Autumn 2018 Newsletter of the Urban Bushland Council WA Inc PO Box 326, West Perth WA 6872 Email: [email protected] THE UBC TURNS TWENTY FIVE By Philip Jennings More than 80 UBC supporters joined the Committee and invited guests at a celebratory function in Kings Park on Sunday 15 April. It was a bright sunny morning and the weather perfect- ly matched the mood of the crowd. The event was organized to mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of the UBC on March 23, 1993. The previous issue of this newsletter covered some of the history of the UBC and the events that occurred on that day. Photo by M Owen On this occasion Colma Keating Some of the founding members at the UBC celebration (from left) Joanne Payne, Rob Greenwood, Mary Gray, Angela Carr, David Wake, Norma welcomed the participants and Calcutt and Senator Rachel Siewert. called on several speakers to re- Colma Keating wound up the great also to have two other count their personal stories about speeches by recounting that 48 children (from two other the UBC and its achievements. people have volunteered on families) along this time with First up was Senator Rachel 163 occasions over the past 25 their parents …..we hope Siewert who was involved in the years to serve on 26 UBC com- they will become active sup- formation and early years of the mittees concerned with urban porters and we will see them UBC. She complimented all bushland conservation. We are as they grow up. fortunate indeed to have so concerned for their tireless con- The event was a great oppor- tributions to protecting the biodi- many volunteers who are will- ing to contribute their time and tunity for all concerned to Bush Telegraph versity of the Metropolitan Area. catch up with old friends and She emphasized the importance expertise to our cause. to share experiences and rec- of working with the Noongar The inaugural President of the ollections of past and current Whadjuk as custodians of this UBC, Jane Blake, was unable campaigns. All present land. to attend, but she sent her con- seemed to agree that the UBC Next up was Marg Owen, a stal- gratulations and best wishes to fulfils a valuable role in our wart member of the UBC, and a the group. She commented on conservation community and successful campaigner for many how proud she was of the UB- that it is even more important sites including Underwood Ave- C’s achievements over the past now than it was in 1993. 25 years. nue and the Shenton Park Bush- Thanks to Colma Keating for land. Marg spoke about the bird It was also wonderful to have organizing this celebration of paradise fly and the other 17 of the original 75 supporters and to the speakers for their creatures that have inspired her who were at the launch in kind words and for all those to campaign to protect our urban Kings Park, in 1993 present on valued supporters who at- Urban bushland. this occasion. One who merits tended this function. special mention is Graham UBC President, Mary Gray, was Sharpe, who was 7 years old Inside this issue: the next speaker and she gave a when his parents Joan & Rob brief summary of the many ac- brought him and his sister Roe 8 Campaign resumes 3 tivities that the UBC has been along to the launch. It was fab- involved with, including confer- ulous to have Graham and his Still Hope for Bushland 5 ences, reports, submissions, fun- partner Leanne with us as well gi surveys and training. as his parents again! It was Group News 8 The Editorial Wow! Our UBC 25th celebration in Kings Park on 15th - reflections on environmental responsibility after Roe 8’ April was a most enjoyable event with lots of friendly – edited by Andrea Gaynor, Peter Newman & Philip Jen- chatter, sharing and reminiscing over past years. Hearty nings; published by UWA Publishing. This is an excel- congratulations to Colma Keating for her brilliant organi- lent ‘free report’ commended to government and all of sation of the celebration. us. Do come along to UBC’s Council Meeting on 24th May to hear the editors speaking. See the back cover for Those present have been involved in hundreds of inspir- details. ing local campaigns, formation of groups, and action to protect, restore and manage our precious biodiversity in Protection of our biodiversity via completion of the Bush bushland and wetlands. There is so much local Forever plan and proper conservation management of all knowledge, expertise, and willingness to share out there sites requires a significant new state budget allocation. in our community. A special thank you to all who at- While the announcement by the state government (11 tended and to 56 people who completed the mini study of April 2018) that pine harvesting of the northern planta- histories and further priorities as the responses will pro- tions of the Gnangara Mound will be slowed to reduce vide guidance to the UBC. the impact to Carnaby’s cockatoo feeding habitat is wel- comed, the proposed measures will only be in place till In responses to ‘What still needs to be done?’ question - June 30, 2019 (supposed timeframe for an independent effective biodiversity protection by government with review of the Strategic Assessment of the Perth and Peel stronger legislation, planning controls and enforcement Regions (SAPPR) (See the news on page 4 concerning was a consistent message. Raise public awareness of the the suspension of SAPPR). At the same time, great public values of our precious biodiversity was the most common announcements of federal and state budget allocations to call. Engage younger generations, engage the media, and Metronet for new rail and road is getting all the govern- importantly educate the government so that there is gov- ment priority and media publicity at present. ernment recognition of the importance of bushland. There needs to be a shift in thinking in government agen- It is essential for us all now to publicly insist that Bush cies so that protecting biodiversity is a priority across all Forever implementation and biodiversity protection and sectors. conservation of our natural landscape must come first as top priority with a major additional state budget alloca- The Roe 8 campaign was massively successful in raising tion. DBCA needs a package of resources to employ public awareness of what was happening and failures in more scientists and land managers to protect and manage governance. But we need to learn from this so that it all the additional Bush Forever sites it wishes to take over does not happen again. Indeed a group of scientists and in Regional Parks and conservation reserves. The UBC’s campaign leaders have published the book ‘Never Again ‘Call for Action on Bush Forever’ still applies! ◊ What’s new? ◊ What’s new? ◊ What’s new? ◊ What’s new? Check out the new UBC website Perth NRM - FREE WORKSHOPS At the old address of www.bushlandperth.org.au you will find the new UBC website. With the support of How to Activate Your Community Lotterywest, the existing website was moved to a new When: Monday 28 May 9.30am-11.30am platform, using modern design, additional features and new images. Test it out on your mobile phone! Where: DBCA Head Office, Torndirrup Room, 17 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington Everything can be accessed from the home page. We have continued with our philosophy of being a content Ideal for community groups who want to learn how to rich resource, with popular sections retained. Look out develop and grow a successful social media platform to increase reach in the local community, achieve meas- for our updated Bushland Treasures pages and our urable results and attract volunteers and funds. The Bush Forever section. We have overhauled our workshop will be interactive and is targeted at entry and “Campaigns” pages. We will continue to use the UBC beginner levels. website as a key platform through which we advocate Book via https://www.trvbooking.com/370521 for urban bushland - a priceless and unique public asset that must be retained and protected for the benefit of the community. There are also some new features still Connecting Through Country and in development and they will be released over coming Culture months. This includes a blog, a weeds section and When: Thursday 14 June 9.45am-3.30pm online membership renewal capability. Where: Mills Park Centre, 66 Brixton Street, UBC thanks Nik Rivas-Barnao, John Baas, Chris All- Beckenham beury and Christine Richardson for their efforts. A professional development seminar on the importance of Aboriginal leadership in land management. N E W S L E T T E R I T E M S Book via www.trybooking.com\VLFT Compiled by: Renata Zelinova PLEASE SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO: [email protected] For more information contact [email protected] Copy deadline - 17 June 2018 or (08) 9374 3333 Page 2 THE URBAN BUSH TELEGRAPH Roe 8 Campaign Resumes By Philip Jennings President of the Wetlands Conservation Society and the Cockburn Wetlands Education Centre On 11 March this year a celebration was held at the The Government committed to building the Murdoch Cockburn Wetlands Centre to mark the first anniversary Drive Connection to link the Roe Highway to the Mur- of the cessation of work on Roe 8 and the Perth Freight doch Activity Centre. However this project has taken on Link (PFL). These divisive and irresponsible projects of a grand scale, with the Government committing to a $100 the Barnett Government were halted on the first day of million link road, which includes an elaborate inter- the incoming McGowan Government following its land- change at the Kwinana Freeway (see below) and a flyo- slide victory in the 2017 State Election.
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