First Photos of Ruin Wrought by Forest Fires [NEW BOOKS in Michigan and Canada Costing About 250 Lives ST LIBRARY MONMOUTH COUNTY NEWS _ Non-Fiction and Fiction Rf- SAY NEW POINT COMFORT ctntly in Circulation. IN ARGUMENT BEACH NOT DANGEROUS SECURE BOAT The following are among the new books now In circulation at the Li- Special to the EVENING NEWS, brary: AT KEANSBURG Keansburg, July 15:—-The New FOR NEW LINE Non-Fiction. Point Comfort Beach officers when Collier—West In the East. '"This seen yesterday by an EVENING and volume of travels In India, China Clcs? fip* S representative denied that "Nassau" Will Run Fram Japan is quite out of the ordinary Association Would *eir beach was unsafe and not pro- because the author has had a chance tected In accordance with the laws, on to N. Y to see more of the real East than Things Up Sunday. and that the drowning accidents of Key port most Westerners who go there, and July 4 did not occur in deep water, because he knows how to make what Special to the EVENING NEWS. as was printed in a Newark paper a Special to the EVENING NEWS. he sees intelligible to the reader." Keansburg, July 15—Lengthy ar- j few days ago. W. A. Golhaus, presi- Keyport, July 15:—Final ar- Calcula- the would not are V .» Colvln—Machine Shop for and tne closing dent of company, dlsj- rangements said to have been <■:^^ ^ ^ gumentB against tions. "Simple mathematics applied of business places and the shutting cuss the matter at length but may mads with Mr. Nickerson, a New make a statement to the with- York steamboat for the iRUrnS Or ASCOOAi to everyday shop problems, present- up of amusement places on Sundays public man, boat, New York COUNTY JAU- I; ed in an original and sympathetic were heard at tho meeting of Keans- in a few days. "Nassau," to ply between manner for men in the machinist's burg Co-operative Association last and Keyport. trade." night. Mr. Hunter, owner of Keans- It Is expected the dock will be in the SERVICES TOHORROW IN| built sufficient the last of this Hall—Social Solutions Light burg Heights, an exclusive residen- by will of Christian Ethics. "The book tial section, said in substance he was CHURCHES AT KEYPORT month to allow the boat to land. give information to the student, san- in favor of closing up games of The Nassau Is 133 feet long and 26 ity to the reformer, and the inspira- chance and the sale of liquor If there feet wide and Is a modern boat, and of the the EVENING NElVtt. tion to the church."—Annals are any, but as to shutting down Special to will carry both passengers and American Academy. amusements such as merry-go-rounds Keyport, July 15—Sunday will be freight to New York. • Job—Sport of Bird Study. "Sim- and the closing of stores on Sunday observed bv the churches in town in ply related, but orderly and attrac- would only bring ruin to the place. the following manner: COW AND CALF CAUSE tive account of experiences in bird- W. A. Gelhaus, president of the Calvary Church. stalking and photographing. Partic- New Point Comfort Beach Company, At the Calvary church there will SQ&E FUN AT KEYPORT ularly useful for information on protested against the stand taken by be: nests and nesting, sites and young the association. He claimed that in No preaching in the morning. birds." his Judgment the association were di- 2:30 P. M.—Sabbath school. Special to the EVENING TfKWS. Rogers—Laboratory Guide of In- recting the Sunday closing tight 6:30 P. M.—Epworth League. Keyport, July 15.—The guests of of dustrial Chemistry. "The object against people on his property. Mr. 7:30 P. M.—Preaching by Rev. the Carroll House, in First street, this book is to acquaint the student Gerhaus stated that he was In favor George H. Neal, of St. Luke's M. E. were afforded a great deal of amuse- of chemistry with a few commercial of anything that was for the better- church, Long Branch. ment yesterday by the arrival of Mrs. processes by introducing practical ment and advancement of Keansburg, Musical Program—Evening.. Carroll's cow and calf from the Car- methods of handling materials on a but could not. see how by enforcing Prelude—Meditation Kinder roll property in Greengrove avenue. large scale; care and use of machin- the blue laws would be any benefit Anthem—"Praise Ye, Jehovah".... The animals broke through the ery; cost of raw materials; transpor- but would work the utter ruin of —Lorenz fence that surrounds their pasture tation; wage system, handling of the place. Offertory—Melody Ashford and came down as calm as could be men, and shop discipline." The stand the association takes is Tenor Solo—"My Redeemer and My to the boarding house, going directly RUIMSOf HE N fi I6AR FOUhDRV Fiction. that the way things are run wide Lord" Bach in the yard. Once in the yard, the tJ cow and calf feasted lawn HEAf? LAKE HUROM SHOf?e Rosher—Miss Gibble Gault. "Mary open at present is demoralizing to Mr. Ralph Morris upon the L Cary, whose childhood at the orphan- the morals of the people and should Postlude Ashford until they were captured and return- age furnished the theme for the au- be stopped Edward Morris sent a First Baptist. ed to their pasture. thor's first book, has grown up, and donation of $10 to the association Rev. A. W. Hand, pastor of the East Tawas, Mich., July 15:—The In the present book comes back to that was accepted with a vote of First Baptist church, will preach at MATAWAN holocaust, miles in lengtl and width, her native town with fond schemes thanks. Justice of the Peace Ed- 9:30 A. M., subject, "Mannasseh's for bettering it." ward Compton handed in his resigna- Wickedness and Penitence," II. which has smitten towns in Outaria attended the Elks Bowen-—I Will Maintain. "A tion as a member of the association, Chron. 33:1-13. Harry Barclay and northern Michigan, has occa- convention at Atlantic City Wednes- story of 17th century Holland, and stating as his reason that he was a 10:45 A. M.—Public, worship and sioned indescribable Hun- day. suffering. the assertion and vondicatlon of his public official and could not take preaching by the pastor. dreds who the flames are Miss Mildred who has escaped sovereign rights by William of Or- sides In this matter. 7:20 P. M.-—Service in the vestry. Morton, without food and shelter. Hundreds been several weeks at ange." The entertainment committee re- Very cool and pleasant. Prof. Dick spending Den^ of families lost all their has returned home. possessions. G pes—Jenny Abercraw. "A ro- ported that they h;>o'fc secured talent with his Victor talking machine will ville, Some buried valuables in the ground Miss Mildred Brown has been mantic story of a young highway- for ali entertainmeift for tho benefit give a recital of sacred songs and in- and dug them up after the fire at Coney pass- man's personation of the young Pre-J of the association to be held some strumental pieces in connection with visiting Sheepshead Bay, ed. With refugees arriving every Island. tender among some ardent Jacobites time in August. a brief service of song and remarks hour, many crawling In on their The evening service in the Pres- of London." ^ Lawyer Henry Ackerson, of Key- by the pastor. hi»uus and knees, burned, injured byterian church will be held at 6:30 De La Pasture—plaster Christoph- port, has been engaged as counsel Reformed Church. and exhausted, this town has had to o'clock until September. er. "The st()ry erf a brother and sis- for the association in prosecuting the At the Reformed church Rev. W. shelter nearly 800 people made Miss Meta T1 ipson is spending ter who. Jjecause of their parents' cases against the places they will E. Compton will preach at 10:30 A. homeless and destitute by the fierce the at Park. separation, been -brought up wage war on. The question of by- M. Subject: "The Benediction of day Asbury forest fires raging in this vicinity. Jj^ye Mr. and "Mrs. J. K. of Tren- ayiart. Just ihey have become laws will be Eettled at the next meet- the Book of Jude." Cody, Five hundred of the refugees are £ ton, are Mr. and Mrs. James !i ;heir die, and they ing July 21. 7:30 P. M.—Sermon. Lessons visiting from the towns of Ausable and Os- ^Barents at the Matawan House. bi-ftiri lit" together In their old from the Mountains. This sermon Fury coda, which were destroyed by the A number of Matawnn ladies went feome." illustrated lire The towns of Ausable and about 250, f will be by the stereoptl- Os- destroyed. From Alpena and Boyno death list has run utt/TO \ orse on an outing to Keansburg Friday, fery Little Person. "The DEATH CALLS AM AG£D con. coda, Mich., are ''irectiy across from City reports were sent of iierre fires 'chiefly miners and, prospectors. as of Mr. and Mrs. Matthias biographjrof a first baby. It records Wednesday evening, prayer meet- guests facli other on the Ausable river in raging about these cities. At Boyne Lansing,,July lu:—The en- OF KEYPORT Shock in their motorboat "Thelma." the sta0s through which the devot- RESIDENT ing. Lessons from Great Mission- /northern Michigan.
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