VOL. VII. XO. 13. EffTARLISHED 1901. PORTLAND, MAINE, T1IURS1 Y. AUGUST 1907. 1, ISJSKiVKK} PRICE FIVE CENTS. A R08E FROM CHEBEAGUE. THE HAMILTON. M. J. Messer. The FIN#CONCERT given in the Hamilton We stood upon the old ftoM pier. mu- AU in the ~lOOM MONDAY H. L. misty wrether. EVENING HAMILTON. Prop. Vtitiac the itmmt'i toot to hor. IICH WAS LARGELY Half nd. ka.( cay. ta»«th«f. ATTENDED. Whoa 'Ola. littlo brown-eyed maid. Chebeague Island, Maine. (I can't tell why. to save mt.) Stepped up. by sodden impulse swayed. ^Party Held Last Evening June 25 to 15. And a Open Sept. wild rose shyly cat* me. tany Other Socials Are in made the best woods, cut I placed it in my button hole. Scheduled. The steamer shrieked and splattered. of a banning Newton, Mass.. from And saddened feeling tilled my seal. only fully seasoned tim- withiper two daughters. Grace W. As the kerchiefs waved and fluttered and 'Florence E. Manning, have been Chebearue hath memory tens galore our regllWred here for some ber, is Household Furni- And lone they will enslave time past, me. a tl enjoying thort red. Miks Grace But ore's never one to please me more MauMing is a of rare Than the roee Viola me. pianist ture artistic rave and ability designed by t the concert givea at the house Monday evening »h-3 contributed 'wo hands and brains to please BAILEY ISLAND leliffrtful numbers. Ml. and Mrs. John II. Brand with the esthetic. Built in the LOCAL HAPPENINGS THE PAST theif two laughters. Miss Eleanor and Miss Judith Brand of WEEK. NOTES OF GUESTS Springfield, Maa», are nere at the house for an best and most manner and fit for AT COTTAGES. thorough indefinite sojourn, naviug registered Monday. the of a or the More M.s. palace king, boudoir of a Probably People Here Than Any John T. Lake and daughter. Other Previoue Season. Miss Mary G. Cook, of Philadelphia. We Pa^., arrived Friday for a sojourn of queen. challenge competition in Mrs. F. W. who is qual- Behrens, occu- four o&flve weeks' duration. Mr. pying the Lake Waugh cottage, gave a de- is expected to arrive soon. The fam- in of in lightful picnic at Orr's on ity, novelty design, reasonableness Island Mon- ily have been regular tourists here day last in honor of her guest, Miss since the opening of the hotel three Anna of of price. We respectfully solicit the favor Mellon, Philadelphia. The seasons ago. invited guests were the Misses Harp- er of Mj*s. Charles A. Bowles of Spring- Washington. D. C., who are of a tour field, Mass., with her daughter. Miss personal of inspection. spending a few weeks at the •"Sea- Bowles, and son. Chester B., regis- side" cottage. Mrs. E. J. of Strong tered Saturday for an extended vaca- Philadelphia, and Miss Margaret E. 4 tion. Mrs. Bowles is a sister of Garrett of Miss Mel- Washington. Mrs. Sewall who with her are lon who is the niece of family Judge Mellon here-at their summer of home on the Pittsburg. Pa., leaves with Mrs. sbore front. Strong for the White Mountains on Tuesday. Mr. M. J. Mullen of Pittsburg. Pa., registered for a few R. Mr. Monday evening S. W. DAVIS Charles who owns CO. Sleeper Test. day*' Mr. Mullen has already The newest "Re s tab it," a beautiful summer and finest hotel in home spent a few days here and it is his Casco Bay. Complete on Mackerel Cove went to in Portland's Complete Homefurnishers shore, intention of taking several short va- every detail of modern and Eastport on Monday last on business, appointment appliance. cations. Baths and toilets on and is to remain there about one every floor. B. New ar- Large rooms, polished Cor. week. Openhyn of York City wood floors and All Exchange and Federal Sts. rived Saturday for a few days' so- rugs. chamber furniture of the best Among the late arrivals at the Tur- journ here. Mr. Openhyn is a mem- weathered oak iron ner finish, beds with National and cottage with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ber of the firm of William Openbyn's springs F. £« HASKELL, Goodwin and hair and felt mattresses. Treasurer* family of .Auburn, are Son*, the well known Importers, and Acetylene gas. 100 foot veranda ii^ Mrs. Charles Adams and Mrs. Charles wbo«e of business is in New the and beach. * ^ place facing Bay Finest beach in Caul of Boston. Mr. E. L. bathing Casco | Haskell all on our own of Turner and MrtT^W. Bay, private 500 Center, Me., Word *«s te«.«Tvt)l -her* Saturday grounds onlyv feet from X. Burke of Lowell. Mass. Some the hotel. of the sudden passing away of Mrs. c » , of the members of The Store with small the party have Jane C. Widmer of Boston. Mrs. ^ Big been here for two of profits about while weeks, Wldmer was one of the regular tour- Plenty amusements, etc. others are dancing, Onefcf recent arrivals. The house ists here and with her delightful fam- the will be best chefs in New occupied until late In Sep- ily did much for the social activities England. Rates and tember. here each season. She was a wom- booklets, floor plans etc. on Mr. Alan Hall, Cecil Hall and Miss an of rare attainments and was loved application. Alice Hall of the Brown cottage, in and respected by all. The famlly times faultless. She was finely ac- Mass. and Mr. company with several friends bad bookings for this season, and Mrs. John Hubbs spent engaged companied on the piano by her sis- of last at no German town. Pa., who are Monday Sebasco and the Gur- but their sudden sorrow will, ter, Miss Doyle. The being I children's cho- entertained as guests IRA net. Master at P. CLARK James their the CO. Slee of the doubt, change plans. rus. Spauld- "You're a Grand Old Flag," was ing summer home. "Keys" camp at Ashdale returned Mrs. Helen C. Prentiss and daugh- most enthusiastically received. Their Mr. and with them and is to spend a short of Mrs. J. S. Pratt of ter, Miss C. Prentiss, Brookllne, voices blended finely and re- Auburn, here at showed Me., are outing Bailey's Island. Mass.. are here for an ex- sults of careful visiting their daughter, Mrs. registered preparation. All H. R. Mr. Thornton and her son, R. and Mrs. J. P. Gulliver, Mrs. tended sojourn. were dressed in white and carried H. Jr., the who are at v Albert Huntington and Miss national colors. summering the Bibber cot- Sarah Mrs. Robert Barry of Philadelphia, Miss Grace Manning tage. Huntington of Ashvllle, N. Car., ar- Pa., accompanied by her two daugh- of Newton. Mass., acquitted herself rived here last week most Mr. and Mrs. W. and are to spend ters. the Misses M. Agnes and Jennie admirably in her two solos on George Cobb with the summer until their son. L*. and One the middle of Sep- L. and son, Albert arrived the piano and she was to re- Ralph Mrs. Cobb of Price Cash. Barry, R., obliged tember at Auburn, came here a week Spot "Driftwood" on Little Har- Tuesday for an outing of several spond to each number. Her work ago Sun* bor shore. day to spend two weeks at the Mr. Gulliver conducts a weeks* duration. They were most proved her ability as a musician of A. A. large fruit orchard at great Young cottage. The family made the Ashvllle, where happily received by Mrs. Winifred promise. The concert In every he lives. entire trip from Auburn In their H. Cunningham of Sharon Hill, Pa., way was a great success and reflects auto- mobile, coming by the way of Bruns- The Misses Harper who are spend- another daughter of Mrs. Barry, who great credit to Mrs. Winifred H. Cun- wick. As guests of the Cobbs last ing the summer at the "Seaside" en- with her young daughter is here for ningham and the other ladies who week were Mrs. Sidney and tertained at dinner Saturday their the entire summer. were in charge. The house Field Daley Clothiers, Mrs. F. B. Shack ford of Poland, Me. Hatters, friends. Miss Anna Hardy, Miss Moth- Miss Mabelle G. Beatey and Miss Day fund is enriched $12.00. the pro- ceeds Mrs. Neda Thornton, who was for- ersead and Miss Garrett of Washing- Lillian V. Beatey of Hyde Park, Mass., being for this purpose. D. merly a missionary to Alaska, with her ton, C. Miss Mothersead who Is arrived Tuesday on the afternoon son. Harrison, have been the guests spending the summer with Mrs. boat to spend the remainder of the Behrens of Mrs. F. O. Watson at their beauti- at the Waugh cottage Is the summer with us. The Beatey SOUTH girls HABPSWELL. ful cottage near the boat landing. Furnishers, charming daughter of C. C. Mother- have been regular tourists for the sead of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. the Western Union three seasons. Both are ac- MUCH GAIETY AT Clark and Miss Telegraph past THIS GREAT Anne Co.. and Is one Clark of Brookline, Mass., are of Washington's most complished musicians. Miss Lillian RESORT OF THE BAY. spending the summer at the popular young ladies. Is a promising young soprano sing- Spauld- Ing cottage at Ash Point. Charles Miss Bern ice Lyman of Lancaster, er of the Bay State, being a pupil of Joy Three 26 and Harpcwell Yacht Club of Springfield. Mass., who has been Floors, 28 Monument N.
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