www.WeeklyVoice.com FRONT PAGE Friday, May 15, 2020 | A-1 Canada’s Leading South Asian Newspaper - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, MayJune 15, 2, 20172020 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 26, 23, No. No. 20 22 PM: 40025701 All Provincial Parks & Reserves Are Now Open, page 5 Make Use Of The Precious Resource Called Time, page 6 Peel Capsule To Capture COVID-19 Moments, page 8 PM Announces New Feds Making Special Payment For Seniors Supports To Businesses OTTAWA: The Prime Minister, We stand ready to take additional Justin Trudeau, has announced a actions as needed to support all series of additional measures to Canadians, including seniors, and help Canadian seniors and pro- stabilize the economy. vide them with greater financial Trudeau said: “As workers, To Save Jobs, Economy security in this time of crisis. neighbours, parents, grandpar- These measures include: ents, spouses, caregivers, and • Providing additional finan- volunteers, Canada’s seniors have Financing Assured To Firms Through Various Agencies cial support of $2.5 billion for shaped this country and contrib- a one-time tax-free payment of ute to our communities every day. $300 for seniors eligible for the They are among the most threat- Old Age Security (OAS) pen- ened by COVID-19, and we will sion, with an additional $200 for support them and work to keep seniors eligible for the Guaran- them safe.” teed Income Supplement (GIS). Bill Morneau, Minister of Fi- This measure would give a total nance, said: “Protecting the most of $500 to individuals who are vulnerable remains at the core of eligible to receive both the OAS our response to COVID-19, and and the GIS, and will help them seniors are particularly feeling cover increased costs caused by the impacts of the COVID-19 COVID-19. pandemic. Whether it be vulner- • Expanding the New Horizons ability due to physical or mental for Seniors Program with an ad- health, isolation, or simply strug- ditional investment of $20 mil- Continued on page 2 lion to support organizations that offer community-based projects Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Rideau Cottage press conferene. Pic: PM/Twitter. that reduce isolation, improve the quality of life of seniors, and help OTTAWA: Prime Minister, Jus- Millions of Canadians pay their will help businesses keep work- them maintain a social support tin Trudeau has announced new bills and feed their families by ers on the payroll, and put more network. measures to support businesses working for large and medium- Canadians in a position to recover • Temporarily extending GIS so they can keep their workers on sized businesses. The government quickly once we make it through and Allowance payments if se- the payroll and weather this pan- will offer support to those busi- these uncertain times.” niors’ 2019 income information demic. nesses affected by COVID-19 To help protect Canadian mid- has not been assessed. This will “COVID-19 has altered the based on a number of conditions. dle class jobs, and safeguard our ensure that the most vulnerable way we live our lives and, every Trudeau said: “We know that economy, the Government of seniors continue to receive their day, Canadians are facing new times have been tough, and Ca- Canada will : benefits when they need them the challenges during this crisis. As nadians are concerned about their • Establish a Large Employer most. To avoid an interruption in more people worry about pay- jobs, and the health and safety of Emergency Financing Facil- benefits, seniors are encouraged ing their bills and caring for their their families. We promised that ity (LEEFF) to provide bridge to submit their 2019 income in- BROKER loved ones, the Government of we would be here to support all financing to Canada’s largest formation as soon as possible and BROKER Canada is continuing to take un- Canadians, and that is why we employers, whose needs during no later than by October 1, 2020. precedented action to help protect are announcing new measures the pandemic are not being met The Government of Canada middle class jobs, and the health that will help save middle class through conventional financing, will continue to monitor and re- REMAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE and safety of all Canadians,” an jobs, safeguard workers’ benefits, in order to keep their operations spond to the health, social, and official statement said. and protect our economy. This Continued on page 2 economic impacts of COVID-19. $375B India Package To Boost Industry, Self-Reliance NEW DELH: Indian Prime package will also focus on the Minister Narendra Modi on farmers and the labourers who Tuesday announced a massive fi- support the nation during the approved... Mor e mor tgagesmor appr oved...tgages nancial package of about C$375 times of crisis. More tgage solutions... Mor e customized mor tgage solutions...mor billion - amounting to almost The PM further said that the More customized MOR TGAGESTGAGESTGAGES 75% of the annual Indian bud- package will give rise to a ratio- MOR GO!! get - to revive, reform and make nal tax system, strong financial ONON THE GO!!THE the country self-reliant, while at system besides encouraging busi- the same time welcoming foreign Mornesses e mor tgages and appr bringing oved... in invest- Mor e mor tgages appr oved... capital and strengthening of sup- Mor e customizedments into mor tgage India. solutions... Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... * MONEY CREDITED * DEBT CONSOLIDATION ply chains . Industry experts welcomed *MORBAD TGAGESCREDIT? NO PROBLEM * 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES In a televised address to the MORthe announcements, TGAGES saying that *ONNO THEFEES, GO!!LOW RATES * RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES nation, Modi talked about new there are many ways in which the ON THE GO!! ON THE GO!! * MorFREE e mor tgagesAPP appr oved...RAISALS * HOME RENOVATION LOANS infrastructure and rational tax schemes announced on Tuesday Mor e customized mor tgage solutions... systems for a quantum leap of can be financed, including from MOR TGAGES Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi ON THE GO!! FAST APPROVALS growth. the extra Rs 200,000 lakh crore 416.667.8996 | www.mortago.ca Besides, the Prime Minister the Centre will get from higher *Terms and Conditions apply. Mortgage Alliance Company of Canada LIC#10530 20 lakh crore (20 trillion rupees) ery way and every Indian should * Money Credited * Debt Consolidation * Bad Credit? No Problem * 1St, 2Nd, 3Rd Mortgages announced stimulus measures (US$265 billion) or 10 per cent of buy and promote local goods. levies on petrol and diesel. * No Fees, Low Rates * Residential & Commercial * Free Appraisals Mortgages which will take the total amount the GDP. According to the Prime The PM said that the pack- Apart from this, the govern- * Home Renovation Loans announced by the Ministry of Fi- Minister, it is now the time to age will give emphasis on land, ment has already used the escape FAST APPROVALS www.mortago.ca | 647.302.0723 nance and the RBI to a total of Rs make India self-sufficient in ev- labour, liquidity and laws. The Continued on page 7 Terms and conditions apply* Mortgage Inc. Lic # 1 3158 Ontario Allows Opening Of More Workplaces TORONTO: The Ontario gov- nounced additional seasonal Saturday May 16, 2020 at 12:01 lic health indicators continue to ernment announced on May 14 services and activities will be a.m., in time for the Victoria show progress. that the retailers, seasonal busi- permitted to open as early as Day long weekend, as key pub- The details were provided nesses and health and commu- by Premier Doug Ford, Chris- nity service providers who will tine Elliott, Deputy Premier and be permitted to open or expand Minister of Health, Rod Phillips, their services on Tuesday, May Minister of Finance, Vic Fedeli, 19, 2020 at 12:01 a.m., provided Minister of Economic Develop- that the general trend on health ment, Job Creation and Trade, indicators continues to improve and Monte McNaughton, Minis- as part of the first stage of the ter of Labour, Training and Skills government’s reopening frame- Development. work. The workplaces opening as “During the last several weeks, part this stage are well-positioned the people of Ontario have been to put workplace safety measures called on to make incredible sac- in place and get more people back rifices to help us stop the spread to work, while not overburdening of COVID-19, including staying public transit and other services. home from work, closing down The government also an- Premier Ford in his office.Pic: Doug Ford/Twitter Continued on page 4 A-2 | Friday, May 15, 2020 Front/NationaL www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ‘Seniors Made The Canada We Know Today’ Bala Menon Continued from page 1 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS gling to get groceries and the sup- Amb. Praveen Verma (Retd.) ports they need, the measures an- Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu nounced today will help seniors Harj Chaggar during this difficult period.” Amitabh Saxena Deb Schulte, Minister of Se- niors, added: “Seniors have Graphic Design Tamarind Tree helped shape the Canada we know and love today. Supporting ACCOUNT MANAGERS seniors during this difficult time Manu Ramachandran is essential. With an additional G Prasaad $300 for OAS recipients plus a Rohit Malhotra further $200 for GIS recipients, Maha we are helping Canadian seniors get the support they need during ONLINE MARKETING the pandemic.” MANAGER • There are currently 6.7 mil- Amitabh Saxena lion seniors who are eligible for LEGAL ADVISOR the OAS pension and 2.2 million Trudeau at his Thursday press conference in Ottawa. Dr. Keshav Agnihotri who are eligible for the GIS. • The government has taken mum withdrawals by 25 per cent 4 Investing $100 million to Emergency Response Benefit ACCOUNTS a number of actions to support for 2020.
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