msba section of estate and trust Matthew A. Mace, Chair Sharon J. Ritter, Chair-Elect Newsletter Mary Alice Smolarek, Editor Eileen D. O’Brien, Secretary Mary Beth Beattie, Editor Winter 2010-11 Vol. 20 No. 1 Notes From The Chair Matthew A. Mace OBER KALER I am privileged to serve as Chair of tions and raise issues with respect to bit of discussion on the Section’s the Section for the 2010 - 2011 year. their specifi c circumstances that need listserve about the scope of this new I am very appreciative of all of the our attention. provision. This is clearly an opportu- Section members who have worked nity for us to bring another option to so hard during 2009 - 2010 to provide Another piece of legislation which our clients which did not previously an extraordinary year. We were able recently became effective is new exist. As we approach the upcoming to accomplish a signifi cant legislative Maryland Estates & Trusts Code legislative session, we look forward agenda and move forward on a number §14-113. We now join several of the to pursuing new matters on behalf of areas of concern. surrounding states in allowing our of the Section before the legislature clients holding property as tenants including the Maryland Trust Code, By now, most of you have had the by the entireties to transfer real estate which is discussed in an article in this opportunity to look at and work with into a revocable trust and maintain newsletter. Please take some time the new Maryland Uniform Power of the tenants by the entireties creditor to review that material and the other Attorney Act. We are still seeking protection. There has been quite a matters covered. comments and input from the Section members as to the ways in which you are working with the new Act and issues that you are discussing with your clients. It is my understand- ing that some practitioners are using IN THIS ISSUE one of the two new forms and other practitioners are using one of the two Notes from the Chair .............................................1 new forms to supplement their exist- Maryland Trust Code to be Proposed for Enactment ...2 ing powers of attorney. This is an opportunity for each of us to engage Maryland Law Developments .................................4 our clients and review their powers of Estate and Gift Tax Study Group Upcoming Events .....7 attorney and determine how we can best help them anticipate and address Reality Bytes 10.0 ................................................8 their needs. Just as when we began using the new advance directive form, I am sure that a number of our clients will have ques- Maryland Trust Code to be Proposed for Enactment By John P. Edgar OBER KALER The Maryland Trust Code, or MTC, will be proposed for land trust law. The Section Council found that the majority enactment in the upcoming session of the General Assem- of the UTC refl ected Maryland trust law accurately. Those bly. The MTC is a comprehensive codifi cation of the law of provisions of the UTC are included in the MTC without trusts, stating Maryland trust law with precision and clarity. change. Where the UTC differed from Maryland trust law, As such, the MTC will provide a readily available source it was changed to follow existing Maryland law. for determining Maryland law on trusts. The MTC also fi lls some gaps in existing Maryland trust law. Any codifi cation requires legal concepts to be put into the form of statutes, instead of the language of court opinions, The MTC is an important bill, given the increasing popular- and thus could be said to be “different” from Maryland law. ity of trusts. More people are learning about trusts and are The Section Council believes, however, that the advantages attracted to the benefi ts of trusts. For example, trusts provide of codifi cation, as stated above, exceed any objections that a way to divide property among multiple benefi ciaries (e.g., may be raised as a result of potential changes. In addition, support my spouse for life then divide the remainder among the MTC often provides a more modern statement of the rule my descendants). Trusts also permit competent manage- than the language found in existing ancient court opinions. ment of assets for less sophisticated persons. Trusts can In any event, the Section Council has tried very hard to make provide “spendthrift” protection against certain creditors of sure that the codifi cation is an accurate refl ection of existing the benefi ciaries. In addition, trusts can help reduce taxes. law and will not change the result when applied to future Creative attorneys and other planners continue to develop Maryland trust cases. new benefi ts of using trusts. In order to fi t the MTC into the existing Estates and Trusts The MTC is a comprehensive codifi cation of the law of trusts. Article, the MTC repeals all of existing title 14, subtitle 1, Current Maryland statutory law on trusts consists of a handful of that Article, and re-enacts the provisions of that subtitle in of discrete statutes on various points primarily found in Title their proper place within the MTC. No other changes to the 14 of the Estates and Trusts Article. In addition, Maryland Maryland Code or the Maryland Rules are needed. has an extensive body of trust cases, some of them very old, addressing many issues. Other points are covered by the The MTC will provide individuals with a readily available Restatement of the Law of Trusts, now in its third version, source for determining Maryland law on trusts. An industry and the case law of other jurisdictions to which Maryland of trust service providers has arisen to assist in the creation, courts can look for guidance when no Maryland case is on management and investment of trusts. Trusts are adminis- point. With respect to procedural issues in litigated trust tered by a wide variety of professional and non-professional cases, the Maryland Rules contain a number of provisions trustees, including attorneys, legal assistants, corporate trust applicable to trusts, which are helpful, but even these rules departments with their trust offi cers and other employees, and leave some questions unanswered. The MTC codifi es rules accountants and other fi nancial professionals. Perhaps the from all of these sources in a comprehensive and organized largest category of trustee is, of course, family members and manner, stating the law with greater precision and clarity other individuals who are trusted by the trust settlor, but who than the variety of existing sources. may have no practical experience in trust administration. The MTC will make trust law more accessible to these individuals There are “gaps” in Maryland trust law, where no clear and the general public. Finding defi nitive answers to ques- answer may be found. This is because Maryland appellate tions of trust law will be far easier in the MTC than searches courts have not had opportunities to rule on every possible through case law libraries or in search engines. question regarding trusts. These gaps are inherent in any system of common law. The MTC will provide answers and The MTC is a joint effort of the Maryland State Bar Associa- fi ll in these gaps. tion (through the Estate and Trust Section Council) and the Maryland Bankers Association. The UTC, on which the MTC In preparing the MTC, the Section Council followed a policy was based, was drafted by the National Conference of Com- of “codify, not modify.” The MTC is based on the Uniform Trust Code, or UTC. The UTC provided a comprehensive template for a trust code, but it did not always refl ect Mary- (continued on page 3) 2 Editor’s Note Our goal is for the Estate and Trust Law Section Newsletter to provide current, useful information on areas of interest to Section members. The Newsletter can be better tailored to suit members’ needs with input from you. If you would like to suggest a future topic, change of format, or submit an article, please contact the Editors at: Mary Beth Beattie Mary Alice Smolarek 109 North Adams Street Wright, Constable & Skeen, LLP Rockville, MD 20850 One Charles Center 16th Floor (301) 309-3719 phone 100 North Charles Street (301) 309-3849 fax Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3812 [email protected] (410) 659-1318 phone (410) 659-1350 fax [email protected] Got News? MEMBER NEWS Please send your professional news or announcements to one of the Editors at: Mary Beth Beattie Mary Alice Smolarek 109 North Adams Street Wright, Constable & Skeen, LLP th Rockville, MD 20850 One Charles Center 16 Floor (301) 309-3719 phone 100 North Charles Street (301) 309-3849 fax Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3812 [email protected] (410) 659-1318 phone (410) 659-1350 fax [email protected] Maryland Trust Code to be Proposed. Check out the 2011 (continued from page 2) MSBA Video Contest missioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL), now known as the Uniform Law Commission, in 2000, and amended in 2001, 2003, 2004 and 2005. Many Rules of the Road other states have enacted a version of the UTC. In our immediate area, a version of the UTC has been Create a 1-3 Minute Video on enacted in DC, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Nation- the importance of the Rules wide, 23 jurisdictions have enacted a version of the UTC and a version was proposed in New Jersey in of the Road. 2010. Trust practitioners in Maryland should become familiar with this bill. More info at: www.msba.org/?videocontest 3 Maryland Law Developments By Charles S. Abell L.
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