I rs See Story Bosox Slap $5·,00·0 Fine on Williams. Page Four 5 Prepa re for Convention ~ al Serving tile tate UniversUy of Towa and tile People of Iowa City A.A.U, OIUo, Established in &8 - Five Cents a Co!>)' Member of Associated Press - .AP Leased Wire and Photo Service Iowa City, towa, W(ldnesday August 8, 1956 work. Cole&, , style Michaelsen To Spea~- ra uate Say ~asser Hundreds Killed M~n, To Get Will Appeal In Colombia 'Blast Masler's or CALI. ColombIa t.fI - Hundreds oC persons were reported lOlled Ph.D.Degrees' To UN Council Tu sday in tremendous explosions Degrees will be eorTlerred upon and fire, erupting [rom seven dy· LONDON (11- Egypt's President 495 graduates at the SUI slimmer namite trucks parked in the heart Gamal Abdel Na5SCr Tuesday ni,ht Commencement exercises tonight (AI' Wlre,het.l o[ Cali. 'AINT~RS FINISHING UP thre.·sidetl dol.g.tion .tandud, to promised a statement of "great at 7:30 In the SUI Fieldhouse. The lirst hii.h oeCicial lie VNd .. t tho International Amphith.atre for tho Democratic N.ti_ world·wlde importance" next Sun· called it sabotage, A large percentage oC the group aI C.... v.ntien. Th. new .t.ndords are a d'parture from tho flat .Igns day, The death toll was estimated at will receive advanced degrees. Egyptian sources predicted he Crom 300 to 1,000 or more. Many Prof. Robert S. Michaelsen. di· would ask the UN Security Coun­ were injured and damage was es· rector er the SUI School of Re­ cil to step in and Cor bid any West- timated in the millions. ligion, will deliver the Commence· ern use of force against hls selJure Cali newspa~r estimates put ment adress. His subject will be r . Court "Freedom and Conformity." There ' i;U;i'MS;(ks of the Suet Canal. the death toll as high as 1,000 while !!earchin& lor bodies was far wUl not be a charge to th candl· Nasser has called a news con­ Crom complete. dates for degrees. ference in the main hall of his Ripping blasts and sweeping SUI Provost Harvey H. Davis Revolution Council headquarters in Cires that followed leveled eight will conrer the degrees. M. WiI · Segregation Ruling Cairo at noon Sunday, four days square blocks In the center oC the lard Lampe, director-emerltvs of city of nearly 90,000. the SUI School oC Religion, will before the scheduled ~eting of a CHICAGO IA'I - Adlai E. Stevenson said Tuesday night the Demo· serve as chaplain for the ceremony. cratic platform should "express unequivocal approval" of the Supreme 24·nation conference called by the Colombia's President Rojas Plnilla said: and William D. Coder. sur Co· Court's decision against public school segregation. Western Big Three to discuss Inter· ordlnator of Conferences, will be 1t was Ste ensol\'S strongest statement on the most controversial is· national control of the waterway. "The government will not rest masler of ceremonies. sue building ~p for next week's unUl the Intell~ctual ond ,material Nasser has not replied to Brll· FIRE SET OFF by an txplOiIOfl authors of th~ treacherpus and The SUI Orchestra, direcwd by Democratic Nat/onal Convention. ain's invitation to the conference Stevenson, the contender leveled .llI blockl in a relidentl.1 criminal attempt receive exem· Prof. William Gowel'. will provide proposed last week b, joint Brit· fQr his 11 art y's Argue.over • roa of tho Colombian city of plary punlshmerit." music for the graduation exercises • ish, U.S. and French acUon. Call (A) Tuesday, In Ecuaw, It will play processional and re­ presidential nomi· . His message - broadcast over a nation, previously There were Indl~tlons rrom a rovolt \111ft reported In M.nabi cessional marches and a short con· nationwide nerwork - said "Q1e cert before the ceremony. had said he Racial 'Policy Cairo that Nasser ti?ped Britain provine•• fIer tfto mlllt.ry .arrl­ 'dead and Injured are mainly sol­ &01\ (8), tho t'1ought it was un· might be persuacled to postpone at Pomvie/o provin­ diers and humble people." Candidates Cor degrees represent necessary for the the conrerence. cial capitol, roboll.d, 82 Iowa counties, S8 states, Hawaii Amone the buildings leveled were an" seven forel,n countries. Twen­ platCorm to men· At Chicqgo . There was lOme ~pectaUon that a barracks housing a company of CAPS AND GOWNS occU'W the ott.ntl.n of tftoH "brotfi.,.. Den- troil the h i g h Nasser's statement woulcl say why army railway troop and the Call molil: for tho Hcond lim. in their coil", c..... ra at tftoy pro".ro for ty·seven or those receiving bache­ lor's degrees . will jtraduare with coorl's r~, al­ CHICAGO I..fI - A Dixie delegate Eeypt. could not 8C«lpt an Invlta­ barra. Colombia', nation c:--.monqment • ..,.eiN. at SUI toda~, J. WJlli.m., left, alld ot 1 K.""..... speCial honors. Degrees will be thqugh he added. I flared hotly Tuesday at the asser· tlon to the meetlna· Blame·Doria police. hi, brother Frank E. will recelyo mutor'. ~roo. in school admlnl.- awarded with the highest di5tinc­ hls b e 11 e [ that tion !>Cfore Democratic platform There was also a blnt Nasser Special squads of soldiers, police _t_ra_I_IOR_f_rom__ S_U_I_. ____ ____________ such a reference drafters that ,acial seg(c;:ation in would demand ~reVlew of the lion to those in the top two pcr was inevitable. STEVENSON and firemen dug through ruins to cent of their classes-six st denls; the United States Is hurting U.S. l'anama Canal, raltar and the recover bodles. Careful checks Stevenson was asked during a forcig!} relations. Dardanelles amo It other items, if with high distinction to th next For Collision were made o[ hospitals and nul'S' three per cent-nine students; and teTevlsion (ABC ) interview about George C. Wallace, Clayton, Ala., international dlsou.ion the Suet at ing homes. but civil and military Ike Questions Soviet with dlstincUon to lhe ncil Ci ve hls views on a civil rights plank. retorted, "U the only way we are Canal is permitted, I NEW YORK t.fI - The Swedish· He replied: authorities found it Impossible to per cent - 12 stadents, going to keep other peoples with A surprise Security Council apo American Line Tuesday blamed the make an Immediate o[ficial com· ('I have a very strong feeling us is to change our customs, I peal. jusl .ad oC the London RBlian. liner Andrea Doria (or the At 6:30 p.m .• preceding the grad­ that the platform should express pilation of the casualties. uation ceremony, nine men will think they will go communistic conference, obviously would aim to colliSion with lhe Stockholm and , Military authorities announced Faith in Agreements uneQuivocal a p pro val of the anyway." destroy the parley's moral force. said it would sue the Italian Lin receive reserve commissions in court's decision, although it seems plans to bury unidentified dead in W,a.SHINGTON IA'I - President Eisenhower Tuesday ques\ioned So· the Army and two will receive The segregat:on issue had becn A close (rlend of Nasser said the for damages, a common grave. Quick burials are viet Premier Nikolai Bulganin's good Caith In keeping agreements. He commissions in the Air Force. Air odd that you should have to ex· raised unexpectedly by BelCQrd V. appeal could be based on a com. A statement Cram the Swedish· pl-ess your approval of the Consti· the custom in this tropical climate. urged Bulganin to rid Russia's foreign policy o[ the "evils" of Stalin· Force commissions will be awarded Lawson, Negro delegate froin the plaint that Britain and France, by American Line said the Doria ism. to Gerald E. Daley. Clintoh, and tU\ion and its institutions." . District of Columbia, during ques. their military threats and maneuv- veered sharply across the Stock· Although the damage was can· On this one prime topic, at least, centrated In eight blocks, aU parts In a new letler to the Russian leader, Mr. Eisenhower also hinted William E. Schesser, Davenport. tioning of economist Robert R. Na· ers, were endallfering peace. holm's bow. that he may make new disarma· Stevenson's statement served to h h h d ' d.. d This was the (irst report given of this city of 90,000 were rocked Lt. Col. Alex Jamison, professor pull the rug from under the can· tan, w a a Just e Ivere an at· In Washington, U.S. Secretary oC by either line concerning circum. by the blast at I :07 a.m. ment proposals after present stud· of Air Science, wm present the tention of Gov. Averell Harriman tac~ on E~e.nhower administration DeCense Wilson said he hoped the stances DC the colUsion July 2S in The Plaza Caicedo, 12 blocks Moneys and Credits les are completed. commissions. of ·New York that Stevenson is too foreIgn poliCies. Nathan appeared Suez situation could be seWed by th All i C h The nine men receiving Army as. a spokesman for Americans for a conference "rather than to wave e ant c 0 f Nantucket Lig t. from the center of the explosion, Mr. Eisenhower's letter, released milch of a political moderate. commissions are: Barry A. Acker­ . The statement was contained .in was badly sha14n. Doors were bro· by the Whire House after delivery • Only a short time before the Democratic Action. a big stick and threaten people." a petition the Swedish.American ken. walls cracked and some roofs Conference 'Called ley, Des Moines; James K.
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