Work For Peace... Stop Paying For War Conscience Canada 901-70 Mill St. Toronto, ON M5A 4R1 Tel. 416 203 1402 NEW! [email protected] — www.consciencecanada.caa. Spring 2010 Number 98 Issn 1196-9970 Resisting War, Learning Nonviolence By JaN Slakov the problem of violence, the modera- s Canada some “kind of hippie com- tor of the World Council of Church- Imune where conventional norms es’ Central Committee was quoted in - like the definition of conscientious the March 2001 issue of the Angli- objector set out by the UN High can Journal: ‘We do not judge those Commission of Refugees - do not for whom, in extreme situations, apply”? This is what author Terry when hope for justice and dignity Glavin suggests, in expressing his has disappeared, the use of force as outrage that politicians would sup- a last resort may become necessary.’ port the right of US war resisters to No! force must be used immediate- seek refuge in Canada. ly, not as a last resort, when we are Many members of Conscience confronted with serious injustice: the Canada (CC) would fit the traditional soul force of nonviolent resistance, Jeremy Hinzman definition of “conscientious objec- with its many powerful tools.” tor” but most of us, certainly those of tion from a younger age? Desroches then recounts a won- us on the board, want to support war One of the things I have always derful story which illustrates viv- resisters even if they are not complete valued about the leadership of CC, idly how beautiful and inspiring this including back when Edith Adamson “force more powerful” can be. He pacifists. Indeed, war resister Jeremy has given us permission to share it was president, was its commitment to Hinzman has accepted our invitation so contact us if you would like us to speak at our AGM on March 27 go beyond merely opposing war, to to mail or e-mail you a copy and we in Toronto (see page 2 in this news- insist that nonviolence is not merely hope to get it posted on our website letter) and we look forward to seeing the absence of violence, but a power (www.consciencecanada.ca) soon. we can cultivate. Len Desroches de- a good number of CC members and Continued on page 6 other peace activists there. scribed this notion very well in his We want to support anyone who book, Love of Enemy: The cross and C O N T E N T S decides they can no longer partici- sword trial (Dunamis, 2002): Resisting War, pate in the violence of war, even if “It is crucial that we stop trivializ- Learning Nonviolence.........pp.1 & 6 they were not drafted. After all, if ing nonviolence and refuse the false CC AGM......................................p.2 someone grows into such a convic- choice of ‘nonviolence or force’. The Books.................................pp.3 & 4 tion, does that make their conviction true choice is between the force of Resisting Military Recruitment....p.5 Introductions...............................p.6 any less valid than that of someone hatred/violence and the force of love PTR.....................................INSERT who may have held a similar convic- we call ‘nonviolence’. Addressing C O N S C I E N C E C A N A D A P.2 CoNSCIENCE CaNaDa “Anything worth 2010 ANNUAL GENERAL doing is worth doing MEETING (AGM) badly. If I’d waited until OFFICIAL NOTICE I knew what I was doing, I Date and time: Saturday, 27 March, 2010 at 3 pm wouldn’t have gotten Place: Toronto School of Theology, 47 Queen’s Park Cres. E., Toronto Speaker: Jeremy Hinzman, US war resister anything done.” AgenDA: ~ Muriel Duckworth I. Approval of the Minutes of the 2009 AGM (available upon request) II. Review of the work done by Conscience Canada during the year; III. Election or confirmation of board members. The four officer posi- tions required by our by-laws are: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, in addition there can be Board members at large. Standing for A B O U T election are: Murray Lumley, Anna Kirkpatrick, Jan Slakov, Don Wood- side, Benno Barg, Jonathan Seiling and Mary Groh. This newsletter is produced by IV. Presentation and Approval of the 2009 financial statements - (avail- Conscience Canada, a non- able upon request) governmental organization which has worked since 1978 to: V. Appointment of auditors for 2010. VI. Other business • increase Canadians’ awareness of the connection between taxes VII Talk by Jeremy Hinzman, beginning at approximately 4 pm. and war • divert taxes away from war All CC members and friends are warmly invited to attend the AGM. • support creative nonviolent conflict prevention and resolution The present AGM Notice, included in the newsletter and sent to all the • promote conscientious members’ addresses on record, constitutes the official notice, as required objection legislation by the Conscience Canada Inc. by-laws. Please let us know if you want to The views expressed in this receive a copy of the by-laws electronically or by mail. newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily If you cannot attend the meeting in person, do not forget to send your reflect the positions of Con- proxy below for your vote, either by post or by e-mail to: science Canada. [email protected] An electronic version of this I, (please print) ______________________________, a member in newsletter is available at www. good standing of Conscience Canada, do hereby grant my proxy vote ConscienceCanada.ca. Please for the 27 March, 2010 Annual General Meeting of Conscience Canada let us know your preference. to: ____________________ or in their absence to any Board Member of Conscience Canada. B O A R D Benno Barg, Mary Groh, Anna Signature: ___________________________________ Kirkpatrick, Murray Lumley, Jonathan Seiling, Jan Slakov, Don Woodside C O N S C I E N C E C A N A D A P.3 An Inspiring Historical Perspective War and Taxes, essays by 6 supporters of NCPTF. An appendix includes an historical timeline on the devel- on Peace Tax Work in the US opment of Peace Tax Fund legislation, and 2 of the bills which have been brought to the Congress. A Persistent Voice: Marian Franz and Conscientious Objection to Military Taxation. edited by David R. Bas- Muriel Duckworth died on Aug. 22, after more sett, Steve Ratzlaff & Tim godshall. Cascadia Publish- years than most of us have lived, of inspiring ing House, Telford, PA. 21 pages. $22.94 Canadian. To peace and justice activism. One of her favourite order, Call: 1 (800) 631-6535 or Fax: 1 (519) 747-5721 quotes follows: or 23 years Marian Franz was Executive Direc- “My heart is moved by all tor at the National Campaign for a Peace Tax I cannot save FFund (NCPTF) in Washington, D.C. She lobbied So much has been destroyed congress men and women and headed up initiatives for peace tax legislation. Marian died in 2006, before she I have to cast my lot with those could publish a collection of the columns she wrote who age after age, perversely, every few months for the NCPTF newsletter. With no extraordinary power, These varied and inspiring short essays (47 of reconstitute the world.” them, each about two pages in length) have now been ~ Adrienne Rich published as the main focus of this book. They are from The Dream of a Common Language preceded by Contemporary Voices on Conscience, Conscience Canada Membership application / Renewal Member: Open to any person committed to supporting Conscience Canada’s objectives and who pays an annual mem- bership fee of $10. This entitles you to receive CC’s newsletters and to vote on all issues at the Annual General Meeting. All “life memberships” dating from an earlier system are honoured. Conscientious Objectors to Military Taxation (COMT): Member who, in addition to the membership fee has deposited funds into the Peace Tax Trust account maintained by Conscience Canada. Send in your new or renewed membership today. (Address correction requested) Name:______________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________ Email: ____________________________________ Annual membership: ($10.00/yr) $ ________ Donations to Conscience Canada $ ________ Peace Tax Trust Deposit (full or symbolic) $ ________ total funds enclosed $ ________ cheque payable to Conscience Canada Receipts will be issued for donations of $ 25 or more and for all Peace Tax Deposits. I’d like to help. Contact me about volunteering for Conscience Canada Send me: free copy/ies of the CC info material (pls: specify or give purpose) o More (fewer) copies of newsletter o Electronic version only o Mail to: Conscience Canada, 901-70 Mill St. Toronto oN M5a 4R1 visit: www.consciencecanada.ca C O N S C I E N C E C A N A D A P.4 Malalai got the grudging consent age was being attacked by some Worth Reading of the Health Ministry but without armed fundamentalists she instructed any guarantee of security. Besides her security people not to kill anyone. By MaRy GRoh the clinic she started up an orphan- In the turmoil, some of the attackers A Woman Among Warlords by Mala- age, and both provided such needed were injured, but her team transport- lai Joya. Simon and Schuster, Cana- services that Malalai became well ed them to the hospital in the clinic’s da, October 2009. 229 pages. $32.99 known in Farah province as a person ambulance. Some of these men be- who genuinely worked for the good came her supporters. She has refused t a time when there is of the people. She was elected as a volunteers wishing to take up arms so much hand-wringing delegate to the Loya Jirga (council) to kill her enemies, saying guns are about our role in Af- which was to approve a new consti- only for self-defence, and war and ghanistan, it is a gift tution for Afghanistan.
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