LIQUOR SHIP SEIZED. GRANT MEMORIAL TO BE UNVfelLED APRIL 27. PASTOR GIVEN TAR COAT. DEBATEINSENATE Schooner Flying British Flag Held. THINKSENATEWILL t<oulsianan Is Then Set Down in | E Crew Arrested. Main Street. PORTSMOUTH. Va.. February 25 . LAKE CHARLES. La.. February 25.. The motor schooner Emerald of Die- Rev. W. B. Bennett wu taken to the OH TREATY SOON by, Nova Scotia, flying the British ADDTOD.C.FUNDS outskirts of Deridder. La... this morning PLEADFORBQNUS flag, was seised this afternoon as a and tarred and feathered, according to rum-runner, while fleeing from Vir¬ a telephone message received here. Committee Four- ginia waters. Her cargo, said to conr Committee Members Predict Bennett is alleged to have deserted his I Thirty Sign Letter Approves slst of more than one thousand cases family and broken Jail in Meridian. | Opposing of liquor for New York delivery was Miss., some time ago. Power Pact and Sub¬ seized along with the ship's papers Increasing of Several Bpnnett is said to have received word Sales Tax, But Urging Use as Allen . and the captain, signed John early this morning to come to his office. marine Treaties. Williams, and the entire crew have House Figures. Upon his arrival there he was met by * of Refunded Bonds. been taken Into custody pending ex¬ Predictions that the District appro¬ crowd of men. who forced him into an amination before the United States' priation bill as It will be reported automobile and drove him to the coun¬ HOPE FOR EARLY ACTION commissioner Monday. by the Senate committee will pro¬ try. Here the coat of tar and feathers WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT When the motor schooner saw she vide generous Increases In appropria¬ was applied, after which he was brought was being followed by the cutter Man¬ tions for the District over the House back to town and deposited In front of she her course a store on the main street. of But Two of Five Agreement! Re¬ ning quickly changed bill were made by members of the drug Opponents Consumption Levy to and headed for the sea. A chase en¬ Senate subcommittee In charge of Continue Attacks Before Com¬ main on Calendar.Republicans sued and the Manning overhauled and that measure, following a meeting boarded her nine miles southeast of yesterday afternoon. The subcommit¬ mittee Will Insist on Yap Vote. Cape Charles lighthouse. tee made so much progress that it is Republicans. expected It will be possible for the Use of the refunded foreign bonds Finally accepting a compromise work on subcommittee to conclude its to finance the soldiers' bonus is to be reservation, the foreign relations the bill at a meeting tomorrow ^ urged as a substitute for the committee cleared the way yesterday morning, and that the bill will go to rejected the full committee for action to¬ sales tax, by* those members of the for transfer the arms conference by morrow afternoon or Tuesday morn¬ House who have been opposed to the treaty debate to the open Senate, by PRESIDENT ing. sales SEEKS tax. the four-power No details were announced as to favorably reporting what Increases in have A group of Pacific which has proved the appropriations thirty, mostly from treaty, been agreed to by the subcommittee. western a of the arms con¬ It that states, signed letter to most troublesome ia believed, however, the Veterans of Both Union Chairman of the ference in committee items for street improvements have and. Fordney ways and agreements NAVY been Increased considerably. The means committee which had been and COMPROMISE the naval limitation discussion; Rchools, parks and water supply sys¬ Confederate Armies to drafted by Representative Frear of submarine treaties. tem also will be cared for. Wisconsin which said that far eastern and the use Only the general of these foreign bonds would "re¬ now remain on Confers With House Members Share in Exercises. Chinese tarifT pacts move a grossly and it is to meet of unjust proposal, pre¬ the committee calender, {owners Officials high in the government vent the political of to in Effort to Settle overturning the hope of Senate leaders bring Dispute the United States, veterans both of will into the Congress and be just to the «»x- the whole group of treaties HARD COAL MINERS the Union and the Confederate armies, soldiers. who saved for us these for¬ Senate proper early this week so that Over Strength. future officers of the Army and Navy eign debts." debate on them can begin as soon as This letter declared that "the an (Continued from First Page.) and members of Gen. U. S. CTrant's a vote is reached on the separate President Harding' inaugurate*! bonus should be passed without an. treaty relating to Yap. effort yesterday to reconcile wide dif¬ own family are among those who will obnoxious tax and should be pass* d Around the Yap treaty, meantime thracite coal cannot expect to deviate and without that ferences of opinion between the Navy from the trend of other commodities. participate in the unveiling delay. a situation developed yesterday dedication of memorial, "Your action on Friday, support'->\ the majority managers to Department and Congress as to the "Anthracite coal is too high when the Grant j by members of the prompted been need¬ of subcommittee, i* charge that debate had size and cost of the Navy for the next considered with other things and with situated in the Mall at the foot the discarding any sales tax on the lionu.* lessly prolonged and to announce commodities in which it comes in Capitol, which is scheduled for 2 bill," the letter said, "will receive the to hold the Senate In fiscal year. competition," said the chief WOMAN their intention spokes¬ DEMANDS hearty of of o'clock on the afternoon of 27, support members Con¬ tomorrow e At a White House conference with man of the hard coal operators, "and April gress session throughout calleiJ- the of the birth of the generally. We believe the sub¬ ing unless a ratification roll js republican members of the House prices have got to come down to meet centenary great committee vote of 7 to 2 against before that time by curtail¬ the economic situation, for the pros- soldier and President. such tax is a reached An naval committee and Representative The exercises, to informa¬ close index of House ment of "unnecessary discussion. Mondell of Wyoming:, the republican ! perity of the mine worker* as well as according sentiment on the subject. unanimous consent that of the whom we tion furnished by Rt. Rev. Samuel effort to obtain leader, the President, seeking to com¬ consumers, OF of of ARREST the Society Would LONG Fallows, for for a vote tomorrow failed. what some members have recognise as the third party." president Pay Own Bonu*. promise .* the Army of the Tennessee and chair¬ Tot* Democrat* Favor Treaty. described as "the extreme views," is Mr. Warriner said the high cost of "A sales tax would the coal to the consumer is due to the man of the Grant Memorial Commis¬ penalize every a favorable report on said to have declared that with sion. the office of ex-soldier and compel him to pay In making \vhicn size of the fixed the arms cost of production, in which the mine through public toward his own the four-power Pacific treaty, Navy by worker's Confessed Writer of Threats buildings and grounds, will be most meager bonus. Nine the treaty in Senate conference, the total enlisted person¬ wages are a large part. in character. hundred thousand jobless ex-soldiers Is to follow Yap nel not be less than 80.000. There must be deflation, he added, not impressive would be debate, the foreign relations commit¬ ought in Two great-granddaughters of the obliged immediately to pay with Senators Secretary Denny, in outlining de¬ only wage rates, but in freight Is in Jail on Mrs. Town- and consumption taxes under any sales tee divided ten to three, rates as well as In other things. civil war hero.Miss Edith Grant tax Borah, Idaho: Johnson,]re¬ partment needs to the committee, has .Princess Ida Cantacuzene, who are law. republican. Shields, insisted on an enlisted strength of He pointed out that the average In¬ "Xo sales tax law could publican. California, and crease In the cost of since 1914 granddaughters of the late MaJ. Gen. get through Tennessee, voting in the 90.000. and the present officer person¬ living send's Complaint. Frederick Dent Grant.will unveil the the House and Senate in less than democrat, re¬ nel. 540 members of the first is. 57." per cent, and that the average ninety days.if at negative. All the other eight including- increase in the memorial. passed all. Ninety the mo¬ class at Annapolis to be graduated in wages of day labor days more would be required to secure publican members supported June. and other in and about the anthracite collieries Dissatisfaction was expressed over Preseatation by Mr. Weeks. a clerical force to the law in tion and were joined by two demo¬ Chairman Butler has put opera¬ and members of the committee have in¬ Increased 131 per cent since 1814. the action of the federal and District The of War. John W. tion. tlius taking until or crats. Williams of Mississippi There are Secretary September while three demo¬ sisted, however, that Mr. Denby's fig¬ about 100.000 men em¬ government authorities because of Weeks, who is a member of the Grant October of this year. Pomerene of Ohio, ployed In the anthracite industry by ] "Congressman worth were absent. ures for an appropriation bill carry¬ their failure to place under arrest Memorial Commission, will make the L<ong is author¬ crats .
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