Bringing History Into Accord With the Facts in the Tradition of Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes the Barnes Review AJOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT &HISTORY MAY/JUNE 2004 O VOLUME X O NUMBER 3 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ADOLF HITLER AT NUREMBERG AVARICE OF THE ROCKEFELLERS STEPHEN J. MARTIN 20 WAFFEN SS GEN.LEON DEGRELLE 42 4 John D. Rockefeller Wanted one thing in the late This is not an article aboUt the so-called “trial” of NaZi War criminals in 1945-6, bUt rather a triUmphal piece 1870s: complete control oVer all oil refining in aboUt the abilitY of Adolf Hitler to mobiliZe an entire America. His techniqUes emploYed to achieVe this goal coUntrY. His rallies at NUremberg inspired the Were less than moral. One of oUr most popUlar Writers German people and are still greatlY admired bY politi- speaks oUt and eXposes the Rockefeller familY for cians and pUblic speakers todaY. What theY Were, and are. HITLER DECLARES WAR THE FED & ‘THE GOLDEN RULE’ 10 ASPEECH BY ADOLF HITLER 48 TOM ROSE There is no qUestion that Hitler’s speech on this occa- One might not completelY agree With his conclUsions, sion sUmmariZed his thinking aboUt foreign affairs bUt one is forced to acknoWledge this first rate defense and the German role in the World. The lYing hYpocrisY of the gold standard and the dissolUtion of the Federal of the Allied poWers is eXposed in this speech, Which in ReserVe. Since World War I, the Federal ReserVe has manY WaYs is an eXpose of their thinking. Here is helped to finance anY and all Wars Waged bY the Hitler’s declaration of War against the United States American rUining class. in its original stYle so that YoU can see What the mUch- misinterpreted Hitler actUallY said Were his reasons THE USS LIBERTY SAGA, PART 1 for going to War With a nation he kneW WoUld sUpplY 55 ROMEO STANA a gargantUan test for his oVer-taXed militarY. This article, dealing With the earlY eVents leading to the slaUghter of 34 American sailors and Marines bY WAR & NEUTRALITY the Israelis, is alreadY set to become the standard of 42 20 ASPEECH BY CHARLES LINDBERGH scholarship aboUt this Under-reported massacre. The ideologY of most of the American FoUnding Fathers is echoed in this fine speech bY one of America’s great THE USS LIBERTY SAGA, PART 2 patriots. The case against continUed American aggres- 61 ROMEO STANA sion against Japan and GermanY is laid oUt. BecaUse of its length and compleXitY, We haVe diVided Up this essaY into tWo parts. This second part of the THE CAMBRIDGE APOSTLES USS Liberty saga deals With the testimonY of Liberty 24 ROBERT LOGAN sUrViVors and Israel’s denials of deliberate attack. HoW feW realiZe the penetration of MarXists into the Their tales of sUffering and bUreaUcratic stoneWalling Will British secret serVice dUring the 1930s, and more pre- shock those Who still belieVe the attack Was a “mistake.”. ciselY, in 1932. This is their sordid tale of social and seXUal perVersion. Little do most knoW, this groUp of JOHN ADAMS TAKES OFFICE miscreants Was responsible for mUch of the strife the 70 ASPEECH BY JOHN ADAMS World finds herself in todaY. Here, reprinted as primarY soUrce material, is the position of the Federalists in the YoUng Years of the JOSEF MENGELE: A NEW LOOK repUblic. He deals With the groWth of goVernment 30 MICHAEL MURPHY poWer, the poWer of the states and the rightness of the It is VerY rare to hear a ReVisionist take on the so- ConstitUtion against the attacks of the anti-Feder- called “Angel of Death,” Josef Mengele. The problem alists. This is eXtremelY important American historY. With the Allied propaganda machine Was that the One Wonders WhY it is rarelY read. Features: Allies Were doing the same sort of medical eXperimen- Personal from the Editor: 2 tation, Which, UnsUrprisinglY, did not sUrface at the WHO WAS ANTONIO GRAMSCI? Editorial—“The Passion”: 3 NUremberg hearings Where Mengele Was tried. 74 JOSEPH CROSSON Antonio Gramsci is one of the World’s famoUs commU- The Degrelle Memoirs: 4 RHODES & HIS SCHOLARSHIPS nist agitators. FeW of oUr modern perVersions are Nationalist History & Theory: 20 36 MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER innocent of his hands Yet people still admire him. This The Rhodes scholarship is not merelY a prestigioUs is a brief, bUt effectiVe, sUmmarY of his thoUght and History You May Have Missed: 41 deVelopment, more specificallY against the anti-com- reWard for eXcellence in scholarship, bUt is agenda Letters to the Editor: 69 driVen. The agenda is the reUniting of England With mUnist ChUrch of Rome Which stood in the WaY of “bol- the United States. Here’s the proof. sheViZation” of the Western World. Profile—Antonio Gramsci: 74 Personal from the Editor oUr reaction to the last (March/April 2004) issUe Was eXtremelY good, and manY readers offered congratUlations THE BARNES REVIEW on oUr haVing dared to saY that the historical record on YAdolf Hitler—like manY important matters of historY— Publisher: W. A. CARTO needs to be broUght into accord With the facts. Editor: M. RAPHAEL JOHNSON,PH.D. EVerY War America has foUght since the British inVasion of 1812 Editorial Assistant: JOHN TIFFANY PAUL ANGEL has been directed bY the elite and their press; in no case has War Art & Production Director: serVed the interests of the people Who haVe to fight it or paY for it Contributing Editors: since then bUt in eVerY case the War has made the goVernment RICK ADAMS VERNE E. FUERST,PH.D. HARRELL RHOME,PH.D. Providence, Rhode Island Farmington, Connecticut Corpus Christi, Texas stronger, the bankers and armament manUfactUrers richer and the CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN JUERGEN GRAF VINCE RYAN politicians Worse. Correcting the record on Hitler and GermanY is a Berlin, Germany Basel, Switzerland Washington, D.C. daring task WorthY of THE BARNES REVIEW and its readers. We feel ROBERT CLARKSON, J.D. RUSSELL J. GRANATA HANS SCHMIDT it’s aboUt time scholars looked at Hitler as a hUman being, not some Anderson, South Carolina Palos Verdes, California Pensacola, Florida sort of personification of LUcifer. TREVOR J. CONSTABLE A.B. KOPANSKI,PH.D. EDGAR STEELE We note With embarrassment that the article “Understanding San Diego, California Klang Lama, Malaysia Sandpoint, Idaho the Past,” pages 18-20, Was Unmentioned in the Table of Contents. HARRY COOPER RICHARD LANDWEHR JAMES P.TUCKER JR. Hernando, Florida Brookings, Oregon Washington, D.C. HoWeVer, 4-page reprints are aVailable of the article. See page 23 of DALE CROWLEY JR. EUSTACE MULLINS TOM VALENTINE this issUe for more on this great piece. Washington, D.C. Staunton, Virginia Naples, Florida FinallY, after long last, We are pUblishing one of the most Under- SAM G. DICKSON, J.D. MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER UDO WALENDY read docUments of all time: Hitler’s declaration of War against the Atlanta, Georgia Washington, D.C. Vlotho, Germany United States. In it, Hitler deals With the lies, hYpocrisY and pontifi- THE BARNES REVIEW (ISSN 1078-4799) is pUblished bimonthlY bY TBR Co., 645 cation of the FDR administration. PennsYlVania AVenUe SE, SUite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Periodical rate postage Leon Degrelle, one of oUr faVorites here, has crafted another mas- paid at Washington, D.C. For credit card orders inclUding sUbscriptions, call terpiece, bUt one on a VerY little-knoWn topic, that is, the mobiliZation 1-877-773-9077 toll free to Use Visa or MasterCard. Other inqUiries cannot be han- dled throUgh the toll free nUmber. For changes of address, sUbscription qUestions, of the masses. The NUremberg rallies Were jUst that. TheY Were held statUs of order and bUlk distribUtion inqUiries, please call 909-587-6936. All editori- to take the Weimar rabble and tUrn it into a disciplined fighting force. al (onlY) inqUiries please call 202-547-5586. All rights reserVed eXcept that copies or This Was the apogee of mobiliZation and it, for better choice of Words, reprints maY be made WithoUt permission so long as proper credit and contact infor- mation are giVen for TBR and no changes are made. All manUscripts sUbmitted mUst transformed a coUntrY, an economY and a nation. be tYpeWritten and doUblespaced. No responsibilitY can be assUmed for UnretUrned In oUr Nationalist HistorY section, We are rUnning a third speech manUscripts. Change of address: Send YoUr old, incorrect mailing label and YoUr neW, of that great patriot and orator, Charles Lindbergh. We’Ve printed correct address neatlY printed or tYped 30 daYs before YoU moVe to assUre deliVerY. seVeral of his speeches in the past, bUt these three form a seamless Advertising:MEDIA PLACEMENT SERVICE, Mrs. Sharon EllsWorth, 301-729-2700 or faX 301-729-2712. TBR Website: WWW.barnesreVieW.org. Email Web of thoUght on the most important eVent of the 20th centUrY— addresses—Business Office: [email protected] Editorial Office/The Editor: World War II. [email protected]. YoU Will also meet a particUlarlY Vile set of creatUres, the com- POSTMASTER: Send address changes toTHE BARNES REVIEW, mUnist admiring set of homoseXUals knoWn as the Cambridge P.O.Box 15877,Washington,D.C.20003. Apostles. These spies for the USSR in the 1930s formed their secret tBR SUBSCRIPTION Rates & Prices cliqUe to report to their masters, the KGB. For the VerY first time, a first rate Writer, Michael MUrphY, has (ALL ISSUES MAILED IN CLOSED ENVELOPE) Written a defense of a man oddlY left oUt of ReVisionist scholarship, U.S.A. Dr. Joseph Mengele, Who sUffered preciselY for doing the same thing Periodical Rate: 1 year, $46 2 years, $78 First Class: 1 year, $70 2 years, $124 the Allies Were doing.
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