Enrique García Hernán COLECCIÓN HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA ENRIQUE GARCÍA HERNÁN, es doctor por la (Ed.) Y SU PROYECCIÓN INTERNACIONAL 9 7 8 8 4 7 2 7 4 3 0 6 9 Universidad Complutense de Madrid THE BATTLE OF y por la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma. Es historiador de la cultura de The Battle of Kinsale took place in January 1602 in Ireland. Philip III of Spain Irlanda y el Atlántico Ibérico. Movilidad, partici- la Edad Moderna, especializándose pación e intercambio cultural (1580 - 1823) intended that his soldiers and officials would not only fight against the forces of en Historia Militar. Actualmente I. Pérez Tostado y E. García Hernán (Eds.) KINSALE Elizabeth I of England but also that they would act to improve the social and re- es Investigador Científico del CSIC en el Instituto de Historia, es Francisco de Borja y su tiempo. Política, religión y ligious circumstances of the civilian population in the region where they settled. Edited by Académico Correspondiente de cultura en la Edad Moderna. The expedition was therefore an extraordinary social and military experiment: it E. García Hernán y M.ª del Pilar Ryan (Eds.) la Real Academia de la Historia, was designed as not only a mission of humanitarian assistance, but also as an at- ENRIQUE GARCÍA HERNÁN Vocal de la Comisión Española de Redes de nación y espacios de poder: La comuni- tempt to recruit, pay, provision and equip foreign subjects to fight against a ruler Historia Militar, y Académico de la dad irlandesa en España y la América española, 1600-1825. whose legitimacy had been called into question and rejected by her own subjects. Academia Ambrosiana de Milán. Ha escrito una veintena de monografías O. Recio Morales (Ed.) The Spanish-Irish force was defeated by the English army at Kinsale, and the y un centenar de artículos sobre The Battle of Kinsale. Study and Documents from legacy of this reverse has sometimes been said to have shaped all subsequent Irish historia militar, política y religiosa. Spanish Archives. history. Yet the campaign offers insights not only into political events, diplomatic Sus investigaciones se ha centrado E. García Hernán (Ed.) developments and military systems, but also tells us a great deal about attitudes en el Mediterráneo del siglo XVI to legitimacy, honor and duty. This volume brings together documents gathered y en Irlanda. Entre sus obras se encuentran La Armada Española en as a result of a decade of intensive archival research. The letters, memoranda la Monarquía de Felipe II y la defensa PRÓXIMA APARICIÓN and inventories reproduced in it serve to improve and deepen our understanding del Mediterráneo (1997), El batallón of this vital event. They are accompanied by a scholarly study which sets out the de don Rafael de la Barreda (2003) En tierras de confluencias. Italia y la Monarquía new interpretations that are transforming our understanding of the events at y Ireland and Spain in the Reign of de España, siglos XVI-XVIII. Phillip II (2009). C. Bravo Lozano y R.Quirós Rosado (Eds.) Kinsale and the culture that produced them. Irlanda y las Cortes de Cádiz. Enrique García Hernán is Professor at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research E. García Hernán y C. Lario Oñate (Eds.). (CSIC). This volume is the fruit of collaboration with The Council for Spanish-Irish Historical Studies established by the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, the Spanish Royal Academy of History and the Royal Irish Academy. More info at www.irishinspain.es. THE BATTLE OF KINSALE OF THEBATTLE ARCHIVES STUDY AND DOCUMENTS FROM THE SPANISH ALBATROS EDICIONES www.graficas-soler.com/albatrosHE/home.htm the battle of kinsale study and documents from the spanish archives ColeCCiÓn histoRia De esPaÑa Y sU PRoYeCCiÓn inteRnaCional Fundada por Enrique García Hernán y Vicente Soler Dirigida por Enrique García Hernán Comité Editorial Hugo O’Donnell y Duque de Estrada Real Academia de la Historia Declan M. Downey University College Dublin Francisco Fernández Izquierdo Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas María Del Pilar Ryan United States Military Academy, West Point Óscar Recio Morales Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ígor Pérez Tostado Universidad Pablo de Olavide Secretaría Cristina Bravo Lozano Universidad Autónoma de Madrid the battle of kinsale study and documents from the spanish archives Mobility, Involvement and Cross-Cultural E0-1823) edited by enrique García hernán With the colaboration of Ciaran brady and Declan M. Downey Edición a cargo de ALBATROS EDICIOnES Coedición MInISTERIO DE DEFEnSA SECRETARÍA GEnERAL TéCnICA Historia de España y su proyección internacional IV Colección dirigida por Enrique García Hernán Enrique García Hernán The battle of Kinsale. Study and documents from the Spanish Archives / edited by Enrique García Hernán; with the colaboration of Ciaran Brady and Declan M. Downey (Historia de España y su proyección internacional, IV) Included illustrations, bibliographical references and index (hardback and book jacket) 2013 - 760 pp. -- 17 x 24 cms. ISBN 978-84-7274-306-9 1. Ireland – Spain – England – XVII century. 2. Maritime war – Philip III of Spain; – Elizabeth I of England – Armada. 3. Gaelic Ireland – Nine Years War in Ireland (1594-1603) – Kinsale – Munster 355.48 (419 Kinsale) “1601/1602” Este libro ha sido subvencionado por la Embajada de Irlanda Imagen de portada: “The Armada” (1588), Nicholas Hilliard (1547-1619), óleo sobre lienzo, Londres, Society of Apothecaries. © Enrique García Hernán, 2013 © de esta edición: Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica Albatros Ediciones Subdirección General de Publicaciones y Patrimonio Cultural La Olivereta, 28 46018 Valencia Pedidos: [email protected] ISBn: 978-84-7274-306-9 Depósito legal: V. 1.046 - 2013 © MInISTERIO DE DEFEnSA ISBn: 978-84-9781-824-7 nIPO: 083-13-082-1 Imprime: Artes Gráficas Soler, S.L. www.graficas-soler.com To Ana, Paula and Clara Contents Foreword ................................................................................................... IX ACknowledgements .................................................................................. XVII study .......................................................................................................... 1 spain and Ireland at the beginning of the seventeenth-century ........... 1 new documents and perspectives on the military campaign ............... 6 kinsale and the ‘enterprise of Ireland’ ................................................. 14 mateo de oviedo and the questions of strategy and command ............ 19 the decision to land at kinsale: a matter of some ambiguity .............. 24 Don Juan del Águila: leadership, strategy and command .................... 29 the unfolding of events and explanations ............................................ 31 Conclusion: the time, place and the quantity and quality of forces ..... 40 doCuments ................................................................................................. 41 tAble oF doCuments .................................................................................. 677 bIblIogrAphy .............................................................................................. 693 Chronology ............................................................................................... 697 IllustrAtIons ............................................................................................. 701 Index ........................................................................................................... 719 VII FOREWORD His Excellency Ambassador Justin Harman Ambassador of Ireland he Battle of Kinsale was a pivotal moment of Irish history. Although much work has T been done on the build-up to the confrontation, and on the Battle itself, there have remained many aspects yet to be unearthed and properly understood, particularly from the perspective of Spain. While it was a decisive military and political defeat, Kinsale has left elements which remain to be fathomed by historians. In that context, it is always impor- tant to return to original sources and Professor Enrique García Hernán, in selecting the documents for inclusion in this volume, has made an exceptional contribution to the study of a critical historical event which was not only a turning point in Irish history, but in the relationship between Ireland and Spain. While the scholarship on the strategic, military and religious aspects of the build-up to the confrontation is highly developed, there has perhaps been less attention given to the detail of the personal relationships between indi- viduals, Irish and Spanish, involved in this endeavour. This volume makes a singular con- tribution in understanding the nature of these relationships which reflected both the com- mon purpose but also the scale of misunderstanding and misinterpretation which clearly contributed to the final defeat. The editor is to be congratulated on the selection of docu- ments which, accompanied by summaries and references, provide for scholars an unpar- alleled basis for future research. The research team led by Professor García Hernán has already highlighted the impor- tance of Kinsale in Spanish historiography through the Congress held in the Institute of History of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas in Madrid in March 2001 the proceedings of which were published the following year (“Ireland and the Hispanic Monarchy: Kinsale 1601-2. War, Politics, Exile and Religion”). Since then, a dynamic group of young Spanish and Irish researchers has succeeded
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