March 10, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1297 whether they did or didn’t, but just as a State senator he’s known as ‘‘Tim- Intelligence Agency covert operation, reading what he said—rather, seeing ber Charlie’’ because he represented under President Reagan’s administra- for what he is: representative of the the timber trees of east Texas. But a tion, by supplying military equipment, hundreds of people—hundreds of peo- great Member. He was elected in 1972, including antiaircraft weapons such as ple—he says have contacted him about like I said, to the U.S. House of Rep- Stinger antiaircraft missiles and para- this whole rules of engagement. I want resentatives from the Second District. military officers from their Special Ac- to quote, and this will be the close: He was elected 11 times. He did not run tivities Division to the Afghan Mujahe- ‘‘ ‘You can’t turn this into one lone for reelection in 1996. In fact, he re- deen during the Soviet war in Afghani- idiot in the backwoods of Maine signed in October of 1996. stan. From a few million dollars in the mourning his son,’ he said. ‘This is big- Charles Nesbitt Wilson was born in 1980s, his support for the resistance ger than that.’ ’’ Trinity, Texas, where his father was an grew to $750 million a year by the end So, Madam Speaker, I intend to ask accountant for a lumber company, on of the decade. the Armed Services Committee, which June 1, 1933, in the depths of the De- I remember Charlie Wilson telling us is chaired by a wonderful man from pression. He attended the Naval Acad- in 1996, when he was leaving, and ear- Missouri, and the ranking member emy in Annapolis and graduated in lier, that we made a mistake by aban- from California, we need to have this 1956. He served 4 years in the Navy, doning Afghanistan. And literally after debate on behalf of the families as well from 1956 to 1960, and came back to 9/11, he came and talked to the delega- as the Marines and the Army. What are Texas, where he was elected to the tion and said we made a mistake, and the rules of engagement? What can State house and the State senate. we’re paying the price for it right now they do and cannot do? When I read Charlie Wilson died on February 10, because we left Afghanistan in turmoil these articles about the number that 2010, at Lufkin Memorial Hospital in and ended up with the Taliban. We have died just because we could not Lufkin, Texas, where he had been don’t need to make that mistake again. give them cover in certain situations, taken after collapsing earlier in the That’s why tonight I’m proud to honor if that’s the way we’re supposed to day and suffered from a cardiopul- Charlie Wilson in his service to our fight a war, then that’s a poor way to monary arrest. He was pronounced country. fight the war. dead at 12:16 p.m. Central Time. Con- f Madam Speaker, with that, I’m going gressman Wilson received a graveside The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a to close as I always do. I know the gen- service with full military honors at the previous order of the House, the gen- tleman from Texas has a tribute to pay Arlington National Cemetery on Feb- tleman from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) is to a former Member who I happened to ruary 23, 2010. recognized for 5 minutes. serve one term with and thought the Now for some of the stories about (Mr. MORAN of Kansas addressed the world of him. My daddy knew him and Charlie Wilson as a friend. I’m glad my House. His remarks will appear here- thought Charlie Wilson was a great colleague from Texas, JOE BARTON, is after in the Extensions of Remarks.) here, and Congressman CHET EDWARDS guy. Let me get that on the RECORD. f My close is this: I ask God to please and AL GREEN and SHEILA JACKSON IN HONOR OF CHARLIE WILSON bless our men and women in uniform. I LEE, because Charlie had some stories ask God to please bless the families of that we couldn’t tell on the floor of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a our men and women in uniform. I ask House. But I’m going to tell you some previous order of the House, the gen- God to please bless this country and of the good ones. tleman from Texas (Mr. BARTON) is rec- bless the President, that he will do He is survived by his wife, Barbara, ognized for 5 minutes. what is right for this country. And I the former Barbara Alberstadt, and his Mr. BARTON of Texas. I rise in sup- ask God to please bless America. sister, Sharon Allison. Charlie told me port and honor of the late Congressman many times, like he told other Mem- Charlie Wilson of the Second Congres- f bers, that he credited his wife Barbara sional District of Texas. I didn’t know The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a with saving his life because it got him Congressman Wilson in his salad days. previous order of the House, the gentle- off a lot of things that he shouldn’t I didn’t get elected until 1984. By that woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) have been on to begin with. In having time, he had calmed down, apparently is recognized for 5 minutes. seen him many times after he left Con- quite a bit. But I can now state it, (Ms. WOOLSEY addressed the House. gress, Charlie was still Charlie. since the statute of limitations has ex- Her remarks will appear hereafter in Charlie entered politics as a teen- pired, I voted for Congressman Wilson the Extensions of Remarks.) ager. He began by running a campaign six times. I lived in east Texas, in f against his next-door neighbor, a city Crockett, Texas, in Houston County, in council member in Trinity, Texas. the Second Congressional District, and TRIBUTE TO CHARLIE WILSON When Charlie was 13, his dog entered we didn’t have a Republican primary, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a that neighbor’s yard—a city council and I don’t recall that we had a Repub- previous order of the House, the gentle- member—and he retaliated by mixing lican opponent against Congressman woman from Texas (Mr. GENE GREEN) glass in the dog’s food and causing Wilson in the time that I lived in is recognized for 5 minutes. fatal internal bleeding. Being a farm- Crockett. And so my choice was to vote Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. I’m er’s son, Charlie was able to get a driv- for him or not vote at all. I chose to proud to follow my colleague from er’s permit at age 13. And so he was vote for him. North Carolina. We share his support going to pay that council member I never went to one of his town hall and his prayers for our men and women back. So he drove 96 people to the polls meetings down at the courthouse on serving this country. That’s why it’s so on the next election at age 13—it was the square because I felt like he was important tonight to be here to honor mainly black citizens, African Amer- doing a very good job for those con- the late Member of Congress, Charlie ican citizens from the poor side of stituents in east Texas, including my- Wilson, from east Texas. town—to make sure they knew what self. He was a strong defender of the I first met Charlie Wilson in 1972, as happened to his dog. That incumbent military, very strong on what we call a young State representative. He had lost by 16 votes. So Charlie Wilson en- Texas values. He worked quite a bit on just been elected to Congress. It was a tered politics at 13 years of age by de- the Big Thicket in east Texas. He was fundraiser for him at the Interconti- feating a city council member in his an environmentalist ahead of his time. nental Airport, The Marriott, in Hous- neighborhood. When I got elected in 1984, I made it ton. I was 25-years-old and went out Charlie had so many things I could a point to get to know Congressman there, and the State senator who was tell you; wrapping his arm around us Wilson, or Charlie Wilson, because I just elected to Congress, and heard and giving us that counsel. But I think had been his constituent and I knew of Charlie tell the folks stories. And this he’s best known outside of Texas for his reputation. I just felt like he would is 1972—long before Afghanistan, long being the leader in Congress during the be a good guy to get to know. And he before Charlie Wilson became known as 1980s and known for supporting Oper- was. He was a really, really good per- ‘‘good-time Charlie.’’ In fact, in Texas, ation Cyclone, the largest-ever Central son. When his mother died, I felt as a VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:41 Mar 11, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10MR7.153 H10MRPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE.
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