OVAORHOD T The Sou'wester 1848 Vol. 74 No. 19 Rhodes College Thursday, March 24, 1988 I -'~ri r 1C _~ - - I McCoy Forced To Cancel Threepenny Opera By Beverly Burks music is not uncommon. "This in- Assistant Editor stance is not singularly notable," he The McCoy Theater called off its said. He noted that the Rodgers and production of The Threepenny Hammerstein Library is "very pro- Opera hours before the opening tective" of the Blitzstein translation. curtain last Friday night after re- Tom Briggs, manager of the Lib- ceiving an order from the New York rary, said in a March 19 Commercial offices of the Rodgers and Ham- Appeal article, "It's a very unpleas- merstein Library, licensing agents of ant situation. You cannot take the Bertolt Brecht-Kurt Weill musi- copyrighted material and just do cal, to cancel the show's limited run. whatever you want with it." He According to Rhodes theatre de- added, "I feel that they just did not partment chairman Tony Garner, the take the contract (to produce the play directive to halt production was the according to the Blitzstein transla- result of script changes made by the tion) seriously. They have put to- Rhodes company. He said the gether an unauthorized version of changes were made in an attempt to this show." more closely emulate the original Other than not being allowed to script of the play. The only version of produce the play, there will be no the script available for American repercussions for McCoy from this productions of The Threepenny event. There will be a financial loss Opera is a mid-1950s translation to the department, "and I'm sure it from the original German by Marc will be significant," said Garner, Blitzstein. It was written, Garner "but we won't know the extent of it said, "with a 1950s audience in mind. until all the bills come in." It made Brecht's rather acerbic lan- Garner said that producing the guage more palatable to theatergoers play at a future date was "a dead of that time. Brecht is not Neil issue. We can't and won't do it in any Simon. He's not always easy to version." He added that the com- take." pany wants to move on. "It was a To update the script for a modern terrible thing, but we can't cry over audience, Garner said the directors this forever," he stated. and the cast began their rehearsal Cast member Anne Smerekanicz first days of spring, juggling in the quad. Gabriel Shirley, Trey Hunter and Kelly Lartigue enjoy one of the period with "four days of looking at said of the cancellation, "It's kind of different translations and pieces of depressing, It came as a shock. I'm criticism on the play. Using these,, definitely not angry about it, but I am we finally arrived at an amalgamated greatly disappointed, especially East Meets West In version." since my dad came all the way from None of the changes altered con- Connecticut to see it." Desiree Earl Briefs tent or subject matter, he added. said that, "of all my time at Rhodes, Debate Next Week Most merely dealt with changes in this is the most difficult show I had Any student wishing to be a re- Two members of the Japanese na- Akira Ikeya and Yuzura imagery, meant to bring the produc- ever worked on. We really went to presentative to a Board of Trus- tional debate team will debate trade Namashita are the two Japanese de- tion closer to the Brecht original. He the limit. It's just a shock to have tees Ccmmittee should check the and tariff issues with two Rhodes baters. Ikeya, 22, is a political sci- cited the example of lines in the something you've worked that hard Assembly Board for information. students on Monday, March 28 in ence student at Waseda University in opening number, "Mack The Knife" on canceled so abruptly." She added Applications need to be turned in Frazier-Jelke B at 7:30. This exhibi- Japan and was an exchange student which describe a shark's teeth as that the cast party was "like having a to Matt Lembke by Friday, tion will mark their first American in Montana when. in high school. being clean and white. The original wake. But we're all dealing with it." March 25th by 5 p.m. If you have debate. The official statement of the wording says they are sharp like Ticketholders for the canceled any questions, ask Matt Lembke, debate topic is: "It is resolved that Namashita, 24, is currently on the razors. performances may get refunds from Betsy Hamilton, or Kearsten the U.S. should alter substantially its English faculty at Dokkyo Univer- Garner stated that altering scripts the box office or exchange their tic- Angel. policies of trade and tariff with sity and, like Ikeya, has extensive in such minor ways as removing kets for ones to The House of Blue Japan." Rhodes will speak for the debate experience. curse Words or shortening pieces of Leaves, which will open March 25. William F. Junkin III Dr. affirmative side of the resolution. (father of Anne Junkin '89) will I - ,U Junior Brian Balyeat and sophomore speak on "Do Neutrinos Have Jeff Halpape will represent the Col- Rest Mass (Do You Like Living in lege in. this debate, sponsored by the Presidential Race Discussed Hole)?" Wednesday, a Black Resident Advisor Staff. by Crickette Rumley for Bush in the fall when voters may Inside... March 30 at 4:00 in FJ-A. This is Chosen on the basis of applica- Last Tuesday evening, Professors want to get away from the Reagan sponsored by Sigma Pi Sigma and tions submitted to the Dean of Stu- Michael Kirby and Bruce Stanley ideology. Professor Stanley disag- "So It Goes" guest columnist everyone is welcome to attend dents, Balyeat and Halpape have hosted an informal discussion of the reed with Kirby's analysis, saying Leighton Shantz presents according to chapter president strong interests in both debate and 1988 presidential campaigns. This that he thinks that voters will re- "The Other Side" of the Allan Bacon '88. international relations. Balyeat is a "fireside chat" was one in a series of member him as more liberal and that Rhodes dating scene on page 3. The Tennessee Hunger Con- junior Econ/Math major who partici- functions sponsored by the Dean of he had to become more conserva- gress will be held at Rhodes Fri- pated in debate, both coaching and Students office in order to encourage tive. Kirby said that what is most The editors look back to this day and Saturday. Various work- judging, in high school. He is trea- faculty-student interaction. important is how the voters perceive shops scheduled will deal with a surer of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, is Opening up the discussion, Kirby Bush. Polls show that at this time week in 1968 and newspaper Luther number of different topics relating a member of ODE Economics honor said that everything is "real nice in most people see Bush as pro-Reagan, coverage of Martin King's first speech in Memphis to causes and solutions to poverty society, and has served as a the Republican Party. The primaries while they perceive Robert Dole as on behalf of striking Sanitation in Memphis. All workshops are freshman counselor for two years. are essentially over." He said that anti-Reagan. Workers, page 5. opened to interested students and Halpape also participated in high George Bush has won the nomina- In fact, according to Kirby, the faculty. Lecture topics include school debate and was an exchange tion because he is "very organized Democrats are likely to run an anti- "Welfare Reform, Local Initia- student in Japan three years ago. He throughout the country." Reagan campaign. Dole would not New Resident Advisors are tives To End Hunger, and Federal has taken Japanese language courses "Bush is running as a Ronald Re- have been affected by this because named by the Dean of Students Food Programs - How Many while at Rhodes and intends to make agan clone. He's cultivated that "Dole is the most moderate of all the Office, page 4. Are There, Anyway?" international business, specializing image," according to Kirby. This candidates," Kirby said. However, in Japanese affairs, his career. may actually turn out to hp a r,1. 2 Opinion Thursday, March 24, 1988 A Real Student Center Letters To the Editor: students live on campus. Because of fewer of them will be able or want to by Doug Halijan One of the current issues at this, Rhodes students are closer than enjoy.it. Rhodes is the lack of campus hous- students at other schools. I would Unfortunately, I have no answers, ing. This has me, as well as many hate to lose that closeness on ac- but this is mainly due to lack of in- where to Renovation and some new construction on the Briggs Student other students, very disturbed. I've count of a lack of planning on the formation. I have no idea I just walk begin this summer. Student members of the expansion heard many rumors about what's to administration's part. get this information. Do Center is set to up to President Daughdrill and ask, e committee, appointed to look into improving the center, have drafted be done. I've heard of plans for more Divided townhouses, and for turning the in- I fully realize that building new "Excuse me, Jim, but would you a proposal that focuses on improving student satisfaction.
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