover this month is Coach instructional materials laboratory at Teachers Clyde " Buck" Storbeck, skipper of ·College, were recently appointed instructors in the l 940 l -4 l -4 2 cham­ the American University, Shrivenham, Eng- pi onship " Mighty Midgets," land. Dr. Robinson is instructor in political watch ing a scrimmage of the science, and Dr. Wagner in public school cur­ 1945 Panthers. Teachers College football fans are riculum, administration, and supervision. seeing the Panthers in ac­ High praise was expressed to Iowa State tion fo r the first time since Teachers College by C. M. Thiele, Brigadier Coach Storbeck 1942. General, Commandant of the Army University Center, "for the excellent results being obtained Concert Series Scheduled with members of the armed forces by Dr. Blanche Thebom, mezzo-soprano star of the Robinson and Dr. Wagner." Metropolitan Opera, opened the concert series One of several university study centers at Teachers College with a concert, October 11. organized for education of troops in the Rafeal de Silva, Chilean pianist, will present a European theater of operations, Shrivenham recital October 21 under the auspices of the American University has an enrollment of American Association of Colleges and Uni­ about 4,000 students. versities. Patricia Travers, 18-year-old virtuoso, will * appear as guest artist on D ecember 12. Igor Miss Carl New Editorial Assistant Gorin, baritone, who is featured soloist on radio Virginia Carl, who received the Master of programs, will present the first concert of Science in Journalism degree from the Medill the winter quarter, January 16. Robert School of Journalism at Northwestern Uni­ Casadesus, French pianist and composer, will versity in August, assumed her duties as edi­ be heard on February 4. torial assistant in the Bureau of Publications The Minneapolis Sym phony Orchestra con­ on September 10. Miss Carl received the B.S. ducted by Dimitri Mitropoulos, will give a degree from Oregon State College, Corvallis, concert on April 25. The college symphony Ore., in June, 1944. orchestra and chorus will present concerts throughout the year. Volume XXIX October, 1945 Number 4 Dr. Nelson Contributes* to Dictionary THE ALUMNUS is entered as second class mail Dr. M. J. Nelson, dean of the faculty at at the post office in Cedar Fal ls , Iowa, with the Teachers College, is one of the contributors Iowa State Teachers College as owner of the to the "Dictionary of Education" which has magazine. As s uch it is not forwardable without just come from the press. The new book is extra cost. W ithout charge to alumni, l 7,000 sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa, national copies are printed and distributed quarterly. Ed i­ honorary and professional education fraternity. torial and technical duties ore handled by t he Professor Carter V. Good of the University Bureau of Pub Iications. of Cincinnati is general editor. Dr. Nelson George H. Holmes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Editor served as coordinator for terms used in the Director, Bureau of Publ icati ons field of achievement testing and as reviewer of Virginio Corl _____ _ _______ _ Managing Editor terms used in teacher personnel, including cer­ Gail Fluhrer __ __ ______ __ _ ____ Alumni News tification, employment, tenure, ethics, and Benjamin Boardman Bu siness Manager salaries. Page Two THE ALUMNU S October • Halfback George Dutcher (in white jersey) i s shown here picking a nice gain down the sidelines as the Panthers won the opening game of the season on September 22, with a score of 3 8-14 against Central College, of Pella. RIES of "Fight, team, fight!" and "Rah! at Cedar Falls. The fourth game scheduled was C. Yeah, Panthers!" echoed across campus with Hamline University at St. Paul, October from the Teachers College stadium this fall 20. Homecoming was set for November 3, as the Panther again went on the prowl and with a game with South Dakota State College athletics came alive after two years of inactivity at Cedar Falls. The final game of the season during the war. would be November 10 with Drake University Football ·came into its own again as Coach at Des Moines. Clyde "Buck" Starbeck fielded a green but The grid season got off to a good start promising squad. Basketball, too, was resumed with Teachers College defeating Central College as Coach Arthur Dickinson was appointed to of Pella, Iowa, to the score of 38-14. In the take over the cage squad in the absence of second game, the Panthers, beset with injuries, Coach "Hon" Nordly, now on leave serving found their outfit too inexperienced to stack in the Navy. up against the veteran group of Iowa State The schedule this year called for the opening College and took a drubbing to the tune of game with Central College, September 22, fol­ 48-13. lowed by a resumption of competition with Iowa With only three veteran players who had State College at Ames, September 29. October seen action in previous Teachers College com­ 6 was scheduled as an open date, while October petition, Coach Starbeck has had a big job 13 was set for Dad's Day, with Loras College cut out for himself in training some 42 men, 1945 IOWA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Page Three ground for a minute in the determined attempt 1945 Football Schedule to win each game as it comes along.
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