US008.397623B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,397,623 B2 Herring (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 19, 2013 (54) RIFLE AND KIT FOR CONSTRUCTING 2,570,772 A 10/1951 Crittendon SAME 2,732,768 A * 1/1956 Browning ....................... 89.182 2,780,145 A * 2/1957 Saive .............................. 89,199 2.951424 A 9, 1960 Stoner (76) Inventor: Geoffrey A. Herring, Melbourne, FL 3,015,993 A 1/1962 Franchi (US) 3.410,175. A 1 1/1968 Johnson 3,461,731 A * 8/1969 Lewis ........................... T4/22R (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 4,004,496 A 1/1977 Snodgrass patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,279.202 A * 1/1994 Bellardi et al. ................. 89,198 U.S.C..S.C. 154(b) by 632 d ayS. 7,162,8247,131,228 B1B2 11/20061/2007 McCormickHochstrate 7,293,385 B2 11/2007 McCormick (21) Appl. No.: 12/319,952 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Jan. 14, 2009 Definition of "Semispherical”. The American Heritage R. Dictionary O O of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright C2000 by (65) Prior Publication Data Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by US 2013/OO14417 A1 Jan. 17, 2013 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.* (51) Int. Cl. * cited by examiner F4 LA 3/82 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. .............................. 89/199: 42/16:42/75.03 Primary Examiner — Gabriel Klein (58) Field of Classification Search ................ 42/14, 16, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — David O. Simmons 42/75.01, 75.03; 89/198, 199 See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT A rifle includes an upper receiver body, a lower receiver body (56) References Cited detachably attached to the upper receiver body, a stock and a bolt carrier group. The upper receiver body has a bolt carrier U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS receiving bore exposed at a stock engaging portion thereof. 447,836 A 3, 1891 Maxim The stock includes a recoil spring receiving bore therein 659,786 A 10/1900 Browning exposed at a mounting portion thereof. The mounting portion 689,283 A 12/1901 Browning 710,094. A 9/1902 Browning of the stock is engaged with the stock engaging portion of the 874,856 A 12/1907 Mason lower receiver body in a manner whereby the recoil spring 1,004,424 A 9, 1911 Hennick receiving bore is accessible from the bolt carrier receiving 1,089,621 A * 3/1914 Barnes ............................ 89/139 bore. A centerline axis of the recoil spring receiving bore is 1,588.887 A * 6/1926 Haubroe ...................... 42.75.03 1,886,113 A 11/1932 Lutton skewed with respect to a centerline axis of the bolt carrier 1931,262 A 10, 1933 Loomis receiving bore. The bolt carrier group has a bolt carrying 1971,597 A 8/1934 Browning structure slideably disposed within the bolt carrier receiving 2,094,156 A 9, 1937 Johnson bore, a recoil spring engaging structure slideably disposed 2,108,648 A 2, 1938 Browning within the recoil spring receiving bore and a linkage member 2,146,743 A 2f1939 Johnson 2,189,202 A 2f1940 Garland structure pivotably engaged between the bolt carrying struc 2,341,869 A 2, 1944 Johnson ture and the recoil spring engaging structure. 2,389,095 A * 1 1/1945 Vesely ....................... 89.129.01 2,418,946 A 4, 1947 Loomis 18 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets 130 / 134 140 U.S. Patent Mar. 19, 2013 Sheet 1 of 5 US 8,397,623 B2 1OO U.S. Patent Mar. 19, 2013 Sheet 2 of 5 US 8,397,623 B2 0|| 02|| U.S. Patent Mar. 19, 2013 Sheet 3 of 5 US 8,397,623 B2 FIG. 3 ". 122 114' C 4. 164 ... N U.S. Patent Mar. 19, 2013 Sheet 4 of 5 US 8,397,623 B2 FIG. 5 130 ma--------------- 142 / 14O FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Mar. 19, 2013 Sheet 5 of 5 US 8,397,623 B2 22NS/S44.-zi,ze 311 3O2 224&Z2 3O4 zazy 308 316 US 8,397,623 B2 1. 2 RFLE AND KIT FOR CONSTRUCTING In some instances, shooters and manufacturers of M16-style SAME military assault rifles attempt to adapt them for sporting pur poses. Examples of Such adaptation include removing or FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE modifying an element of the weapon (e.g., flash hider, bayo net lug, pistol grip), fitting the weapon with a thumb hole The disclosures made herein relate generally to firearms stock that mounts to a standard lower receiver body, pinning and, more particularly, to modular rifles specifically derived a telescoping stock in its open position, and/or pinning a from assault rifles and configured for sporting and patrol type magazine to the receiver body Such that it is not detachable. activities and uses. Such rifles are referred to hereinas modu Clearly, such approaches are limited in their effectiveness lar non-assault rifles. 10 and/or usefulness. As originally designed by their respective manufacturer(s), BACKGROUND the AR-15, M16, M4, AR-10 and SR-25 firearms are collec tively and generically referred to in the industry as “M16 Many firearms that are commonly used in military situa type' firearms. M16-type firearms are typically auto loading tions are designed by their manufacturer to be particularly 15 and are usually either semi-automatic, full-automatic, burst suitable for military or combat purposes. These rifles are fire, selective-fire, or a combination of the above. Because of often referred to as “assault rifles”. The AR-15 family of features Such as automatic operation, pistol grip, flash hider, firearms, including the M16-type firearms, illustrates 30-round detachable magazine, bayonet lug and telescoping examples of assault rifles that are designed by their manufac stock, M16-type firearms are considered by some to be par turer to be particularly suitable for military or combat assault ticularly Suitable for military missions and combat assault purposes. M16-type firearms are a military version of the purposes. Conversely, they are not well suited and/or well AR-15 family of firearms capable of operating in a fully received for the role as a rifle for sporting or patrol activities, automatic mode. M16-type firearms have been manufactured largely due to their appearance being intimidating to some by companies including, but not limited to Colt's Manufac people. turing Company, the ArmaLite Division of Fairchild Aircraft 25 M16-type firearms have been the primary service weapons and Engine Company, Bushmaster Firearms Incorporated of the US Armed. Forces and many of its allies around the and Fabrique Nationale. world for more than forty years. Accordingly, many sports Sporting rifles, which are commonly used in sporting men and law enforcement personnel have been trained with events such as hunting and match target shooting, are M16-type firearms while serving in the military. M16-type designed by their manufacturers to be particularly suitable for 30 firearms have become very popular with both returning ser sporting purposes. The Ruger Mini-30. Ruger Ranch Rifle, vicemen from the Vietnam era and more recent wars as well as Remington 742 and Browning BAR are examples of sporting with civilian collector and shooting enthusiasts. M16-type rifles that are designed by their manufacturers to be particu firearms are manufactured for hard combat use in all-weather larly suitable for sporting purposes, which makes them par conditions. Accordingly, plastics and lightweight alloy met ticularly attractive for use in sporting activities and events. 35 als are used in place of wood and steel for durability and Furthermore, sporting rifles are typically designed to have lighter weight. Steel Surfaces are usually phosphate finished attractive aesthetics Such as fine wooden Stocks and highly instead offine blued, and alloy (e.g., aluminium) Surfaces are polished blued metal surfaces. While aesthetically pleasing, finished with hard coat non-reflective anodizing. As lives are such aesthetic features do not hold up well to poor weather at Stake in military combat situations, the reliability and dura conditions and hard use. 40 bility of combat weapons such as M16-type firearms is much Patrol rifles, which are commonly used in law enforcement greater than that of traditional both sporting and patrol rifles. situations, are designed by their manufacturers to be particu Additionally, the duty cycles of internal components will in larly suitable for law enforcement patrol purposes. The Rem many cases far Surpass those of traditional sporting and patrol ington 7615-P, Ruger Mini-14 GB. Ruger AC-556 and KEL rifles. TEC SU-16 are examples of patrol rifles that are designed by 45 Many companies that manufacture M16-type firearms their manufacturers to be particularly suitable for law often seek to expand their market share by offering a semi enforcement patrol purposes, which make them particularly automatic only version of their M16-type firearms (i.e., attractive for use by law enforcement personnel. Like sport generically as AR-15 type firearms). Most of the components ing rifles, law enforcement patrol rifles are often manufac of an M16-type firearm are interchangeable with those of an tured with attractive aesthetics Such as fine wooden Stocks 50 AR-15 type firearm, with the usual exceptions being the bolt and highly polished blued metal Surfaces. Accordingly, while carrier and fire control components that distinguish one from aesthetically pleasing, Such aesthetic features do not hold up being semi-automatic and the other from being full-auto well to poor weather conditions and hard use. matic. Because AR-15/M16-type firearms are manufactured Shortcomings and drawbacks of traditional sporting rifles in great quantities for supply to the US Military and its allies, and patrol rifles include their fine metal finishes and attractive 55 replacement components and spare parts are rugged, inter features.
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