Etn1961 Vol07 12

Etn1961 Vol07 12

1 ...,;:- · , ---:1'' · , r-- r -l,. ,1,• f--. ,._ ~ , Y .~. ,H _ , ..1 '. --·-,.,._ f - :_'¾._AL_ -_ ,_.J., iRACK Nt\VstEtiEJ "~""- ~-t ',,. -\ -~ :-, ' .· -_, ,::, 1 \. -\ • • ;• .\ 1 also KV1ownas · , ; .~R~tlf~sl.~ , J, -. (OFFlC\P..LPU9t\Ct,..i\ON- · Or "TR~l<Nl.liS OF i\-a\E'WO~{\:))\l~l\llc.) '- ' ' Vol. 7, No. 12 Jan. 18, 1961 Semi-Monthly $6 per year brfirst clRSS mail ~ Edited by Hal Bateman r Page 89 · FOR .EIGN NEWS AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND,Dec. 17: 3Mile, Halberg13:17.4; Power (Australia) 13:31. 8; Baillie 13:37. 0. 880', Philpott 1:50. 8. ,, , AUSTRALI,AN REs0I:rS, Perth, Dt;)c, 17: I;_SJ, Tomlinson 51 110½", Dec. 24, Perth, , -~ L. Elliott 4: 12. 5. Dec. 30, Pe:rt_h, Tom,lirison 5(1 '4 2 "; Leffler 189'11½" (HT); L. Elliott 14: 36 .. 7 (3 miles). Jan. 1, Sorrento-, . Lacy 223'3' ·'. Jan. 7, Melbourne,. Oakley 1:52. 8~ Vincent 4:10. 9; - Henderson4:ll,9n; ·c1arke4:14.4. Jan. 7, Sydney, Thomas 4:13.4. Jan. 7, Adelaide, Birks 237t½". Jan. 7, Perth, " Tom1inson 24'2½"w. ' ~ ._ • SAO SILVESTRE NffW YEAWS EVE RACE, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Jan. 1:·sua:r;ez (Argen- "t I ~ tina) 22:21, 9; Grodotzki (E. Germany); . Allonsius (Belgium) • (Gutknecht, USA, 10th, 22:56, l) 1-Jiss-TIONllL NEWS , i METROPOLITAN AAU DEVELOPMENT MEET, New York <2ity, Dec. 30: ;3.Mffes, McA rdle (NYAC) 14: 15. 8; M~k (Yale) 14: 22. 8, 60HH, Rog~rs (Md. St) 7. 5. , \ _ . ALL-EASTERN INDOOR MEET, Baltimore, Jart. 7: 60, Winder ·(Morgan S~) 6.1; - Jack- / ."'!'1 son (Morgan St. frosh) 6. 4; Lambert (Md. frosh) 6, 5; Spiegel (Md) S. 5; Collymor .e (Quanticb) ' 6. 5 (Lambert 6. 2 in heat). 60HH, Rogers (Md. St) 7. 3; Johnson (Md) 7. 3; Bethea '(Mp:rgan St. frosh) 7. 5 CTohnson and Rog~rs 7.,2 in 'heats). 600, Smart (Morgan Str 1: 12. 6; Smith (una) l: 12. 6;-Board '(\l~). , 880, Martin (Morgan St) 1: 53. 8; Almond (Houston TC) 1: 56. 9; Cozens ,1 [ . (Houston TC) 1:,57. 9, Mile, _Moran (NY AC) 4: 08. 8; Vinton _(BOC) 4: 13. $; Clohessy (Houston TC) " 4: 14. 5; Close (Quantico) 4: lS, 4; Jones _ (Ft. Lee) 4: 20, 6. 2 Mile, ~Luwrence (Houston TC) 9;,05.'-0; ~ Yollilg (Ft. I-,ee~ 9:05A; Sweet (Allred); MileR, _ Morgan St. (Sh?ith, King, Martin 49. O,Smartf -i 3:20. 6; Maryland St. 3: 23. 3; Morgan St. B 3: 24. 9. HJ, Estes (Md) 6'-t.l:";Currie (C. Jersey TC) 1 11 6'4"; Davis (Morgan St) 6'4''. PV 1 U~lses (Quantico) 14'; Glass (Md) 14'; Belitza (Md) 13 6 • _ BOSTON UNIVERSITY 30.AT DARTMOUTH .74, Jan. 7; Jennison (D)4:17.9; Thomas (B) 7'1½", 5. 9 (45HH); Laris (D) 9: 33. 9. · -. _ - . ,. , STANFORD ALL-COMERS MEETS, Jan. 7: 1, OOOv, Cup.liffe _(una) 2: 07. 3 (American '· \ outdoor record); \Vulftange (SCVYV) 2: 14. 6. 2 Miles, Halberg (New°2t:? 8:40. 8 (AmE.;rican outdoor record) (2: 08, 7, •1:"19. 5, 6: 31. 2); Sargent (SCVYV) 9:13. ~; Mcye~ (SCY;XV) 9: 22.~ ;. l0Oy, Thom~sscn (SGVYV) 10. 0. 220, T}::lomasscn 21. 8. SP, Sllvest _er (una) 55'1¾'', DT, Sil­ vester 172'4."; ~gan (una) 165'2½"; Bell (Sthnfo.rd) 162'3½"; Weill (StanJ6rd) 161'2". JT,. Clark , · 11 1 11 (una) 203'7 ; Batchelder (St.:nford) 202 :½ • Jan. , 14: lOOy, James (USA) 9. • fl. -220, Jam~~ ,2L 8. '- - 11 880, Richardson (USN) 1:55 ', 9. rv, Gear (SJS) 1,J:'6 ; Kimmell (SJS) 1•.l:'. SP1 Silvester 55'9" ', . .ff, Batchelder 203'3". HT,Jonge,v.iard (SCVYV) 180'1"; Burke ~(SJS) 167 ~5", HSJ, Downey (Stan) 1 11 "'., 45 6 • !fl.,_ Zubrinsky (SJS) 6' -li", . · ' . ~ - J _ \, BOSTON KNIGHTS OF COLU.MB,US, Boston, Jan. 14:: 35 lb. WT, Backus 1 (NYAC) 67 1 3'~; Engel (una) 60'1"; Doten (Harvarµ) 69'1~'; ,Bailey , {J;Iaryard) ,59 16½,"; Kcerd (USA) ~9'2"! · BJ, Her- 1 ,~ man (una) 23 1¼", SP, ·Gubner (NYU frosh) 5§'10 2 "; Monkofsk-y (una) 5-2'7"; ~ohler (,Fqrdham) · .. 51 '9½"; Keerd _ 51 '~½".500, Buchta (Holy Cross) J)9. 2; Moreland (Brown); ~ epsher (I-forvarq). ~& Budd (Villanova) 5. ;3; Winder (Morgan St); Collymore (Quantico)i Smitll (Tufts). ·15HH, ;1bhnson (Md) 5. 7; Blodgett (Harvard); Herman (una); Flippin (Yale). 600, MUllir1s (una) 1: 12, 0; Wedderburn (NYU); Stack (Yale); Ty ,1iiil1 (F9rdl1am). 1, Qo'o, Cunliffe (U11a)2: 10.! 2; Carroll ~ l \.. (Yale); Tomeo -(Fordham); Weisiger (Quantico). Mile~ · Jones (Ft, Lee) ·1:07. 8; Morar} (NYAG}; .,,- Close (Quantico); Kopil (NYAC). 2 Milbs, Kidd _(C::mada) 8:49. 2; McArdle , (NYAy)i Norris . , "'/ ~1:-,akeCharles -AC); O'Riordan (Idaho St). HJ, ·Thomas (Boston UfS'; Gardner (Quantico) - 6'6" ;-" 1 ( \ 'N t . ' ." I - -~-:1 0 ; ¼- ' -' - • ✓- ~~+:..~ ,t:''._".1 -' ,. ' "' ---""'l'i"~,,,,,..."-:T~~----,"'!'7"-::--'l"""'..,...~:-r--:-:::--:~~~""!7'-rr-:T.:"'."".....,.,~"7¾r:7~r:::"7"""~~- ~- ~ ~ .it· ' \ r~ i- r·, ,, t ~t -;._;·;;f_ -~·~1 :,;.·,,?7"~~77:!"."""~GZ.::~;"( ,;, ): ,'. "' - , ' ,,;: ' f ' l', rJ ~ ,·,6;. ,' ~,J .(.- \ ,...J r:-,,, \· -~ .._, •• 1-,_ r1 f,;~_,,._l"age 90 ; ' - , . , . , h ', Jan. 18, ,.1961 1 .. ', Streiberr(Yal'e) 6 14''; Little (NYUfr ,osh) 6 14''; Herman (una) 6'4!''. PV, Cruz (Villanova frosh) },.' r0,14'.6"; Welbourn (USAF) 14'; Gla .ss {Md),14'; Uelses (Quantico)- 14' . .MileR, Villanova (Drayton, ,.., '.·- ~j ~ Wagner, Manion, Raemore) 3: 19. 2; St. John's; 3. Morgan St. 2 iViile R, Villanova (Hackett, . ,, :iPeangelis, Nica$tro; Dante) 7:4-1. 5; Georgetown; NYU. · .'' 1 1 f' - \ I OREGON INDOOR INVITATION, Portland, Jan. 14: 60HH, 1 Cawley (SC) '7",3; Tarr r. r --'_"i ,(Qregon) 7. 3; BaU (USAF) 7. ,1. 60, Gook (Oregon) 6, 0 (ties 'world indoor record); tie, Horn l" /( - (Oregon St) and Jerome (Oregon frosh) 6. 1; fy'larsn 1(Oregon St); Saunders (Wash). , (I--lorn, Cook · ~ , and Jerome 1-an 6.1 H) heats). 1,000, S. Ohlemann (Oregon) 2: 11. 4; Grelle (EEAA).___2: 12. 2; - San Romani (EEAA) ~:12.4; Mea11s (USAF) 2:12.'1; Hoffman (Oregon St) 2:18. 6. 2 Mile, Hal- . ·"' berg ~ew Zealand) 8: 34. 3 (world indoor record); Tabq_ri (SCVYV) 8~47, 6; Truex (USAF) - , 1,. 8: 57.'0; Boyd (Oregon St) 9: 09. 2. Sprint' ty1:edleyR, Ore~on fro _sh 4: 37,. 9; Oregon State frCJsh , ', ,, 4:,51. 2; Idaho 4:54. 0. SP, O'Brien (SC Striders) 61'11¾''; Long (SC) 59'3"; Buchanan (Wash) , '- ' ·· · '54'6¾"; Steen (Oregon) 53'10". 500, Harder (Wash)' 59. 5; Davis (EEAA) 59, 6; Southern (USAF) · . '., 59. 6;, K. Ohlemann (Canada) 1: 00, 1. Distanc,::e M~leyR, Oregon (Puckett, Richard .son, Reeve, _ 1 1 1, Foreman) 10:31.6; Oregon State 10:32.2; SCVYV 10:34,7. HJ, Avant (SC) 6 7"; tie, Newton } •·, (Qregon), Stenluhd (Oregon St), Llewelyn (Oregon frosh) mid Bosquet (Idaho frosh) 6'4". Mile, \ ..<-_ Bea_tty (SCV~,-V), 4: 07,:1:;~urleso~ (Oregon) •1_:08: 7; Larson (O\rego~) 4: 15, 1. PV, Morris. (SC -, r ~ ,_ _ Striders) 15 ; tie, Brq,gg (una), Brewer (S~ Stnders), Pacqum (Oregon) and Cramer (\\'ash) i l;i'9", BJ,' Horn 25'6¼"; _Kelly (una) 24'1f'; Close (Oregon) 23'10 -l"; Renfro (Oregon frosh) ,, 23.'6¼". Mile R, Oxnard AFB (O'Connor, Means, Southern, Bolden) 3:22.1; Oregon St. 3:25. 2; 1· Stanford 3:26. 9. Mile, (held in the afternoon) Steinke (Oregon frosh) 4:14. 6. 0 '.l ' NORTHERN MICHIGAN 3'7 AT C ENTRAL MICHIGAN 67, Jan. 14: Wa"sliington (NM) 6. 0 (ties American indoor dirt track record); Jacobson (CM) 6, ,2n, 8. 1 (65HH), 7. O (65LH). 1 • -f CHICAG10, Jan. 7: Sullivan (St •. George HS, Evanston, Ill.) 4; 12. 5; O'Hara (Loyola) _'( ' 2;12!5' I t ; ,::{~P -~ ,.-!t l ,,,fl° (\. / B'OARD \ . :Ji; i BULLETIN f ...,- _ Next Newsletters Feb. 8, 22, Track & Field News mailed Feb. 3. ·>, ' _ '- WIND SPRINTS 'J ts ;, , Three · o{ Russia's top tracl<.mcn , may con1pete in the U.S. during the indoor season but , · befor~ they c;lothere are soine condition ·s that have . to he worked out. Dan Ferris, honorary . , , · sec~etary of the AAU, says _~{u,sGfa~1 truck.: lcade):.-s agreed to send high jwnpers Robert -Shavla.kad,ze and Valeriy Brl'1mel. and distc,lnce runner Pyotr Bolotnikov, the Head coach and a 1 leader if the AA U, in ..return, will agre~ {to send athlet£:!S of like caHber to an international -\UPet in Moscow o.n July 1-2. One hitch in thest:: arrangements is that the U.S. may have a d~l meet with Poland on July 1--2 in Chicaio, However, Ferris spys: "We probably can send f ithree athletes of top ca~iher acceptable to ' Russia without weakening our team for the Polish ~eet." Ferris also says: "To help finance :th~ visit of tlw fivc-m.::n .party .f;r;:omRussin, __, .': we want them , to _compete in a series of thr ee or four meets, , not only our national champion­ :r:- .,...-"" , ships , on Feb. -2t>'." ✓ •• the Northwest AAU Indoor 'Charnpionships \ ,v1ll be held Jan. 28 at th~ National Guard hrniory inScattle, -Wash. The meet is op'en to any regist~red amateur athlet~ .•. (?regon mifor Dyrol Burleson left 'for New Zealand on Jan. 15 and 'will spend a month racing 1 "' there •.• £briner Illinois half-miler George ,Kerr also is in New, Zcalan,d and will ~un in.•meets there on Jan. 21, 25 _and 28 .•. Al \'..'ashington, ~the Northern Michigan freshman who ran 6, O 'r' in ML Pleasant, ,· Mich., on Jan, 14, is from Elizabeth~ N.

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