November 2, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1979 300 soldiers in the city of Alessandria. For his the penny has tremendous symbolic value more than 22 years, has served with distinc- actions, he was awarded a division citation and removing it would have the effect of tion as executive director of the Northeast and accepted the key to Alessandria on behalf raising prices—particularly for people of Public Power Association. modest means, who use currency the most— of his battalion. Subsequently Plourde would because retailers would round up. Reducing Under Pat Hyland’s leadership, the North- receive a field promotion to the rank of Cap- the size of the coins is impractical because of east Public Power Association has been the tain, a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, and a Dis- the cost of recalibrating vending machines leading voice for 79 consumer-owned utilities tinguished Unit Badge for his heroism. Citing and the need to ensure that the coin is not that provide energy to more than two million his effectiveness under fire and his personal interchangeable with any foreign coin. Changing the composition of the penny by citizens in the six New England states of Mas- concern for the men under his command, sachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Plourde’s commanding officer Major using less costly materials is the only fea- sible alternative. The Mint, part of the Connecticut and Rhode Island. Mitsuyoshi Fukuda wrote that he had ‘‘won the Treasury Department, has changed the size Over the years, Pat Hyland has worked highest respect from both the men and the of- or composition of the cent more than a dozen ficers within the 100th Battalion.’’ times since 1793. Two of the most recent al- closely with Members of the New England del- Today, Thomas Plourde’s daughter, Janet terations were the switch to zinc-coated egation, from both sides of the aisle, to ad- Barrett, will accept the Congressional Gold steel in 1943, caused by the wartime shortage vance the interest of NEPPA consumers in Medal on behalf of her father for his coura- of copper, and the switch to zinc with copper New England. Under the leadership of their geous service in the war. The Congressional plating in 1982, a response to rising com- local elected energy boards, NEPPA utilities Gold Medal is the highest civilian award in the modity prices. are responsible for providing reliable electric Past debates have brought forth a variety United States. The decoration is awarded to of unconventional suggestions: plastic (used services at affordable prices throughout the re- an individual who performs an outstanding as sales-tax tokens—representing fractions gion. deed or act of service for the security, pros- of a cent—in the 1930s, but cheap-looking), Pat Hyland is well known throughout the perity, and national interest of the country. industrial porcelain (Germany and Thailand New England Congressional delegation for his Mainers have a long tradition of service in the tried this, but it breaks easily); and vul- integrity and forthrightness. He has played a canite rubber (used as currency in Guate- armed forces. I am proud of Lt. Colonel pivotal role in advocating on behalf of NEPPA Plourde’s place in that history. His remarkable mala early in the last century, but too ex- otic for American tastes). utilities that deliver vital electricity, and in leadership and heroism in the face of un- Metallic alloys are probably the best some cases water services, on a non-profit, speakable evil will never be forgotten. choice for a new-composition penny and publicly-accountable basis to consumers in Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Lt. nickel. The precise choice needs to reflect small and large communities throughout New Colonel Thomas Plourde of Lewiston, Maine, four values: cost effectiveness, security of England. for his distinguished service to this country. supply, aesthetic acceptability and minimal f disruption to vending machines. (Pennies are To highlight just two of his successes, Pat not commonly accepted by machines, but are has effectively spearheaded legislative efforts PENNY FOOLISH sometimes inserted anyway; a penny of a dif- to increase awareness of impacts to con- ferent composition could cause machines to sumers in New England—who are also our jam.) HON. STEVEN R. ROTHMAN In a 1976 study of the penny, the Research constituents—of wholesale and retail competi- OF NEW JERSEY Triangle Institute rejected chromium, tin, tion, including the creation of Regional Trans- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES titanium, copper-aluminum-nickel-zinc de- mission Organizations (RTOs), and energy ca- Wednesday, November 2, 2011 rivatives and zinc mixtures. At current pacity markets and the implementation of key prices, none of these would be cost-effective. transmission rate policies. Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, In practical terms, that leaves two basic me- I rise today to talk about common cents. tallic groups: an aluminum alloy, which is Throughout his career, Pat Hyland has been Currently it costs more than a penny for the better, heavier and stronger than the pure actively involved in federal energy policy. He U.S. Mint to make a one cent coin and more aluminum cent proposed in the 1970s, but was a key resource to me during the debate than a nickel to make the five cent piece. This still expensive, and steel, which is the clear over the amendment that I successfully of- problem is currently being examined at the re- favorite for affordability and security, but fered to provide for open transmission access quest of the U.S. Mint. poses technical challenges. when Congress enacted the Energy Policy Act The best approach is to meld the two. Alu- of 1992; he was a voice of caution regarding Over the next two years, a Pennsylvania minized steel is ideal because it is available company has been contracted by the Mint to coiled—squeezed by rollers and then put into the need to ensure appropriate consumer and conduct research and development for more a lasso-like form that can be fed directly investor protections in the event of a repeal of economical alternative metallic materials for into a coining press. It would work for the the Public Utility Holding Company Act in the the production of all circulating coins. penny and the nickel—and the dime, if it is Energy Policy Act of 2005; and he was a lead- As this study begins, I would like to submit ever threatened. er in the effort to obtain comparable renew- into the Record one possible solution, offered Let’s use a new aluminized-steel alloy that able incentives for the customers of con- by David L. Ganz, a friend of mine, a member allows the Mint to produce an affordable sumer-owned utilities. penny. Ideally, this would be accompanied by of the Board of Freeholders of Bergen County, a redesign, and a collector’s-edition one-cent He has also taken the lead to increase con- N.J., and a former president of the American coin made of gold and silver. This would sumer awareness about the impact of whole- Numismatic Association. complement the success the Mint has had sale and retail competition and operations of In an op-ed in the Sunday New York Times with the state quarters program and with Regional Transmission Organizations. from August 21, 2011, Mr. Ganz took on the collectors’ coins made of precious metals. issue of the penny and proposes a specific so- Contrary to the song, pennies do not come My personal and professional respect and lution, which I hope that the study will review from heaven. Ours come from the Mint, admiration for Pat runs deep, and I wish him along with other alternatives. which must supply them now and in the fu- happiness and good health in his retirement. ture. Let’s reintroduce the penny as a coin [From New York Times, Aug. 20, 2011] The wise counsel, calm determination, and that matters, and put its production on a good Irish sense-of-humor, which he has pro- PENNY FOOLISH sounder financial footing. vided to me and others in Congress for many (By David L. Ganz) f In this time of fiscal strain, Americans can years on behalf of NEPPA, will be sorely find some savings by simply looking in their HONORING PATRICK HYLAND ON missed. purses and pockets. HIS DISTINGUISHED CAREER AS I am told that one of the highlights of Pat’s Because of increases in commodity prices, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE life was to meet the legendary Celtics basket- it now costs more than one cent to make a NORTHEAST PUBLIC POWER AS- ball player Bob Cousey. I understand that, be- penny and more than five cents to make a SOCIATION nickel. The United States Mint, sensitive to cause over the last 20 years Pat Hyland has the risks of changing the composition and been New England’s public power ‘‘point feel of our coinage, has been reluctant to re- HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY guard’’: taking control of the game, mastering vise the composition of these two coins. OF MASSACHUSETTS it with wizardry and elegance, and dazzling But that is precisely what the Mint—which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fans. last year produced 4 billion pennies and 490 Wednesday, November 2, 2011 million nickels—should do. And so I wish today, Mr. Speaker to say to While eliminating the penny has been de- Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Pat, thank you for your service. We will miss bated for decades, it is not a realistic option; pay tribute to Mr. Patrick Hyland, who, for you and we wish you well.
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