Middlesex University BA Photography 19/20 At Middlesex University, BA Photography students are given the tools, opportunities and inspiration to explore the world we live in now, investigating the communication of ideas, opinion, comment, reportage, analysis and mean- ing through the medium of photography in a commercial context. Students can focus on editorial photography, photojour- nalism, portraiture, studio and fashion photography for magazines, newspapers, books, exhibitions and new media. Students learn through practical classes, demon- strations, lectures, tutorials and talks by a committed team of lecturers and technical staff who have a broad range of professional expertise in photography. Middlesex has some of the best photographic facilities and staff in the UK to help students realise their creative vision and students will always be encouraged to develop their own personal approach, to think creatively and to enjoy their studies. Many Middlesex photography graduates have received industry recognition for their work. In recent years this has included several D&AD New Blood Yellow Pencil Winners, six finalists for the National Portrait Gallery Taylor Wess- ing Photographic Portrait Prize (including the 2015 John Kobal New Work Award), winners in all three ‘5 Under 30’ Cover Image: Amanda Lasperini Cover Image: competitions run by the Daniel Blau Gallery and a national advertising commission from one of the world’s leading advertising agencies. BA Graduates Rovie Hernandez Emanuele Moi Here for a good time Wunderkammer Here for a good time addresses the From the documentation of the banal Symbolism within art provides a com- and relating to traditional symbol- artist’s pleasure-seeking and how it to the reconstruction of key events mon language for artists to convey, ic imagery, Wunderkammer is a can be used it to avoid or forget about from Rovie’s childhood, the photo- generate and subvert meaning. Rep- collection of coded personal icons, pain. graphs, whilst depicting seemingly resentative objects transcend their myths and symbols. Themes of life mundane details of everyday life are a mundane significance and generate and death, beauty, truth, belief and Initially a project inspired by existential- projection of his own experiences. multiple meanings depending on the fiction combine to allow an individual ism and hedonism, the work evolved cultural awareness of the viewer. interpretation of the images. into an exploration of self, touching This work functions as an escape, upon themes of adulthood, nostalgia, a coping mechanism for the artist’s Emerging from a study of the phi- guilt, and confusion. doubts and regrets. losophy of aesthetics and semiotics roviehernandez.com emanuelemoi-photography.com 6 7 Jennifer Forward-Hayter Cole Flynn Quirke People Buy People This project follows the public lives of From strategy workshops to exclu- Jennifer is our 3rd student to win Stalked by the fear that he may loose these memories, the images aspiring professionals. The under- sive wealth management parties, the individual award at Free Range one day loose his memories as his may help to revive them. standing of key symbols and learned insecurities are systematically ex- Photo Week One and will have a solo grandfather did after suffering from behaviours are required to achieve ploited as people look for what to do exhibition at the Truman Brewery in early onset demetia, Cole describes Cole won the Free Range Photo this lifestyle, with many outsiders per- with their lives. These programmes early 2020. She was also exhibited his work as a personal time capsule. Week One individual award in 2018 ceiving this performance to be solely create an obsession with success, as part of the British Journal of Pho- The idea that he may one day inherit and had a solo exhibition at the money and power driven. On closer based on a desire for things that no tography’s Portrait of Britain in 2018. his grandfather’s condition compels Truman Brewery in 2019 as part of inspection, this aspiration for financial one really needs. him to record his surroundings, the the prize. freedom is really one for safety and people he is close to and his expe- security. riences in the hope that should he jenniferforwardhayter.co.uk coleflynnquirke.com 8 9 Lea Thijs Sophie Gladstone Lea’s work titled ‘Safe House’, a title surroundings at his home in South Lea recently published Safe House “The idea of self-improvement Sophie’s work centres around taken from ‘The Examined Life’ by Africa and revisit places and memo- as a photobook with Setanta Books. leading to a better life, full of money, ideas of self-improvement through Stephen Grosz, is a collaborative ries associated with his childhood in love and in uence is seductive. A consumerism and social media and documentary with and about her dad Brussels. desire within us to be ‘better’ has the futility of such pursuits. who has recently been diagnosed been co-opted by big business, so with bipolar disorder. Lea was the runner up for the Free we sell ourselves as a brand - a Since graduating Sophie has had Range Photo Week One Individual perfect package - entering a vicious work exhibited in China, Portugal and Now medicated and able to explain Award and her work as been distrib- his patterns of behaviour, Lea set uted widely online since graduating cycle of aspiration and consumption, the UK and is currently the Assistant out to record his habits, routines and in 2018. all with the aim of ‘becoming’.” Photography Editor at Wallpaper magazine. leathijs.com sophiegladstone.com 10 11 Raminta Razmaite Sandra Mickiewicz “I have always been fas- undress in front of her. From that Sandra’s final degree project titled Sandra was featured in the British cinated by the human body. I grew point onwards they became the tools Happy Club was a year-long doc- Journal of Photography Portrait of up in a household where the naked she used to create sculptures. umentary photographed in the de- Britain award and has assisted pho- body was never discussed or shown. Wanting to heighten the intensity prived town of Jaywick in Essex. The tographers such as Simon Roberts Living in London made a huge impact of this intimate encounter, the artist work is a celebration of community in and Laura Pannack since graduating on my perception of nudity and occasionally joins the subject in the spite of difficult circumstances. In her as well as working in multiple Lon- inspired me to explore its beauty.” photograph. This allows the creator to both be a part of and to experience recent and on-going series, Proud of don-based photography labs. Razmaite invited strangers she the project from the viewpoint of her the Origin, she documents traveller met on Facebook and Tinder to her subjects. communities around the UK. bedroom where she asked them to ramintarazmaite.com sandramickiewicz.com 12 13 Veronica Viacava Katharina Halser “My interest in memory Representing scattered family Photo Festival in France. She is cur- Katharina’s series, ‘Under my Skin’ is menting others who share the same my Skin’, at the Old Truman Brewery stems from the death of my mother in episodes, the items portrayed in rently study for her MA in photogra- a document on and response to living condition. in February 2017. 2010. I became aware of the futility Viacava’s work act as surrogates to phy at the Royal College of Art. with a condition known as Vascular of photographs as a way of preserv- what is now absent. Malformation that has meant she has After winning the Individual Student Katharina currently lives in Basel and ing the past. While in the process of The incomplete narrative accen- had to undergo seventy-one oper- Photographer Award at the Free is working on a new project alongside recalling faded memories, my father tuates the incongruence between ations since childhood. The project Range Photography exhibition in the World Peace Academy confront- died at the beginning of 2017 trans- photography and memory. forming this project into my mourning follows Halser’s experience from her July 2017, Katharina also received a ing socio-political issues. process.” Following graduation Veronica’s work preparations for the operation, during Honourable Mention in the Interna- was published in the British Journal the procedure itself and then through tional Photography Award and had a of Photography and exhibited at Arles the recovery stage, as well as docu- solo exhibition of her series, ‘Under veronicaviacava.com 14 15 Melissa Arras Tereza Cervenova Thousands travel on foot, vehicles or graphed their everyday moments the Daniel Blau Gallery’s ‘5 Under Tereza’s work is a personal response the recipient of a D&AD New Blood 2015 (and the John Kobal New Work boats avoiding border controls on the played out in a surreal environment, 30’ Award soon after graduating from to the flow of life. By capturing Yellow pencil. She was also selected Award). She is currently working as way. Calais is the last stop, becoming proving how desperately they want to university and the series has since intimate moments in life and relation- for the ‘5 Under 30 Young Photogra- an editorial photographer and has a doorway for refugees risking their settle in a situation that could only be been exhibited widely around the UK ships between people, objects and phers’ exhibition at the Daniel Blau recently completed her MA Photogra- lives to flee their homelands. The temporary. and in Amsterdam. Melissa contin- places, Tereza builds a connection Gallery as well as being nominated phy at the Royal College of Art. town has transformed from a seaside ues to make work in Calais on the with her subjects in order get be- for multiple awards including the resort into an uncontrolled site pop- Melissa graduated from the BA Pho- refugee crisis.
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