AGENCY FOR INTESNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR AID USE WILY WASHINGToM, 0..C. 20523 BIBLIOGRAPHIC IhPUT SHEET A. PIIAArr %. SUBJERCT Libraries and information sciences . M(0-0000-026 f..LA 551. FICATION h, 31 1:011DA1Y 2. TITLE AND SUTIL Information resources on Nepal 3. AUTHOR(S) Gyawali,B.M.; Standrod,G.L. 1 'CUMENT4 - : DATE 5. NUMBER OF PAGES 6. ARC NUMBER .. .. .. ~~~~~~~.!i " .. .C ,'_ 7. AR PAGESE %F JbNIATION NAME AND ADDRESS . 8. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (Sponsoring Organization, Pubtiahera, Availability) 9. ABSTRACT F 1J. CONTROL NUMBER lPRICE OF DOCUMENT 12. DESCRIPTORS 1.POETN)1E Nepal Information Resources .COTATNME AID/ASIA! USAID/Nepal - 15. TYPE OF DOCUMENT AID 500-1 47 4 ) CENTRE FOR ECONOMIc I)EVELOPI1ENF AND A DMINSTRATION INFORMATION RESOURCES ON NEPAL DOCUMENTATION CENTRE TRIBIHUVAN UNIVERSITY CAMPUS KIRTIPUR KATHMANDU INF()JMAi ION EOR S OE)N' N E PA L BIARAT M. GYA\VALI GARLAND L. STANDtOD DOC .NTA.TIION (INIRE .CT iR- I"oj I('(NO.1I( 1)1 \ I:I)p\II:NT ,NI .AAIi.\I.IRAIIO KII'll IZ, K..II IMAN I)V, NE'PAI, 1973 Published by:- Centre folr Lconomic Development and Administration P.O. Box 797 Kili'ipur Kathmandu, Nepal. Copyright 1973 by CEDA FOREWORD The Third World has fallen behind not only in the race for higher income. It also happens to be underdeveloped in available information. Indeed, lack of available information may, perhaps, be regarded as good' . anindicator as any of inderdevelopment. As in other countries of the Third World, this scarcity in Nepal is -iree-fold.First, it is the dearth of information per se, Second, it is the lack of knowledge regarding what in­ formation is available. Third, it is the lack of knowledgv regarding where availab]6 information is to be found for use, Clearly, tie firstof these is tied more vith the process of development itself., and does not ordinarily come within the scope of a -documentation centre": it is not a generator of primary information, but a "processor" 3f * information. coming out from elsewhere in an organized way. As such, the role ofa "documentation centre" needs to be haidly emphasized. A coun­ try like ours cannot afford not to use available infornation. But this requires knowing what information is avafible and where this can be found. We are quite a few steps ahead regarding the first of these requirements, There exists ,Ianumber of bibliographiestn Nepal and a few organizations, including this Documentation Centre, have been bringing o't bibliographies on a conti­ nuing basis. We ar , however, almost totaily ignorant about the second !C­ * CquirenIent: where is the available inforniation on Nepal to be found ? All that e ists in this respect is a paragraph or two written at the end of a few books (such as in Fisher and Rose, "The Politics of Nepal", and Reed and Reed, "Aepal imTransition",) Obviously, this is no Substitute for a conipen­ dium that provides Iguile to informpation sources and resources on Nepal. It is to fill this la(una that this volume has been intended. In fact, users of this volune riay find it goinga little beyond simply fulfilling this need, Thus, this volumei may be regarded as having broken newv grounds. It Is with pride we%-present this publication. REatn,-Shumsh-re J 13. Raina' ~CEOA KathanduDeputy Director-Research July 1, 1973, P~REFACE, ~This informiation bwkfet is intclndcI to I~ a hai-,ic !!(1fdC to)iin~~ tion soulrces and c'0(uL1CCs on Nepal. It lis~t,,I hihior.1rpnr..,, I bo~ anid libraries o\hiCli allod an aWCcc,to III sIWdei' t~prjI ii iK(iflir (c, pu'blish a comptrelhensi~e anid clnoIplerehlis ()1,wtil Il l JewI 01, ldcti Ncpa)li, Iiiis list, lo'.\cr. lii 'I ife iee-, It 11i" )\,It 1W-J aIl1(it is 11.011Mt his b,)0I..t: let l h,2 (11UtM1( re-.arle'., witI I ; I n~ Nepal and to, other Iihir ic- \ti I Ne1); .,~ lcleli s ik1tle iflea: hliti, on Nepal. [t*there are p, ilit imi tu in'tit1i' as %\C IlaW HOiIe '4i WNOLM apprecl. l itiialimn(t I.LW11i fhr fInl1in slIC Ot' 11is Cofitiiil [nlI)ikeatii1S not a%ailable at (iT D)A are marked v\ ith an aster isk.. CE)A . Kahina d u Bhiarat m.i. ywl July 1, 1973. Garlaid L. St mdrod i C 0 N'TL NTr s Foreword Preface I 1 Bibliographic" Resources for the Study of Nepal. 3 a. Current and Regularly Appearing Bibliographies. 6 b. Retrospective and Subject Bibliographies. 13 c. Bibliographiesof Tleses. 14 2. Reference Works and Directories. 28 a. Nepalese Directories and Informatidn Sources. Sources. 29 .b. Directories of Foreign 1nstitu-ions and hnformation 33 3. Library Resources on Nepal. 35 a. Library Science in Nepal : a bibliography. a biblio­ " b. Library Science in Asiani and Developitg Countries: graphy . 36 c Foreign Libraries and Institutions with Research Interest in 3 38 Nepal. 59 d. Libraries in) Kathmandu. 71 4. International and Foreign Agencies in Nepal. 5. Central Organizations, Ministries and Departments of 75 Iis Majesty's Government of Nepal. 83 6. Publishers, Book Stores. 94 7. Museums, Av BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESOURCES FOR TII- S'F!TI)Y OF NEPAL There ik a growing lit,:rativ aouit Nepal. hofth from Ircignc OL11­ tries, ad fron within Nal. The hili,,raphic onlrkl o; thi lis :ttnre began with a bihliorphv phlied in 95). altll'+l1 ther, . 'rc win,,,+ bibloiraplhi , pth ,hed prinr to th t..\t [rc..fll ' iihi N..p:i thLrcn_ do., lot exi.,t the inlttw ion'al .lrt _,n cnn co._-..,iry1. l tlt l altliIi! I+ m >: ptublicaitionl. Th,'irlC 11. li l lltl 1hrA, Ihmrn .'orp ,JI.,l Oli"l't ifilormain): 11m and iltwork>,+ v.ithin Npal letl to he 1Inl'rnlal ald had oil netvworks. oF elIeau. alnun01a: oti ,of '11.1, ul. in. I'lil eations I)I0iducCd ,.itiilC Ncpal amc under hlter kihli.n:lhik controal. ,hoil, hc , hlk olt' tilo, ! tpu i+,l/ctiontlun c, lihic.r)ih!., Iolu J+lnt,)N lt lhc ni:i~jor \xwrk ofl +ihlit+.p,. id Iihr:ir\ ic'CMilX Jc l'f-:i)lIwlnt l:t heen11 don u't­ side Ne alI. hu tieh dC\ e Itli. nt -ca0li!,! h iniliitcd \,ithi ii Ncpa wicre , the nccd for .and ;ji t inu! I', n ilit ll olnlIe oti ' ha-, to be r.:ili'cd for t1c M'riti0? ',, ,ii[i ,.prur Th li iteiturer of NCpal iiih, hn:,<e\ .ral eateeoir' these ar : :) iH[\IG 'buhcions: There are ian, report, plli- .ed b' the, \ tflO. Lepartillnn ."Of I Nl(i tiiltrtiilcl. Ilelt rh1e" nO 11:C.itl., 0 +n..td puhlI"alon oh C, locat i l lahNlCl Cop>) Ilc '2! puhlcatioils is(41.1 iiliiult. li am tiUil . 111o .teu lichil i uia­ phic control, hut sonic attclpts to control thi., InciIIt;1 he car mtad e. (b) Uih~lleral alndlM ullihlic.,al :assistancel. a c,ltc.rcpioril,: 'Ic, ,,ulluahle puhlaiCalions a' U dei no cLi,,i',tenI hiI griphtic .ltl';lirl. -,ilthIoti.h there are occa iotial aintd lselltll reports listi ilii-hcd V" th1 i2,l1i'. .. \ prob- Iclnlin this aica k,that publication. arc intcnded ,or,,lic ititions or for agencics of IIG,iland thve tend to di.app, ;r. \ls, the, p illca­ tions tend to he classified or restricted, thnls seovrely restricting I their potential use. (c) Non-Governmental Publications wihin Nepal: Books and periodical articles produced within Nepal ,.re under little control, except for tile efforts of' the Madan t Memorial Library fIor literature and of CEIDA for social science materials. Book store catalogs furnish some access to this material, and the Library of Congrcss "'Accessions List" gives a small sampling. Scientitic nmaterials are under no control, except f'or Western and Japanese botanical publications. (d) Foreign general publications: Books and periodical ai iict., of' a general nature on Nepal are under bibliographic control oLtside Nepal. and most trade books can be purchased in the bookstores of Kathniland,. Unfortunocly, more books and article., by persons discovering Nepal for the first ti ,iedo not add. qualitatively, to Nepal's information resources. (e) Foreign Academic and other substantial pulb]ications: Articles, books, reports, and thesis by forcien scholars and researchers are under satis­ factory bibliographic control outside Nepal: unfortunatcl , articles are publislc! in obscure and acadcnic journals. but tend to be of little use within Ncpad, where they are not knOWn and not recied. Also, it is extremely difficult to obtain a copy of a Ph. 1). thesis producLt outside of Nepal. Researcher5 .ho ise Nepal as the1basis of their acalClic career and research ol'ten forget they can -dd it)Nepal's inlormation base by making as ailable their publicatimn. It wa,; found after the Seminar on Ilcolog\ ofl-ropical i-figl!ands that participants Frot abroad knew lmore abhout the ,ciences in Nepal than was known in tile rountry. Thus, current and immediate information and iibliographic needs can be summeriied: I) Access to and control of 4\MG ind assistance agency docun;ents; (2) Cooperation of foreign scholars and wricrs ii making available materials to Nepal; and (3) Control of, within Nepal. social wience, cultural and scientific materials. CURRENT AND REGULARLY APPEARING BIBLIOGRAPHIES Association for Asian Studies. U.S.A. Bibliography of Asian Studies. (published annually since 1956, formerly part of Far Eastern Quar­ terly. Substantial bibliographies on Nepal, all subject, in western languages; includes books, articles and thesis.) CEDA Documentation Centre. Nepal Documentation, No. 1, 1972- Compiled by Bharat M. Gyawali and Garland L. Standrod. (a bibliography, appearing twice a year, which selectively lists books, articles, government documents, and agency reports produced within and outside of Nepal.
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