(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US D658,443 S Chiu Et Al

(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US D658,443 S Chiu Et Al

USO0D65 8443 S (12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US D658,443 S Chiu et al. (45) Date of Patent: 4* May 1, 2012 (54) CUP 3,606,282 A 9/1971 Stookey 3,868,043 A 2/1975 Freemyer (75) Inventors.. ?ffl‘ey?hlz,- l\:/oo\;1]r1d§e,dIL~ (I[iS)I,JS'. 4,106,6603,954,178 A 8/19785/1976 BoyleMason, Jr. as?“ m 0 Z’ °°_n ge’ ( )’ 4,121,835 A * 10/1978 Garabedian ................... .. 369/68 Traclchapplmwoodndge, IL (Us); 4,187,954 A 2/1980 Striggow David Starr, Woodridge, IL (US); 4,275,815 A 6/1981 Davis Karen Swinford, Woodridge, IL (U S); 15A 184131138311 et 11; a a 0 0 OWS 1 Yvonne H,“ Y“ Chow’ Hong Kong 4,494,668 A * 1/1985 Lottick ....................... .. 220/709 (CN); Emlly Carlson, Woodndge, 1L 4,589,569 A 5/1986 Clements (Us) 4,619,372 A 10/1986 McFarland D287,919 S 1/1987 Clements (73) Assignee: Wilton Industries Inc.,Woodridge, IL 13299910 5 12/1988 Wall (Us) 4,814,568 A 3/1989 Keefer 4,852,757 A 8/1989 Gold (**) Term: 14 Years (Continued) (21) Appl.No.: 29/378,401 OTHER PUBLICATIONS _ _ RCD-OnlineiDesign Consultation ServiceiRCE Information, EU (22) Flled' NOV‘ 4’ 2010 Design No.: 000805015-0002, Indication of the product “Mug C1. ................................................ .. Presses”, Sep, 10, 2007 (2 pages), (52) U.S.C1. ........................................ .. D7/507; D7/510 C t. d (58) Field ofClassi?cation Search ................. .. 137/510, ( Onmue ) 137/511’ 500’ 532’ 900; 215/121’ 382’ 388’ Primary Examiner * Cynthia Underwood 215/387; 220/674’ 715’ 713’ 718’ 59216’ (74) Arm” A @712 orFirmiEole &Lardner LLP 220/592.17, 709, 708; 139/551, 529 ey’ g 1 y See application ?le for complete search history. (57) CLAIM (56) References Cited We cla1m the ornamental des1gn for a cup, as shoWn and described. US. PATENT DOCUMENTS DESCRIPTION D98,420 2/1936 Deskey ........................ .. 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