CORPS OF ENG INEERL 7 v. u. J-wvIl: Office of the District Engineer NEW ORLEANS DISTRICT Foot of Prytania Street New Orleans 9, La. UINGO 13 February 1956 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS on PROBLENS CAUSED BY HURRICI\N.ES IN THE COASTAL .AIID TIDAL AREAS OF LOUISIANA Pursuant to Public La"1 71, 84th Congress, approved 15 June 1955 the District Engineer, New Orleans District, Corps of Engineers, has been directed to make an examination and survey of the seaboard areas ,dthin his District limits idth respect to hurricanes, with particular reference to areas where severe damages have occurred. Section 2 of the Act states that: !lSuch survey to be made under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, shall include the securing of data on the behavior and fre~uency of hurricanes, and the determination of methods of forecasting their paths and iLlproving warning services, and of possible means of preventing loss of hunan lives and damaGe to property, with due consiCLeration of the economics of proposed break­ \-laters, seawalls, dilces, dams, and othel' structUl~es, warning services, or other measures wh::'ch might be re~uired." In order that the report may fully cover the intent of the above­ mentioned Act, public hearings to obtain information on the problems caused by hurricanes in that part of the Louisiana coastal and tidal areas, includ.ing Lal{e Pontchartrain, within the Hew Orleans District (all of the Coastal area of Louisiena except the Pearl River and Sabine River watersheds) will be held at the following times and places: T~le Place N evT Or leans, La. 10:00 a.m., 13 Narch 1956 Jackson Room St .. Charles Hotel" Horgan City, La. 10:00 a.m., 15 March 1956 City Hall La};:e Charles, La. 10:00 a.m., 20 March 1956 Court House .All interested parties are invited to be present or represented at any of the above places including representatives of Federal, State, Parish and municipal agencies, and those of commercial, lfO"T \ \ \ 77 · . *' ~ industrial, civic, highway, railroad and waterway transportation and~. , other interests, and property o,;mers c~mcerned. They will "be afforded./f ~ full opportunity to express their views concerning the character and \ ~'j ~ extent of the improvement desired and the need and advisability of its execution. Sponsors· of any improvement are urged to present pertinent ~ factual material bearing upon the general plan of improvement desired ~ • and the economic justification of the undertaking. Opposing interests, if any, are also ur~ed to state the reasons for their position. To a~a. local interests in preparing for the public hearing, the subjects on which· factual material is requested are: a. An indication of the developed areas subject to inuno~­ tion by high tides and waves caused by storms. b. Damages caused by such inundation, waves and ,.,rinds for each major storm experienced in the locality, classified as' to :cesidential, commercial, industri.al, railroad, highway, agricultural and public damages; also such indirect losses resulting from cessation of business, interruptions to traffic, and the like. c. Loss of life. d. Physical data on past storms which caused damage to include: (1) Date of storm. (2) Specific tide and 1.,rave heights. (3) Intensity and duration of vTinds. e. Assessed valuation of lands and buildinGs affected by tidal inundation, and the anticipated increase in value thereof if inundation viere eliminated. Oral statements vlill be heard, but for accuracy of record all llJPortant facts and arguments should be submitted in v~iting, in six copies, if possible, as the records of the hearing "Till be foT't.,rarded for consideration of the Depru:tment of the Army. Hritten statements may be handed to the undersigned at the hearing or mailed t04him before- hand. ~ Please bring the foregoing to the attention of persons lm01ffi to you to be interested in the matter. ,......, I I! / , j J---/, , /;/ /Il /({(j{,(]V. \,J.t{A1;J VlILLIAIvI H. LEIITS Colonel, CE District Engineer 2 MAILING LiST FOR NOTICE OF PUBLIC lIEARINGS ON PROBLEMs CAUSED BY EURRICANES IN COASTAL AND TIDAL AREAS 'OF' LOuISIANA TO BE HELD' IN UeW Orleans,. La. 10:00 AM, 13 March 1956, Jackson Roam, St. Charles Hotel Horgan City, La.' 10:00 AM, 15 March 1956, City Hail Lake Charles, La. 10:00 AM, 20 March 1956, Court House THE CONGRESS Ccrmnitt.ee on Public Works, U. S. Ser..ate, Washington, D. C. Committee on Public Works, U. S. HOuse of Representatives., Washington, D. C. H. S. SENA'l'E ¥honorable AllenJ. Ellender, Houma, Louisiana and Washington, D. C. #Honorable Russell B~ Long, Baton Rouge, Louisia'1.a and Washington, D. C. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES . ffRonorable Overton Brool,>s, Shreveport, La.,' and Washington, D. C • . #Honorable :Fe Edward Hebert, New Orleans, La., and Washington, D. C. #Honorable Ja..'Ues H. Morrison, Hamrnond, La., and Washington, D. C. #]onorable T.Hale Boggs, New Orle~s, La., and \-iasbington, D. C. #aonorabie OttoE. Passman, Monroe, La., and Hashington,. D.C. #Honorable Edwi.n E. Willis, St. Martinville, La., and Wasillngton, D. C. #Honorable GeOl'ge q. Long, Pineville, La., and Wa8hlngtbn, D. C. #Honorable T. A. Thompson, Ville Platte, La., and Washington,D. C. FEDER:\L AGENCIES AND m"'FICIALS #The Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, WaShington ~5, D.C. (5) ffrhe Board of Engineers for Rive:rs and Harbors, Tempor.ary C Bldg.} Cl.nd and Q Streets, S.vl.,Washington 25, D.C. (3). 'Beach Ercsion Board, 5201 Little Falls Road N.W., Washington 61, D. C. lIThe Division Engineer, Lower 'Nississippi Valley Division, Corps of .. - .·Eng.ineexs, .' V icksPuX&-Miss:l.s.s:ippi . ( 2 ) Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, v.Jashington25, D. C. (8) Asst·. Secty. of Domestic Affairs, Dept~ of Commerce, WaShington 26, D.C. (5) Secretary of· the Interior, WaShington 25, D. C. (10 J Chief, Bure,3,u oLPowe;r, Federal Power Commission, Washington 25., D.C. (4) Commiosione.. ~, Bureau·of pubiicRoads, Hashington 25, D.C. (4) Chainuan, Hurricane Survey c.oordinating COmmittee, New England Division, . 224 AlbanySt • ;C;8lIlbridge 39, Mass '. ( 5) Chief Engineer,-Bureau of: Indian Affairs, Washington 25., D. C. (3) Administrator, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Washington 25, D.C. (4) Regional· Forester, U. S.• Fo;rest Service, 50 7th St. N.E.) Atlanta 23, Ga. (3) # COPy of this list attached. ( ) Indicates number of copies of Notic.e of Public Hearings to be supplied. AND OFFICIALS (Cont I d):. Director, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Dept. of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. The District Engineer, U. S. Geological Survey, Baton Rouge, La. Manager, Office of Field Service, Dept. of Commerce, Masonic Bldg. New Orleans, La. Supervisor, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Customhouse Bldg., New Orleans, La. Eastern States Area, Bureau of Land Management, Dept. of Interior, 50 7th St. N.E., Atlanta 23, Ga. (2), Regional Director, Burea'.l of R~clamation, Box 1609, Amarillo, Tex. state Conservator, Soil Conservation Service, 1517 Sixth St., Al e:.>:andria, La. Regio:lal Conservator, Engineering & Watershed Planning Unit, Soil Con­ servation Service, 3600 McCart St., Fort Worth, Texas #RegionFll Director, U. S. We'lthel' Bureau Regional Office, Ft. Worth 2, Tex. (25~. ~!. S. Weather Bureau, Poat Office B~ilding, New Orleans, La. ( , negional Engineer, Federal Power Com.nission, Suite 2127, 300 W. Vickery Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas Administrator, Southwest Power Administration, P. o. Drawer 1619, Tulsa I, Okla. ( 2) Regional Director, Region rJ, U. S. Bureau of lvIines, Bartlesville, Olcla. (2) Regional Director, U. S. Fish and Hildlife Service, Glenn Building, Atlanta, Ga. • (3) Field Supervisor, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Vicksburg, Miss. U. S. Fish and WildJ.ife Service, 314 Customhouse,-Building, New Orleans, La. u. S. Weather Bu:reau, Lake Charles, La. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Box 477, S.L.I. Station, Lafayette, La. Regional Director, Nationai Pa:-k Service, The Mosque, Richmond 20, Va. ( 2) U. S. PubliC Health Service, Federal Security Building, 4th and Independence Ave., S.W., Wasbington, D. C• . Regio!lal Engineer, Region VII, U. S. PubliC Health Service, Room 904 1114 Commerce St., Dal1as,Texas Commissioner, Bureau ofPubllc Roads, 323 Federal Bldg., Baton Rouge, La. The Chainnan, Flood Control Co-o~d.inatiIig Committee, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 357 Administration Bldg., Wa,s hi 11gt on, D.C. U. S. Hydrograph Office, Customhouse Building, Netv Orleans, La. District,Coast Guard Officer, 8th Coast GU$l'd District, Customhouse Bldg. New Orleans, La. /frhe District,Engineer, New Orleans District, CE, New Orleans, La. =llChief, Tech. Liaison Br., New Orleans District, CE, New Orleans, La. Field ~~sistant,-Morgan City Field Office, CE, P.O.Box 870, Morgan c~ty, La. Field AsSistant, Plaquemine Field Office, CE, P.O.Box 800, Plaquenune, La. Field AsSistant, New Orleans Field Office,CE, P.O.Box 267, New Orleans, La. Chief, Office Service Branch, New Orleans District, CE, New Orleans, La. Chief, Operations DiviSion, New Orleans District, eE, New Orleans, La. Chief, Design Branch, NevT Orleans District, CE, New Orleans, La. Commandant, Eighth Navaj District, New Orleans, La. (10) Commanding General, Fourth Army, San Antonio, Texas (10) # Copy of this list attached. ( ) Indicates number of copies of Notice of Public Hearings to be supplied. 2 , \ STATE AGENCIES AND OFFICIALS #Honorable Robert F. Kennon, G.vernor, State Capitol, Baton Rouge, La. ffDirector, Department of Public Works, State of Louisiana, State Capitol Building, Baton Rouge, La. (25) #Mr. Robert Contois, District Engineer, Department of Public Works, State of La., 1409 Adams St., New Orleans, La. (10) #Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, State of Louisiana, State Capi tbl Bldg., Baton, Rouge, La. ' #District Engineer, Louisiana Department of Public Works, Box 723, Lafayette, La.
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