PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 110(2), 2008, pp. 363–373 NEW SPECIES OF LONG-LEGGED FLIES (DIPTERA: DOLICHOPODIDAE) FROM CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA JUSTIN B. RUNYON Department of Entomology, 501 ASI Building, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract.—Four new species of Dolichopodidae are described from central Pennsylvania: Campsicnemus wilderae Runyon, Dolichopus dracula Runyon, Dolichopus hurleyi Runyon, and Dolichopus frosti Runyon. Keys to males of Campsicnemus Haliday and Dolichopus Latreille with lamellate aristae are provided for species from eastern North America. Key Words: Campsicnemus, Dolichopus, key, Nearctic Dolichopodidae (long-legged flies) is University; the other two, Dolichopus one of the most diverse families of hurleyi and Dolichopus frosti, were col- Diptera with over 6,800 described species lected by the author. Using label data worldwide (Yang et al. 2007). The from the two males of D. dracula present Nearctic fauna is relatively well known in the FEM (collected in 1963), I (compared to the Neotropical, for exam- collected additional specimens of this ple) with almost 1,300 described species species in 2006 and 2007. (Pollet et al. 2004), but many North American species remain undescribed, MATERIALS AND METHODS even from historically well-collected re- Morphological terminology follows gions. Over the past several decades McAlpine (1981), except genitalic termi- there has been a marked reduction in nology which follows Cumming et al. the number of Nearctic Dolichopodidae (1995) and Brooks (2005). For examina- described (for recent additions see Run- tion and illustration, genitalia were cleared yon and Hurley 2003, 2004; Brooks and using KOH, temporarily mounted in Wheeler 2005; Pollet 2005). However, glycerin, and later transferred to polymere this trend is a reflection of the small microtubes and attached to the corre- number of active Nearctic dolichopodid sponding specimen. Figures of male geni- workers rather than completion of the talia are shown as they appear on the intact Nearctic faunal inventory, since there are specimen (rotated 180u), but in descrip- large numbers of species awaiting de- tions ‘‘dorsal’’ and ‘‘ventral’’ refer to the scription (Pollet et al. 2004). In this true morphological positions, with ventral paper, I describe four new species of surface up and dorsal surface down. long-legged flies from central Pennsylva- Density of pollen is characterized as nia. Two of the new species, Campsicne- follows: very sparse, if surface not mus wilderae and Dolichopus dracula, uniformly covered and apparently lack- were found in the Frost Entomological ing pollen except when viewed obliquely; Museum (FEM) at Pennsylvania State sparse, if pollen evidently present, but 364 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON black hairs. Scape and pedicel brown, with ventral 1/3 brownish yellow. First flagellomere brown, about as long as wide, broadly triangular, with rounded apex. Arista with short pubescence, about twice as long as scape, pedicel, and first flagellomere combined; inserted dorsally near base of first flagellomere. Uppermost postocular setae black, ven- tral setae brown and appearing paler in certain lights. Scutum covered with dense, dark Fig. 1. Campsicnemus wilderae, leg II of male. brown pollen; with violet reflections A, Posterior view of femur, tibia, and basitarsus. B, Dorsal view of tibia. when viewed from above; with 5 pairs of dorsocentral setae, anterior pair 1/2 not noticeably modifying integument length of remaining dorsocentrals; with color; moderately dense, if pollen lending single row of 5–6 small (5 1/4 length of its own color generally to the surface, largest dorsocentral setae), delicate ac- but not completely obscuring integument rostichal setae, this row ends posteriorly beneath; dense, if integument completely at transverse suture. Scutellum with 1 hidden by pollen. strong medial seta and 1 small lateral Legs are designated by roman numer- hair (5 1/5 length of medial) / side; als, tarsomeres by bracketed arabic nu- posterior margin with 3 slender hairs merals (e.g., Tarsus III(4) 5 4th tar- medially. Pleura, including metepimeron, somere of metathoracic leg). covered with dense, dark brown pollen and dusted with slight gray pollen. The following acronyms for museums Legs dark brown to black, except apex are used: CNC 5 Canadian National of coxa I narrowly yellow. Leg I and III Collection, Ottawa; FEM 5 Frost Ento- unmodified. Coxa I with delicate, rather mological Museum, Pennsylvania State sparse, pale hairs anteriorly; with black University, University Park; MTEC 5 seta on anterodorsal margin at 2/3; with Montana Entomology Collection, Mon- black setae at apex. Tibia I with small tana State University, Bozeman; USNM dorsal seta just before 1/2 and small 5 National Museum of Natural History, posteroventral seta just beyond 1/2. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Femur II (Fig. 1A) not swollen; with D.C. row of short (, width of femur II) Campsicnemus wilderae Runyon, ventral setae full length, this row becom- new species ing posteroventral apically; with a few very short, blunt setae anteroventrally on (Fig. 1) apical 1/4; with hairs on anterior surface Male.—Body length 2 mm; wing longer than those on posterior surface. length 2 mm. Face short, not reaching Tibia II (Figs. 1A,B) black; gradually lower margin of eyes, very narrow near thickened to just beyond 1/2, thickened 1/2 where eyes almost contiguous; cov- portion ending in a short, wartlike ered with dense, golden brown pollen. protuberance anteriorly which bears 5– Front black with violet reflections and 6 short, blunt setae at apex; basal 1/3 very sparse brown pollen. Palpus and bearing a series of short, blunt setae on proboscis black, with moderately dense, ventral surface; with large anterodorsal light brown pollen; former with a few seta just beyond 1/3, 1/2, and at 3/4; with VOLUME 110, NUMBER 2 365 subapical seta dorsally and anteroventral- wartlike structure, but in C. montanus ly; with large, rather stout, apical poster- tibia II is yellow and the wartlike struc- oventral seta. Tarsus II(1) (Fig. 1A) ture is on the posterodorsal surface (on somewhat curved, bearing a short, stout anterior surface in C. wilderae). anterodorsal spine near apex and a spur- like projection at tip. Tibia III with 3 KEY TO MALES OF CAMPSICNEMUS HALI- anterodorsal, 3 posterodorsal, and 2–3 DAY FROM EASTERN NORTH AMERICA anteroventral setae. Ratio of tibia:tar- 1. Tarsus I(2) short, with long (almost 5 someres for leg I: 18-10-5-4-3-3; for leg II: entire tarsus), posterodorsal appenda- 27-8-6-5-3-4; for leg III: 33-8-10-6-4-4. ge............. americanus Van Duzee – Tarsus I(2) without appendage . 2 Wings rather narrow; hyaline, evenly 2. Wing without distinct spots. 3 tinged with light brown; without spots; – Wing with darkened spot on last section of R4+5 and M1 nearly parallel to slightly vein M1 (faint in wheeleri) ............ 4 divergent beyond crossvein dm-cu. Ca- 3. First flagellomere long (length . 23 lypter brown, with black apex and black width); tibia II yellow . hirtipes Loew setae. Halter dark brown. – First flagellomere short (length 5 width); tibia II black . wilderae, n. sp. Abdomen concolorous with scutum, 4. Coxa I with yellow hairs and setae; tarsus but lacking violet reflections; somewhat II(1) unmodified . degener Wheeler flattened dorsoventrally, with black hairs – Coxa I with black hairs; tarsus II(1) greatly and setae. Hypopygium small, embed- modified . wheeleri Van Duzee ded; cerci partially hidden, dark brown with dense, pale hairs. Dolichopus dracula Runyon, new species Female.—Unknown. (Fig. 2) Holotype.—-, PENNSYLVANIA: Male.—Body length 6.0–6.9 mm; wing Centre Co., State College, Jan. 18 1973 length 4.8–5.6 mm. Face narrow, slightly (D. D. Wilder) (USNM). widened above; densely covered with pale Etymology.—The species epithet hon- golden brown pollen. Front metallic ors Dr. Dee Wilder, who collected the green with violet reflections, with sparse only known specimen. brown pollen, except above antenna and Remarks.—As has been reported for along orbits where pollen is dense. Palpus some other members of the genus (Harm- yellow with black hairs. Proboscis black. ston and Knowlton 1942), Campsicnemus Gena (Fig. 2A) as a black, pointed, fang- wilderae is active in the winter. It was like structure usually with dark yellow probably collected on a warm winter day brown margins. Scape yellow with dorsal on the campus of Pennsylvania State 1/3 to 1/2 black. Pedicel small, varying in University (D. D. Wilder, personal com- color from almost wholly yellow to munication). Campsicnemus wilderae keys wholly black. First flagellomere (Fig. 2A) to C. curvispina Van Duzee in Harmston short (length , width); black, with and Knowlton (1942) and C. hirtipes ventral 1/4 often yellow at base; broadly Loew in Robinson (1964), but both triangular with rounded apex. Arista long species lack the wartlike projection on (. 33 length of scape, pedicel, and first tibia II. A revised key (modified from flagellomere combined), bare, inserted Robinson 1964) that separates males of dorsally near 1/2 of first flagellomere; Campsicnemus known from eastern with small, black, rather rounded, bare North America, is provided below. Camp- apical lamella (Fig. 2C). Dorsal 1/2 of sicnemus wilderae appears to be most postocular setae black, ventral 1/2 yellow. closely related to the western C. montanus Scutum with abundant coppery reflec- Harmston and Knowlton, in which tibia tions almost concealing dark green II has a very similar shape, setation, and ground color; with sparse to moderately 366 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 2. Dolichopus dracula, male. A, Left anterolateral view of head. B, Posterior view of tarsus I. C, Apical lamella of arista. D, Wing. dense, brown pollen. Biseriate acrosti- hairs and setae longer and coarser chal setae extending to posterior slope of anterodorsally; sometimes with a few scutum.
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