I ~ Otnngrtssinnal Jrtnrd. PROCEEDIN(iS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION. SENATE. H. R. 7697. An act to authorize the calling into the service of the United States the militia and other locally created armed MoND.d.Y, January B1, 1918. forces in the Philippine Isl::m<ls, and for other purposes; and The Chaplain, Re\. Forrest J. P1·ettymau, D. D., offered the H. R. 6176. An act extending the time for the construction ot !ollo~g p1~yer: a bridge across the ~oll()nga.hela River at or near the city of Almighty God, we seek by prayer nnd supplication to fit Fairmont, W. Va. &ur elves for the sol~n responsibilities and duties of this day. P.ETITIONS A~D MEMORIALS. As we draw from Thee the inspiration and strength we shall mea ure up to the duties that are now upon us. GLve us the Mr. STERLING. I send to the desk a reSolution adopted uy Divine guidance that we may have gentleness and grace of the F11rmers' Equity Union of South Dakota, relative to a sur­ spirit, understanding of the great issues of the day, and an -vey of the power possibiliti-es of the Missouri River, whi{!h I ask appreciation of the responsibilities of this hour, that we may may be printed in the RECORD. do all thing"' according to Thy \vill for the peace and hawiness There being no objection, the re olution was orderoo to be of a great Nation. For Chrl t' sake. Amen. printed in the RECO:Bn as follows: The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last wa read a-ml Resolved, That we urgently request the South Dakota delegation in a nnro~ed. Congress to use its best efforts to secure pTovision fr()m the present Con- .t:'Y gress for the comprehensive su:r>cy of the power possibilities of the Mr. GALLL .,.GER. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a Missouri River between the forty-third and forty-seventh degrees of quorum. north latitude. The VICE PRESIDE~T. The Secretary will can the rolL Mr. K...'l'OX presented a memorial of the Select and Common The Secretary called the roll, and· the following Senators an· Councils of Philadelphia, Pa., remonstrating -against th~ abolish- ·wered to ther names: ment of the pneumatic mail tubes in that city, which was re- Beckbam J"am ~orr1s Smith, Mich. ferred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. ~~gberlain ~~::~~~;~b. 8~e:~·w ~~i~g He also presented a petition of the Rotary Club, of Chester, Colt Keilogg Penro ~ e ::)tone Pa.• praying for the enactment <>f legislation providing for uni- Culberson ~g Phelan ~'h~;!~~n ver a1 military training, wbich was referred to the Committee ~Jil~~han1 Kn~l ~~~~;~er Tillman on l\Iilitary Affairs. ~=~ ~~if~r ~~E!~ ftffi~~h e~~n~~~~~~~n~ o~e~~~~ ;~,EP~:Y?::~~~rt~0~;;:tm~fd! Frellngbuysen McLean Shields Watson legislaticm for the repair, preservation, care, and future main- Galllnger McNary Simmons WiJiiams tenance of the restored Baval brig Ni-agara, Co.mm<>dore Oliver ~i~~a W~~~ ~i~: ~~z. Wol cott Hazard Perry's flagship in the Battle of Lake Erie, which was Hitchcock New l::)mith, Md. referred to the Co.mmittee on Naval Affairs. Mr. WOLCOTT. I wi ·h to announce that my colleague [Mr. Mr. CHA:l\fBERLAIN presented a -petition of sundry citizens .AUL B"L'".RY] is detained at home by illness. I wish that this of Oregon praying for the enactment of legislation authorizing announcement may stand for the day. the return to this country and burial here of the bodies of our Mr. LEWIS. I announce the absence of the. Senator from soldier dead, which was referred to the Committee on 1\Iilit.a:ry lUi souri [Mr. REED], the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. V ARDA.- 6-\ffairs. irAN], the Senator from New Mexico [Mr. JoNES], and the Mr. CURTIS presentoo a petition of the Commercial Club of Senator from Massachusetts [Mr~ LoDGE], detained on official Hutchinson, Kans., praying for the enactment o! legislation pro­ busines in the Committee on 1\lannfaetures: I also announce nding for universal military training, which was referred to the tlmt the Senator from Kansas [Mr. THoMPsoN] i detained on Committee on Military Affairs. important public busines . · Mr. W ARRE.i'f pre ented a memorial of the Upper Green Ri'\er The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Sw.A...'VSON in the chair). Valley Cattle Growers' Association, of Cora, Wyo., remon. trating Fifty-eight Senators have an w-ered to their names. There is against the proposed exten ion of the Yellow tone National Park, a quorum pre~ent. The Senate will receive a me. age from the , which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands. Rouse of Representatives. He also presented a petition <>f the Garri on Army anti Na-VY MESSAGE FROM THE HousE. Union, of Cheyenne, Wyo., praying for the repair, pre ervation, A mes. age from the Hou e of Representative , by G. F. and care of the naval brig NiaoaTa, which was referred to the Turner, one of its clerks, announced ti1at the House bad agreed Committee on Naval Affairs.. to the amendments of the Senate to tlie bill (H. R. 195) pro- He al o presented a petition of the ·wyoming State Council viding for the sale of the coal and asphalt deposits in the segre- of National Defense, praying for the enactment of legislation gated mineral land in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, granting- the franking privilege to State councils of defense, Okla. which was referred to the Committee on Post Offices auu Post The mes~age also announcoo that the House disagrees to the Road ·. amendments of the Senate to tbe joint resolution (H. J". Res. :l\1r. PHELAN presented resolutions ac.lop t ~l by the Boanl of 174) for the pm-po e of promoting efficiency, for the utilization Supervisors of Orange County, CaL, favoring the formulation of of the resources and in<lustrie of the United States, for lessen- a plan for flood control and the conservation of water upon the ing the expenses- of the war, and restoring the loss caused Santa Ana River and its tribntari . , which were referrec.l to tile by the war by pToviding for the employment of a discovery Committee on Commerce. · or invention called the "Gar.abed," claiming to make pos- He also presented a petition of the Santa Barbara County sible the utilization of free energy, asks a conference with Chamber of Commerce, of California. praying for the con ~ truc­ the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, tion of the proposed military highway fmm Blaine, w .. ·h., to and had npv<:>inte<l 1\Ir. CHARLES B. SMITH, 1\Ir. CROSSER, and San Diego, Cal., which was referred to the Committee on Mili­ Ml'. NoLAN managers at the conference on the part of the tary Affairs. House. Mr. JONES of Washington pre ·ented a petition of th ra i:fie ~ROLLED BILL SIGNED. County Council of Defense of the State of Washington, praying Th me~ ag.e also .announced that the Speaker of the. House for the enactment of legislation relativ~ to the drafting of alien had igned the following enrolled bills, anrl they were theretlpon foreigner, etc., which wa referred to the Committee on F01·cign . ignecl by the Vice President: · Relations. L"VI--69 1071 1072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENJ\_TE. J .ANU.ARY 21, LOCAL HOUSING SITUATION. I again say, Mr. President, that there are some honorable exceptions- :Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, on Friday last I took occasion, For instance, last evening one woman was telling of another woman, when the bill in charge of the Senator from Florida [Mr. friend of hers, who had rented an apartment for $65. She was sub­ FLETCHER] was under consideration, to say something about the letting it for $250 without furnishing any linens. A cousin of hers local conditions in the city of Washington and to suggest that was renting all her rooms and then letting the fit·st or ba ement floor for $45 to some Army officers, and they were furnishing their own cots. appropriate legislation seemed to me to be ':ery desira?le rega~·d­ Another instance I know of personally : Four girls who had come here ing those subjects. Since then I have recetved some mterestmg to work for the Government and were receiving salaries ranging from and vigorous correspondence. I send to the desk and ask that $900 to $1,200 had rented a furnished four-room apartment and were getting their own meals in order to cut expenses; they were paying the Secretary may read the following letter. $70 for the apartment. The person they were renting from came to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the Secre­ them and said her friends had told her she was crazy to rent her apart­ ment so cheap, and she would have to have $100 for it; they pleaded tary will read as requested. with her to allow them to keep it, and she finally agreed to let them The Secretary read ns follows : remain for $80 per month, but three .lays after told them she would CITY REl'iTAL BUREAU, have to have the apartment, as she was going to rent it for $150. Washington, D. 0., J(muary 19, 1918. '.rhe District people are not doing their patriotic duty in trying to Senator CHARLES SPALDING THOMAS, help the war workers, but it seems they all feel they .are entitled to live United States Senate., Wa..shington, D.
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