Hoosier Champs Invade , L.A. Dodgers Find Home Hawkeye Den Tonight In Hoge Coliseum Sports Story Page 4 01 Sports Story Page 4 Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa'City MUlollsned 10 llltill - l<'lve t;enLS a t;opy Memoer of ASsociate!! Pres~ - AP Leased Wlrj! and Photo ~rYIce Iowa City. lowa, Saturday, January 18, 1958 oons, ,et ou It• enson Town' Men's Choice Production Cont~ol IFPC Queen .. Helps little: Be'nson W SHINGTO ( P) - Tile Ei~enhowcr administration's new farm program got off to a stormy start in Congr ss Friday when Secrfhary of Agriculture E~ra Taft benson went before a Senate committee to back ilup. The bespectacled, dignified Benson ran into a barrage of hostile comments by Chairman Allen Ellender ( D-La.) and other critics on the enate griculture Committee. " Inaccurate," was the way Sell. Ellend c described some Slate ments in Benson's 24-page script. "The Federal Trade Commis ion would rule it out as false ad- vertising," said Sen. Hubert Humphrey <D-Minn .) of one portion. I "There is nothing false abbut it." Benson retorted. Benson sought to mollify farm slate critics at one point by saying he might never cut price supports al1 the way down to tiO per cent of parity even if Congress grllntcd his request for authority to go thAt I low. " Maybe we')] not nccd to go that loW:' Benson said. The administralion'~ request for authority to set price supports on basic crops and dairy products betw (;n GO and 90 per cenl oC parity is one of the most control! rsial items in the 14-point farm program submitted by President Eiscnhoy,er. The prescnt minimum is 75 per cent oC parity. I J Parity is a standard Cor computing farm prices declared by law I to be fair to farmers in relation to their costs. IN HIS PREPARED STATEMeNT, Benson said the legislation sought should have been provided at \he nd or the war. He said farm­ ers would be better off Loday if It had b en. Ill' described the pres nt 75-90 per cent range as "too narrow Lo permit the expansion of markets needed to absorb the increased production which our [arms will likely produce." "Tho shortcomings oC our past programs arc quite clcar," Benson said. " We have tried to legislate prices artificially, without full con­ sideration for the inevitable forces oC supply nnd demand. "W have tried to control production artificially. without full con­ sideration for Ule efficiency and ingenuity of farmers." All this lias failed. he said. In addition to lower price upport authority, the administration pro­ gram calls for an easing of production controls. BENSON TOLD THE SENATE COMMITTEE Ulat 25 years of ex­ perience has "proved you can't control prices by controlling production of crops." He said those under controls were in the worst shape. "I don't want to go down toward the socialization of agriculture:' he said. At one point Benson appeared to be appealing to the farmers themselves. He said, ''In the final analysis, farmers will have to make up their minds which way they want to go." "They will decide," he said, "whether they want more freedom - more flexibility, more right of individual d<!Cision, more opportunity to make sound adjustments in line with th ir great efficiency, or whether they prefer more and more regimentAtion - more and more restrictive controls." _ "FARMERS ARE INDEPENDENT, intelligent people and r am confident that they will make the right decisions when all the facts are available to them," he said. During \.he reading of his statement Benson was interrupted so frequently thal Sen. Spessard Holland (V-Fla.) suggested he be given a chance to finish. "Let's nol impose on all of the rules of a fair hearing," Holland said. Ellender said he had been in the Senate 21 years and no one ever na", Iowan t'boto by Bilb SL:awn had accused him oC being unfair. INTERFRATERNITY PLEDGE Queen Ann MiIIig.ln, AI, Pi Bell Phi, Jefterson, end her Ittendlnts, TOWN MEN QUEEN Jerene Bonar, A3, Fairfield, was crowned Cit the Town Men-Town Women winter Ellender. who doesn't give the administration program "a ghost from left, Barbera Bywater, AI , PI Beta Phi, 0" Moines; Judy Webber, AI, AI, Pi Bota Phi, Peoria, formCiI Friday night. Her court included Barbara NcShane, AI, Springville, and Phyllis Frlnklin, A2, oC a chance." ruled that committee members could interrupt any lime III.; Jean Riddle.berger, AI, Alphl Delta Pi, Downers Grove, III.; Sharon Mcintosh, AI, Klppa Kippi l~wl CIty. Llrry Blrrett and hi' bind played for the dance, in. the Rose Room of the JeH.non Hotel. Benson made a statement which they considered to be "not the facts." Gamma, Cedar Rapi ds. Queen Ann Ind her attendants reigned over I FPC formal last night. Speed'isn't Worst Killer Satellite Maior Tool 'Superman' Society Fails · "High speed isn't the major accidents where the cars involved or a hedge blocks drivers' vision," NEW YORK {A'J - A Nazi-type The group called itself the Unit­ lice said, they planned to hold up cause of traffic accidents," R. L. arc traveling less than 60 miles per Holcomb said. "Many times the in­ gang of Forest Hills teenagers ed Nordic Confederation. Police a Queens branch of the Chase Holcomb told 68 Iowa law enforce­ hour. Two engineering features for stall ation of a light in a dark area For Manis Education was broken up Friday. Police said said they devised a formal oath Ma nhattan Bank at 9 a.m. today. ment officers who completed a full reducing the accident rate on may stop pedestrian injuries." U1CY plotted a $40,000 bank hold­ in which they vowed "to unite and Each youth had been assigned week of intensive training at the through highways mentioned by The earth satellite is I new and continued, citing some "very up to finance a superman socioty. purify all the Nordic peoples for special duties, had been put Too many tramc signs can actu­ annual Police Traffic School at SUI Holcomb were ,more limited-access major tool in the natural exten­ sol id prospects" for improving 'I'he g,-oup of 10 boys was led, t.)le greatest common good of all, through rehearsals, and they had this week. roads and divided hlghways. ally distract drivers' and incroase sion of man's knowledge of the communicationl and achieving police said, by a German-born to restore once more to the race bought ammunition for two sawed Holcomb is the chief of the bur­ But the accident rate can be low­ the accident rate instead of lower­ youth, imbued with some of the the moral strength, spiritual great­ off shotguns, and a .22 caliber riOe_ eau of police scie nc~, Institute of ered in far less costly ways, too. universe, James Van Allen, pro­ long-range and .conomically val­ ing it. "A traffle sIgnal should be 'same racial ideas oC lh.e Jate Nazi nes, physical perCection, which They also had an arsenal oC knives Public Affairs at SUI, which spon­ ho added. Holcomb recommended fll.or and head of the SUI uable wealher forecalts in the dicLator, Adolf Hitler. Most oC lhe make up the true Nordic." , to carry. installed only when proven noedcd MIred the school. that city police departments usc a Physics Department, streised 1960' •• boys were high school students. "We shall be superior in all The slipup came Thursday when Citing a study completed re­ "spot map" to show the locations and nol alone upon lhe request o( Friday. Five years from now, he said, Iloldup assignments had been things," the oaUl added. two of the group had a change of cently, Holcomb said that 80 per o( accidents and their causes. neighborhood residents," Holcomb "Space Ihould be much more we may very well have satel· made. Rehearsals had been held. Not ali of the boys took tbe heart, and decided not to go cent of traffic fatalities occur in "OCten ,a stop sign is obstructed stressed. than a battleground for compet­ lites serving as relay .tations Guns and knives had been pro· thing seriously ilt first. But they through with the plot. Five of the ing militlry powers. It "'ould be for quick and eHicient telecasts cured and prepared as weapons. talked and dreamed of setting up youths were seized Thursday. All viewed as a vast and unexplored and telephone call. across the Then two or the boys backcd an upstate camp to further the Cace charges of weapons law vio­ region whe,. we can do some­ globe. And "a reliable forecast, out and told lheir parents of lho aims of their confederation. lations and assault against the two I AP Digest ITwining Says thing worthwhile in a long lerm for instance, thlt next summer plot. That brought in the police. To bankroll this objective, po- who rebelled. way for real human benefit," would be very wet in tf1e, early , By TilE ASSOCIATED PRE s Or. Van Allen said. CAPE CANAVERAL - A Navy Russians Lag part of the sealon and very dry The 19wa physicist is chairman in the latt.r part would be of SUI To Raise . C ~ test missile, a stand-in for the I St th Byron JaniS oncert- proposed Navy Polaris submarine- n reng of the 27-scientist Rocket and inestimable value to much of launched I,SOO-mile IRBM, streak­ Satellite Researcll Panel, whose U.S. agriculture and commerce," recommendation I contributed to poinled out.
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