PATROLLING December 2019 75th Ranger Regiment Association, INC. Volume 31 Issue IV PFC James W Markwell SPC Phillip S Lear SSG Larry Barnard PFC John M Price PFC Roy D Brown JR OPERATION JUST CAUSE-12/20/1989 CHINA—BURMA—INDIA—KOREA—VIETNAM—IRAN—GRENADA—PANAMA—IRAQ—SOMALIA—AFGHANISTAN HARLEY— DAVIDSON A PROUD SPONSOR OF THE 75TH RANGER REGIMENT ASSOCIATION RENDEZVOUS 75th Ranger Regiment Association Editor’s Corner PO Box 2200 By Stephen Odin Johnson—Editor Orangevale, CA 95662 www.75thrra.org Hello Patriots! President Photo Cover: Operation Just Cause 30 years ago on December 20, 1989. Stephen O Johnson 218.333.1541 Brotherhood. That’s what Jill Stephenson titles her submission for this issue. As [email protected] a matter of fact, that theme, “Brotherhood”, can be called a strand tie in from First Vice President Roy Barley start to finish of Patrolling articles and I think that makes a pretty strong fabric 716.496.8803 for cohesiveness within. Thanks, Jill, for taking the lead on this and it looks like [email protected] the rest of our Brothers have your back, too, like you have ours! It was a pleas- Second Vice President ure seeing you at our Brother’s, Rick Polski, funeral. Pete Dencker 615.202.4804 Harrison Jack continues to lead the way for proven, effective alternative ap- [email protected] proaches for your health by providing valuable information. Harrison has an Secretary Tom Sove “open door’” policy to answer any of your [email protected] PO Box 2200 So, how do Naturopathic, Homeopathic, Allopathic and Energetic treatment Orangevale, CA 95662 C: 209.404.6394 differ from one another, and why should Veterans care? Read Harrison’s article H: 916.838.6720 to find out. [email protected] Treasurer Pete Dencker (2nd VP 75th RRA) continues to write feature articles about the Roger Crunk men he served with while in Vietnam with H Company. This H Company Com- 970.858.4579 mander takes us on a mission of sorts to Cambodia and brings to life those he- [email protected] roes who gave all. Threads of Valor; Brotherhood. Patrolling is published quarterly by the 75th Ranger Thank you all for your submission to Patrolling and continuing the thread. Regiment Association, Inc., and is mailed third class postage under postal permit #71, Bemidji, MN. Below is a picture that Terry Roderick sent in but we ran out of space in the P/75 pages, so here it is. Rick Polski’s Brothers and Sister. The opinions expressed by the Officers, Unit Directors, Editor and other writers are entirely their own and are Stephen Odin Johnson-Editor not to be considered an official expression or position of the Association. Advertisements for products or services do not consti- tute an endorsement by the Association. Manuscripts, photographs, and drawings are submitted at the risk of the individual submitting the material. Captions must be submitted with any photographs or graphics. The Officers and the Editor reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity and space constraints. Every precaution will be taken to preserve the intent and scope of the author. The Officers and Editor reserve the right to refuse any submission that is in bad taste, offen- sive, or discredits unnecessarily an individual or group. Deadlines are the 15th of February, May, August, and November for the four yearly issues of March, June, September, and December respectively. POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: Witkowski, Whaley, King, Karres, Gold Star Mom Jill Stephenson, Cassidy, Gates, Patrolling Roderick, Lutz, Steve Johnson PO Box 2200 Orangevale, CA 95662 Patrolling Magazine—December Issue 2019 1 BY JOE MARQUEZ CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE come to appreciate what our ‘call’ is. He has called for all to Greetings Rangers. repent and believe the Good News that Christ Jesus came into the world, this artificial cosmos designed around the concept of There is a question that has been asked by one of the troopers creature will worship. To free us from the way in which this on one of the websites that I sometimes post on. It is this, “What world works, by the stronger dominating and taking from the is this Bible s**t on the website for?” My motivation for speak- weaker. God’s way is to respect the rights of all and to so work ing of the things of God that I have learned from reading the that we become lovers of God, of the others of mankind and Bible with an open mind. And then listening to the many and take care to use the elements provided us wisely. varied criticisms leveled against its teachings over the past four and a half decades. I suppose that I just can’t find a better ex- One of the euphemisms that we used to use referring to killing planation for what I see around me than the fact that God creat- the enemy was to ‘waste’ them. God hates to waste anything. A ed this planet and all in it for His own glory and our good. man is far too precious a being to waste. But depending on a man’s state when his time comes to die will determine whether I was just hunting with my son the Marine on the Marine Base at or not his life is ‘wasted’. The Lord Jesus spoke of the grain be- Quantico VA. As I waited for an animal to, as they say now, ing gathered into the barn to be preserved while the chaff was ‘harvest’. I had the opportunity to observe the caution that to be gathered to be burned. What a tragedy when provision these deer use before and after they come out to feed. I mar- has been made for all to be preserved. Only the refusal to be- veled at the way they had been equipped by their Creator to lieve the truth that Christ died not for our sins only, (that of the make a life in the woods. Their coloring, the size and shape of Christians) but for the sins of the whole world will frustrate the eyes and ears, the keenness of their sight, hearing and smell design of God that we be saved. So many will disqualify them- made it difficult to get close enough to them for a shot. Yet I selves from being redeemed to God by the work of His Son by had a scoped modern muzzleloader also designed to overcome unbelief. Yet it need not be so. There is a way to get out of here the abilities of the secretive deer and bring them down from alive. Maybe not physically alive but certainly spiritually alive. over a hundred yards away “He that hears my words, and believes on Him that sent me, has everlasting life and will not come into condemnation, but is I recognize that in a world like this some things must die so that passed from death into life.” The words of Jesus Christ recorded others may live. The Bible references the fact that after the flood in the Gospel of John, 5:24 He that believes in me, though he God gave all the creatures on earth to man for his suste- were dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever believes in me shall nance. The deer being cloven footed were considered clean never die. Do you believe this? John 11:26 Jesus asked Mary animals to the Jew. As my son and I went about the process of the sister of Lazarus this question and then proceeded to raise gutting, skinning and butchering the animal into meat, I was her brother from the dead. Why because he wanted to show again impressed with the digestive and circulatory systems that them, and us His power over death. Because he loved them. He moved the nutrients contained the grass the deer ate into mus- loves us as well. cle and bone. The sinews, which wrapped each group of muscles and then attached them to the skeleton so that the animal could The death of those deer could not be stopped by anything they function, so perfectly attuned to its environment, designed to did. Spiritual death for any human can be stopped by the sim- thrive there. Yet my son and I brought that life to an end. For ple, yet profound step of hearing what God has said and re- what? For the joy of destroying such a noble example of God’s sponding in faith to the One who has surrounded us with such creative genius? No, but to provide food, protein for his growing marvels as we see daily all around us. What is this Bible s**t family. that we speak of? You must decide if it is refuse to be discarded, or riches to be treasured. Fifty years ago I was with a rifle company in Vietnam, in the busi- Joe Marquez, C/1/503rd,'69 N/75th, Juliet,'70 A/2/503rd,'70 ness of hunting two legged beings that also hunted us. Neither Chaplain: SC Chapter 30, 173rd Airborne Brigade and the 75th was hunting for food. But to fulfill the political desires of their Ranger Regiment Association. Serving those who served. 864- respective governments. That is war. The military accepts the 467-0424 Cell 864-525-6941 Our lives are but for a moment, fact that in an armed conflict some will die. Each side’s effort is while what we do or leave undone will echo down through eter- to make, as Patton so colorfully described it, the other die for his nity.
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