Political State of the Region Report 2011 Political State of the Region Report Editors Bernd Henningsen and Tobias Etzold Authors Toomas Alatalu, Marcus Andersson, Marie Bengtsson, Rikard Bengtsson, Joakim Ekman, Kimmo Elo, Tobias Etzold, Michael Gilek, Peter Munk Jensen, Pertti Joenniemi, Mindaugas Jurkynas, Leonid A. Karabeshkin, Kristine Kern, Andreas Klein, Kari Liuhto, Hanna Mäkinen, Zaneta Ozolina, Lidia Puka, Toms Rostoks, Carsten Schymik, Alexander Sergunin, Silvia Stiller, Fabrizio Tassinari Published by Baltic Development Forum Nygade 3, 5th fl oor P.O. Box 56 DK-1002 Copenhagen K Denmark Telephone +45 70 20 93 94 Fax +45 70 20 93 95 [email protected] www.bdforum.org Language editing: Peter Dowdy Layout: Bitdesign / Leena Närhi, Finland Photo credits Front cover: Wind power plants, Istockphoto page 16: Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark / Johannes Jansson/norden.org page 17: The Danish fl ag at Royal Navy Offi ces, Holmen island, Copenhagen, Denmark / Morten Jerichau, Wonderful Copenhagen page 21: Tallinn, Estonia / © European Union, 2011 page 24: Baltic Sea, Archipelago, Helsinki, Finland / Johannes Jansson/norden.org page 25: Helsinki, Harbor, Finland / Johannes Jansson/norden.org page 28: Dierhagen Beach / Wiki Commons page 33: Riga, Latvia / Aleksandrs Kendenkovs (Foto Banka) / The Latvian Institute page 42: Gdańsk, Poland / Wiki Commons, Tomasz Sienicki page 47: Baltic Sea, Kaliningrad, Russia / Istockphoto page 52: Visby, Gotland, Sweden / Johannes Jansson / norden.org page 53: Baltic Sea, Visby Sweden / Johannes Jansson / norden.org page 54: Stockholm, Nybroviken / Strandvägen, Sweden / © European Union, 2011 page 61: Öresund bridge / Johannes Jansson / norden.org page 65: Wind power plants / Istockphoto page 66: Wind power plants by Öresund bridge / Istockphoto page 80: Cruise liniers outside Langelinie Quay, Copenhagen, Denmark / Christian Alsing, Wonderful Copenhagen page 82: Great Belt Bridge, Denmark / Johannes Jansson / norden.org 2 POLITICAL STATE OF THE REGION REPORT 2011 Welcome Think – Tank! I welcome the Th ink-Tank for the Baltic Sea Re- Independent and expert analyses are also gion as a network of scholars aiming to stimulate essential to the shaping of good policies. How, open discussion on the state of regional aff airs, in the age of globalisation, can the Baltic Sea regional integration, mutual understanding and region maintain and develop its position as one other topical issues. of the most dynamic, innovative, sustainable Th is fi rst report from the Th ink-Tank is a and technologically advanced regions in Europe? valuable contribution to the political debate and Th is question encompasses a host of issues where a complement to the excellent State of the Re- scholars can play an important role in deepening gion Report published by Baltic Development our understanding of the nature of the challeng- Forum annually since 2004. It is my hope that it es at hand, and of the options governments have will serve as a handy reference to recent political in addressing these challenges. developments in the countries of the Baltic Sea I wish the Th ink-Tank much success in its region and that it will make for a more informed work ahead. public discussion of the various topics analysed in the report. Stockholm October 2011 Carl Bildt Minister for Foreign Aff airs of Sweden POLITICAL STATE OF THE REGION REPORT 2011 3 Congratulations with the report During the last decade Th e Baltic Sea Region demonstrate the courage and responsibility to give has become a generally accepted and broadly strategic policy recommendations. Also within discussed topic. At least in the high-level politi- sensitive issues that are diffi cult for us to launch or cal sphere where numerous Baltic Sea initiatives, address through the mainstream political debate. strategies and action plans are launched, discussed A forum that can add concrete inputs to the BSR and implemented. Th is is a very positive develop- political dialogue and cooperation process will ment, confi rming that the answers to the huge help increasing the political capacity and safe- economic and environmental challenges in this guarding of our decisions. region lie within close cooperation and joint ac- Th e adaption of the HELCOM Baltic Sea tion based on strong political commitment. Action Plan was an important step towards However, we still need to reach our citizens. saving the Baltic Sea environment. And by As elected parliamentarians we hold the demo- including the Action Plan priorities in the Baltic cratic responsibility to translate the macroregional Sea Strategy EU has taken an important co- strategy and engage our citizens in the discussions responsibility for the success. But environmental about the future of the region. We need a public sustainability is also an area where we constantly forum where we can discuss the Baltic Sea Region need to be reminded of the necessity of com- among us, as politicians, experts, business repre- mitted political decisions and action, also at the sentatives, NGO’s and citizens. national level. We need independent experts to Th is fi rst Political Report on the State of the keep us on the track by their analysis and com- Baltic Sea Region is a promising initiative in this ments on what they observe. I am glad that the direction. Initiatives like this can help us relating new academic network will take on this impor- the overall development trends to the everyday tant task and I am very much looking forward to topics of the civil society. A broad communication the future dialogue. I am convinced that this is of the trends and results of the strategy and its also the case for my colleagues in the Baltic Sea initiatives should be a crucial part of the imple- Parliamentary Conference. mentation of the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Congratulations with the report! It is a fasci- Region. Th e progress of the strategy should be nating experiment that will hopefully be followed measured and evaluated in accordance to this. by further reports with valuable recommendations As a politician I welcome concrete policy rec- for political action. Th e long term perspective is ommendations from the Th ink-Tank. A network crucial for the Baltic Sea Region. of qualifi ed and highly esteemed scholars that also Helsinki October 2011 Christina Gestrin Member of the Finnish Parliament former Chairman of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference 4 POLITICAL STATE OF THE REGION REPORT 2011 The report will stimulate dialogue It is a great pleasure for me to welcome this fi rst Baltic Sea Region - good neighbors can discuss report from the new Th ink-Tank for the Baltic common issues even if they do not always agree Sea Region. It provides us with the latest informa- on the solutions. It will increase the public confi - tion on the political developments and qualifi ed dence and underlines the relevance for public and academic analysis of current political issues that national political debate. Th is group of qualifi ed infl uence the progress in the Baltic Sea Region. academics – independent of national governments Initiatives of this kind helps us taking the po- and European institutions – can help us to reveal litical dialogue of the Baltic Sea Region to a new and discuss “the sore points”. In order to become level and make the issues relevant for the citizens a smart region, we also need to be an honest and in the Baltic Sea Region. As politicians we should courageous region. reach out to the citizens and ensure public support Th e think-tank will also stimulate academic for the initiatives taken. We need to integrate debate among researchers about the challenges, Baltic Sea issues into the public debate at national policies and strategies in the Baltic Sea Region. and regional level. We need a forum for independ- We need more research on the challenges in the ent academic analysis and policy recommenda- region from the academic world, and we need to tions, and a network to share these as widely as make better use of the results. Developing this possible. Th is Th ink-Tank can help us pursuing platform can boost the researchers’ interest in our goals for the political dialogue in BSR in an topics related to our region and the fi rst mac- open way that will raise the public awareness of roregional strategy in the EU. We need research- the BSR and improve coordination between the based knowledge to strengthen the basis for pol- diff erent actors who are working hard to develop icy decisions and strategic initiatives. We need and tackle challenges in our region. clever evaluations of the initiatives and feedback EU is often accused of ineffi cient use of re- to the policy. We need strong cross-institutional sources. Th e EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, and cross-disciplinary research networks with initiated by the European Parliament, gives us an engaged scholars from a broad geographical and opportunity to raise the legitimacy of the EU and scientifi c area. Th ese networks and this report demonstrate to our citizens that a development can show the way. strategy can bring about real added value at a fairly Finally, from a Brussels perspective it is low cost. Th is report represents a step towards im- important to convince our friends from other proved communication ensuring that we can avoid parts of the EU about the potentials of our region duplicating our eff orts in the diff erent parts of the and to show that we guarantee an effi cient use of region and its fi ndings are valuable for the imple- the EU funds allocated to us. Initiatives like this mentation of the Baltic Sea Strategy. report will stimulate a dialogue on topics that are Th e think-tank can also be a watchdog that import for the Baltic Sea region among all deci- helps us to address sensitive issues.
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