e1849 ST WELCOME TO THE CAROLINA CORRIDOR! BURLINGTON/ALAMANcE cOUNTY, NC VISITORS GUIDE WWW.vISITALAMANcE.cOM WELNestled in the heartland of NorthCO Carolina between theME mountains and the coast, The Carolina Corridor offers rich history, exciting cultural attractions, great shopping, phenomenal recreation activities and sports facilities, and beautiful lodging options for overnight accommodations. If eNTeRTAINmeNT, ART or HISToRY is your ticket, Alamance County has several movie theaters, countless historical exhibits & museums, and an outdoor theater which presents several historical productions throughout the summer. Looking for a great place to SHoP? The Burlington area is like an endless shopping haven. Take some time to swing by one, or all of our premier shopping destinations; Alamance Crossing, Burlington Outlet Village, Holly Hill Mall and Business Center, Tanger Outlets, University Commons. Keep an eye out for all of those stores that you know and love from home as well as many that are strictly unique to the Alamance County area. Maybe you’re more of a SPoRTS buff! We offer batting cages, countless GolF courses & driving ranges, miniature golf, disc golf, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, bowling, laser tag, paintball, skateboard parks and even a few seasonal favorites such as racing at Ace Speedway, and our very own Burlington Royals Baseball team an Appalachian League affiliate of the Kansas City Royals. The possibilities are endless! Even if you just want to relax outside and enjoy all that Mother Nature has to offer, we have that too. Visit Cedarock Park and take advantage of their many NATURe TRAIlS and oUTDooR AcTIVITIeS. There are even several lakes within a short driving distance from anywhere in the county that truly encompass the county’s splendor. These lakes offer a wide variety of activities including fishing, boating, paddle boats, sailing, jet skiing, hiking trails and picnic sites. Wherever your ventures may take you, Alamance County will help to deliver you there. Use this Visitors Guide as a tool when planning your travels, and if you need further assistance, our friendly CVB staff is always there to help. We hope that you eNJoY YoUR STAY! WWW.VISITALAMANCE.COM TABLE OF CONTENTS GeTTING HeRe.....................................2 HISToRY & CUlTURe..............................3 CIVIl wAR TRAIl.................................... 8 HAw RIVeR wINe TRAIl........................... 10 SPoRTS & RecReATIoN.............................. 11 PARKS & RecReATIoN FAcIlITIeS............... 16 GolF CoURSeS...................................... 18 AREA MAP.......................................... 20 THemeD ITINeRARIeS................................ 22 DINING/SHOPPING............................... 23 PlAceS To STAY................................... 24 FeSTIVAlS & EVeNTS................................. 28 AReA FAcTS & LocAl HISToRY................. 31 NEED MORE INFORMATION? THe CoNVeNTIoN BURlINGToN/AlAmANce AND VISIToRS BUReAU CoUNTY CoNVeNTIoN AlSo PRoDUceS: AND VISIToRS BUReAU 610 South Lexington Avenue • Civil War Trail Brochure PO Box 519 • Haw River Wine Trail Brochure Burlington, NC 27216 • Media Kit Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm • Meeting & Event Guide 1-800-637-3804 • Sports Facilities Guide (336) 570-1444 • Tour Planner Visit us online from your • Visitor Maps computer or mobile device at Call or visit our website to request your copies today! www.visitalamance.com [email protected] The Alamance County Area Visitors Guide is published by the Burlington/Alamance County Convention & Visitors Bureau. Information for the guide was compiled in October 2010. Please use the telephone numbers included with most listings to receive additional or more current information. Some photos provided by Elon University-University Relations, Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation, Sam Roberts/The Times-News, Ed Phillips, and the Burlington Downtown Corporation. The CVB is not responsible for inaccuracies in the information provided, or for errors in the publication. 2011 © No portion may be reproduced without permission of the Burlington/Alamance County Convention & Visitors Bureau. 1 GETTING HERE AlAmANCe CoUNTY, NoRTH CARolINA A PIeDmoNT TRIAD CommUNITY Located along the I-85 & I-40 at Exits 140-154 Winston-Salem Greensboro Durham Kitty Hawk High Point Rocky Mount Chapel Hill Hickory Lexington Raleigh Asheville Greenville Washington Gastonia Concord Pinehurst Charlotte New Bern 50 Miles Fayetteville Wilmington AlAmANce CoUNTY CITIeS, TowNS & CommUNITIeS: Altamahaw, Bellemont, Burlington, Eli Whitney, Elon, Gibsonville, Glencoe, Glen Raven, Graham, Green Level, Haw River, Mebane, Ossipee, Pleasant Grove, Saxapahaw, Snow Camp, Swepsonville, Union Ridge, the Village of Alamance, and Woodlawn. THe RoADS BeST TRAVelleD Interstates: 85 and 40 Highways: 49, 54, 61, 62, 70, 87, 100, 119 AIRPoRTS Burlington/Alamance Regional Airport Burlington........................................... 336-226-3330 Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI) Approx. 35 minutes from Burlington....................... 336-665-5666 www.flyfrompti.com Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) Approx. 45 minutes from Burlington....................... 919-840-2123 www.rdu.com AmTRAK 110 E. Webb Avenue, Downtown Burlington. Information on schedules can be obtained through a travel agent or by: • 800-USA-RAIL (800-872-7245) • www.amtrak.com • 800-BY-TRAIN (800-298-7246) • www.bytrain.org 2 BUSeS Greyhound Bus Lines................................ 336-226-4806 314 W. Harden Street, Graham PUblIc TRANSPoRTATIoN ACTA (24-hour notice)................................. 336-222-0565 Alamance County Transportation Authority TAXI Golden Eagle....................................... 336-227-0550 Mebane Taxi........................................ 919-563-0994 The Driver.......................................... 336-222-8674 MIleAGe: From Burlington to major US cities according to the AAA Online Road Atlas and the NC State Transportation Map. IN-STATE MILES OUT-OF-STATE MILES ASHeboRo, NC 38 ATlANTA, GA 349 ASHeVIlle, NC 192 BAlTImoRe, MD 315 BooNe, NC 135 BIRmINGHAm, AL 493 CHAPel HIll, NC 28 BoSToN, MA 713 CHARloTTe, NC 110 CHARleSToN, SC 269 DURHAm, NC 34 CHARleSToN, WV 258 FAYeTTeVIlle, NC 86 CHIcAGo, IL 730 GReeNSboRo, NC 22 CINcINNATI, OH 454 GReeNVIlle, NC 134 ColUmbIA, SC 201 HIGH PoINT, NC 35 MIAmI, FL 812 KITTY HAwK, NC 252 MYRTle BeAcH, SC 199 New BeRN, NC 167 NASHVIlle, TN 467 PINeHURST, NC 71 New YoRK, NY 499 RAleIGH, NC 55 ORlANDo, FL 599 RocKY MoUNT, NC 102 PHIlADelPHIA, PA 409 THomASVIlle, NC 42 RIcHmoND, VA 170 WIlmINGToN, NC 178 TAmPA, FL 652 WINSToN-SAlem, NC 48 WASHINGToN, DC 277 • FoR YoUR coNVeNIeNce, we’ve INclUDeD GPS cooRDINATeS FoR All PoINTS oF INTeReST wITHIN AlAmANce CoUNTY. HISTORY & CULTURE AlAmANce BATTleGRoUND STATe HISToRIc SITe 5803 S. NC 62, Burlington, 336-227-4785 www.alamancebattleground.nchistoricsites.org Alamance Battleground is the site where Royal Governor William Tryon led the NC militia against the Regulators in battle on May 16, 1771. Located on the grounds is the Allen House, a log dwelling characteristic of those lived in by frontier people on the western fringes of the colony. The Allen House was constructed around 1780 and was donated by descendants of the family, restored and refurbished with its original furnishings. Meeting space available. Open Mon-Sat: 9am-5pm-call for updates. Free, donations appreciated. • 36°11’02.95” N; 79”22’12.11” W AlAmANce CoUNTY ARTS CoUNcIl/ CAPTAIN JAmeS AND EmmA HolT WHITe HoUSe 213 S. Main Street, Graham, 336-226-4495 www.artsalamance.com Through adaptive restoration, the Alamance County Arts Council has turned the 1871 Queen Anne style mansion of Captain James and Emma Holt White into an art gallery and a home for the Arts Council office. The Arts Council promotes arts activities, programming and supports arts education throughout Alamance County. The gallery features changing exhibits of artists of local, regional and national acclaim and includes a sales gallery showcasing handmade gifts and crafts by North Carolina artisans. The house offers formal reception rooms and garden, as well as meeting space available for rental to private individuals, civic organizations and corporations. Open Mon-Sat: 9am-5pm. Free. • 36°03’58.97” N; 79°24’01.80” W AlAmANce CoUNTY HISToRIcAl MUSeUm 4777 S. NC 62, Burlington, 336-226-8254 www.alamancemuseum.org The museum is a nineteenth century house-museum depicting the life of textile pioneer Edwin Michael Holt through period room settings and docent-hosted tours. The upper floor is devoted to rotating and temporary exhibits such as Alamance County quilts, Native American artifacts, traditional pottery, antique clothing, antique toys, nineteenth century military artifacts, and many other exhibits dealing with aspects of local history. Guided tour includes period outbuildings, summer kitchen, family cemetery and the outdoor gardens. Open Tues-Fri: 9am-4pm; Sat: 10:30am-4pm; Sun: 1pm-4pm. Closed Mondays and major holidays. Free • 36°08’45.62” N; 79°25’22.36” W BURlINGToN ARTISTS LeAGUe FINe ARTS GAlleRY 180 Huffman Mill Road (inside Holly Hill Mall & Business Center), 336-584-3005 www.balartists.com Active for more than 35 years, the Burlington Artists League is a group of talented artists and supporting members dedicated to promoting area artists and the artistic spirit of Alamance County. The Artists League arranges exhibiting opportunities for artists in area business locations. Year round exhibit and sales opportunities are provided to all
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