THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County EVENTH YEAR—No. 40 Entered aj Second Clasa Matter Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1957 __ Thd 36P«f«i—lOCrata Foreign Students jet Baumer To Visit Westfield Playgrounds To Open Town Treasurer Resigns; The executive board of the Westfleld High School PTA has agreed to sponsor, and find accom- For Season June 25 feted Fund Headmodations for 36 foreign students who have been attending Amer- The Westfield Recreation Com Children's Rides Regulated ican high schools throughout the mission's summer playground i United States during this past gram, under the guidance of ex le First winter under the auspices of the utive director Joseph E. Cqleman American Field Service, it was will officially open at 9:30 a Council Would Dennis Lever announced today. Tuesday, June 25, and conti Campaign These students will arrive by through Aug. lfl. Children fi m Require License, To Leave Post bun Saturday, July 20, and will five years of age and up may nt remain in Westfield until Friday, tend playgrounds at Columl ctober July 2fi, when they will sail for Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln, McK Two Inspections After 32 Years their various homelands. ley, Roosevelt, Washington Wilson schools. Younger child 11 |H. Baumer, 601 St. Mrs. Wallace Ruckert, assisted cnua 11 *\ Children's amusement machines Dennis 'N. Lever submitted his nue has been chosen may attend but must be; acct 1 I Tt by Mrs. Curry Lea, has been in panied by an older brothe in Westfleld are to be regulated resignation to Town Council Mon- -.' |f thb newly formed charge of all arrangements for it, sift I |f * „ under an ordinance Introduced by day night after more than 32 Trustees of the West- or parent. Children 13 through 15 students while they are inyears of age may attend the tc the Town Council Monday night. years as town treasurer. The res- i Fund, it was announc- Westfleld. Mrs. Ruckert expressed Public hearing and n final vote 1s ignation, which wss referred to Louis J. Dugbi, 601 age playground at Westfield H i,h her appreciation for the response School. Franklin School pupils " < I scheduled for 8 p.m. June 24, the finance committee, will be- time was named vice of the •Westfield families who have come effective June 80. iludson T. Pierson, 842 to attend the Roosevelt Scl Third Ward Councilman Her- offered to accommodate the young Playground. bert R. Welch Jr. explained that Mr. Levee was hired by the ' pvenue, treasurer; and people. Villi'ams, 603 Carleton This season new roglstrat on the ordinance requires that elec- town Feb. 1, 1925, as assistant , ,' ary. cards were distributed along wi h trically-operated hobby horses, ve- treasurer and assumed his pre*- * the playground news to all scl 1 hicles and other such items main- ent post Jan. 1, 1929. All retire- pjmei', special assistant tained by retail stores for the Summer Reading children. Parents were asked to JOSEPH COLEMAN ment plans are indefinite, but h* Sesident of Johnson ,& help their children fill these out use of children be licensed. Also, will remain in Westfteld and rait "'•- "New Brunswick, is a correctly in case of emergency under the ordinance, the ma- a while, he said. (d former president of Club to Begin and have them presented to the chines must be maintained inside •It is expected that Tax Col- Brunswick Chamber of playground leader during the Award Contracts the stores rather than on the —WesMleld gtudloa lector Bert L. Roeber will takt •-/:/ | the New Brunswick Ki- WILLIAM H. BAUMER opjpning week of the season if pos- street, JEFFREY REYNOLDS Mr. Lever's post "1 and the New Jersey "Safari" To Be The licensing fee is $20 for sible, according to Mr. Coleman. Anticipating that mon, th« ;"; i for Mental Health. He Theme at Library The commission this season is For Junior High each machine, in addition to the cost of two yearly inspections. Reynolds Named •ouncil introduced an ordinance ;': ved as chairman of the JayceesInstall again making available an acci- lowering the aalariea for both ;i ily committee, New Jer- A safari into the interior of dent insurance policy which will The penalty for violation of the Bid, Totals Remain ordinance is a $200 fine or 90 posts. The treasurer's salary wal <> IChamber of Commerce; Africa is the theme of the Bum- protect a child while he is engag- Troop Captain lowered from $8,000 a year to >i paid member of the Ef- mer vacation reading club sched- ing in supervised activities on the days in the county jail- New Officers Within Bond Issue Councilman Welch continuod 16,800 while the collector'i wilrt •« izena Organization; as- uled to begin June 24 at the West- local playfleld he ia eligible to at- from |6,#00 to $S,350 annually. "„ krd member of St. Pe- field Memorial Library. All library tend and any other activity spon- that the purpose of the ordinance The Board of Education award- Is to forestall the possible electro- Annual Review The ordinance cornea up for adop- ^, »1 Hospital, New Brans- Roberts Assumes members finishing first grade sored by the Recreation Commis- ed six contracts totaling $1,728,818 tlon In two weeks. •:. Jber of the West Point sion throughout the year. Through cution of a child by one of the Gymkhana Held through junior high school are eli- last week for erection of Thomas Town Clerk Jane P. Jonta, whf _„ jNew York; the Council President's Duties gible to join. Children who wish the cooperation of the State Rec- machines. He noted that there was Alva Edison Junior High School such an occurence in Philadelphia. Is secretary of the Board of A&- Relations; the Over- to become members of the Safari reation Association, this plan has in Rahway avenue. This is well At the annual review and gym- 1 Edward Roberts, former Jay- been made available' locally on a Patrolman James F. Moran was khana of Junior Essex Troop B Juatmcnt, reported that the board i Club and the New Jer- Club may sign up at the desk in within the $1,850,000 bond issue had approved six applicationa fof ^ jrcnce for the Promotion cee vice 'president, was installed the children's room any day be- low cost basis. Participation is authorized to finance construction. appointed a detective at the an- of Cavalry, held last Saturday in as the new president of the West- nual salary of $5,350. honor of <Lt. Albert W. Olson who variances from the sonin* ordi> • Government. He was tween June 10 and 24. voluntary. Architect Frederick A. ElsaBser nance and act conditions for an. ' [secretary-treasurer and fleld Junior Chamber of Com- Mr. Coleman explained that In- Moran, who had been an acting served as troop supervisor from merce last week in Novack's res- Each member of the Safari Club of Union said he expected work at detective since Oct. 1, 1956, leaves the time of its organisation in other application. , ; hsultant of the Middle- will begin as an apprentice to asured children will be protected the Rahway avenue site to begin Sewerage Authority, taurant. Other officers for the for injuries received white: Sunday to participate in a one- 1S36 until 1951, Cadet First Lt. The board authoriied a «lx-f«M /. coming year, who also began their big game hunter. With the com- within two weeks under the agree- week course on homicide investi- Jeffrey T. Reynolds was promoted garage extension, rather than th* ', military service, Mr. pletion of every two books, he will A. Participating in all super- ment which seta the completion ote six books and num- duties the same night are Van vised activities from the date the gation being given in Western to captain. Reynolds, ion of Mr. eight feet sought In an appHca. *' Lynian, internal vice president; "work his way up" until having date at 16 months from the sign- Reserve University in Cleveland, and Mm. M, Reynolds of West- tion by Chester and Dorothy H*> '* jrazine articles and was read 20 books he will be awarded ing of the contracts. The board field, is a member of the junior gan of 106 Wyoming street. -,,, ptor to the Encyclopedia James Brown, external vice pres- (Please turn to page 3) Ohio. He joined the force in ident; Irv Apgar, secretary; and his own license to be a professional expects to open the school in Sep- August, 1951. class at Westfleld High School. Variances from the sonlng ordt»" ;' on such subjects as Robert Redfern, treasurer. The hunter. A party will be given by tember, 1958. •Mrs. W. H. Keeber of 325 The reviewing party included | officers, military staff, nance wore given by th* 'board t» , K three members elected to thethe library staff at the end of the Mr. Elsasser pointed out aito Roger avenue presented to theLieutenant Olson, Captain Solon Roy C. Williams of 514 Spr,ing4aM( ^ na and armies through- board of directors are Fred Meyer, summer for those members who Win PTA Life preparation work has been com- Council an addition to a previous M, Palmer, commandant of Junior avenue to move a greenholne Inta ,^t During World War Bruce Malcolm and Dan Boston. will have read at least ten books. pleted and said he expects con- petition reemphasizing the. desire Essex Troop; Captain Sullivan of the rear of his property; Loata 7 Ion General Elsenhower's They will be aided by Jame3- Land- A reading club is held at the struction shanties will be built of the Floral Park Civic Associa- the 60th Reconaisitance Batalllon, Caplan of 8ha«kamasM, Hoawt ~1 Europe and was a mili- era, the immediate past president.
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