S5068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2005 the American Revolution this year is the front of the nickel in 67 years. His Northern Kentucky. He has been an in- long, but that is not the focus of my re- nickel designs have been acclaimed tegral part of his community serving marks today. throughout the coin collecting commu- on numerous boards, including North- Gail has turned the teaching of his- nity, and Mr. Fitzgerald has received ern Kentucky University Foundation, tory and civics into the action of patri- significant national press attention. Saint Elizabeth Medical Foundation, otism. Perhaps the most compelling Joe Fitzgerald earned a B.A. in fine Kids Helping Kids, Cincinnati and and significant accomplishment of Gail arts from the University of Maryland, Northern Kentucky Fine Arts Founda- Chumbley is not her esteemed list of College Park and pursued graduate tion and as a trustee for Thomas More awards and honors, which are many studies in printmaking at the State College. and richly-deserved. Her most impor- University of New York at Oswego. He The ‘‘Movers and Shakers’’ award of tant contribution is her role in cre- has served several Federal agencies: Northern Kentucky is an annual award ating a sense of citizenship within the the United States Postal Service, sum- presented to honor those within the hearts and intellect of many Idaho mers, 168–1972; the Food & Drug Admin- greater Cincinnati region who stand as young people. This citizenship lives on istration, 1972–1973; the Consumer an example for all. It is presented by in these students as they grow into Product Safety Commission, 1973–1980; the Kentucky Enquirer, the Sales and adulthood and manifests itself in their and the National Library of Medicine, Marketing Council of Northern Ken- actions, commitments and convictions. 1980–2005. Mr. Fitzgerald has earned nu- tucky, The Home Builders Association It is an entity that grows exponen- merous awards for outstanding con- of Northern Kentucky, and The Ken- tially and of its own volition, eclipsing tributions and service to the National tucky Post. plaques, certificates and statuettes. Library of Medicine, including the 1996 As a Senator from Kentucky, I appre- These gather dust, but what they rep- NLM Director’s Honor Award for ex- ciate the devotion Mr. Huff has shown resent are the pillars upon which our ceptional contributions to the mission over the years to the citizens of Ken- country stands firm. This living citi- of the library through the creative ap- tucky. I commend his efforts and hope zenship is immortalized by the marbled plication of his artistic talent, and the his example of dedication and hard statues of men and women not far from 2003 National Institutes of Health work will serve as an inspiration to the ∑ here, and in words carved of the same. Award for Merit for his organization, entire State. I honor Gail Chumbley today: Amer- coordination and congenial leadership f ican patriot, exemplary citizen and in effectively orchestrating the ‘‘Turn- RACIST MANIFESTATIONS IN RO- role model for all of us.∑ ing the Pages’’ historical medical MANIA DESERVE GOVERNMENT f books program. RESPONSE In addition, Mr. Fitzgerald is a gifted TRIBUTE TO JOSEPH P. ∑ Mr. BROWNBACK. Mr. President, as fine artist. Nationally recognized for FITZGERALD chairman of the Helsinki Commission, his work in paint, pastel and digital ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I salute I welcomed the recent visit of Roma- media, his creations have been sent nian Foreign Minister Razvan Joseph P. Fitzgerald, who is retiring around the world through the Embassy after 33 years of dedicated service to Ungureanu, and I regret that I was not Art program, and are held in many pri- in Washington to meet with him. Our the Government and people of the vate collections. He is currently rep- United States of America. countries have forged closer links, and resented by the Foxhall Gallery in I hope that trend will continue. For the past quarter century, Mr. Washington, DC. Fitzgerald has worked in the Audio- While there have been many positive Joe Fitzgerald is one of the most be- reforms implemented in Romania, un- visual Program Development Branch at loved individuals ever to tread the NIH fortunately the situation of the the Lister Hill National Center for Bio- campus, and I wish him well in his re- Romani minority is largely the same. communications, which is part of the tirement. He is married to Jean Hill Romania has the largest Roma minor- National Library of Medicine at the Fitzgerald, another career civil servant ity in Europe, estimated at 1.5–2 mil- National Institutes of Health in Be- who currently works at the National lion people. They remain profoundly thesda, MD. Mr. Fitzgerald, who is a Archives. I thank Joe for distinguished marginalized and subjected to perva- renaissance man of creative vision and career in public service, and I wish him sive discrimination and prejudice. artistic talent, has made exceptional many years of happiness in retire- On April 13, for example, a soccer contributions to the outreach and com- ment.∑ match in Bucharest turned very, very munications mission of the largest bio- f ugly. Fans of one team, Steaua Bucha- medical library in the world. As tech- rest, unfurled a banner reading ‘‘We nological advances in the dissemina- HONORING THE ACCOMPLISH- MENTS OF MR. JIM HUFF have always had and will always have tion of both visual and text-based in- something against Gypsies.’’ They formation have evolved over the past 25 ∑ Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I pay chanted, ‘‘We have always hated Gyp- years, Mr. Fitzgerald has led the way tribute and congratulate Mr. Jim Huff sies and we have always urinated on in adopting computer-based graphics of Northern Kentucky who was re- you.’’ During the game, the stadium systems. And he has helped the Na- cently honored with one of the ‘‘Mov- announcer played an anti-Roma song tional Library of Medicine to commu- ers and Shakers’’ awards for the Great- called ‘‘Gypsies and UFOs’’ and made nicate the most current and reliable er Cincinnati area. Mr. Huffs life ac- anti-Roma remarks. The coach of medical and consumer health informa- complishments and dedication to Com- Steaua Bucharest called the coach of tion to medical professionals, research- monwealth of Kentucky have given me the opposing team a ‘‘stinking Gypsy.’’ ers, patients, families and the public. reason to be proud. The opposing team, Rapid Bucharest, is The number 25 figures prominently in Over the past 60 years, Mr. Huff has from a district with a significant the life story of Joe Fitzgerald for an- grown to be a leader both within the Romani minority. other reason, too. He recently became community of Northern Kentucky and Response to this rabid anti-Roma the 25th person in the history of the within the real estate industry. He has manifestation was swift with mixed re- Republic to execute a design for the served as chairman of the Kentucky sults. front of a circulating coin. His Real Estate Commission for five con- On April 20, the Romanian Football groundbreaking portrait of Thomas secutive terms. During this time he es- League suspended the stadium an- Jefferson graces the new U.S. five-cent tablished a statewide errors and omis- nouncer for 6 months. But the League coin, as will his obverse design of the sions insurance platform, which con- also sanctioned both teams that were Lewis and Clark expedition, which will tinues to serve the needs of Kentucky present at the April 13 match: Steaua be released in August. Both commis- real estate practitioners today. In 1981, Bucharest, the team responsible for sions were awarded as part of the he was awarded Realtor of the Year by hurling racist invective was fined, but United States Mint at the Treasury De- the Kenton-Boone Board of Realtors, so was Rapid Bucharest, the team partment’s Artistic Infusion Program. for which he later served as president. against whom these slurs were di- Mr. Fitzgerald’s portrait of Thomas Throughout his life, Mr. Huff has al- rected. While it is completely appro- Jefferson marks the first redesign of ways been active in civic affairs in priate for a sports league to police VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:07 May 13, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G12MY6.077 S12PT1 May 12, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5069 itself and its members, sanctioning velop a Holocaust education curricula mittee on the Records of Congress: those who were the targets of this and courses in secondary schools and Susan Palmer of Aurora, Illinois. abuse makes no sense. No one will be universities. I hope the Government of At 6:19 p.m., a message from the fooled by the League’s effort to appear Romania will move quickly to imple- House of Representatives, delivered by pro-active and even-handed while pun- ment the Wiesel Commission’s rec- Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, ishing the very people who were the ommendations. announced that the House has passed victims of abuse. With this in mind, I was heartened to the following bill, in which it requests The National Council for Combating learn that in April the U.S. Embassy in the concurrence of the Senate: . Discrimination, a Romanian Govern- Bucharest hosted the premier of ‘‘Hid- H.R. 1544. An act to provide faster and ment body, also sanctioned the offend- den Sorrows,’’ a documentary about smarter funding for first responders, and for ing team about $1400 and fined the sta- the tragic deportation of 25,000 Roma other purposes. dium announcer about $600.
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